Personal Details NAME: Mohammad SURNAME: Shahmiri Year of Birth: 1952 ACCADEMIC STATUS: Assistant Professor in IUST Fields of Research Interests: Design and Selection of Engineering Materials, Phase Transformation, Materials Selection, Physical Metallurgy. | /shahmiri.jpg) | Contact Address School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2803 Fax: +9821-77240480 E-mail: Educational Records Degree | Major | Year of Graduation | University | Location | B.Sc. | Phy.Mat. | 1974 | Tehran | Iran | M.Sc. | Phy.Meth.Anal. | 1977 | Birmingham University | England | Ph.D | Metal.Material Eng. | 1983 | Birmingham University | England |
Teaching Experiences: Crystallography Phy.Met. I Phy.Met. II Phase transformations Dislocation theory Lattice Defects Advanced Mat. Principles of Metallography Advanced phase transformation | publication | Esmaiel Nouri, Mohammad Shahmiri, Hamid Reza Rezaie, Fatemeh Talayian, "Investigation of structural evolution and electrochemical behavior of zirconia thin films on the 316L stainless steel substrate formed via sol–gel process", Surface & Coatings Technology 205 (2011) 5109 – 5115. | Amir Bolouri, Mohammad Shahmiri, C.G. Kang, "Study on the effects of the compression ratio and mushy zone heating on the thixotropic microstructure of AA 7075 aluminum alloy via SIMA process, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011), 402-408 | H. Vaghari, Z. Sadeghian, M. Shahmiri, "Investigation on synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of TiO2–Al2O3 nanocomposite thin film coated on 316 L stainless steel", Surface & Coatings Technology 205 (2011) 5414 – 5421 | A. BOLOURI, M. SHAHMIRI, E. N. H. CHESHMEH, Microstructural evolution during semisolid state strain induced melt activation process of aluminum 7075 alloy, Transaction of Nonferrous metals Society of China 20 (2010) 1663-1671. | B. Tolaminejad, A. Karimi Taheri , H. Arabi, M. Shahmiri, "AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE EFFECT OF ECAE PROCESS ON MECHANICAL AND MICROSTRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF MIDDLE LAYER IN COPPER CLAD ALUMINUM COMPOSITE", Iranian J. of materials science and Engineering, vol. 6. Number 4, 2009. | M. Shahmiri-H. Arabi INFLUENCE OF THE PRIMARY SOLIDIFICATION ON THE SECONDARY SOLIDIFICATION DURING SEMISOLID ETAL (SSM) PROCESSING OF A356.0 ALUMINUM ALLOY BY MECHANICAL STIRRING Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering Vol. 6, Number 4,2009. | M.Ghlambaz, M. Shahmiri" Neural network modeling of the effect of cooling slope casting parameters on particle size of primary silicon crystals of semisolid cast ingots of Al-20%Si (Wt%)" Iranian J. of materials science and Engineering, vol. 5 .2008 | M. Shahmiri, J. H. K. Kharrazi , " The effect of gating systems on the soundness of lost foam casting (LFC) process of Al-Si alloy ", IJE Iransaction B: application , Vol. 2, 2007 | M. Shahmiri, N. Kanani, "Stir-modification of primary Si crystals in semisolid metal processed hypereutectic Al-Si alloy by fatigue-erosion mechanism", Metall, 2007 | M. Shahmiri, S. Hosseini, N. Kanani, "Stir-modification of the eutectic silicon crystals of A356.0 aluminium alloy by mechanical stirring", Metall, Vol. 59, 2005 |
| E. Nouri, M. Shahmiri, H. R. Rezaie, Talayian, "Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical testing of zirconia-10 mol% alumina nanocomposite thin films on the 316L stainless steel substrate via a sol-gel process", The 2 th International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Application (CCFA-2), 2010, Iran. | E. Nouri, M. Shahmiri,and H. R. Rezaie, "IMPROVEMENT THE ELECTROCHEMICAL BEHAVIOR OF 316 STAINLESS STEEL BYNANOSTRUCTURED ZIRCONIA COATINGS", International Congress on Nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2010, Iran. | H. Vaghari,M. Shahmiri, Z. Sadeghian, E. Nouri, "Influence of heat treatment on properties of AISI 316L SS coated with TiO2-Al2O3 nanocomposites thin films", International Conference on Material Heat Treatment. (ICMHT 2010), Islamic Azad University, Majlisei Branch, 2010. | Esmaiel Nouri, Mohammad Shahmiri, Z. Sadeghian, Hamid Reza Rezaie, Effect of thermal treatment on the, crystal structure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of Zirconia and Zirconia –Alumina nanocoatings, International Conference on Material Heat Treatment. (ICMHT 2010), Islamic Azad University, Majlisei Branch May 11-14, 2010. | B.Tolaminejad, A.Karimi taheri, H.Arabi, M.Shahmiri" An investigation into the effect of ECAE process on mechanical and microstructural properties of middle layer in copper clad alumunium composite", Iran int. Al conference, 2009 | Tolaminejad, A.Karimi Taheri, Arabi, M.Shahmiri " An investigation into the effect of ECAE process on mechanical and microstructural properties of middle layer in copper clad aluminum composite" Iran int. Al. conference.2009. | B. Tolaminejad, A. Karimi Taheri, H. Arabi, M. Shahmiri ,"DEVELOPMENT OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC TEXTURE AND GRAIN REFINEMENT IN THE ALUMINUM LAYER OF CU-AL-CU TRI-LAYER COMPOSITE DEFORMED BY EQUAL CHANNEL ANGULAR EXTRUSION", 2nd International Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials Center of Excellence For High Performance Materials School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering University College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran. 14-15 Nov. 2009. | |
Written Works Book's Name | Authors' Name | Date | Coarsening of Equiaxed Microstructure in the Semisolid State of Aluminum 7075 Alloy through SIMA Processing | A.Bolouri, M.Shahmiri, C.G. Kang | in publication | The Parthian Battery | Prof. N. Kanani ( Farsi: Shahmiri) | 2010 |