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Shahbazan bridge is an old masonry arch bridge located on Km 602+000 of Iranian railway network and has been in service for about 70 years. The bridge consists of five long spans of 21.5m, one span of 20.68m, and two smaller spans of 10m, totaling a length of 193 meters. One of the main characteristics of the bridge is it's moderately tall piers of up to 38 meters. The bridge accomodates a single track with an allowable axle load of 20 tons and an operational speed of 60 Km/h. Track's superstructure consists of U33 rails, wooden sleepers, and screw fasteners.


Summary of results:

The bridge has been assessed in serviceability and ultimate limit states. According to results, bridge is capable of withstanding operational loading patterns. ULS results in a load factor of 6.11 for the bridge structure. However, the bridge is not capable of withstanding the earthquake forces and requires retrofitting.

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