دکتر تورج محمدی

 | تاریخ ارسال: 1393/2/8 | 



            رتبه دانشگاهی: استاد

            گرایش : فرایندهای جداسازی

            تلفن دفتر : 73228723

            تلفن دانشکده  77240496

            دورنگار دانشکده 77240495

  E-mail :torajmohammadi[at]iust.ac.ir

مشخصات فردی :
نام : تورج 
نام خانوادگی : محمدی
تاریخ تولد : 14/6/1344
محل تولد : اصفهان
محل کار : دانشکده مهندسی شیمی، نفت و گاز- قطب علمی ساخت غشاها و طراحی، راهبری و نگه داری فرآیندهای غشایی- دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران - تهران – ایران
Email: torajmohammadiiust.ac.ir

مقطع کارشناسی : رشته مهندسی شیمی دانشگاه صنعت نفت - اهواز - ایران
مقطع کارشناسی ارشد: رشته مهندسی شیمی دانشگاه تهران - تهران - ایران
مقطع دکتری : رشته مهندسی شیمی دانشگاه NSW سیدنی - استرالیا
عنوان پروژه دکتری : ساخت غشا‏های مرکب برای استفاده در باطری وانادیم

سوابق شغلی:
مجتمع صنعتی شهید همت    1369-1367     پژوهشگر
دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران    1375    استادیار
مدیر گروه طراحی فرآیندهای صنایع نفت    1377    1381
مدیر گروه صنایع شیمیایی معدنی    1381    1384
مدیر کل امور فرهنگی و فوق برنامه و تربیت بدنی    1378    1382
دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران    1380    دانشیار
مدیر کل امور پژوهش و فناوری وزارت نفت    1382    1384
دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران    1384    استاد
رئیس دانشکده مهندسی شیمی    1385    1388
معاون پژوهش و فناوری    1394    1399
دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران    1396    استاد ممتاز
عضو هیات مدیره شرکت سرمایه‌گذاری بین‌المللی توسعه تجارت هیرمند (دانش بنیان)    1397    1401
عضو هیات مدیره صندوق سرمایه‌گذاری پژوهش و فناوری علم و صنعت (دانش بنیان)    1397    1401
مدیر قطب علمی ساخت غشاها و طراحی، راهبری و نگه داری فرآیندهای غشایی    1398    تاکنون
وزارت علوم تحقیقات و فناوری    1400    استاد نمونه

تجربیات آموزشی            تجربیات پژوهشی                     تعداد پایان‌نامه‌های هدایت شده
1) مکانیک سیالات1            1) ساخت غشاهای مختلف               کارشناسی‌ارشد              دکترا
2) مکانیک سیالات دوفازی         2) بهینه سازی فرایند های غشایی مختلف            بیش از 200          بیش از 20
3) مکانیک سیالات پیشرفته        3) طراحی فرایندهای غشایی مختلف
4) رئولوژی پیشرفته             4) روش های جلوگیری از آلودگی های محیط زیست           فوق دکترا
5) انتقال حرارت کاربردی                    5) تصفیه پسابهای صنعتی                        بیش از 5
6) فرایندهای جداسازی غشایی             6) جریان های دو فازی            
7) روش های خاص جداسازی        7) فرآیندهای الکتروشیمیایی

- انتخاب پایان‏نامه دکتری به عنوان پایان‏نامه ممتاز (1996)
- انتخاب به عنوان فارغ‏التحصیل ممتاز و دریافت جایزه از مقام محترم ریاست جمهوری (1377) 
- انتخاب به عنوان استاد نمونه دانشکده مهندسی شیمی (1377)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1382)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1383)
- انتخاب به عنوان سرپرست آزمایشگاه تحقیقاتی رتبه اول در دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1383)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1384)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1385) 
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1386)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1387)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1388)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1389)
- انتخاب به عنوان استاد راهنمای برتر ایران (پانزدهمین دوره پایان نامه سال دانشجویی1391)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1391)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر ایران (چهاردهمین جشنواره ملی تجلیل از پژوهشگران و فناوران برتر سال1392)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1392)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1393)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1394)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1395)
- انتخاب به عنوان استاد منتخب آموزشی دانشگاه (1395)
- انتخاب به عنوان استاد ممتاز دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1396)
- اخذ کرسی پژوهشی "بکار گیری فناوری های غشایی (تصفیه آب و پساب)" بنیاد علم ایران  (1396)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشکده مهندسی شیمی (1396)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1397)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1398)
- انتخاب به عنوان سرآمد علمی از طرف فدراسیون سرآمدان علمی ایران (1400)
- انتخاب به عنوان استاد نمونه کشوری (1400)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران (1399)
- انتخاب به عنوان سرآمد علمی از طرف فدراسیون سرآمدان علمی ایران (1401)
- انتخاب به عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشکده مهندسی شیمی (1400)
- انتخاب به عنوان استاد برجسته مهندسی شیمی گروه علوم مهندسی فرهنگستان علوم جمهوری اسلامی ایران (1401)

شناسه های پژوهشی:
Researcher ID = R-6407-2017
ORCID = 0000-0003-0455-3254
Author ID = 7003866970

کتب منتشر  شده:

1-Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Carbon nanotubes membranes, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, One Central Press, 2016.
2- Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Tavakolmoghadam, Applications of Membrane Processes in Wastewater Treatment, Environmental Science and Engineering, One Central Press, 2016.
3- Toraj Mohammadi, Mashallah Rezakazemi, Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Takeshi Matsuura, Methods for the Preparation of Organic–Inorganic Nanocomposite Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for Fuel Cells, Organic–Inorganic Composite Polymer Electrolyte Membranes, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
4-Toraj Mohammadi, Mashallah Rezakazemi, Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Fundamentals and measurement techniques for gas transport in polymers, Transport Properties of Polymeric Membranes, Elsevier, 2018.
5-Toraj Mohammadi, Mashallah Rezakazemi, Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Separation via pervaporation techniques through polymer membranes, Transport Properties of Polymeric Membranes, Elsevier, 2018.
6-Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Antifouling properties of polyethersulfone membranes containing graphene oxide, Membrane Bioreactors and fouling: A Review and Directions for Reaserch, Nova Science Publishers, 2018.
7- Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Barrier, Diffusion, and Transport Properties of Rubber Nanocomposites Containing Carbon Nanofillers, Carbon-Based Nanofillers and their Rubber Nanocomposites: Fundamentals and Applications, Elsevier, 2019.
8- Toraj Mohammadi, Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Editors, Nanocomposite Membranes for Water and Gas Separation, Elsevier, 2019.
9-Toraj Mohammadi, Samaneh Khanlari, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Nanocomposite Membranes for Water and Gas Separation, Transport phenomena through nanocomposite membranes, Elsevier, 2019.
10- Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Samaneh Khanlari, Nanocomposite Membranes for Water and Gas Separation, Development of advanced nanocomposite membranes by carbon-based nanomaterials (GO, CNT, and CNC), Elsevier, 2019.
11- Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for Pervaporation, Carbon nanotubes-polymer nanocomposite membranes for pervaporation, Elsevier, 2019.
12- Toraj Mohammadi, Zahra Shabani, Soheil Zarghami, Nanotechnology in the Beverage Industry: Fundamentals and Applications, Nanomaterials for fouling-resistant RO membranes, Elsevier, 2020.
13- Toraj Mohammadi, Rozita M Moattari, Nanotechnology in the Beverage Industry: Fundamentals and Applications, Nanostructured membranes for water treatments, Elsevier, 2020.
14-Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Modeling in Membranes and Membrane-Based Processes, Application of Molecular Dynamics Simulation to Study the Transport Properties of Carbon Nanotubes-Based Membranes, Wiley-Scrivener press, 2020.
15-Toraj Mohammadi, Rozita M Moattari, Green Adsorbents to Remove Metals, Dyes and Boron from Polluted Water, Hybrid adsorbents for dye removal from wastewater, Springer, 2020.
16- Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Sustainable Materials and System for Water Desalination, Membrane fouling in desalination, Springer, 2020.
17- Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Advanced carbon nanomaterials as adsorbents, Advanced nanomaterials, Advances in Material Research and Technology, Springer, 2020.
18-Toraj Mohammadi, Mohammad Sadegh Nabavi, Fariba Sadat Kamelian, Zeolite membranes for pervaporation, Low cost ceramic membranes: Materials and Fabrication Processes, Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials, Springer, 2021.
19-Toraj Mohammadi, Mohammad Sadegh Nabavi, Fariba Sadat Kamelian, Oily wastewater treatment using mullite and mullite-alumina membranes, Low cost ceramic membranes: Materials and Fabrication Processes, Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials, Springer, 2021.
20- Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Soha Habibi, Polymer Matrix Composites Containing Carbon Nanomaterials for Medical Applications: Encyclopedia of Materials: Composites, Volume 1, Elsevier, 2021.
21- Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Polymer Matrix Composites Materials for Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications: Encyclopedia of Materials: Composites, Volume 1, Elsevier, 2021.
22- Toraj Mohammadi, Saeed Seraj, Mohammad Sheikhi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Membrane materials for forward osmosis and membrane distillation in oily wastewater treatment: Materials for Oil/Water Separation: Principles and Design, ACS Books, 2022.
23-Toraj Mohammadi, Soheil Zarghami, Mohtada Sadrzadeh, Superhydrophobic/superhydrophilic polymeric membranes for oil/water separation: Materials for Oil/Water Separation: Principles and Design, ACS Books, 2022.
24-Toraj Mohammadi, Saeed Seraj, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Polymer nanocomposite films and coatings for antifouling applications: Polymer Nanocomposite Films & Coatings, Elsevier, 2023.
25-Toraj Mohammadi, Romina Shirazi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Polymer nanocomposite films and coatings for drug delivery applications: Polymer Nanocomposite Films & Coatings, Elsevier, 2023.
26- Toraj Mohammadi, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Helium removal from natural gas by membrane technologies: Adv. in Nat. Gas Vol. 5 - Natural Gas Impurities and Condensate Removal, Elsevier, 2023.
27-Toraj Mohammadi, Roshanak Pishbin, Mohammad Hosein Moghadasin, Maryam Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Gravity-driven membrane separation for water treatment: Green Membrane Technology Towards Environmental Sustainability, Elsevier, 2023.
مقالات منتشر شده  در مجلات ملی و بین‌المللی
1-    T. Mohammadi, M. Skyllas Kazacos, Characterization of a novel composite membrane for redox flow battery applications, Journal of Membrane Science, 98, 77, 1995.
2-    T. Mohammadi, M. Skyllas Kazacoz, Preparation of sulfonated composite membranes for vanadium redox flow battery applications, Journal of Membrane Science, 107, 35, 1995.
3-    T. Mohammadi, M. Skyllas Kazacoz, Use of polyelectrolytes for incorporation of ion exchange groups in composite membranes for vanadium redox flow battery applications, Journal Power Source, 56, 91, 1995.
4-    T. Mohammadi, V. Haddadi- Asl, Effect of processing methods and conditions on properties of conductive carbon- polyolefins composites, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 5, 153, 1996.
5-    T. Mohammadi, M. Skyllas Kazacoz, Evaluation of chemical stability of some membranes in the vanadium solution, Journal Applied Electrochemistry, Vol. 27, No. 2, 153, 1997.
6-    T. Mohammadi, V. Haddadi- Asl, Modification of a composite membrane for redox flow battery applications, Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 6, 43, 1997.
7-    T. Mohammadi, S.C.Cheing, M. Skyllas Kazacoz, Water transport study across commercial ion exchange membranes in vanadium redox flow battery, Journal of Membrane Science, 133, 151, 1997.
8-    T. Mohammadi, Modification of anion exchange membranes for vanadium redox flow battery applications, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 10, No. 5, 19, 1999.
9-    T. Mohammadi, S. S. Madaeni, M. Kazemimoghadam, Chemical cleaning of reverse osmosis membranes, Desalination, 134, 77, 2001.
10-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, S. S. Madaeni, Chemical cleaning of a polyamide membrane, Desalination, 139, 381, 2001.
11-    T. Mohammadi, S. S. Madaeni, M. Taghipur, Recovery of UF membranes fouled in milk industries, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 13, No. 2, 145, 2002.
12-    T. Mohammadi, M. Mahdyarfar, Effect of operation condition on membrane fouling during ultrafiltration of gelatin solution, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2002.
13-    T. Mohammadi, A. Pak, Making zeolite A membrane from kaolin by electrophoresis, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Vol. 56, No. 1, 81, 2002.
14-    T. Mohammadi, S. S. Madaeni, M. Kazemimoghadam, Investigation of membrane fouling, Desalination, 153, 155, 2002.
15-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, S.S. Madaeni, Hydrodynamic factors affecting flux and fouling during reverse osmosis of seawater, Desalination, 151, 239, 2002.
16-    T. Mohammadi, M. A. Alaee, M. Kazemimoghadam, Pervaporation separation of water - acetic acid mixtures, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 13, No. 5, 151, 2002.
17-    T. Mohammadi, A. Pak, Effect of calcination temperature of kaolin as a support for zeolite membranes, Separation and Purification Science, 30, 241, 2003.
18-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, M Saadabadi, Modeling of membrane fouling and flux decline in reverse osmosis during separation of oil in water emulsions, Desalination, 157, 369,‏ 2003.
19-    T. Mohammadi, A. Kaviani, Water shortage and seawater desalination by electrodialysis, Desalination, 158, 267,‏ 2003.
20-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, S. S. Madaeni, Cleaning of RO membranes, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 14, No. 4, 175, 2003.
21-    T. Mohammadi, S. S. Madaeni, M. Mahdyarfar, M. Kazemimoghadam, Effect of operating conditions and chemicals on ultrafiltration membrane fouling, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Vol. 27, No. B2, 2003.
22-    T. Mohammadi, Desalination is being essential for many Arab countries, AWWM, May/June, 48, 2003.
23-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, A. Pak, Dehydration of water/1-1-dimethylhydrazine mixtures by zeolite membranes, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 70, 127, 2004.
24-    T. Mohammadi, A. Esmaeelifar, Wastewater treatment of a vegetable oil factory by ultrafiltration, Desalination, 166, 329, 2004.
25-    T. Mohammadi, A.Razmi, M. Sadrzadeh, Effect of operating parameters on Pb2+ separation from wastewater using electrodialysis, Desalination, 167, 379, 2004.
26-    T. Mohammadi, A. Pak, Mehrdad Karbassian and Masoud Golshan, Effect of operating conditions on microfiltration of oil-water emulsion by a kaolin membrane, Desalination, 168, 201, 2004.
27-    T. Mohammadi, A. Moheb, M. Sadrzadeh, A. Razmi, Separation of copper ions by electrodialysis using Taguchi experimental design, Desalination, 169, 21, 2004.
28-    T. Mohammadi,  A. Moheb, M. Sadrzadeh, A. Razmi, Modeling of metal ion removal from wastewater by electrodialysis, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 41, No. 1, 73, 2005.
29-    T. Mohammadi, A. Aroujalian, A. Bakhshi, Pervaporation of dilute alcoholic mixtures using PDMS membrane, Chemical Engineering Science, 60, 1875, 2005.
30-    T. Mohammadi, M. Akbarabadi, Separation of ethylene glycol solution by vacuum membrane distillation (VMD), Desalination, 181, 35, 2005.
31-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Separation of water/UDMH mixtures using hydroxysodalite zeolite membranes, Desalination, 181, 1, 2005.
32-    T. Mohammadi, A. Esmaeelifar, Wastewater treatment of a vegetable oil factory by a hybrid ultrafiltration-activated carbon process, Journal of Membrane Science, 254, 129, 2005.
33-    T. Mohammadi, A. Kohpeyma, M. Sadrzadeh, Mathematical modeling of flux decline in ultrafiltration, Desalination, 184, 367, 2005.
34-    T. Mohammadi, A. Pak, Z. Nourian, M. Taherkhani, Experimental design in Mullite microfilter preparation, Desalination, 184, 57, 2005.
35-    T. Mohammadi, A. Ezzati, E. Gorouhi, Separation of water in oil emulsions using microfiltration, Desalination, 185, 371, 2005. 
36-    T. Mohammadi, A. Aroujalian, A. Bakhshi, Pervaporation of dilute alcoholic mixtures using PDMS membrane, Chemical Engineering Science, 60, 1875, 2005.
37-    T. Mohammadi, O. Ghaffari Nik, A. Bakhshi, Effect of Operating Conditions on Pervaporation of Methanol-Water Mixtures, Membrane Technology, Part 1, November, 2006.
38-    T. Mohammadi, O. Ghaffari Nik, A. Bakhshi, Effect of Operating Conditions on Pervaporation of Methanol-Water Mixtures, Membrane Technology, Part 2, December, 2006.
39-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Preparation of NaA zeolite membranes for separation of water/UDMH mixtures, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 47, No. 3, 173, 2006.
40-    T. Mohammadi, A. Pak, Zeolite NaA membrane synthesis, Desalination, 200, 68, 2006.
41-    T. Mohammadi, E. Gorouhi, M. Sadrzadeh, Microfiltration of oily wastewater using PP hydrophobic membrane, Desalination, 200, 319, 2006.
42-    T. Mohammadi, O. Bakhteyari, Concentration of L-Lysine Monohydrochloride (L-Lysine-HCl) Syrup Using Vacuum Membrane Distillation (VMD), Desalination, 200, 591, 2006.
43-    T. Mohammadi, A. Madandar, Effect of permeate pressure on pervaporation of methyl tert-butyl ether/methanol mixtures, Desalination, 200, 390, 2006.
44-    T. Mohammadi, S. M. Mirfendereski, Synthesis and characterization of T-type zeolite membrane, Desalination, 200, 77, 2006.
45-    T. Mohammadi, A. Moheb, O. G. Nik, Separation of Ethylene glycol/Water mixtures using NaA zeolite membrane, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 29, 1340, 2006.
46-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Synthesis of MFI zeolite membranes for water Desalination, Desalination, 206, 547, 2007.
47-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Chemical Cleaning of Ultrafiltration Membranes in Milk Industries, Desalination, 204, 213, 2007.
48-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, A. Kaviani, Mathematical Modeling of Desalination by Electrodialysis, Desalination, 206, 538, 2007.
49-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, A. Razmi, Separation of monovalent, divalent and trivalent ions from wastewater at various operating conditions using electrodialysis, Desalination, 205, 53, 2007.
50-    T. Mohammadi, A. Mosadeghkhah, M. A. Alaee, Effect of sintering temperature and dwell time and pressing pressure on Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ perovskite-type membranes, Materials and Design, 206, 538, 2007.
51-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, A. Razmi, Separation of different ions from wastewater at various operating conditions using electrodialysis, Separation and Purification Technology, 54, 147, 2007.
52-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, R. Nikbakht, Effect of operating parameters on concentration of citric acid using electrodialysis, Journal of Food Engineering, 83, 596, 2007.
53-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peer, M. Mahdyarfar, S. M. Kamali, Separation of Hydrogen from Carbon Monoxide Using a Hollow Fiber Polyimide Membrane: Experimental and Simulation, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 30, 1418, 2007.
54-    T. Mohammadi, M. Asghari, R. F. Alamdari, F. Agand, Preparation and Characterization of a Thin Continuous Faujasite Membrane on Tubular Porous Mullite Support, Desalination, 220, 65, 2008.
55-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, Sea Water Desalination Using Electrodialysis, Desalination, 221, 440, 2008.
56-    T. Mohammadi, A. Pak, Wastewater Treatment of Desalting Units, Desalination, 222, 249, 2008.
57-    T. Mohammadi, A. Pak, S. M. Hosseinalipour, V. Allahdini, CFD Modeling of Porous Membranes, Desalination, 222, 482, 2008.
58-    T. Mohammadi, A. Aroujalian, A. Bakhshi, Pervaporation Separation of Binary and Ternary Mixtures with Polydimethylsiloxane Membranes, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 107, 1777, 2008.
59-    T. Mohammadi, T. Kikhavandi, M. R. Moghbeli, Synthesis and Characterization of Poly (ether block amide) Membranes for Pervaporation of Organic/Aqueous Mixtures, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 107, 1917, 2008.
60-    T. Mohammadi, T. Kikhavandi, M. R. Moghbeli, Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(ether-block-amide) Membranes, Macromolecular Symposia, 264, 127, 2008.
61-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, S. M. Mirfendereski, T. Mazaheri, CO2 and CH4 permeation through T-type zeolite membranes: effect of synthesis parameters and feed pressure, Separation and Purification Technology, 61, 317, 2008.
62-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peivasti Rezaeian, A. Maadandar, Effect of operating conditions on pervaporation of methanol/methyl tert-butyl ether mixtures, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 47, 1069, 2008.
63-    T. Mohammadi, M. Asghari, R. F. Alamdari, F. Agand, Thin-layer Template-free Polycrystalline Layer of Mordenite Membranes on Cylindrical Mullite Supports, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 114, 148, 2008.
64-    T. Mohammadi, M. Asghari, A. Samimi, M. Fouladi, R. F. Alamdari, F. Agand, Ion-Exchanged zeolite X Membranes: Synthesis and Characterization, Membrane Technology, March, 2008.
65-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, J. Ivakpour, N. Kasiri, Separation of lead ions from wastewater using electrodialysis: Comparing mathematical and neural network modeling, Chemical Engineering Journal, 144, 431, 2008.
66-    T. Mohammadi, S. M. Mirfendereski, M. Sadrzadeh, Effect of synthesis parameters on single gas permeation through T-type zeolite membranes, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 2, No. 4, 531, 2008.
67-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peer, M. Mahdyarfar, Evaluation of a mathematical model using experimental data and Artificial Neural Network for prediction of gas separation, Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 17, 135, 2008.
68-    T. Mohammadi, M. Tavakol Moghadam, M. Saeidi, M. Mahdyarfar, Acid Gas Permeation Behavior Through Poly(ester urethane urea) Membrane, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 47 (19), 7361, 2008.
69-    T. Mohammadi, O. Bakhteyari, L-Lysine monohydrochloride (L-Lysine-HCl) syrup concentration using a membrane hybrid process of ultrafiltration and vacuum membrane distillation, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 31, 1569, 2008.
70-    T. Mohammadi, E. Saljoughi, M. Amirilargani, Effect of Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) concentration and coagulation bath temperature on the morphology, permeability and thermal stability of asymmetric cellulose acetate membranes, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 111, 2537, 2009.
71-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peer, M. Mahdyarfar, Investigation of syngas ratio adjustment using a polyimide membrane, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 48, 755, 2009.
72-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, E. Saljoughi, Effect of synthesis parameters on morphology and pure water permeation flux through asymmetric cellulose acetate membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 326, 627, 2009.
73-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peivasti Rezaeian, Separation of Isomeric Xylenes:  Experimental and Modeling, Separation Science and Technology, 44, 817, 2009.
74-    T. Mohammadi, M. A. Alaee, Preparation and Characterization of BaxSr1-xCo0.8Fe0.2O3-δ perovskite-type membranes, Membrane Technology, Part 1, February, 2009.
75-    T. Mohammadi, M. A. Alaee, Preparation and Characterization of BaxSr1-xCo0.8Fe0.2O3-δ perovskite-type membranes, Membrane Technology, Part 2, March, 2009.
76-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, Treatment of sea water using electrodialysis: current efficiency evaluation, Desalination, 249, 279, 2009.
77-    T. Mohammadi, S. M. A. Safavi, High salinity water desalination using membrane distillation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 149, 191, 2009.
78-    T. Mohammadi, E. Saljoughi, Cellulose acetate (CA)/Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) blend asymmetric membranes: Preparation, morphology and performance, Desalination, 249, 850, 2009.
79-    T. Mohammadi, E. Saljoughi, Effect of production conditions on morphology and permeability of asymmetric cellulose acetate membranes, Desalination, 243, 1, 2009.
80-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, Preparation and characterization of asymmetric polyethersulfone (PES) membranes, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 20, 993, 2009.
81-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, E. Saljoughi, Effects of Tween 80 concentration as a surfactant additive on morphology and permeability of flat sheet polyethersulfone (PES) membranes, Desalination, 249, 837, 2009.
82-    T. Mohammadi, S. M. A. Safavi, Application of Taguchi method in optimization of desalination by vacuum membrane distillation, Desalination, 249, 83, 2009.
83-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, A. Rahmat Pour, F. Rekabdar, Oily wastewater treatment using ultrafiltration, Desalination and Water Treatment, 6, 289, 2012.
84-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, M. Amirilargani, K. Shahidi, Gas permeation through a synthesized composite PDMS/PES membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 342, 236. 2009.
85-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, J. Ivakpour, N. Kasiri, Neural network modeling of Pb2+ removal from wastewater using electrodialysis, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 48, 1371, 2009.
86-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, K. Shahidi, Effect of operating parameters on pure and mixed gas permeation properties of a synthesized composite PDMS/PA membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 342, 327, 2009.
87-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, A. Ghadimi, K. Shahidi, Ternary gas permeation through a synthesized PDMS membrane: experimental and modeling, Journal of Membrane Science, 344, 225, 2009.
88-    T. Mohammadi, M. A. Alaee, M. M. Movahednia, Effect of Ba content on oxygen permeation performance of BaxSr1-xCo0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (x=0.2, 0.5 and 0.8) perovskite-type membrane, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54, 3082, 2009.
89-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, A. Pak, Synthesis of carbon nanotubes on macroporous kaolin substrate via a new simple CVD method, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 7, A79, 2009.
90-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, Effects of PEG on morphology and permeation properties of polyethersulfone membranes, Separation Science and Technology, 44, 16, 3854, 2009.
91-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, E. Saljoughi, Improvement of permeation performance of polyethersulfone (PES) ultrafiltration membranes via addition of Tween-20, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 115, 504, 2009.
92-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, A. Ghadimi, Coupling a mathematical and a fuzzy logic-based model for prediction of zinc ions separation from wastewater using electrodialysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 151, 262, 2009.
93-    T. Mohammadi, M. Tavakol Moghadam, M. Saeidi, M. Mahdyarfar, Gas permeation properties of Seragel membrane, Asia Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2009.
94-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, E. Saljoughi, K. Shahidi, Preparation and characterization of a composite PDMS membrane on CA support, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2009.
95-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, M. Amirilargani, K. Shahidi, Pure and mixed gas permeation through a composite polydimethylsiloxane membrane, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2009.
96-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, M. Amirilargani, Synthesis and characterization of polyethersulfone membranes, Journal of Polymer Research, 2009.
97-    T. Mohammadi, M. A. Alaee, A. Ghadimi, Reinvestigation of the Permeation Behaviour of a Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ Perovskite-type Membrane, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 28, 3, 181, 2009.
98-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, Synthesis and characterization of asymmetric polyethersulfone membranes: effects of concentration and polarity of nonsolvent additives on morphology and performance of the membranes, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2009.
99-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, M. Shokrian, C3H8 separation from CH4 and H2 using a synthesized PDMS membrane: experimental and neural network modeling, Journal of Membrane Science, 346, 59, 2010.
100-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, M. Abbasi, Permeate flux decline during UF of oily wastewater: experimental and modeling, Desalination, 251, 153, 2010.
101-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, M. Abbasi, S. M. Mirfendereski, A. Pak, Dimensional analysis of permeation flux for microfiltration of oily wastewaters using mullite ceramic membranes, Desalination, 252, 113, 2010.
102-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, E. Saljoughi, Asymmetric cellulose acetate dialysis membranes: Synthesis, characterization and performance, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 116, 2251, 2010.
103-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, E. Saljoughi, M. R. Moghbeli, Effects of coagulation bath temperature and Polyvinylpyrrolidone content on flat sheet asymmetric polyethersulfone membranes, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2010.
104-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, K. Shahidi, Synthesis and gas permeation properties of a single layer PDMS membrane, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 117, 33, 2010.
105-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, K. Shahidi, Preparation and C3H8/gas separation properties of a synthesized single layer PDMS membrane, Separation Science and Technology, 45, 592, 2010.
106-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, The pilot-scale pervaporation plant using tubular-type module with nano pore zeolite membrane, Desalination, 255, 196, 2010.
107-    T. Mohammadi, A. Sabetghadam, PVA–APTEOS/TEOS hybrid sol-gel pervaporation membrane for dehydration of ethanol, Composite Interfaces, 17, 223, 2010.
108-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Salty water desalination using carbon nanotube sheets, Desalination, 258, 182, 2010.
109-    T. Mohammadi, M. Abbasi, S. M. Mirfendereski, M. Nikbakht, M. Golshenas, Performance study of mullite and mullite-alumina ceramic MF membranes for oily wastewaters treatment, Desalination, 259, 169, 2010.
110-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sadrzadeh, A. Ghadimi, Prediction of ternary gas permeation through synthesized PDMS membranes by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Fuzzy Logic (FL), Journal of Membrane Science, 360, 509, 2010.
111-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Preparation of mordenite membranes for dehydration of water – UDMH, Desalination, 260, 276, 2010.
112-    T. Mohammadi, A. Sabetghadam, Tuning nanocomposite membranes for separating liquid mixtures, Plastic Research Online, July, 2010.
113-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, Experimental investigation of oily wastewater treatment using combined membrane systems, Water Science and Technology, 62.2, 245, 2010.
114-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, A. Gheshlaghi, S. S. Madaeni, Experimental performance evaluation of polymeric membranes for treatment of an industrial oily wastewater, Desalination, 262, 235, 2010.
115-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Mechanisms and experimental results of aqueous mixtures pervaporation using nanopore HS zeolite membranes, Desalination, 262, 273, 2010.
116-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, E. Saljoughi, Effect of PEG additive and coagulation bath temperature on the morphology, permeability and thermal/chemical stability of asymmetric CA membranes, Desalination, 262, 72, 2010.
117-    T. Mohammadi, A. Sabetghadam, Effects of annealing temperature and time on structure and performance of Poly(vinyl)alcohol nanocomposite membranes, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2010.
118-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, F. Rekabdar, Reverse osmosis of refinery oily wastewater effluents, Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 5, 413, 2010.
119-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, M. Abbasi, F. Rekabdar, Chemical cleaning of ultrafiltration membrane after treatment of oily wastewater, Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 3, 17, 2010.
120-    T. Mohammadi, S. Rezaei Hosein Abadi, M. R. Sebzari, M. Hemati, F. Rekabdar, Ceramic membrane performance in microfiltration of oily wastewater, Desalination, 265, 222, 2011.
121-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Adsorption of divalent heavy metal ions from water using carbon nanotube sheets, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 185, 140, 2011.
122-    T. Mohammadi, S. M. Mirfendereski, Investigation of Synthesis Parameters on Characteristics of T type Zeolite Crystal Structure, Powder Technology, 206, 345, 2011.
123-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Permanent hard water softening using carbon nanotube sheets, Desalination, 268, 208, 2011.
124-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salimi, O. Bakhtiari, M. K. Moghaddam, Mixed Matrix Membrane Performance Prediction for Gas Separation using Modified Models, Journal of Applied Membrane Science and Technology, 13, 11, 2011.
125-    T. Mohammadi, P. M. Shehni, A. E. Amooghin, A. Ghadimi, M. Sadrzadeh, Modeling of unsteady-state permeation of gas mixtures through a self-synthesized PDMS membrane, Separation and Purification Technology, 76, 385, 2011.
126-    T. Mohammadi, S. Razavi, A. Sabetghadam, Dehydration of isopropanol by PVA-APTEOS/TEOS nanocomposite membranes, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 89, 148, 2011.
127-    T. Mohammadi, M. A. Alaee, A. Ghadimi, A. A. Asadi, A. Behrouzifar, Oxygen permeation of BaxSr1-xCo0.8Fe0.2O3-δ perovskite-type membrane: experimental and modeling, Desalination, 270, 64, 2011.
128-    T. Mohammadi, O. Bakhtiari, S. Mosleh, T. Khosravi, Preparation, Characterization and Gas Permeation of Polyimide Mixed Matrix Membranes, Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 1, 1, 2011.
129-    T. Mohammadi, O. Bakhtiari, S. Mosleh, T. Khosravi, Morphological Study of Polyimide Mixed Matrix Membranes, Journal of Applied Membrane Science and Technology, 13, 53, 2011.
130-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Preparation of Nano Pore Mordenite Membranes, Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, 12, 2011.
131-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, M. Shahverdi, S. Shirazian, A. Pak, CFD Simulation of Water Removal from Water/Ethylene glycol Mixtures by Pervaporation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 168, 60, 2011.
132-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Salty water desalination using carbon nanotubes membrane, Chemical Engineering Journal, 168, 1064, 2011.
133-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, Z. Niazi, S. M. Mirfendereski, S. Shirazian, A. Pak, CFD Simulation of Natural Gas Sweetening in a Gas-Liquid Hollow-Fiber Membrane Contactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 168, 1217, 2011.
134-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, Oily wastewater treatment by ultrafiltration using Taguchi experimental design, Water Science and Technology, 63.7, 1476, 2011.
135-    T. Mohammadi, Y. Shirazi M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, A. Pak, Effects of different carbon precursors on synthesis of multiwall carbon nanotubes: Purification and Functionalization, Applied Surface Science, 257, 7359, 2011.
136-    T. Mohammadi, Y. Shirazi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanotubes/ploy vinyl alcohol nanocomposite membranes for dehydration of isopropanol, Journal of Membrane Science, 378, 551, 2011.
137-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, S. Razavi, A. Ghafari Nazari, Simulation and Determination of Optimum Conditions of Pervaporative Dehydration of Isopropanol Process Using Synthesized PVA-APTEOS/TEOS Nanocomposite Membranes by Means of Expert Systems, Journal of Membrane Science, 379, 224, 2011.
138-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, H. Shokrkar, N. Kasiri, Mullite ceramic membranes for industrial oily wastewater treatment: Experimental and neural network modeling, Water Science and Technology, 64.3, 670, 2011.
139-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salimi, O. Bakhtiari, M. K. Moghaddam, Morphological study of polyimide mixed matrix membranes, Journal of Applied Membrane Science and Technology, 13, 53, 2011.
140-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, A. Sabetghadam, Polyethersulfone (PES)/Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) blend ultrafiltration membranes with different molecular weight of polyethylene glycol (PEG): Preparation, morphology and antifouling properties, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2011.
141-    T. Mohammadi, A. Ghadimi, S. Norouzbahari, M. Sadrzadeh, Improvement in gas separation properties of a polymeric membrane through the incorporation of inorganic nano-particles, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2011.
142-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Preparation of nano pore hydroxysodalite zeolite membranes using kaolin clay and chemical sources, Desalination, 278, 438, 2011.
143-    T. Mohammadi, N. Kasiri, M. Iravaninia, F. Farshad, J. Ivakpour, Separation of Toluene/n-Heptane Mixtures; Experimental, Modeling and Optimization, Chemical Engineering Journal, 173, 11, 2011.
144-    T. Mohammadi, N. Kasiri, A. Ghadimi, E. Farno, Separation of heavy gases from light gases using synthesized PDMS nanocomposite membranes: Experimental and neural network modeling, Separation and Purification Technology, 81, 400, 2011.
145-    T. Mohammadi, H. Maghsoodloorad, Effects of Gel Parameters on Synthsis and Characteristics of W type Zeolite nano Crystals, Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 59, No. 3, 328, 2011.
146-    T. Mohammadi, M. Shahverdi, A. Pak, Separation of Ethylene Glycol/Water Mixtures using Composite poly(vinyl alcohol)–poly(propylene) membranes, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119, 1704, 2011.
147-    T. Mohammadi, M. Abbasi, A. Salahi, R. Badrnezhad, F. Rekabdar, Oily wastewater treatment using a hybrid UF/RO system, Desalination and Water Treatment, 28, 75, 2011.
148-    T. Mohammadi, Mohsen Abbasi, Mohammad Reza Sebzari, Enhancement of oily wastewaters treatment by MF ceramic membranes using PAC, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 34, 1252, 2011.
149-    T. Mohammadi, O. Bakhteyari, S. Mosleh, T. Khosravi, Synthesis and characterization of polyimide mixed matrix membranes, Separation Science and Technology, 46, 2138, 2011.
150-    T. Mohammadi, M. Abbasi, M. R. Sebzari, A. Salahi, S. Abbasi, Flux decline and membrane fouling in cross-flow microfiltration of oil-in-water emulsions, Desalination and Water Treatment, 28, 1, 2012.
151-    T. Mohammadi, M. Samei, H. Taghikarimi, O. Bakhtiari, Preparation and characterization of mullite tubular membranes, Desalination and Water Treatment, 36, 210, 2012.
152-    T. Mohammadi, A. Mirzaie, Effect of ultrasonic waves on flux enhancement in microfiltration of milk, Journal of Food Engineering, 108, 77, 2012.
153-    T. Mohammadi, M. Hemmati, F. Rekabdar, M. Abbasi, A. Salahi, M. Mirfendereski, Oily wastewaters treatment using mullite ceramic membranes, Desalination and Water Treatment, 37, 21, 2012.
154-    T. Mohammadi, Y. Shirazi, A. Ghadimi, Recovery of alcohols from water using PDMS-silica nanocomposite membranes: characterization and PV performance, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 124-4, 2871, 2012.
155-    T. Mohammadi, M. Iravaninia, S. M. Mirfendereski, Pervaporation separation of toluene/n-heptane mixtures using a MSE-modified membrane: effects of operating conditions, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90, 397, 2012.
156-    T. Mohammadi, S. Mosleh, T. Khosravi, O. Bakhtiari, Zeolite filled polyimide membranes for dehydration of isopropanol through pervaporation process, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90, 433, 2012.
157-    T. Mohammadi, M. Hemmati, F. Rekabdar, A. Gheshlaghi, A. Salahi, Effects of air sparging, cross flow velocity and pressure on permeation flux enhancement in industrial oily wastewater treatment using microfiltration, Desalination and Water Treatment, 39, 33, 2012.
158-    T. Mohammadi, A. R. Hemmati, M. Maghami Dolatabadi, F. Naeimpoor, A. Pak, Effect of Haydraulic Retention Time and Temperature on Submerged Membrane Bioreactor (SMBR) Performance, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29, 369, 2012.
159-    T. Mohammadi, S. Mosleh, T. Khosravi, O. Bakhtiari, Mixed matrix membranes for prevaporation separation of isopropanol/water mixtures, Desalination and Water Treatment, 41, 45, 2012.
160-    T. Mohammadi, A. Pak, A. A. Asadi, A. Behrouzifar, Experimental investigation and mathematical modeling of oxygen permeation through dense Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ (BSCF) perovskite-type ceramic membranes, Ceramics International, 38, 4797, 2012.
161-    T. Mohammadi, A. Pak, A. A. Asadi, A. Behrouzifar, Effects of nano powder synthesis methods, shaping and sintering conditions on microstructure and oxygen permeation of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) perovskite-type membranes, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 31, 47, 2012.
162-    T. Mohammadi, N. Kasiri, A. Salahi, M. Abbasi, CFD simulation of baffle arrangement for gelatin-water ultrafiltration in rectangular channel, Desalination, 284, 288, 2012.
163-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, H. Shokrkar, N. Kasiri, Prediction of permeation flux decline during MF of oily wastewater using genetic programming, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90, 846, 2012.
164-     T. Mohammadi, Y. Shirazi, E. Farno, H. Shad Majareh, M. Sadrzade, N. Kasiri, Effect of operating conditions on PV performance of PVA membranes: Experimental and Neural Network modeling, Separation Science and Technology, 47, 1472, 2012.
165-    T. Mohammadi, A. Pak, A. A. Asadi, A. Behrouzifar, M. Iravaninia, Preparation and oxygen permeation of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ (LSCF) perovskite-type membranes: experimental study and mathematical modeling, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51, 3069, 2012.
166-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Application of Taguchi experimental design in optimization of salty water desalination using purified carbon nanotubes as adsorbent, Materials Research Bulletin, 47, 2389, 2012.
167-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, K. Shahidi, Hydrogen separation and purification using crosslinkable PDMS/zeolite A nanoparticles mixed matrix membranes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37, 14576, 2012.
168-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, K. Shahidi, Sorption properties of hydrogen-selective PDMS/zeolite 4A mixed matrix membrane, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37, 17275, 2012.
169-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Nitrate removal from water using functionalized carbon nanotube sheets, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90, 1815, 2012.
170-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, M. Nikbakht Fini, M. Golshenas, I. Noshadi, Purification of biologically treated Tehran refinery oily wastewater using reverse osmosis, Desalination and Water Treatment, 48, 27, 2012.
171-    T. Mohammadi, O. Bakhteyari, S. Mosleh, T. Khosravi, Mixed matrix membranes of Matrimid 5218 loaded with zeolite 4A for pervaporation separation of water-isopropanol mixtures, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90, 2353, 2012.
172-    T. Mohammadi, A. Nouri, M. Jafari, M. Kazemimoghadam, Effects of Hydrothermal Parameters on Synthesis of Nano Crystal Zeolite NaY, Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 60, No. 6, 610, 2012.
173-    T. Mohammadi, M. Abbasi, M. R. Sebzari, Effect of metallic coagulant agents on oily wastewater treatment performance using Mullite ceramic MF membranes, Separation Science and Technology, 47, 2290, 2012.
174-    T. Mohammadi, M. Abbasi, M. Mirfendereski, A. Salahi, M. Hemmati, F. Rekabdar, Oily wastewater treatment using mullite ceramic membrane, Desalination and Water Treatment, 37, 21, 2012.
175-    T. Mohammadi, S. Asarehpour, M. Samei, Effects of synthesis temperature and support material on CO2 and CH4 permeation through SAPO-34 membranes, Separation Science and Technology, 47, 2320, 2012.
176-    T. Mohammadi, M. A. Alaee, M. M. Movahednia, A. Behrouzifar, Oxygen Permeation Performance of Ba0.2Sr0.8Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ perovskite-type membrane, High Temperature Material Processes, 16, 25, 2012.
177-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, M. Abbasi Monfared, N. Kasiri, Modeling Ultrafiltration of Gelatin-Water Suspension by Computational Fluid Dynamics, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90, 1098, 2012.
178-    T. Mohammadi, I. Noshadi, A. Salahi, M. Hemmati, F. Rekabdar, Experimental and ANFIS modeling for fouling analysis of oily wastewater treatment using ultrafiltration, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 8, 527, 2013.
179-    T. Mohammadi, K. M. Gheimasi, O. Bakhtiari, Modification of ideal MMMs permeation prediction models: effects of partial pore blockage and polymer chain rigidification, Journal of Membrane Science, 427, 399, 2013.
180-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, M. Rostamizadeh, K. Shahidi, Gas permeation through H2-selective mixed matrix membranes:  Experimental and neural network modeling, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38, 1128, 2013.
181-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, G. R. Esfandyari, E. Keshavarz Alamdari, Pertraction of Cadmium and Zinc ions using a supported liquid membrane impregnated with different carriers, Chemical Papers, 67, 389, 2013.
182-    T. Mohammadi, Y. Shirazi, Effects of CNTs content on physicochemical and pervaporation separation properties of PVA membranes, Separation Science and Technology, 48, 716, 2013.
183-    T. Mohammadi, P. M. Shehni, A. E. Amooghin, A. Ghadimi, M. Sadrzadeh, Mathematical Modeling of Mass Transfer in Multicomponent Gas Mixture across the Synthesized Composite Polymeric Membrane, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19, 870, 2013.
184-    T. Mohammadi, H. Maghsoodloorad, Synthesis and Characterization of Ceramic membranes (W-type Zeolite Membranes), International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 10, 365, 2013.
185-    T. Mohammadi, M. Jafari, A. Nouri, M. Kazemimoghadam, Investigations on hydrothermal synthesis parameters in preparation of nano particlesof LTA zeolite with the aid of TMAOH, Powder Technology, 237, 442, 2013.
186-    T. Mohammadi, V. Tajer kajinebaf, H. Sarpoolaky, Synthesis of Nanostructured Anatase Mesoporous Membranes with Photocatalytic and Separation Capabilities for Water Ultrafiltration Process, International Journal of Photoenergy, 2013.
187-    T. Mohammadi, M. Abbasi, S. Rezaei Hosein Abadi, M. R. Sebzari, M. Hemati, Integrated membrane pilot plant for refinery wastewater treatment in order to produce boiler feed water, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51, 2543, 2013.
188-    T. Mohammadi, M. Mahdyarfar, A. Mohajeri, Gas separation performance of carbon materials produced from phenolic resin: Effects of carbonization temperature and ozone post treatment, New Carbon Materials, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2013.
189-    T. Mohammadi, T. Kikhavandi, Pervaporation Separation of Ethyl butyrate/Water mixtures: Experimental and Mass Transfer investigation, Journal of Petroleum Science Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2013.
190-    T. Mohammadi, P. Kazemi, M. Peydayesh, A. Bandegi, O. Bakhtiari, Pertraction of methylene blue by a supported liquid membrane using a mixture of D2EHPA/M2EHPA and sesame oil as liquid membrane, Chemical Papers, 67, 722, 2013.
191-    T. Mohammadi, M. Jafari, A. Nouri, S. F. Mousavi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Optimization of synthesis conditions for preparation of ceramic (A-type zeolite) membranes in dehydration of ethylene glycol, Ceramics International, 39, 6971, 2013.
192-    T. Mohammadi, S. F. Mousavi, M. Jafari, M. Kazemimoghadam, Template free crystallization of zeolite Rho via hydrothermal synthesis: effects of synthesis time, synthesis temperature, water content and alkalinity, Ceramics International, 39, 7149, 2013.
193-    T. Mohammadi, P. Kazemi, Taguchi optimization approach for phenolic wastewater treatment by vacuum membrane distillation, Desalination and Water Treatment, 52,1341, 2013.
194-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Methylene blue adsorption onto granular activated carbon prepared from Harmal seeds residue, Desalination and Water Treatment, 52, 2643, 2013.
195-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, M. Iravaninia, S. Shirazian, Transient Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Modeling of Pervaporation Separation of Aromatic/Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Mixtures Using Polymer Composite Membrane, Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol 53, Issue 7, 1494, 2013.
196-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, M. Shahverdi, B. Baheri, E. Motaee, Pervaporation study of ethylene glycol dehydration through (PVA–4A)/polypropylene mixed matrix composite membranes, Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol 53, Issue 7, 1487, 2013.
197-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, S. Asarehpour, O. Bakhtiari, Preparation and characterization of SAPO-34 - Matrimid® 5218 mixed matrix membranes for CO2/CH4 separation, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Vol 91, Issue 7, 1335, 2013.
198-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Evaluation of pervaporation condition and synthesis gels for NaA zeolite membranes, Desalination and Water Treatment, 52, 2966, 2013.
199-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, A. Ghadimi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Effects of poly (allylamine hydrochloride) as a new functionalization agent for preparation of poly vinyl alcohol/multiwalled carbon nanotubes membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 447, 315, 2013.
200-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, I. Noshadi, R. Badrnezhad, B. Kanjilal, Nano-porous membrane process for oily wastewater treatment: Optimization using response surface methodology, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 1, 218, 2013.
201-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, Gas sorption in H2-selective mixed matrix membranes: Experimental and neural network modeling, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38, 14035, 2013.
202-    T. Mohammadi, K. Shafiei, S. Ghanbari pakdehi, M. Kazemimoghadam, An investigation on manufacturing of  alumina microfiltration membranes, Desalination and Water Treatment, 53,2429, 2013.
203-    T. Mohammadi, M. Samei, A. A. Asadi, Tubular Composite PVA Ceramic Supported Membrane for Bio-Ethanol Production, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91, 2703, 2013.
204-    T. Mohammadi, M. Jafari, A. Bayat, M. Kazemimoghadam, Dehydration of ethylene glycol by pervaporation using gamma alumina/NaA zeolite composite membrane, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91, 2412, 2013.
205-    T. Mohammadi, E. Farno, M. Rezakazemi, N. Kasiri, Ternary Gas Permeation through Synthesized PDMS Membranes: Experimental and CFD Simulation Based on Sorption Dependent System Using Neural Network Model, Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol 54, Issue 1, 215, 2013.
206-    T. Mohammadi, M. Mahdyarfar, A. Mohajeri, Defect formation and prevention during preparation of supported carbon membranes, New Carbon Materials, 28, 369, 2013.
207-    T. Mohammadi, N. Gilani, J. Towfighi, A. Rashidi, M. R. Omidkhah, A. Sadeghian, Investigation of H2S separation from H2S/CH4 mixtures using functionalized and non-functionalized vertically aligned carbon nano tube membranes, Applied Surface Science, 270, 115, 2013.
208-    T. Mohammadi, V. Tajer kajinebaf, H. Sarpoolaky, Comparative study on properties of nano structured titania synthesized by colloidal and polymeric sol-gel routes, Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 10, 28, 2013.
209-    T. Mohammadi, M. Asghari, A. Hassanvand, Fabrication and characterization of highly crystalline mordenite membranes on a-alumina disks via a seeded in situ template-free hydrothermal treatment, Adsorption, 19, 903, 2013.
210-    T. Mohammadi, K. Shafiei, S. Ghanbari pakdehi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Hydrothermal synthesis of nano sized zeolite T crystals, Particulate Science and Technology, 32, 8, 2014.
211-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, P. Kazemi, A. Bandegi, O. Bakhtiari, Stability and extraction study of phenolic wastewater treatment by supported liquid membrane using Tributyl phosphate and sesame oil as liquid membrane, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 92, 375, 2014.
212-    T. Mohammadi, R. Mahmoodi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Separation of Cd(II) and Ni(II) ions by a supported liquid membrane using D2EHPA/M2EHPA as a mobile carrier, Chemical Papers, 68, 751, 2014.
213-    T. Mohammadi, V. Tajer kajinebaf, H. Sarpoolaky, Sol–gel synthesis of nanostructured titania–silica mesoporous membranes with photo-degradation and physical separation capacities for water purification, Ceramics International, 40, 1747, 2014.
214-    T. Mohammadi, S. Zarghami, M. Kazemimoghadam, Cu (II) removal enhancement from aqueous solutions using ion imprinted membrane technique, Chemical Papers, 68, 809, 2014.
215-    T. Mohammadi, A. Nouri, M. Jafari, M. Kazemimoghadam, Potential separation of SF6 from air using chabazite zeolite membranes, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 37, 317, 2014.
216-    T. Mohammadi, B. Rafiei, F. Naeimpoor, Bio-film and bio-entrapped hybrid membrane bioreactors in wastewater treatment: comparison of membrane fouling and removal efficiency, Desalination, 337, 16, 2014.
217-    T. Mohammadi, A. Ghadimi, M. Amirilargani, N. Kasiri, B. Sadatnia, Preparation of alloyed poly(Ether Block Amid) / poly(ethylene glycol diacrylate) membranes for separation of CO2/H2 (Syngas application), Journal of Membrane Science, 458, 14, 2014.
218-    T. Mohammadi, K. Shahidi, M. Rezakazemi, Synthetic PDMS composite membranes for pervaporation dehydration of ethanol, Desalination and Water Treatment, 54, 1542, 2014.
219-    T. Mohammadi, M. S. Nabavi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Hydrothermal Synthesis of hydroxy sodalite zeolite membrane: separation of H2/CH4, Ceramics International, 40, 5889, 2014.
220-    T. Mohammadi, K. M. Gheimasi, M. Peydayesh, O. Bakhtiari, Prediction of CO2/CH4 permeability through Sigma-1 - Matrimid®5218 MMMs using the Maxwell model, Journal of Membrane Science, 466, 265, 2014.
221-    T. Mohammadi, F. Faridirad, Z. Zourmand, N. Kasiri, M. Kazemimoghadam, Modeling of suspension fouling in nanofiltration, Desalination, 346, 80, 2014.
222-    T. Mohammadi, M. Jafari, M. Kazemimoghadam, Synthesis and characterization of ultrafine sub-micron Na-LTA zeolite particles prepared via hydrothermal template-free method, Ceramics International, 40, 12075, 2014.
223-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, P. Kazemi, M. S. Nabavi, Phenolic wastewater treatment by supported liquid membrane using different cooking oils as liquid membrane, Chemical Engineering Communications, 201, 1593,  2014.
224-    T. Mohammadi, H. Hayer, O. Bakhtiari, Analysis of heat and mass transfer in vacuum membrane distillation for water desalination using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Desalination and Water Treatment, 55, 39, 2014.
225-    T. Mohammadi, P. Moghaddam Kamrani, P. Kazemi, O. Bakhtiari, Theoretical modeling of direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD): effects of operation parameters on flux, Desalination and Water Treatment, 56, 2013, 2014.
226-    T. Mohammadi, P. Kazemi, M. Peydayesh, Optimization of Vacuum Membrane Distillation parameters for water desalination using Box–Behnken design, Desalination and Water Treatment, 56, 2306, 2014.
227-    T. Mohammadi, M. Tavakolmoghadam, M. Hemmati, F. Naeimpour, Surface modification of PVDF membranes by sputtered TiO2: Fouling reduction potential in membrane bioreactors, Desalination and Water Treatment, 57, 3328, 2014.
228-    T. Mohammadi, S. Zarghami, M. Kazemimoghadam, Diffusive transport of Cu (II) ions across thin ion imprinted polymeric membranes, Chemical Papers, 68, 1325, 2014.
229-    T. Mohammadi, K. Shafiei, S. Ghanbari pakdehi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Improvement of zeolite T membrane via clear solution gel in dehydration of methanol, ethanol and 2-propanol, Separation Science and Technology, 49, 797, 2014.
230-    T. Mohammadi, M. Amirilargani, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, B. Sadatnia, Novel poly (vinyl alcohol)/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposite membranes for pervaporation dehydration of isopropanol: poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) as a functionalization agent, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, 12819, 2014.
231-    T. Mohammadi, A. Ghadimi, N. Kasiri, A novel chemical surface modification for the fabrication of PEBA/SiO2 nanocomposite membranes to separate CO2 from syngas and natural gas streams, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, 17476, 2014.
232-    T. Mohammadi, B. Baheri, M. Shahverdi, M. Rezakazemi, E. Motaee, Performance of PVA/NaA mixed matrix membrane for removal of water from ethylene glycol solutions by pervaporation, Chemical Engineering Communications, 202, 316, 2015.
233-    T. Mohammadi, S. Zarghami, M. Kazemimoghadam, Adsorption behavior of Cu(II) ions on crosslinked chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol ion imprinted membrane, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 36, 190, 2015.
234-    T. Mohammadi, H. Hayer, O. Bakhtiari, Simulation of momentum, heat and mass transfer in direct contact membrane distillation; a computational fluid dynamics approach, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 21, 1379, 2015.
235-    T. Mohammadi, K. Shafiei, S. Ghanbari pakdehi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Synthesis of NaA and NaX zeolite membranes by fumed silica via clear solution gel, Separation Science and Technology, 50, 136, 2015.
236-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Nickel ions removal from water by two different morphologies of induced CNTs in mullite pore channels as adsorptive membrane, Ceramics International, 41, 5464, 2015.
237-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Synthesis and characterization of ceramic/CNTs composite adsorptive membrane for copper ions removal from water, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32, 292, 2015. 
238-    T. Mohammadi, M. Tavakolmoghadam, G. Lesage, J. Mericq, J. Mendret, M. Heran, C. Faur, S. Brosillon, M. Hemati, F. Naeimpoor, Improved antifouling properties of TiO2/PVDF nanocomposite membranes in UV coupled ultrafiltration, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132, 41731, 2015.
239-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Copper ions removal from water using functionalized carbon nanotubes-mullite composite as adsorbent, Materials Research Bulletin, 68, 54, 2015.
240-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, M. Isanejad, S. M. R. Seyed Jafari, Assessment of Urtica as a low-cost adsorbent for methylene blue removal: kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies, Chemical Papers, 69, 930, 2015.
241-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, H. Adib, M. R. Sheikhi-Kouhsar, S. H. Ajili, Experimental and Computational Investigation of Polyacrylonitrile Ultrafiltration Membrane for Industrial Oily Wastewater Treatment, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32, 159, 2015.
242-    T. Mohammadi, R. Seifollahy Astaraee, N. Kasiri, Analysis of BSA, dextran and humic acid fouling during microfiltration, Experimental and Modeling, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 94, 331, 2015.
243-    T. Mohammadi, P. Zaheri, H. Abolghasemi, M. Ghannadi Maraghe, Dysprosium pertraction through facilitated supported liquid membrane using D2EHPA as carrier, Chemical Papers, 69, 279, 2015. 
244-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, R. M. Behbahani, M. Hemmati, Experimental investigation and modeling of industrial oily wastewater treatment using modified polyethersulfone ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32, 1101, 2015.
245-    T. Mohammadi, A. Ghadimi, H. Rabiee, Gas transport properties of reverse-selective poly(ether-b-amide6)/ [Emim][BF4] gel membranes for CO2/light gases separation, Journal of Membrane Science, 476, 286, 2015. 
246-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, R. M. Behbahani, M. Hemmati, Asymmetric polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes for oily wastewater treatment: Synthesis, characterization, ANFIS modeling, and performance, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 3, 170, 2015.
247-    T. Mohammadi, N. Kasiri, Z. Zourmand, F. Faridirad, Mass Transfer Modeling of Desalination through An Electrodialysis Cell, Desalination, 359, 41, 2015. 
248-    T. Mohammadi, P. Zaheri, H. Abolghasemi, M. Ghannadi Maraghe, Intensification of Europium extraction through a supported liquid membrane using mixture of D2EHPA and Cyanex272 as carrier, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 92, 18, 2015.
249-    T. Mohammadi, A. Ghadimi, H. Rabiee, S. Abbasi, CO2 Separation Performance of Poly(ether-b-amide6)/PTMEG Blended Membranes: Permeation and Sorption properties, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 98, 96, 2015. 
250-    T. Mohammadi, P. Zaheri, H. Abolghasemi, M. Ghannadi Maraghe, Supported liquid membrane incorporated with carbon nanotubes for the extraction of Europium using Cyanex272 as carrier, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 100, 81, 2015.
251-    T. Mohammadi, S. Zarghami, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Adsorption of zinc and lead ions from aqueous solutions using chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol membrane incorporated via acid functionalized carbon nanotubes, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 36, 1793, 2015.
252-    T. Mohammadi, M. Naseri, S. F. Mousavi O. Bakhteyari, Synthesis and gas transport performance of MIL-101/Matrimid mixed matrix membranes, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 29, 249, 2015.
253-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Copper ions removal from aqueous solutions using acid-chitosan functionalized carbon nanotubes sheets, Desalination and Water Treatment, 1-13, 2015.
254-    T. Mohammadi, K. M. Gheimasi, O. Bakhtiari, Using a new model for prediction of gas permeability through MMMs: considering effects of particles shape, polymer chain rigidification, partial pore blockage and void formation, Separation Science and Technology, 50, 2384, 2015.
255-    T. Mohammadi, A. Vatani, M. Rezakazemi, Synergistic interaction between POSS and fumed silica on the properties of crosslinked PDMS nanocomposite membranes, RSC Advances, 5, 82460, 2015.
256-    T. Mohammadi, R. Ghahremani, B. Baheri, M. Peydayesh, S. Asarehpour, Novel crosslinked and zeolite-filled poly vinyl alcohol membrane adsorbents for dye removal, Research on Chemical Intermediates, 41, 9845, 2015.
257-    T. Mohammadi, A. Salahi, R. M. Behbahani, M. Hemmati, PES and PES/PAN blend ultrafiltration hollow fiber membranes for oily wastewater treatment: Preparation, experimental investigation, fouling and modeling, Advances in Polymer Technology, 34, 21494, 2015.
258-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, P. Kazemi, A. Bandegi, O. Bakhtiari, Treatment of bentazon herbicide solutions by vacuum membrane distillation, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 8, 17,2015.
259-    T. Mohammadi, P. Zaheri, H. Abolghasemi, M. Ghannadi Maraghe, Synergistic extraction and separation of Dysprosium and Europium by supported liquid membrane, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32, 1642, 2015.
260-    T. Mohammadi, A. Ghadimi, N. Kasiri, Gas permeation, sorption and diffusion through PEBA/SiO2 nanocomposite membranes (Chemical surface modification of nanoparticles), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40, 9723, 2015.
261-    T. Mohammadi, A. Vatani, M. Rezakazemi, Synthesis and gas transport properties of crosslinked poly(dimethylsiloxane) nanocomposite membranes using octatrimethylsiloxy POSS nanoparticles, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 30, 10, 2016.
262-    T. Mohammadi, A. Jomekian, R. M. Behbahani, A. Kargari, Utilization of Pebax 1657 as structure directing agent in fabrication of ultra-porous ZIF-8, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 235, 212, 2016. 
263-    T. Mohammadi, M. Arzani, H. R. Mahdavi, O. Bakhtiari, Preparation of mullite ceramic microfilter membranes using response surface methodology based on central composite design, Ceramics International, 42, 8155, 2016.
264-    T. Mohammadi, S. Ebrahimi, S. Mollaiy-Berneti, H. Asadi, M. Peydayesh, F. Akhlaghian, Polyethersulfone/amine-functional graphene oxide mixed matrix membranes for CO2/CH4 Separation: Experimental and modeling, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 109, 647, 2016.
265-    T. Mohammadi, A. Jomekian, R. M. Behbahani, A. Kargari, CO2/CH4 separation by high performance co-casted ZIF-8/Pebax 1657/PES mixed matrix membrane, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 31, 562, 2016.
266-    T. Mohammadi, B. Baheri, R. Ghahremani, M. Peydayesh, M. Shahverdi, Dye removal using 4A-zeolite/Polyvinyl alcohol mixed matrix membrane adsorbents: Preparation, characterization, adsorption, kinetics and thermodynamics, Research on Chemical Intermediates, 42, 5309, 2016.
267-    T. Mohammadi, H. R. Mahdavi, M. Arzani, M. Peydayesh, Pertraction of L-lysine by supported liquid membrane using D2EHPA/M2EHPA, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 50, 106, 2016.
268-    T. Mohammadi, A. Jomekian, R. M. Behbahani, A. Kargari, Innovative layer by layer and continuous growth methods for synthesis of ZIF-8 membrane on porous polymeric support using poly(ether-block-amide) as structure directing agent for gas separation, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 43, 234, 2016.
269-    T. Mohammadi, A. Ghadimi, N. Kasiri, Mathematical modeling of gas transport through PEBAX/(nonporous silica) nanocomposite membranes: Development based on Van Amerongen and Van Krevelen relations, Separation and Purification Technology, 170, 280, 2016.
270-    T. Mohammadi, M. Abbasi Monfared, N. Kasiri, Microscopic modeling of critical pressure of permeation in oily waste water treatment: Via membrane filtration, RSC Advances, 6, 71744, 2016.
271-    T. Mohammadi, M. Tavakolmoghadam, M. Hemmati, Preparation and characterization of PVDF/TiO2 composite ultrafiltration membranes using mixed solvents, Membrane water treatment, 7, 377, 2016.
272-    T. Mohammadi, M. Tavakolmoghadam, M. Hemmati, F. Rekabdar, Poly(vinylidene fluride) membrane preparation and characterization: Effects of mixed solvents and PEG molecular weight, Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, 6, 11, 2016.
273-    T. Mohammadi, O. Jahanmahin, M. M. Montazer Rahmati, J. Babaee, A. Khosravi, Chromium (VI) ion metal removal from synthesized wastewater by a synergistic supported liquid membrane, Chemical Papers, 70, 913, 2016.
274-    T. Mohammadi, A. Bayat, H. R. Mahdavi, M. Kazemimoghadam, Preparation and characterization of γ-alumina ceramic ultrafiltration membranes for pretreatment of oily wastewater, Desalination and Water Treatment, 57, 24322, 2016.
275-    T. Mohammadi, M. Samei, M. Iravaninia, A. A. Asadi, Solution Diffusion Modeling of a Composite PVA/Fumed Silica Ceramic Supported Membrane, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 109, 11, 2016.
276-    T. Mohammadi, M. R. Azarshab, F. Mohammadi, H. Maghsoodloorad, Ceramic membrane synthesis based on alkali activated blast furnace slag for separation of water from ethanol, Ceramics International, 42, 15568, 2016.
277-    T. Mohammadi, N. Azizi, R. Mosayebi Behbahani, Comparison of permeability performance of PEBAX-1074/TiO2, PEBAX-1074/SiO2 and PEBAX-1074/Al2O3 nanocomposite membranes for CO2/CH4 Separation, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 117, 177, 2017.
278-    T. Mohammadi, M. Isanejad, M. Arzani, H. R. Mahdavi, Novel amine modification of ZIF-8 for improving simultaneous removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions using supported liquid membrane, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 225, 800, 2017.
279-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, M. Bagheri, O. Bakhtiari, Fabrication optimization of Polyethersulfone (PES) / Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) nanofiltration membranes using Box–Behnken response surface method, RSC Advances, 7, 24995, 2017.
280-    T. Mohammadi, P. Zaheri, H. Abolghasemi, M. Ghannadi Maraghe, Facilitated transport of Europium through supported liquid membrane using Cyanex272 as carrier and Mass transfer modeling, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 95, 524, 2017.
281-    T. Mohammadi, A. Vatani, A. Hosseinzadeh, M. Hosseinzadeh, Mathematical modeling for the simultaneous absorption of CO2 and SO2 using MEA in hollow fiber membrane contactors, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 11, 35, 2017.
282-    T. Mohammadi, S. Fazlifard, O. Bakhtiari, Chitosan/ZIF-8 mixed matrix membranes for pervaporation dehydration of Isopropanol, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 40, 648, 2017.
283-    T. Mohammadi, B. Baheri, Sorption, diffusion and pervaporation study of thiophene/n-heptane mixture through self-support PU/PEG blend membrane, Separation and Purification Technology, 185, 112, 2017.
284-    T. Mohammadi, N. Azizi, R. Mosayebi Behbahani, Synthesis of a new nanocomposite membrane (PEBAX-1074/PEG-400/TiO2) in order to separate CO2 from CH4, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 37, 39, 2017.
285-    T. Mohammadi, N. Azizi, R. Mosayebi Behbahani, Synthesis of a PEBAX-1074/ZnO nanocomposite membrane with improved CO2 separation performance, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 26, 454, 2017.
286-    T. Mohammadi, A. Djavanrouh, O. Bakhtiari, Fouling behavior investigation of thermally modified RO membrane, Desalination and Water Treatment, 76, 121, 2017.
287-    T. Mohammadi, P. Bahrami Moghim, Simulation of carbon dioxide removal by three amine mixture Of diethanolamine, methyldiethanolamine, and 2-amino- 2-methyl-1-propanol in a hollow fiber membrane contactor using computational fluid dynamics, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 61, 227, 2017.
288-    T. Mohammadi, H. R. Mahdavi, N. Azizi, M. Arzani, Improved CO2/CH4 separation using a nanocomposite ionic liquid gel membrane, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 46, 275, 2017.
289-    T. Mohammadi, F. Mohammadi, Optimal conditions of porous ceramic membrane synthesis based on alkali activated blast furnace slag using Taguchi method, Ceramics International, 43, 14369, 2017.
290-    T. Mohammadi, M. Gholami, S. Mosleh, M. Hemati, CO2/CH4 separation using mixed matrix membrane-based polyurethane incorporated with ZIF-8 nanoparticles, Chemical papers, 71, 1839, 2017.
291-    T. Mohammadi, N. Ghobadi, N. Kasiri, M. Kazemimoghadam, Modified poly(vinyl alcohol)/chitosan blended membranes for isopropanol dehydration via pervaporation: synthesis optimization and modelling by response surface methodology, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134, 44587, 2017.
292-    T. Mohammadi, M. Isanejad, N. Azizi, PEBAX membrane for CO2/CH4 separation: Effect of various solvents on morphology and performance, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134, 44531, 2017.
293-    T. Mohammadi, A. Ghadimi, S. Norouzbahari, Heat of Sorption of Gases in Glassy Polymers: Prediction via Applying Physical Properties of the Penetrants and Polymers, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 62, 1433, 2017.
294-    T. Mohammadi, H. R. Mahdavi, N. Azizi, Performance evaluation of a synthesized and characterized Pebax1657/PEG1000/γ-Al2O3 membrane for CO2/CH4 separation using response surface methodology, Journal of Polymer Research, 24, 5, 1, 2017.
295-    T. Mohammadi, A. Khosravi, A. Vatani, Application of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane in stabilization and performance enhancement of poly(4-methyl-2-pentyne) nanocomposite membranes for natural gas conditioning, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134, 45158, 2017. 
296-    T. Mohammadi, S. Fazlifard, N. Allahgholi, O. Bakhtiari, P84/ZIF-8 mixed matrix membranes for pervaporation dehydration of Isopropanol, Desalination and Water Treatment, 78, 282, 2017.
297-    T. Mohammadi, M. Abbasi Monfared, N. Kasiri, A CFD model for prediction of critical electric potential preventing membrane fouling in oily waste water treatment, Journal of Membrane Science, 539, 320, 2017.
298-    T. Mohammadi, N. Azizi, M. Arzani, H. R. Mahdavi, Synthesis and characterization of poly (ether-block-amide) copolymers/multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposite membranes for CO2/CH4 separation, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34, 2459, 2017.
299-    T. Mohammadi, N. Azizi, H. R. Mahdavi, M. Isanejad, Effects of low and high molecular mass PEGs incorporation into different types of poly (ether-b-amide) copolymers on permeation properties of CO2 and CH4, Journal of Polymer Research, 24, 141, 1, 2017.
300-    T. Mohammadi, S. M. Mirfendereski, Investigation of H2S and CO2 Removal from Gas Streams Using Hollow Fiber Membrane Gas–liquid Contactors, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, 31, 139, 2017.
301-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, O. Bakhtiari, Effective Hydrogen purification from Methane via Polyimide Matrimid® 5218- Deca-dodecasil 3R zeolite mixed matrix membrane, Energy, 141, 2100, 2017.
302-    T. Mohammadi, M. Isanejad, Effect of amine modification on morphology and performance of poly (ether-block-amide)/ fumed silica nanocomposite membranes for CO2/CH4 separation, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 205, 303, 2018.
303-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, O. Bakhtiari, Effective Treatment of Dye Wastewater via Positively Charged TETA-MWCNT/PES Hybrid Nanofiltration Membranes, Separation and Purification Technology, 194, 488, 2018.
304-    T. Mohammadi, H. Rajati, O. Bakhtiari, Molecular modeling of the gaseous penetrants permeabilities through 4A, DDR and silicalite-1 zeolites incorporated in mixed matrix membranes, Separation Science and Technology, 53, 910, 2018.
305-    T. Mohammadi, A. Taghvaie Nakhjiri, A. Heydarinasab, O. Bakhtiari, Modeling and simulation of CO2 separation from CO2/CH4 gaseous mixture using potassium glycinate, potassium argininate and sodium hydroxide liquid absorbents in the hollow fiber membrane contactor, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 6, 1500, 2018.
306-    T. Mohammadi, H. R. Mahdavi, M. Arzani, Synthesis, characterization and performance evaluation of an optimized ceramic membrane with physical separation and photocatalytic degradation capabilities, Ceramics International, 44, 10281, 2018.
307-    T. Mohammadi, H. R. Mahdavi, M. Arzani, M. Isanejad, Effect of hydrophobic and hydrophilic nanoparticles loaded in D2EHPA/M2EHPA - PTFE supported liquid membrane for simultaneous cationic dyes pertraction, Journal of Environmental Management, 213, 288, 2018.
308-    T. Mohammadi, M. Bayat, M. S. Nabavi, An experimental study for finding the best condition for PHI zeolite synthesis using Taguchi method for gas separation, Chemical Papers, 72, 1139, 2018.
309-    T. Mohammadi, M. Arzani, H. R. Mahdavi, M. Sheikhi, Ceramic monolith as microfiltration membrane: preparation, characterization and performance evaluation, Applied Clay Science, 161, 456, 2018.
310-    T. Mohammadi, A. Taghvaie Nakhjiri, A. Heydarinasab, O. Bakhtiari, Influence of non-wetting, partial wetting and complete wetting modes of operation on hydrogen sulfide removal utilizing monoethanolamine absorbent in hollow fiber membrane contactor, Sustainable Environment Research, 28, 186, 2018.
311-    T. Mohammadi, A. Taghvaie Nakhjiri, A. Heydarinasab, O. Bakhtiari, Experimental investigation and mathematical modeling of CO2 sequestration from CO2/CH4 gaseous mixture using MEA and TEA aqueous absorbents through polypropylene hollow fiber membrane contactor, Journal of Membrane Science, 565, 1, 2018.
312-    T. Mohammadi, M. Abbasi Monfared, M. Sheikhi, N. Kasiri, Experimental investigation of oil-in-water microfiltration assisted by Dielectrophoresis: Operational condition optimization, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 137, 421, 2018.
313-    T. Mohammadi, M. Zahed, P. S. Parsamehr, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy Synthesis and functionalization of graphene oxide (GO) for salty water desalination as adsorbent, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 138, 358, 2018.
314-    T. Mohammadi, A. Taghvaie Nakhjiri, A. Heydarinasab, O. Bakhtiari, The effect of membrane pores wettability on CO2 removal from CO2/CH4 gaseous mixture using NaOH, MEA and TEA liquid absorbents in hollow fiber membrane contactor, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26, 1845, 2018.
315-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, M. Maghami, Wastewaters treatment containing phenol and ammonium using aerobic submerged membrane bioreactor, Chemistry Central Journal, 12, 79, 2018.
316-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rezakazemi, M. Maghami, High Loaded Synthetic Hazardous Wastewater Treatment Using Lab- Scale Submerged Ceramic Membrane Bioreactor, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 62, 299, 2018.
317-    T. Mohammadi, M. Enayatzadeh, N. Fallah, Morphology and performance of poly (vinylidene fluoride) flat sheet membranes: thermodynamic and kinetic aspects, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135, 46419, 2018.
318-    T. Mohammadi, J. Zyaie, M. Sheikhi, J. Baniasadi, S. Sahebi, Assessment of thermally modified Cellulose acetate forward osmosis membrane using response surface methodology based on Box-Behnken design, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 41, 1706, 2018.
319-    T. Mohammadi, R. Kardani, M. Asghari, M. Afsari, Effects of nanofillers on the characteristics and performance of PEBA-based mixed matrix membranes, Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 34, 797, 2018.
320-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, O. Bakhtiari, Water Desalination via Novel Positively Charged Hybrid Nanofiltration Membranes Filled with Hyperbranched Polyethyleneimine Modified MWCNT, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 69, 127, 2019.
321-    T. Mohammadi, M. Arzani, H. R. Mahdavi, S. Azizi, Performance evaluation of mullite ceramic membrane for oily wastewater treatment using response surface methodology based on Box-Behnken design, Journal of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Technology, 5, 25, 2019.
322-    T. Mohammadi, M. Tavakolmoghadam, Application of colloidal precipitation method using sodium polymethacrylate as dispersant for TiO2/PVDF membrane preparation and its antifouling properties in membrane bioreactors, Polymer Engineering and Science, 59, E422, 2019.
323-    T. Mohammadi, M. Kahrizi; S. Zhao, N. Kasiri, Introducing sorption coefficient through extended UNIQAC and Flory-Huggins models for improved flux prediction in forward osmosis, Chemical Engineering Science, 198, 33, 2019.
324-    T. Mohammadi, S. Abdolbaghi, H. R. Mahdavi, Simulation of heat and mass transport for ethylene glycol solution separation using a vacuum membrane distillation process, Desalination and Water Treatment, 148, 30, 2019.
325-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, S. Bolisetty, R. Mezzenga, Assessing the Binding Performance of Amyloid−Carbon Membranes toward Heavy Metal Ions, Langmuir, 35, 4161, 2019.
326-    T. Mohammadi, E. Shekarian, M. R. Jafari Nasr, O. Bakhtiari, M. Javanbakht, Preparation of 4A zeolite coated polypropylene membrane for lithium ion batteries separator, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136, 47841, 2019.
327-    T. Mohammadi, S. S. Hossaini Zahed, S. Khanlari, Hydrous metal oxide incorporated polyacrylonitrile-based nanocomposite membranes for Cu(II) ions removal, Separation and Purification Technology, 213, 151, 2019.
328-    T. Mohammadi, M. Asghari, S. Rahil Mousavi, A comprehensive comparative study on morphology and pervaporative performance of porous-supported mesoporous zeolitic membranes, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 280, 174, 2019.
329-    T. Mohammadi, A. Atash Jameh, O. Bakhtiari, M. Mahdiyarfar, Synthesis and modification of Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework (ZIF-8) nanoparticles as highly efficient adsorbent for H2S and CO2 removal from natural gas, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7, 103058, 2019.
330-    T. Mohammadi, S. Zarghami, M. Sadrzadeh, Preparation, characterization and fouling analysis of in-air hydrophilic/underwater oleophobic bio-inspired polydopamine coated PES membranes for oily wastewater treatment, Journal of Membrane Science, 582, 402, 2019.
331-    T. Mohammadi, S. M. Mirfendereski, Z. Niazi, Selective removal of H2S from gas streams containing high CO2 concentration using hollow fiber membrane contractors, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 42, 196, 2019.
332-    T. Mohammadi, A.H. Behroozi, N. Kasiri, Empirical modeling coupled with pore blocking for predicting cake formation of electric field effects on oily waste water cross-flow microfiltration, Journal of Membrane Science, 584, 120, 2019.
333-    T. Mohammadi, P. S. Parsamehr, M. Zahed, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, M. Rezakazemi, Preparation of novel cross-linked graphene oxide membrane for desalination applications using (EDC and NHS)-activated graphene oxide and PEI, Desalination, 468, 114079, 2019.
334-    T. Mohammadi, F. S. Kamelian, F. Naeimpoor, Fast, facile and scalable fabrication of novel microporous silicalite-1/PDMS mixed matrix membranes for efficient ethanol separation by pervaporation, Separation and Purification Technology, 229, 115820, 2019.
335-    T. Mohammadi, M. Sheikhi, M. Arzani, H. R. Mahdavi, Kaolinitic Clay-Based Ceramic Microfiltration Membrane for Oily Wastewater Treatment: Assessment of Coagulant Addition, Ceramics International, 45, 17826, 2019.
336-    T. Mohammadi, S. Ghiasi, A. Behboudi, S. Khanlari, Effect of Surface Charge and Roughness on Ultrafiltration Membranes Performance and Polyelectrolyte Nanofiltration Layer Assembly, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 580, 123753, 2019.
337-    T. Mohammadi, F. Zareia, R. Moattaria, S. Rajabzadeh, M. Bagheri, A. Taghizadeh, H. Matsuyama, Preparation of thin film composite nano-filtration membranes for brackish water softening based on the reaction between functionalized UF membranes and polyethyleneimine, Journal of Membrane Science, 588, 117207, 2019.
338-    T. Mohammadi, S. Zarghami, M. Sadrzadeh, B. Van der Bruggen, Superhydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic membranes- A review of synthesis methods, Progress in Polymer Science, 98, 101166, 2019.
339-    T. Mohammadi, A.H. Behroozi, N. Kasiri, Multi-phenomenal macroscopic investigation of cross-flow membrane flux in microfiltration of oil-in-water emulsion, experimental & computational, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 32, 100962, 2019.
340-    T. Mohammadi, A.H. Behroozi, M. Sheikhi, N. Kasiri, Experimental and simulation study of cross-flow microfiltration process of oil-in-water emulsion using cellulose acetate membrane, Petroleum Research, 29, 107, 29, 2019.
341-    T. Mohammadi, M. Enayatzadeh, N. Fallah, Influence of TiO2 nanoparticles loading on permeability and antifouling properties of nanocomposite polymeric membranes: experimental and statistical analysis, Journal of Polymer Research, 26, 240, 2019.
342-    T. Mohammadi, N. Azizi, M. Isanejad, R. Mosayebi Behbahani, Effect of TiO2 loading on morphology and CO2/CH4 separation performance of PEBAX based membranes, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 13, 517, 2019.
343-    T. Mohammadi, S. Sahebi, N. Fadaie, L. Mirshekar, B. Kamarehie, Assessing biomimetic aquaporin membrane for forward osmosis desalination process: A dataset, Data in Brief, 26, 104482, 2019.
344-    T. Mohammadi, E. Shekarian, M. R. Jafari Nasr, O. Bakhtiari, M. Javanbakht, Enhanced wettability and electrolyte uptake of coated commercial polypropylene separators with inorganic nanopowders for application in lithium-ion battery, Journal of Nanostructures, 9, 736, 2019.
345-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Divalent heavy metal ions removal from contaminated water using positively charged membrane prepared from a new carbon nanomaterial and HPEI, Chemical Engineering Journal, 388, 124192, 2020.
346-    T. Mohammadi, A. Atash Jameh, O. Bakhtiari, Preparation of PEBAX-1074/modified ZIF-8 nanoparticles mixed matrix membranes for CO2 removal from natural gas, Separation and Purification Technology, 231, 115900, 2020.
347-    T. Mohammadi, S. Zarghami, M. Sadrzadeh, B. Van der Bruggen, Bio-inspired anchoring of amino-functionalized multi-wall carbon nanotubes (N-MWCNTs) onto PES membrane using polydopamine for oily wastewater treatment, Science of the Total Environment, 711, 134951, 2020.
348-    T. Mohammadi, M. Pourazar, M. R. Jafari Nasr, O. Bakhtiari, M. Javanbakht, Preparation of 13X zeolite powder and membrane: investigation of synthesis parameters impacts using experimental design, Materials Research Express, 7, 035004, 2020.
349-    T. Mohammadi, M. Bagheri, S. Rajabzadeh, M. R. Elmarghany, R. M. Moattari, O. Bakhtiari, A. Inada, H. Matsuyama, Preparation of a positively charged NF membrane by evaporation deposition and the reaction of PEI on the surface of the C-PES/PES blend UF membrane, Progress in Organic Coatings, 141, 105570, 2020.
350-    T. Mohammadi, E. Valamohammadi, F. Behdarvand, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Preparation of positively charged thin-film nanocomposite membranes based on the reaction between hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile containing carbon nanomaterials and HPEI for water treatment application, Separation and Purification Technology, 242, 116826, 2020.
351-    T. Mohammadi, M. H. Sadeghi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, One-dimensional graphene for efficient aqueous heavy metal adsorption: rapid removal of arsenic and mercury ions by graphene oxide nanoribbons (GONRs), Chemosphere, 253, 126647, 2020.
352-    T. Mohammadi, S. Sahebi, M. Sheikhi, B. Ramavandi, M. Ahmadi, S. Zhao, A. S. Adeleye, Z. Shabani, Sustainable management of saline oily wastewater via forward osmosis using aquaporin membrane, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 138, 199, 2020.
353-    T. Mohammadi, P. Jalilvand, A. Rahbar-Kelishami, H. Shayesteh, Optimizing of malachite green extraction from aqueous solutions using hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanoparticles, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 308, 113014, 2020.
354-    T. Mohammadi, M. Peydayesh, S. Kordmirza Nikouzad, A Positively Charged Composite Loose Nanofiltration Membrane for water purification from heavy metals, Journal of Membrane Science, 611, 118205, 2020.
355-    T. Mohammadi, S. Sahebi, M. Sheikhi, B. Ramavandi, Sh. Zhao, J. Baniasadi, N. Fadaie, Developing novel thin film composite membrane on a permeate spacer backing fabric for forward osmosis, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 160, 326, 2020.
356-    T. Mohammadi, A. Taghvaie Nakhjiri, A. Heydarinasab, O. Bakhtiari, Numerical simulation of CO2 / H2S simultaneous removal from natural gas using potassium carbonate aqueous solution in hollow fiber membrane contactor, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8, 104130, 2020.
357-    T. Mohammadi, S. Ghiasi, A. Behboudi, M. Ulbricht, High-Performance Positively Charged Hollow Fiber Nanofiltration Membranes Fabricated via Green Approach towards Polyethyleneimine Layer Assembly, Separation and Purification Technology, 251, 117313, 2020.
358-    T. Mohammadi, Sh. Rajabi, F. Khodadadi, M. Tavakolmoghadam, Morphology control in PVDF membranes using PEG/PVP additives and mixed solvents, Membrane and Water Treatment, An International Journal, 11, 4, 237, 2020.
359-    T. Mohammadi, I. Tavakol, S. Hadadpour, Z. Shabani, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, S. Sahebi, Synthesis of novel thin film composite (TFC) forward osmosis (FO) membranes incorporated with carboxylated carbon nanofibers (CNFs), Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8, 104614, 2020.
360-    T. Mohammadi, M. Pourazar, M. R. Jafari Nasr, O. Bakhtiari, M. Javanbakht, Preparation and characterization of PVDF-13X zeolite mixed matrix membranes for lithium ion batteries' separator with enhanced performance, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 137, 49367, 2020.
361-    T. Mohammadi, F. S. Kamelian, F. Naeimpoor, Mika Sillanpää, One-step and low-cost designing of two-layered active layer superhydrophobic (TALS) silicalite-1/PDMS membrane for simultaneously superior bioethanol pervaporation and fouling/biofouling resistance, Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 50, 2020.
362-    T. Mohammadi, S. M. R. Miraboutalebi, M. Peydayesh, M. Bagheri, Polyacrylonitrile/α-Fe2O3 hybrid photocatalytic composite adsorbents for enhanced dye removal, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 43, 1214, 2020.
363-    T. Mohammadi, M. Managheb, S. Zarghami, A. A. Asadi, S. Sahebi, Enhanced dynamic Cu(II) ion removal using hot-pressed chitosan / poly (vinyl alcohol) electrospun nanofibrous affinity membrane (ENAM), Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 146, 329, 2021.
364-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, M. H. Sadeghi, High-flux PVDF/PVP nanocomposite ultrafiltration membrane incorporated with graphene oxide nanoribbones with improved antifouling properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138, 49718, 2021.
365-    T. Mohammadi, E. Abdollahi, A. Heidari, A. A. Asadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Application of Mg-Al LDH nanoparticles to enhance flux, hydrophilicity and antifouling properties of PVDF ultrafiltration membrane, Separation and Purification Technology, 257,  117931, 2021.
366-    T. Mohammadi, S. Hadadpour, I. Tavakol, Z. Shabani, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, S. Sahebi, Synthesis and characterization of novel thin film composite forward osmosis membrane using charcoal-based carbon nanomaterials for desalination application, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 104880, 2021.
367-    T. Mohammadi, M. Dehghankar, M. Tavakol Moghadam, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Metal-organic framework/zeolite nanocrystal/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composite ultrafiltration membranes with flux/antifouling advantages, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 260, 124128, 2021.
368-    T. Mohammadi, S. M. A. Ahmadi, N. Azizi, Effect of HNTs incorporation on morphology and CO2/CH4 separation performance of Pebax-based membranes, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 38, 104, 2021.
369-    T. Mohammadi, M. Bahmani, S. Zarghami, A. A. Asadi, S. Khanlari, PES electrospun fibrous membrane for oily wastewater treatment: Fabrication condition optimization using response surface methodology (RSM), Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 32, 886, 2021.
370-    T. Mohammadi, Z. Ahmadi Pouya, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Synthesis and characterization of polytetrafluoroethylene/oleic acid-functionalized carbon nanotubes composite membrane for desalination by vacuum membrane distillation, Desalination, 503, 114931, 2021.
371-    T. Mohammadi, Z. Shabani, M. Kahrizi, N. Kasiri, S. Sahebi, A novel Thin film composite forward osmosis membrane using bio-inspired polydopamine coated polyvinyl chloride substrate: Experimental and computational fluid dynamics modelling, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 147, 756, 2021.
372-    T. Mohammadi, F. Behdarvand, E. Valamohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Polyvinyl alcohol/polyethersulfone thin-film nanocomposite membranes with carbon nanomaterials incorporated in substrate for water treatment, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 104650, 2021.
373-    T. Mohammadi, S. Tahazadeh, H. Karimi, H. B. Motejadded, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Fabrication of biodegradable cellulose acetate/MOF-derived porous carbon nanocomposite adsorbent for methylene blue removal from aqueous solutions, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 299, 122180, 2021.
374-    T. Mohammadi, A. Behboudi, S. Ghiasi, M. Ulbricht, Preparation and characterization of asymmetric hollow fiber polyvinyl chloride (PVC) membrane for forward osmosis application, Separation and Purification Technology, 270, 118801, 2021.
375-    T. Mohammadi, A. Heidari, E. Abdollahi, A. A. Asadi, Improving permeability, hydrophilicity and antifouling characteristic of PES hollow fiber UF membrane using carboxylic PES A promising substrate to fabricate NF layer, Separation and Purification Technology, 270, 118811, 2021.
376-    T. Mohammadi, S. M. A. Ahmadi, N. Azizi, Superior Pebax-1657/amine-modified HNTs mixed matrix membranes to improve the CO2/CH4 separation efficiency, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138, 50749, 2021.
377-    T. Mohammadi, M. Mirzaei, N. Kasiri, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Fabrication of magnetic field induced mixed matrix membranes containing GO/Fe3O4 nanohybrids with enhanced antifouling properties for wastewater treatment applications, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 105675, 2021.
378-    T. Mohammadi, N. Fadaie, M. Sheikhi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, S. Rajabzadeh, S. Sahebi, Novel Plasma Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNPs) incorporated in forward osmosis substrate with improved performance and tensile strength, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 105708, 2021.
379-    T. Mohammadi, R. M. Moattari, S. Rajabzadeh, H. Dabiryan, H. Matsuyama, Reinforced hollow fiber membranes: A comprehensive review, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 122, 284, 2021.
380-    T. Mohammadi, S. Tahazadeh, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, S. Khanlari, H. Karimi, H. B. Motejadded, Development of cellulose acetate/metal-organic framework derived porous carbon adsorptive membranes for dye removal applications, Journal of Membrane Science, 638, 119692, 2021.
381-    T. Mohammadi, M. Dehghankar, M. Tavakol Moghadam, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Polyvinylidene fluoride/nanoclays (Cloisite 30B and Palygorskite) mixed matrix membranes with improved performance and antifouling properties, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 60, 12078, 2021.
382-    T. Mohammadi, B. Rahmaniyan, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Development of high flux PVDF/modified TNTs membrane with improved properties for desalination by vacuum membrane distillation, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 106730, 2021.
383-    T. Mohammadi, J. Baniasadi, Z. Shabani, S. Sahebi, Enhanced performance and fouling resistance of cellulose acetate forward osmosis membrane with the spatial distribution of TiO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 96, 147, 2021.
384-    T. Mohammadi, M. Rahmati, S. Rajabzadeh, A. Abdelrasoul, Y. Kawabata, T. Yoshioka, H. Matsuyama, Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Investigating and Assessing Reaction Conditions between Carboxylated Polyethersulfone and Polyethyleneimine, Journal of applied polymer science, 138, 51304, 2021.
385-    T. Mohammadi, Z. Shabani, N. Kasiri, S. Sahebi, Development of high-performance thin-film composite FO membrane by tailoring co-deposition of dopamine and m-phenylenediamine for the Caspian seawater desalination, Desalination, 527, 115577, 2022.
386-    T. Mohammadi, R. Shirazi, A. A. Asadi, Incorporation of amine-grafted halloysite nanotube (HNT) to electrospun nanofibrous membranes (ENM) of Chitosan/Poly (vinyl alcohol) for Cd (II) and Pb(II) removal, Applied Clay Science, 220, 106460, 2022.
387-    T. Mohammadi, S.S. Hossaini-Zahed, S. Khanlari, O. Bakhtiari, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Soheil Hadadpour, S. Rajabzadeh, P. Zhang, H. Matsuyama, Evaluation of Process Condition on Metal Ion Removal from Water Using Goethite Incorporated Nanocomposite Ultrafiltration Adsorptive Membranes, Water Science and Technology, 85, 1053, 2022.
388-    T. Mohammadi, R. Shirazi, A. A. Asadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Electrospun nanofiber affinity membranes for water treatment applications: A review, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 47, 102795, 2022.
389-    T. Mohammadi, J. Baniasadi, S. Zarghami, F. S. Kamelian, R. Nikbakht, Fabrication of asymmetric cellulose acetate/pluronic F-127 forward osmosis membrane: minimization of internal concentration polarization via control thickness and porosity, Polymer Bulletin, 79, 569, 2022.
390-    T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Functional charcoal based nanomaterial with excellent colloidal property for fabrication of polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membrane with improved flux and fouling resistance, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 285, 126167, 2022.
391-    S. Seraj, T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Graphene-based membranes for membrane distillation applications: A review, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10, 107974, 2022.
392-    S. Ghiasi, T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Hybrid nanofiltration thin film hollow fiber membranes with adsorptive supports containing bentonite and LDH nanoclays for boron removal, Journal of Membrane Science, 655, 120576, 2022.
393-    M. Bahrami Eynolghasi, T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Fabrication of polystyrene (PS)/cyclohexanol-based carbon nanotubes (CNTs) mixed matrix membranes for vacuum membrane distillation application, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10, 108175, 2022.
394-    Z. Shabani, T. Mohammadi, N. Kasiri, S. Sahebi, Thin-film nanocomposite forward osmosis membranes prepared on PVC substrates with polydopamine functionalized Zr-based metal organic frameworks, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 61, 7067, 2022.
395-    A. Behboudi, T. Mohammadi, M. Ulbricht, Fabrication and characterization of inner selective antibiofouling forward osmosis hollow fiber membranes for simultaneous wastewater treatment
and desalination, Separation and Purification Technology, 300, 121795, 2022.
396-    F. Dolatkhah, T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Polysulfone hollow fiber membrane containing charcoal-carbon nanomaterial for wastewater treatment in membrane bioreactor, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 50, 103222, 2022.
397-    S. Ghiasi, T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Hybrid adsorptive nanofiltration hollow fiber membranes with charge-patterned UiO-66 incorporated thin-film nanocomposite selective layer for enhanced boron removal, Journal of Membrane Science, 664, 121116, 2022.
398-    A. M. Garehbagh, S. Rajabzadeh, M. A. Shouman, M. R. Elmarghany, M. S. Salem, N. Arahman, T. Mohammadi and H. Matsuyama, Simulation Assessment of Inlet Parameters and Membrane-Surface-Structure Effects on CO2 Absorption Flux in Membrane Contactors, Sustainability, 14, 14527, 2022.
399-    A. Behboudi, T. Mohammadi, M. Ulbricht, High performance antibiofouling hollow fiber polyethersulfone nanocomposite membranes incorporated with novel surface-modified silver nanoparticles suitable for membrane bioreactor application, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 119, 298, 2023.
400-    M. Ostadi, F. S. Kamelian, T. Mohammadi, Superhydrophilic micro/nano hierarchical functionalized-CuO/PVDF nanocomposite membranes with ultra-low fouling/biofouling performance for acetate wastewater treatment: MBR application, Journal of Membrane Science, 676, 121591, 2023.
401-    S. Habibi, T. Mohammadi, R. HMTShirazi, F. Atyabi, M. Kiani, A. A. Asadi, A bilayer mupirocin/bupivacaine-loaded wound dressing based on chitosan /Poly (vinyl alcohol) nanofibrous mat: preparation, characterization, and controlled drug release, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 240, 124399, 2023.
402-    F. S. Kamelian, F. Naeimpoor, T. Mohammadi, Effect of Zymomonas mobilis and Pichia stipitis presence/absence strategies in a two-stage process on bioethanol production from glucose-xylose mixture, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, in press.
403-    S. Seraj, T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Incorporation of 3-dimensional Lycopodium with hydrophobic nature and interconnected nano-channels into polyvinylidene fluoride membranes for desalination applications by vacuum membrane distillation, Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, in press.
404-    E. Valamohammadi, F. Behdarvand, T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Z. Moghiseh, Effects of carbon nanotubes on structure, performance and properties of polymer nanocomposite membranes for water/wastewater treatment applications: A comprehensive review, Polymer Bulletin, in press.
405-    N. Asadi Arbabi, M. Ostadi, F. S. Kamelian, T. Mohammadi, S. Zarghami, M. Dehghankar, Evaluation of antifouling/biofouling ability of a novel MIL101(Cr)/PES composite membrane for acetate wastewater treatment in MBR application, Polymer Bulletin, in press.
406-    M. Dehghankar, R. HMTShirazi, T. Mohammadi, M. Ahmadzadeh Tofighy, Synthesis and modification methods of metal-organic frameworks and their application in modification of polymeric ultrafiltration membranes: A review, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, in press.

1-    تورج محمدی، اصلاح یک غشا مرکب جهت بکارگیری در باطری‌های جدید، مجله بین‏المللی علوم مهندسی، جلد 10، شماره 4، صفحه 103، 78.
2-    تورج‌ محمدی، افشین ‌پاک، سید مهبد بصیر، تاثیر ماده جاذب بر بازدهی فتو کاتالیزوری دی‌اکسید تیتانیوم، نشریه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران،  سال بیست و یکم شماره یک و دو81.
3-    تورج‌ محمدی، احسان سلجوقی، بررسی غشاها و فرایندهای غشایی مورد استفاده در تصفیه خون، مجله مهندسی شیمی ایران،  سال هفتم شماره سی و سه 87.
4-    تورج‌ محمدی، فاطمه رکابدار، عبدالحمید صلاحی، علی قشلاقی، کاربرد فرایند فیلتراسیون غشایی در تصفیه پساب نفتی واحد پالایش نفت، مجله پژوهش نفت، سال بیستم شماره شصت و سه 57.
5-    تورج محمدی، منصور کاظمی مقدم، مقایسه و ارزیابی جداسازی غشاهای زئولیتی نانوحفره ای، مجله علمی پژوهشی مواد پرانرژی، زمستان 1390.
6-    تورج‌ محمدی، افشین ‌پاک، معصومه تکبیری، جداسازی ترکیبات گوگردی از بنزین توسط فرایند تراوش تبخیری، نشریه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران،  دوره 31 سال 91.
7-    تورج‌ محمدی، منصور کاظمی مقدم، سیاوش مداینی، راهبرد ‌های نوین در شستشوی غشاهای UF مورد استفاده در صنایع شیر ایران، مجله مهندسی شیمی ایران،  سال یازدهم شماره شصت و دو 21.
8-    تورج محمدی، شهرام قنبری، کورش شفیعی، منصور کاظمی مقدم، ﺑﺮرﺳﻲ اﺳﺘﻔﺎده از ﻏﺸﺎﻫﺎی زﺋﻮﻟﻴﺘﻲ ﺑﺮای آبزداﻳﻲ از ﺳﻮﺧﺖDMAZ ، مجله علمی پژوهشی مواد پرانرژی، پاییز 1392.
9-    تورج‌ محمدی، محمد مهدیار فر، علی مهاجری، بررسی تجربی ساخت غشا کربنی بر روی پایه های سرامیکی با استفاده از رزین فنلی بعنوان ماده پیشتاز، مجله پژوهش نفت، سال بیستم و دوم شماره هفتاد و دو 132.
10-    تورج‌ محمدی، نور ا... کثیری، هانیه شکرکار، بررسی تاثیر عوامل مختلف عملیاتی بر لایه قطبش غلظتی در غشاهای سرامیکی، مجله مهندسی شیمی ایران، سال یازدهم شماره شصت و هفت 18.
11-    تورج‌ محمدی، سپیده سروش، امید بختیاری، مدل سازی بازیافت مواد خوش بو از جریان های در بر گیرنده آنها با تماس دهنده های غشایی، نشریه شیمی و مهندسی شیمی ایران،  دوره 33 سال 93.
12-    تورج‌ محمدی، نور ا... کثیری، هانیه شکرکار، مدلسازی غشای میکروفیلتراسیون جهت تصفیه فاضلاب نفتی با استفاده از مدل هرمیا و شبکه عصبی، مجله مهندسی شیمی ایران، سال سیزدهم شماره هفتاد و شش4.
13-    تورج‌ محمدی، جعفر توفیقی، علیمراد رشیدی، مژگان داودی، مروری بر روش های ساخت غشاهای نانولوله کربنی، مجله مهندسی شیمی ایران،  سال چهاردهم شماره هشتاد و دوم 6.
14-    تورج‌ محمدی، نوراله کثیری، امیرحسین بهروزی، محمد شیخی، بررسی آزمایشگاهی و شبیه سازی فرآیند میکروفیلتراسیون جریان متقاطع امولسیون نفت در آب با غشای سلولز استات، مجله پژوهش نفت، شماره 107، مهر و آبان، 111.
15-    تورج‌ محمدی، مونا دهقانکار، مریم توکل مقدم، فاطمه رکابدار، پیش بینی عملکرد غشای اولترافیلتراسیون بر مبنای گرانروی محلول پلیمری، نشریه پژوهش های کاربردی در شیمی، در حال چاپ.
16-    تورج‌ محمدی، سعید سراج، مریم احمدزاده توفیقی، ساخت غشای پلی وینیلیدن فلوراید/گرافن اکساید کاهش یافته سنتز شده با روش سبز به منظور استفاده در نمک زدایی به روش تقطیر غشایی، نشریه علمی فرایند نو، در حال چاپ.

شرکت های دانش بنیان ثبت شده
-1شتاب دهنده حیات اکسیر مهرآب
-2شرکت آوین پویان پالا آب

مقالات ارایه شده  در کنفرانسهای ملی و بین‌المللی
بیش از 200 مورد

پروژه‏های صنعتی و پژوهشی اجرا شده :
1-    بررسی پدیده‏ ایجاد پلیمر در برج Caustic washing واحد الفین - مجتمع پتروشیمی اراک
2-    بررسی علمی روش‌های جلوگیری از Fouling غشاهای RO - مجتمع پتروشیمی رازی
3-    مطالعه و ارائـه بهترین روش رفع گرفتگی (Fouling) غشا UF – سازمان صنایع شیر ایران
4-    استفاده از فتوکاتالیست‌ها در حذف آلودگی – معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
5-    بررسی روش‌های تمیز کردن غشاهای صنعتی - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
6-    بررسی انواع غربال‌های مولکولی در صنایع پتروشیمی- تحقیق و توسعه پتروشیمی
7-    تهیه آزمایشگاهی غربال‌های مولکولی - وزارت صنایع
8-    الکترودیالیز ( مقدمه) - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
9-    الکترودیالیز ( کاربرد) - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
10-    تهیه آزمایشگاهی غشا زئولیتی - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
11-    استفاده از فن‌آوری الکترودیالیز به منظور تهیه آب - طرح تعاون بین دانشگاهی 
12-    تهیه غشا سرامیکی میکروفیلتراسیون - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
13-    بررسی امکان استفاده از غشا در صنایع نفت - مهندسی توسعه نفت 
14-    بررسی امکان استفاده از فرآیندهای غشایی در جداسازی مخلوط‌های مختلف - معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
15-    تهیه غشا زئولیتی- سازمان گسترش و نوسازی صنایع
16-    تغلیظ آزمایشگاهی لیزین به روش UF - سازمان گسترش و نوسازی صنایع
17-    امکان استفاده از تکنولوژی غشا بمنظور بازیابی  LPGدر پالایشگاه شیراز - پالایشگاه شیراز
18-    بررسی فرآیندهای غشایی در صنایع گاز و امکان سنجی تهیه آزمایشگاهی غشا - شرکت ملی گاز ایران
19-    بررسی آزمایشگاهی فرآیند جداسازی هیدروژن به روش غشایی و مقایسه این فرآیند با فرآیندهای PSA و Cryogenic - پژوهشگاه صنعت نفت
20-    ارزیابی عملکرد یک راکتور غشایی به منظور افزایش گزینش‌پذیری دی‌متیل آمین در مقیاس آزمایشگاهی - سازمان صنایع دفاع
21-     تهیه و ارزیابی غشا پلیمری بمنظور بررسی امکان جداسازی LPG از جریان گازی در مقیاس آزمایشگاهی - پالایشگاه شیراز
22-    تهیه و ارزیابی عملکرد یک راکتور غشایی به منظور تولید گاز سنتز در مقیاس آزمایشگاهی - تحقیق و توسعه پتروشیمی
23-    سنتز غشا پلیمری لاستیکی جهت جداسازی هیدروکربن‌های سنگین از گازهای سبک- صندوق حمایت از پژوهشگران کشور
24-    ساخت و ارزیابی یک نمونه غشا سرامیکی به منظور شیرین‌سازی گاز طبیعی - شرکت ملی گاز ایران
25-    استفاده از فرایند ترکیبی غشا – جذب در مقیاس آزمایشگاهی به منظور شیرین سازی گاز طبیعی - شرکت نفت و گاز پارس
26-    تدوین دانش فنی استحصال مواد آروماتیک از باقیمانده‌های واحدهای آروماتیک زدایی با استفاده از روش تراوش تبخیری در مقیاس نیمه صنعتی با ظرفیت 1000 لیتر در روز - سازمان گسترش و نوسازی صنایع
27-    ساخت نمونه آزمایشگاهی غشا سرامیکی به منظور خالص ‌سازی گاز SF6 - شرکت برق منطقه ای باختر
28-    طراحی و ساخت پایلوت غشایی تراوش تبخیری چند منظوره جهت خالص سازی حلال‌های آلی به ظرفیت 500 لیتر حلال خالص در روز - سازمان گسترش و نوسازی صنایع
29-    تدوین دانش فنی و ساخت غشا سرامیکی هدایتگر همزمان یون و الکترون برای جداسازی اکسیژن از هوا - طرح های صنایع نوین
30-    ساخت غشاهای ماتریس آمیخته برای جداسازی دی‌اکسید کربن / متان- صندوق حمایت از پژوهشگران کشور
31-    پوشش دهی غشاهای سرامیکی برای آب زدایی از اتانول با فرایند تراوش تبخیری- صندوق حمایت از پژوهشگران کشور 
32-     ساخت پایلوت غشایی خالص سازی اتانول – دبیرخانه بند الف ماده 17 قانون برنامه پنجم توسعه کشور
33-    تدوین دانش فنی ساخت مدول و غشا های میکروفیلتر سرامیکی مونولیتی به طولcm  30 جهت تصفیه پساب - طرح های صنایع نوین
34-    تدوین دانش فنی ساخت و ارزیابی غشاهای نانوفیلتراسیون الیاف تو خالی به منظور شیرین سازی آب - طرح های صنایع نوین
35-    تولید غشاهای الیاف توخالی مورد استفاده در واحد های تصفیه آب و پساب، صندوق سرمایه‌گذاری پژوهش و فناوری علم و صنعت
36-    احداث آب‌شیرین‌کن‌های اقتصادی برای تولید آب آبیاری توسط فناوری نانوفیلتراسیون، صندوق سرمایه‌گذاری پژوهش و فناوری علم و صنعت
پروژه‌های صنعتی در دست اجرا

فناوری های تایید شده:
1-    تولید غشا¬های الیاف توخالی (Hollow fiber)
2-    غشاهای نانوفیلتراسیون الیاف توخالی بار مثبت
3-    ساخت غشای مرکب لایه نازک در فرآیند اسمز مستقیم

اختراعات ثبت و تایید شده:
1-    طرح غشاهای صفحه ای میکرو فیلتراسیون پلی اترسولفون ، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
2-    طرح لوله های میکرو حفره سرامیک مولیت ، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
3-    طرح غشا سرامیکی نوع فوژاسیت بر روی پایه لوله ای مولیت، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
4-    طرح غشا سرامیکی مورد نیت بر روی پایه لوله ای مولیت ، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386 
5-    طرح کریستالهای نانو حفره زئولیتی نوع مورد نیت، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
6-    طرح کریستالهای کروی نانو حفره زئولیت نوع X ، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
7-    طرح کریستالهای نانو حفره زئولیت نوع فوژاسیت ، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
8-    غشاهای غیر متخلخل تک لایه پلی دی متیل سیلوکسان (PDMS)، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
9-    غشاهای غیر متخلخل کامپوزیت پلی دی متیل سیلوکسان (PDMS) بر پایه پلیمر آب گریز پلی تترا فلوئورو اتیلن (PTFE)، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
10-    غشاهای غشاهای کامپوزیت پلی دی متیل سیلوکسان (PDMS) بر پایه پلیمر آب دوست سلولز استات (CA) به روش ریخته گری بر روی شیشه، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
11-    غشاهای کامپوزیت پلی دی متیل سیلوکسان (PDMS) بر پایه پلیمر آب دوست پلی آمید (PA) به روش ریخته گری بر روی آب ، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
12-    جداسازی ایزوپروپانول از اب با استفاده از غشا کامپوزیت کو پلیمر پلی اتر بلوک امید، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
13-    غشا کامپوزیت کو پلیمر پلی اتر بلوک امید بر پایه پلی سولفون، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
14-    جداسازی اتیل بوتیرات از اب با استفاده از غشا کامپوزیت کو پلیمر پلی اتر بلوک امید، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1386
15-    جداسازی آب از اتانول با استفاده از غشا زئولیت T، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1387
16-    کریستال¬های نانو حفره زئولیت نوع T، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1387
17-    غشا نانو حفره زئولیت T روی پایه لوله¬ای مولایت، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1387
18-    جداسازی آب از ایزوپروپانول با استفاده از غشا زئولیت T، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1387
19-    ایجاد لایه ای از نانو لوله های کربنی مرتب شده (دارای نظم عمودی) بر سطح پایه درشت حفره الفا الومینا، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1388
20-    طراحی یک سیستم ساده CVD به منظور تولید نا نو لوله های کربنی، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی،  1388
21-    طراحی و ساخت بیو راکتور غشایی به منظور تصفیه پساب، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1389
22-     افزایش اندازه غشاهای میکروفیلتر به اندازه صنعتی (cm 50)، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1389
23-    ساخت زئولیت نانو حفره سیگما 1 با استفاده از سیلیکا فوم، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
24-    ساخت غشا زئولیتی W برای خالص ‌سازی گاز SF6، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
25-    ساخت غشا کامپوزیت پلی وینیل الکل (PVA) بر روی پایه پلی پروپیلن (PP)، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
26-    ساخت غشا ماتریس آمیخته پلی دی متیل سیلوکسان (PDMS) پر شده از نانو ذرات زئولیت 4A، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
27-    سنتز نانو زئولیت Rho با کنترل شرایط عملیاتی، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
28-    سنتز نانو زئولیت NaA با کنترل شرایط عملیاتی، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
29-    ساخت غشا نانو کریستال NaA برای جداسازی اب و ایزوپروپانول، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
30-    سنتز نانو زئولیت NaA با استفاده از تترا متیل آمونیم هیدروکساید (مورد استفاده در صنایع نفتی)، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
31-    سنتز زئولیت نانو حفره کابازیت، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
32-    سنتز زئولیت نانو  کریستال NaY بدون استفاده از قالب های آلی، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
33-    ساخت غشا کامپوزیت ماتریس امیخته پلی وینیل الکل (PVA) پر شده از نانو ذرات زئولیتی 4A بر روی پایه پلی پروپیلن (PP)، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1391
34-    ساخت غشا های مرکب پلی یورتان /  پلی اتیلن گلایکول در دو نوع تک لایه و با پایه سرامیکی، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1393
35-    ساخت دستگاه جدید تولید غشای الیاف توخالی با هدف تهیه غشا های با میزان گرفتگی کمتر، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1399
36-    ساخت غشاهای نانوفیلتراسیون الیاف توخالی دارای بار سطحی مثبت به منظور حذف نمک، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1399
37-    ساخت غشاهای نانوفیلتراسیون بار مثبت فشار پایین برای زدایش یون های دو و چند ظرفیتی از آب های سطحی و کاهش مصرف انرژی و تمایل رسوب گذاری غشاهای اسمز معکوس، اداره کل ثبت شرکت ها و مالکیت صنعتی، 1400

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