M Sedaghati, R Dashti,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (December 2015)
In this paper, a new model has been presented to determine the number of spare transformers and their locations for distribution stations. The number of spare transformers must be so that they need minimum investment. Furthermore, they must be sufficient for replacing with transformers that have been damaged. For this reason, in this paper a new purpose function has been presented to maximize profit in distribution company’s budgeting and planning. For determining the number of spares that must be available in a stock room, this paper considers the number of spares and transformer’s fault at the same time. The number of spare transformers is determined so that at least one spare transformer will be available for replacing with the failed transformers. This paper considers time required for purchasing or repairing a failed transformer to determine the number of required spare transformers. Furthermore, whatever the number of spare equipment are increased, cost of maintenance will be increased, so an economic comparison must be done between reduced costs from reducing of outage time and increased costs from spare transformers existence.

S. Pourjafar, H. Shayeghi, H. Madadi Kojabadi, M. Maalandish, F. Sedaghati,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (March 2020)
In this work, a non-isolated high step up DC-DC converter using coupled inductor and voltage multiplier cell is proposed. The proposed converter conversion ratio is efficiently extended by using a coupled inductor. An interleaved configuration of two diode-capacitor cells is applied to step up the voltage conversion ratio and decrease the voltage stress across the switches. Also, in the suggested converter high voltage gain is provided by low turn ratio of the coupled inductor which decreases the volume of cores. Moreover, the reverse recovery problem of output diode is diminished by recycling the leakage inductance energy of the coupled inductor. It causes to increase the overall system efficiency. Furthermore, the voltage multiplier cells lead to clamp the voltage spikes through the switch, when the switch turns off. The comparison between the suggested converter and similar converters is provided to verify its advantages. To validate the effectiveness of the suggested converter, a 200W laboratory prototype with 20V input and 150V output voltages operating at 25kHz switching frequency is carried out and experimental test consequences are given.
H. Shayeghi, S. Pourjafar, F. Sedaghati,
Volume 17, Issue 2 (June 2021)
This work introduces a new non-isolated buck-boost DC-DC converter. Interleaved configuration of the suggested structure increases the voltage conversion ratio. The voltage rate of the suggested converter can be stepped-up and stepped down for lower values of duty-cycle, which causes to decrease in the conduction losses of the system. The voltage conversion ratio of the recommended structure is provided with low maximum voltage throughout the semiconductor elements. Additionally, utilizing only one power switch facilitates converter control. Using a single power MOSFET with small conducting resistance, RDS-ON, increases the overall efficiency of the recommended topology. To verify the performance of the presented converter, technical description, mathematical survey, and comparison investigation with similar structures are provided in the literature. Finally, a laboratory scheme with a 100W load power rate at 50 kHz switching frequency is carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed converter.