School of Electrical Engineering- Ph.D Students in EE Faculty

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Last Name: Kheirizad

First Name: Iraj

Birth Date: 1968

Address: Tehran, P.B.: 14665-688

Tel.: 09121125434

E-Mail: Kheirizad(At) and Kheirizad(At)


1986-1990: B.S in electrical engineering on Sharif University of Technology, Tehran

1990-1992 M.Sc in Power engineering on K.N.Toosi University, Tehran

1996-1998 M.Sc in Mechanical engineering on Sharif University, Tehran


- TOFEL: IBT 100/120

- IELTS: 6.5/9

- Stratagic Management License from IRIB, 2003

- License of PLC I and PLC II from Contronic Company (1996)

- License of control boards of Electrical Furnace 081, 071, 041 from Duetse Company (German Company),1999

- License of Advanced C Language from Contronic Company, 2001

- License of Leonard’s Control boards from G.G.G Company (German Company), 2000

- license for MCSD, MCP, MCSD.NET from Microsoft

- Benchmarking license from IRIB, 2001


Distributed Generation,


Power System Transients,


Power Transformer,


Generation, Operation and Control Power Systems.


Persian, English, French


- 1989-1993 Co-teacher in K.N.Toosi University

- 2001- 2008: Teaching Visual Basic and SQ1 in Contronic Company

- 2004-2008: Applied Science and Technology University, Broadcasting Branch


- Main Member of Technical Committee in Design and Expansion of IRIB

- Member of Technical Committee of IRIB


- Award from Minister of Energy for presenting the best paper in PSC 1994

- Award from Technical Deputy of Design and Expansion Department for starting Emergency Power Plants for TV sites, (1997)

- Award from IRIB head for starting power plant of Marshinal TV station (1998)

- Award as a successful director from IRIB (2001)

- Award from Deputy Minister of Energy for presenting the best paper in PSC 2002

- Award from Lorestan TV Station for starting the local TV station (2003)

- Award from Technical Deputy of Design and Expansion Department for opening NamakAbrood’s Site (2003)

- Award from IRIB head for self sufficiency efforts (2004)

- Award from IRIB head for starting Quran TV station (2005)

- Award from Khozestan TV station for starting central power plant and other installation in Khozestan TV station

- Award from West Azarbaijan Province TV station for electrical and mechanical installation for Azarbaijan TV station


- 1994-1996: Technical engineer in IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran

- 1996-2008: Director of Electricity generation and distribution of IRIB

- 2008- now: general director of Maintenance for Buildings and Electrical
Equipment in IRIB

Industrial Projects:

- “Designing and executing LV, MV switchgears and 3MW Generator equipments of Goldasteh Radio transmitter”, IRIB Project, 1995, (Project Manager)

- “Designing the transmission line for Jamaran TV station”, IRIB Project, 1993, (Project Manager)

- “Software Production for Event Recorder of Generators” , 1995

- “Building a power plant in new Jame-Jam TV station and installing 2*1200KW Diesel Generator for emergency cases”, IRIB Project, 2007, (Project Manager)

- “Building an Emergency Power system with three UPS each rated 300KVA”, IRIB Project, 2007, (Project Manager)

- “Constructing Power plant of Shohada Radio Station with capacity of 4.8MW”, IRIB Project, Under Construction, (Project Manager)

- “Design and Construction of a Power Plant in Fasandooze Radio transmitter with capacity of 1200KW and with an emergency system”, IRIB Project, 2007, (Project Manager)

- “Monitoring and controlling the MV substations in Jame-Jam TV station”, IRIB Project, Under Construction, (Project Manager)

- “Design and construction of MV Transmission Line for TV station of Kohmand (Bushehr)”, IRIB Projects, 2005, (Project Manager)

- “Design and construction of MV Transmission Line for TV station of Binak (Bushehr)”, IRIB Projects, 2006, (Project Manager)

B.Sc and M.Sc thesis as Supervisor or Co-Supervisor :

• "Determining the Size of Machines", Student: Shahram Nikmanesh, (B.Sc thesis in Communication Engineering), K.N.Toosi University, 1994

• "Studying the different applications of SMES (Superconductive Magnet Energy Storage), Student: Majid Barangi and Hadi Shabani Nahroodi, (B.Sc thesis in Power System), K.N.Toosi University, 1994

• “Linear DC Motors", Student: Zahra Karimi Mehrabadi (B.Sc thesis in Power System), Supervisors: Iraj Kheirizad and Zandi, K.N.Toosi University, 1995

• “Design and manufacturing the control boards of carpet maker robot", Student: Hamideh Ghadiri (B.Sc thesis in Power System), K.N.Toosi University, 1997

• "Controlling the axial power unbalances in a nuclear reactor using self tuned Fuzzy Controller", Student: Behrouz Rakrak (M.Sc. thesis in Nuclear Engineering), Sharif University of Technology, Co-advisor: Iraj Kheirizad, 2000


- Having the license for MCSD, MCP, MCSD.NET from Microsoft

- Languages: Assembly, Pascal, Fortran, Basic,VB, Access, C

- Operating Systems: DOS, WINDOWS, OS2, Windows NT, Windows XP


- Word Processors: MS-Word, MS-Office, TEX

- CAD packages: Electronic Workbench, P-spice, Orcad, Autocad, Origin, Sigma plot, Power World, Digsilent, Pscad, …

Conference Papers

1) A. Mohammadi, M. H. Varahram, I. Kheirizad

"Online solving of economic dispatch problem using neural network approach and comparing it with classical method"

2rd International Conference on “Emerging Technologies”, (ICET 2006)

Peshawar, Pakistan, 13-14 November 2006, Volume1, Issue 5, 2006, pp581 – 586,

IEEE Digital Object Identifier,10.1109/ICET.2006.335922

2) O. Kohansal, M.H. Varahram, S.-R. Yousefi, I. Kheirizad

"Measure Reduction of Short Circuit in High Power Networks by Employing SFCL, Without any Requirement for Replacing Circuit Breakers"

9th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2006)

Tokyo , Japan : 29.10.2006 – 31.10.2006, SAP-25

3) M.H. Varahram, M.R. Alighadr, R. Shafiei-Sabet, M.R. Jahed, I. Kheirizad

"Stability Enhancement of Synchronous Generator by SFCL and SMES"

9th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2006)

Tokyo , Japan : 29.10.2006 – 31.10.2006, SAP-41

4) S. Nahi, M.H. Varahram, and I. Kheirizad

"Load Forecasting in Special Days & Holidays in Power Distribution Substation with Using of Neural & Fuzzy Network".

International Conference on Computational Inteligence for Modelling, Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents Web Technologies and International Commerce (CIMCA'06) , p. 87


5) I. Kheirizad , M. H. Varahram, M. R. Jahed Motlag, A. Mohammadi, O. Kohansal

" Advantages of using SFCL in the rotor of a conventional induction motor "

The IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference ( IEMDC07 )

6) I. Kheirizad , M. H. Varahram, M. R. Jahed Motlag, O. Kohansal, A.Mohammadi, M.A. Sangari, S.B. Rafi

" Advantage of Using SFCL in the Rotor of a Conventional Induction Motor "

8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 07), Brussels, Belgium:16.09.2007– 20.09.2007, TU-P2-0712

7) I. Kheirizad , M. H. Varahram, A. Yazdanian, M. Mohammadian, S. Soltani, M.S. Sangari,S.B. Rafi

" Effect of SFCL on Limiting the Internal Fault of Synchronous Machine "

8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS 07), Brussels, Belgium:16.09.2007– 20.09.2007, TU-P2-0713

8) I. Kheirizad , M.H. Varahram, M.A. Khabouri, M.R. Jahed Motlag, Amir Mohammadi

"Renewable Energy Storage Technologies in Power Systems, an Overview"

7th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS07), November 27-30, 2007, Bangkok, Thailand

9) I. Kheirizad , M.H. Varahram , S. Soltani , M.R. Jahed Motlag , A.A.Tolarood

"Simulation and Modeling of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage for Power Engineering "

17th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS07), November 27-30, 2007, Bangkok, Thailand

10) Iraj Kheirizad , Mohammad Hadi Varahram, Mohammad Reza Khah, Amir Mohammadi, Omid Kohansal, Mahmoud Alizadeh Sangari ,

Enhancing the dynamic and transient behavior of Reluctance Synchronous Machines using Superconductive materials"

National Electrical Engineering Conference (NEEC2008),

Najafabad, Date: 5-6 March 2008 (In Persian)

11) Iraj Kheirizad , Mohammad Hadi Varahram, Mahmoud Alizadeh Sangari, Amir Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza alighadr, Omid Kohansal,

"Mechanism of Superconductive Fault Current Limiter",

National Electrical Engineering Conference (NEEC2008),

Najafabad, Date 5-6 March 2008 (In Persian)

12) Salman Amirkhan, Mstafa Mohammadian, Amir Mohammadi, Iraj Kheirizad,

Mohammad Hadi Varahram,

"Optimal design of Variable Speed Wind Turrbine Controller Using Genetic Algorithm",

National Electrical Engineering Conference (NEEC2008),

Najafabad, Date: 5-6 March 2008 (In Persian)

13) Mohammad Ali Khabouri, Mohammad Hadi Varahram, Iraj Kheirizad, Mohmoud Alizadeh Sangari, Amir Mohammadi,

"Islanding Detection in Power Systems"

National Electrical Engineering Conference (NEEC2008),

Najafabad, Date5-6 March 2008 (In Persian)

14) Mohammad Mehdi Mahmoudi, Mohammad Hadi Varahram, Iraj Kheirizad,

"Load Management and Strategies of Improving Consuming Pattern in Iran",

First Regional Conference in Electrical Engineering (RCEE2006),

Gonabad, Date: 15-16 August 2006 , pp.53-57 (In Persian)

15) Mohammad Hadi Varahram, Omid Kohansal, Gholam Reza Savar, Iraj Kheirizad,

"Supervisoring and controlling some part of South Iran Electrical network using SCADA"

First Regional Conference in Electrical Engineering (RCEE2006),

Gonabad, Date: 15-16 August 2006, pp. 113-118 (In Persian)

16) Hamide Ghanberi, Iraj Kheirizad,

"Studying the Voltage and Frequency Variation of Synchronous Generators in effect of Periodic load feedings"

13th International Power System Conference (PSC98), pp. 606-611, (In Persian)

17) Iraj Kheirizad , Mohammad Bagher gofrani

"The Amir-Abad Reasearch Reactor Simulation for Control and test",

17th International Power System Conference (PSC2002), 98-F-EPG-679 (In Persian)

18) M. Alizadeh Sangari, M. H. Varahrm, I. Kheirizad and M.A. Khabouri,

"Application Scheme of Resistive Type Superconducting Fault Current

Limiters to Protect 63/20 KV West Ardabil Distribution Post from

Symmetrical Short Circuits Faults",

Amir Kabir University , Date: 06.12.2008 – 08.12.2008 or

19) H.Varahram, I.Kheirizad, A.Mohammadi, M.A.Sangari,

“Expansion of E-Learning in Iran”

3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies
: From Theory to Application , ICCTA'08

Umayyad Palace, Damascus, Syria ,April 7 - 11, 2008 ,,

20) ISS2007 “Benefits Gained by Using SFCL in the rotor of and induction motor”;jsessionid=KENDGADLHJON

21) M.Alizadeh sangria, M.H.Varahram, I.Kheirizad, A.Mohammadi, "Stabilty Investigation of Transmission System Comprises Phase Shifting Transformer to Enhannce Transmitted Electrical power Under Stable States", ICEE2008, 25-28 March , University of Engineering and Technology Lahore 2008

22) M.Alizadeh sangria, M.H.Varahram, I.Kheirizad, A.Mohammadi,"Application of Resistive t Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiters in a typical 63/20 KV Distribution Post", ICEE2008, 25-28 March , University of Engineering and Technology Lahore 2008

Journal Papers

23) I. Kheirizad , M. H. Varahram, M. R. Jahed Motlag, M. Rahnema, A.Mohammadi

" Simulating the Effect of SFCL on Limiting the Internal Fault of Synchronous Machine "

IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 97 (2008), pp. 1-7

24) A. Mohammadi, M. H. Varahram, I. Kheirizad

"Online solving of economic dispatch problem using neural network approach and comparing it with classical method" Accepted to published in Journal of Applied Engineering and Sciences (JAES) 2008

25) M H Varahram, A. Ehsani, I. Kheirizad

"Technical Economical Studies of HTS Motors: Comparisons with Conventional

Word Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society

Transactions on systems Issue3, Vol.1, March 2006, pp 646-650 , or,

26) M. H Varahram, S. Shamohammadi, K. Payandehjoo , I. Kheirizad

"RSFQ Logic Circuits, "A Novel Technology in Integrated Circuits Based on Superconductivity"

Word Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society

Transactions on circuits and systems, Issue 2, Volume 5, February 2006, pp 274-278

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