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Showing 2 results for Radial Distribution System

M. Padma Lalitha, V.c Veera Reddy, N. Sivarami Reddy,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2010)

Distributed Generation (DG) is a promising solution to many power system problems such as voltage regulation, power loss, etc. This paper presents a new methodology using Fuzzy and Artificial Bee Colony algorithm(ABC) for the placement of Distributed Generators(DG) in the radial distribution systems to reduce the real power losses and to improve the voltage profile. A two-stage methodology is used for the optimal DG placement . In the first stage, Fuzzy is used to find the optimal DG locations and in the second stage, ABC algorithm is used to find the size of the DGs corresponding to maximum loss reduction. The ABC algorithm is a new population based meta heuristic approach inspired by intelligent foraging behavior of honeybee swarm. The advantage of ABC algorithm is that it does not require external parameters such as cross over rate and mutation rate as in case of genetic algorithm and differential evolution and it is hard to determine these parameters in prior. The proposed method is tested on standard IEEE 33 bus test system and the results are presented and compared with different approaches available in the literature. The proposed method has outperformed the other methods in terms of the quality of solution and computational efficiency.
M. Esmaeilzadeh, I. Ahmadi, N. Ramezani,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (6-2018)

Distributed generation (DG) has been widely used in distribution network to reduce the energy losses, improve voltage profile and system reliability, etc.  The location and capacity of DG units can influence on probability of protection mal-operation in distribution networks. In this paper, a novel model for DG planning is proposed to find the optimum DG location and sizing in radial distribution networks. The main purpose of the suggested model is to minimize the total cost including DG investment and operation costs. The operation costs include the cost of energy loss, the cost of protection coordination and also the mal-operation cost. The proposed DG planning model is implemented in MATLAB programming environment integrated with DIgSILENT software. The simulation results conducted on the standard 38-bus radial distribution network confirm the necessity of incorporating the protection coordination limits in the DG planning problem. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis has been carried out to illustrate the significance of considering these limits.

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