Volume 1, Issue 3 (5-2011)                   ASE 2011, 1(3): 141-151 | Back to browse issues page

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Gharehgahani A, Mirsalim M, Jazayeri A. Numerical Investigation of Flow Field of D87 Dual Fuel Engine . ASE 2011; 1 (3) :141-151
URL: http://www.iust.ac.ir/ijae/article-1-31-en.html
Amirkabir university of technology
Abstract:   (29059 Views)
A newly developed heavy duty diesel engine in dual fuel mode of operation has been studied in detail. The main fuel would be natural gas and diesel oil as pilot injection. The importance and effects of mixture preparation and formation through ports, valves and in cylinder flow field with different swirl ratio and tumble on diesel combustion phenomena is an accepted feature which has been studied using a developed CFD model together with a KIVA3-V2 code. This analysis is capable to investigate engine geometry, valves lift, and valves timing turbo charging, and its effects on dynamic flow field with variable dual fuel ratio on power and emission levels output. This complete open cycle study of a dual fuel engine has been carried out originally and for the first time and by considering complete grid consisted of four moving valves, two intake ports, two exhaust ports, and the port runners. It is found that important complex flow structures are developed during the intake stroke. While many of these structures decay during the compression stroke, swirl and tumble can survive. The effect of increased swirl ratio at the end of the compression stroke for the D87 engine with a piston bowl is clearly observed in this study. This is important for aiding in good fuel spray atomization. The formation, development, and break-up of tumble flow are seen, contributing to an increase in turbulent kinetic energy at the end of the compression stroke. The complete engine flow field, i.e. the inlet jet, and formation of swirl in the intake ports, is also clearly shown in the study. Results of these simulations assist in the improved understanding of the intake process and its influence on mixture formation and flow field in a dual fuel engine.
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