Abstract: (16884 Views)
This paper describes a DC isolated network which is fed with Distributed
Generation (DG) from photovoltaic (PV) renewable sources for supplying unbalanced AC
loads. The battery energy storage bank has been connected to the DC network via DC/DC
converter to control the voltage of the network and optimize the operation of the PV
generation units. The PV arrays are connected to the DC network via its own DC/DC
converter to ensure the required power flow. The unbalanced AC loads are connected to the
DC network via its own DC/AC converter. This paper proposes a novel control strategy for
storage converter which has a DC voltage droop regulator. Also a novel control system
based on Park rotating frame has been proposed for DC/AC converters. In this paper, the
proposed operation method is demonstrated by simulation of power transfer between PV
arrays, unbalanced AC loads and battery unit. The simulation results based on
PSCAD/EMTDC software show that DC isolated distribution system including PV
generation systems can provide the high power quality to supplying unbalanced AC loads.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |
Received: 2008/10/07 | Accepted: 2013/12/30