1. Presenting a hybrid model in social networks recommendation system architecture development, AI and Society, 2019
2. Polynomial LPV Approach to Robust H∞ Control of Nonlinear Sampled-Data Systems K Hooshmandi, F Bayat, MR Jahed-Motlagh, AA Jalali International Journal of Control, 1-34 - 2018
3. Predictor Feedback Stabilization of Stochastic Linear Delayed Systems with Both Additive and Multiplicative Noises A Javadi, MR Jahed‐Motlagh, AA Jalali Asian Journal of Control - 2018
4. Constrained linear parameter‐varying control using approximate multiparametric programming MA Mohammadkhani, F Bayat, AA Jalali Optimal Control Applications and Methods 39 (5), 1670-1683 , 2018
5. Stability analysis and design of nonlinear sampled‐data systems under aperiodic samplings K Hooshmandi, F Bayat, MR Jahed‐Motlagh, AA Jalali International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 28 (7), 2679-2699 , 2018
6. BLDC Motor Speed Control Based on MPC Sliding Mode Multi-Loop Control Strategy–Implementation on Matlab and Arduino Software M Aghaee, AA Jalali Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Iranian Conference on, 795-800 , 2018
7. Robust H∞ control of stochastic linear systems with input delay by predictor feedback A Javadi, MR Jahed-Motlagh, AA Jalali Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 40 (7), 2396-2407 , 2018
8. Input delay compensation of nonlinear stochastic systems with both state and input delays by prediction approachA Javadi, MR Jahed-Motlagh, AA Jalali International Journal of Systems Science 48 (14), 3007-3017 , 2017
9. Adaptive fuzzy control of a class of nonaffine nonlinear system with input saturation based on passivity theorem A Molavi, A Jalali, MG Naraghi ISA transactions 69, 202-213 , 2017
10. New H 2 filtering for descriptor systems Singular and normal filters 2017 Robust H filtering for uncertain discrete-time descriptor systems 2017 Hinfinity filtering for descriptor systems with strict LMI conditions 2017-
11. "Comparison Of Multiple Criterion Decision Making Methods For Evaluation Parsian Banks E-Readiness For ECRM Implementation", Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(9): 251-263, 2012, ISSN 1991-8178.
12. Maryam Niknejad, Abolfazl Zare, Aliakbar Jalali, "Designing a Feasible Model for Social Commerce in Developing Countries", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Software Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 11, PP 434-440, November 2012
13. Aliakbar Jalali , Hassan Golmohammad, " An optimal multiple-model strategy to design a controller for nonlinear processes: A boiler-turbine unit ", Computer and Chemical Engineering Journal, June 2012
14. Aliakbar Jalali , Hassan Golmohammad, " Design and implementation of an optimal multiple-model adaptive controller for line-of-sight stabilization ", International Journal of Control , 2012
15. Iraj Kheirizad , Ali Akbar Jalali & Khosro Khandani , “Stabilization of fractional-order unstable delay systems by fractional-order controllers”, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering , Vol. 226, No. 9, 2012
16. Iraj Kheirizad , Ali Akbar Jalali, Khosro Khandani, M. Rahmani, " Robust Design Based on Complex-order integrator loop gain ", Int. Review of Autom.Control, Vol. 5, No. 2., March 2012
17. Iraj Kheirizad , Ali Akbar Jalali & Khosro Khandani , “ Stabilisation of unstable FOPDT processes with a single zero by fractional-order controllers ”, International Journal of Systems Science, Feb. 2012
18. Iraj Kheirizad, Ali Akbar Jalali & Khosro Khandani , “ Stabilization of all-pole unstable delay systems by fractional-order [PI] and [PD] controllers ”, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, March 2012
19. Farhad Bayat, Tor Arne Johansen, Ali Akbar Jalali, “Flexible Piecewise Function Evaluation Methods Based on Truncated Binary Search Trees and Lattice Representation in Explicit MPC”, IEEE Transactions On Control Systems Technology, May 2012
20. Mohammad Miranbeigi, Ali Akbar Jalali & Ali Miranbeigi, "Design of Distributed Optimal Adaptive Receding Horizon Control for Supply Chain of Realistic Size under Demand Disturbances", International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, Volume 22, Number 3, pp. 159-169, September 2011
21. Farhad Bayat, Tor Arne Johansen, Ali Akbar Jalali, “Using hash tables to manage time-storage complexity in point location problem: Application to Explicit MPC”, Automatica, Journal of IFAC, Vol. 47, No. 3, PP. 571-577, March 2011
22. Farhad Bayat, Tor Arne Johansen, Ali Akbar Jalali, “On Constant Reference Traching Problem For Fast Linear Constrained Systems”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2011
23. Ali Akbar Jalali, Shabnam Khosravi, “Tuning of FOPID Controller Using Taylor series expansion”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 2011
24. Mohammad Miranbagi, Aliakbar Jalali, “ Receding Horizon Control on Large Scale Supply Chain ”, “ International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research ”, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 2011
25. Mohammad Miranbagi, Aliakbar Jalali, “ Decreasing Inventory Levels Fluctuations by Moving Horizon Control Method and Move Suppression in the Demand Network ”, “ International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research ”, Vol. 2, No. 5, May 2011
26. Hamideh Hamidian, Aliakbar Jalali, “ Calculation for PID Controller Calculation of PID Controller Parameters for Unstable First Order Time Delay Systems ”, “ International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research ”, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2011
27. Ali Akbar Jalali, Mohammad Reza Okhovvat and Morteza Okhovva, ” A new applicable model of Iran rural e-commerce development”, Procedia Computer Science, Science Direct, Elsevier, Vol. 3, PP. 1157-1163, Feb. 2011
28. Mohammad Miranbagi, Aliakbar Jalali, “ Consecutive Robust Predictive Control on A Supply Chain Network with Kalman Filter State Estimator ”, “ International Journal of Innovation, management and Technology ”, Vol. 1, No. 1, PP. 66-74 April 2010
29. Mohammad Miranbagi, Aliakbar Jalali, “ Receding Horizon Control on Large Scale Production/Distribution/Inventory Network ”, “ International Journal of Innovation, management and Technology ”, Vol. 1, No. 1, PP. 87-93 April 2010
30. Farhad Bayat , Ehsan Adeli, Farshad Bayat, Ali Akbar Jalali, “ A Non-parametric Heuristic Algorithm for Convex and Non-Convex Data Clustering Based on Equipotential Surfaces ”, Journal of Expert Systems With Applications (Elsevier), Volume 37, Issue 4, pp 3318-3325, April 2010
31. Hamidreza Talebi, Ali A.Jalali, “Efficient tag clouds for use in E-learning 2.0” ,JCIT Journal, 2010
32. Ali A. Jalali , “A New Approach to Design Smith Predictor Based Fractional Order Controllers”, Vol 2. No. 4, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering”,( IJCEE ), August 2010
33. Aliakbar Jalali , Mehdi Safi, “Vision Based Range Estimation and Sliding Mode Control of Two Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in The Mission of Aerial Refueling”, Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2010
34. Khosro Khandani and Ali Akbar Jalali, A “New approach to design Smith predictor based fractional order controllers”, International journal of computer and electrical engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4. August, PP. 692-703, Aug. 2010
35. Ali A. Jalali , Mehdi Safi, Michael Herrnberger, “ Range Estimation algorithms and fuzzy sliding mode control of two UAVs in the vision based aerial refueling ”, International Joint Journal Conference in Computer, Electronics and Electrical , November Issue, CEE 2009
36. Farhad Bayat , Hossein Bolandi, Ali Akbar Jalali, “A Heuristic Design Method for Attitude Stabilization of Magnetic Actuated Satellites”, Journal of Acta Astronautica (Elsevier), Ltd, 65, pp 1813 –1825, 2009
37. F. Bayat, Ali. A. Jalali, M.R. Jahed-Motlagh ,"Utilizing multi-parametric programming for optimal control of linear constrained systems" Journal of Control (A Publication of Iranian Society of Instrument and Control Engineers), Volume 3, No. 1, pp 12-22, Spring 2009
38. I. Kheirizad, A. A. Jalali, S. M. Moghaddas Tafreshi, M. H. varahram and A. Mohammadi “Study of PSS Effect on Automatic Generation, Control System Using Hephron-Philips Model”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Engineering 1:2 pp 56-60, 2009
39. Iraj Kheirizad, Ali Akbar Jalali and Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei, “Stability Criteria for a class of Fractional order Systems”, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, Published Springer - Netherlands , online 23 December 2009
40. Ali A. Jalali , “Stability Criteria for a Class of Fractional Order Systems”, Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 2009
41. Ali A. Jalali , “Optimal Control L1 Low Order Design Via LMI”, Journal Jasuz, 2009
42. Ali A. Jalali , “Utilizing a Pattern Recognition Controller and Linear Discriminate Analysis for MFL Defect Detection”, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, an International Journal, 2009
43. Ali A. Jalali , “Robust Fractional Order Control of a DC Motor Based on Particle Swarm Optimization”, Journal, 2009
44. Saeedreza Ehteram, Alborz Rezazadeh, Ali Akbar Jalali “Utilizing a Pattern Recognition Controller and Linear Discriminate Analysis for MFL Defect Detection”, Journal of Convergence Information Technology , Volume 4, Number 1, PP 11-19, March 2009
45. G. Shafiee, M.M. Arefi, M.R . Jahed-Motlagh , A.A. Jalali, "Nonlinear predictive control of a polymerization reactor based on piecewise linear Wiener model", Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 143, Issues 1-3, pp 282-292, 15 September 2008
46. Nasrin Taj Neishabouri , Ali Akbar Jalali , “Providing Solution for the Neff and Chaum Protocols in E-Voting Machines Based on Security Analysis”, International Journal of Digital Content Technology an its Applications, 1388
47. Ali A. Jalali , “The 3D Virtual Intelligent Education for INTERPOL Police of new Millennium”, Ordered by Interpol police for Journal, 2008
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49. Ali A. Jalali , H. Kim, and C. Sims “New Edition for Prediction, Filtering, Smoothing and Deconvolution in a Discrete H-Infinity Setting: A game theory approach ”, International Journal of Engineering Science. Vol. 9, No. 4, 1998
50. Ali A. Jalali , “Virtual Age: The Fourth Wave of Change”, IEEE, Transactions on Education, 1998
51. H. Mojalali and Ali A. Jalali, “A comparison study between linear and bilinear subspace algorithms for winding process Identification”, Iranian Journal of Engineering, IUST, IEEP 2004
52. Ali A. Jalali “ Quantum electronics yields quantum brain : A quantum view on the ”, GESTS INT. TANS. ON COMP.AND ENG, 2007 OR 1385/11/28 ?
53. A. Khosravi, Ali A. Jalali, “New Solution of Induced L Infinite Optimal Contro”, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1386
54. Ali A. Jalali , “H_Infinity Deconvolution”, IEEE Transactions Journal On Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 1994
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