Personal Details
NAME: Jafar
SURNAME: Javadpour
Fields of Research Interests:
Ceramics, Microstructure Property Relationships in Ceramics
Contact Address
School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran
google scholar: Jafar Javadpour
Karimi, M. , Mirkazemi, S.M. , Vahidshad, Y. , Javadpour, J., " Eco Friendly Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Printing onto Electrically Conductive Substrate Using Electrostatic Spray Deposition", Journal of Nanostructuresthis link is disabled, 2022, 12(2), pp. 303–315 |
Zarei, S. , Hasheminiasari, M. , Masoudpanah, S.M. , Javadpour, J., " Photocatalytic properties of ZnO/SnO2 nanocomposite films: role of morphology", Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 17, pp. 2305–2312 |
Zakeri, N. , Rezaie, H.R. , Javadpour, J. , Kharaziha, M., "C isplatin loaded polycaprolactone – Zeolite nanocomposite scaffolds for bone cancer treatment", Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devicesthis link is disabled, 2022, 7(1), 100377 |
Dini, F. , Ghaffari, S.A. , Javadpour, J. , Rezaie, H.R., " Binder Jetting of Hydroxyapatite/Carboxymethyl Chitosan/Polyvinylpyrrolidone/Dextrin Composite: The Role of Polymeric Adhesive and Particle Size Distribution on Printability of Powders", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performancethis link is disabled, 2022 |
Zakeri, N. , Rezaie, H.R. , Javadpour, J. , Kharaziha, M., " Effect of pH on cisplatin encapsulated zeolite nanoparticles: Release mechanism and cytotoxicity", Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2021, 273, 124964 |
Karimi, M. , Mirkazemi, S.M. , Vahidshad, Y. , Javadpour, J., " Preparation and characterization of zinc sulfide thin film by electrostatic spray deposition of nano-colloid", Thin Solid Films, 2021, 737, 138929 |
Gogajeh, N.N. , Javadpour, J. , Yekta, B.E., " Low-temperature synthesis of bioactive glass-ceramic microspheres: Effect of processing parameters on the size and morphology", Ceramics International, 2021, 47(14), pp. 19895–19905 |
Esnaashary, M.H. , Karfarma, M. , Rezaie, H.R. , Khavandi, A. , Javadpour, J., " The Comparative Study of Gelatin/CNT-contained Mg-Ca-P Bone Cement with the Plain and CNT-reinforced Ones", Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2021, 18(3), pp. 623–636 |
S Nejatbakhsh, A Anagri, AV Omran, J Pulpytel, C Bazin, M Ullah, ..., "Improvement of the Bioactivity of UHMWPE by Two Different Atmospheric Plasma Treatments", Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 1-20, 2020 |
F Dini, SA Ghaffari, J Javadpour, HR Rezaie, "Preparation of 3D Printable HAp-based Composite Powder for Binder Jetting Process", 2020 |
SH Daryan, A Khavandi, J Javadpour, "Surface engineered hollow hydroxyapatite microspheres: Hydrothermal synthesis and growth mechanisms", Solid State Sciences, 106301, 2020 |
K Nabii, A Sedaghat Ahangari Hossein Zadeh, J Javadpour, A Mirhabibi, "Modification of aqueous graphite suspensions for use in gelcasting", Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 1-11, 2020 |
M Karfarma, MH Esnaashary, HR Rezaie, J Javadpour, MR Naimi-Jamal, "Enhancing degradability, bioactivity, and osteocompatibility of poly (propylene fumarate) bone filler by incorporation of Mg-Ca-P nanoparticles", Materials Science and Engineering: C, 111038, 2020 |
Z Pasandideh, M Tajabadi, J Javadpour, SM Mirkazemi, "The effects of Fe3+ and Co2+ substitution in Ca10-x-yFexCoy (PO4) 6 (OH) 2 hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: Magnetic, antibacterial, and improved drug release behavior", Ceramics International, 2020 |
P Zeaiean Firouzabadi, H Ghanbari, N Mahmoudi, SMA Haramshahi, ..., "Synthesis of Nanobentonite–Poly (vinyl alcohol)–Bacterial Cellulose Nanocomposite by Electrospinning for Wound Healing Applications", physica status solidi (a) 217 (6), 1900536, 2020 |
MH Esnaashary, A Khavandi, HR Rezaie, J Javadpour, "Mg-P/c-SWCNT Bone Cement: The Effect of Filler on Setting Behavior, Compressive Strength and Biocompatibility", Journal of Bionic Engineering 17 (1), 100-112, 2020 |
Isfahani, T., Javadpour, J., Khavandi, A., "Formation mechanism and phase transformations in mechanochemically prepared Al2 O3 -40wt% ZrO2 nanocomposite powder", Composite Interfaces, 2019 |
Karfarma, M., Esnaashary, M.H., Rezaie, H.R., Javadpour, J., Naimi-Jamal, M.R., "Poly(propylene fumarate)/magnesium calcium phosphate injectable bone composite: Effect of filler size and its weight fraction on mechanical properties", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine,233(11), pp. 1165-1174, 2019 |
Yazdani, N., Javadpour, J., Eftekhari Yekta, В., Hamrang, M., "Hydrothermal synthesis of cobalt- doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: Structure, magnetic behaviour, bioactivity and antibacterial activity", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering,16(1), pp. 39-48, 2019 |
Daryan, S.H., Javadpour, J., Khavandi, A., Erfan, M., "Morphological evolution on the surface of hydrothermally synthesized hydroxyapatite microspheres in the presence of EDTMP", Ceramics International, 44(16), pp. 19743-19750, 2018 |
Esnaashary, M.H., Rezaie, H.R., Khavandi, A., Javadpour, J., "Evaluation of setting time and compressive strength of a new bone cement precursor powder containing Mg–Na–Ca", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine232(10), pp. 1017-1024, 2018 |
Tavassoli, H., Javadpour, J., Taheri, M., (...), Ebrahimi Warkiani, M., Bonakdar, S., "Incorporation of Nanoalumina Improves Mechanical Properties and Osteogenesis of Hydroxyapatite Bioceramics", ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 4(4), pp. 1324-1336, 2018 |
Esnaashary, M.H., Rezaie, H.R., Khavandi, A., Javadpour, J., "Solubility controlling of the precursor powders of magnesium phosphate cement by changing the powder composition", Advances in Applied Ceramics, Volume 116, Issue 5, 4 July 2017, Pages 286-292 |
Moghimian, P., Khosravi, M.H., Najafi, A., Afshar, S., Javadpour, J., Samadani, M., "Erratum to “Effect of low temperature on formation mechanism of calcium phosphate nano powder via precipitation method”, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 28, Issue 2, 1 February 2017, Page 686 |
Abbasi Aval, N., Pirayesh Islamian, Hatamian, M. ,Arabfirouzjaei, M., Javadpour, J., Rashidi, M.-R., "Doxorubicin loaded large-pore mesoporous hydroxyapatite coated superparamagnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles for cancer treatment", International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 509, Issue 1-2, 25 July 2016, Pages 159-167 |
Bakhtiari, L., Javadpour, J., Rezaie, H.R., Erfan, M., Mazinani, B., Aminian, A., "Pore size control in the synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: The effect of pore expander content and the synthesis temperature",Ceramics InternationalVolume 42, Issue 9, 1 July 2016, Pages 11259-11264 |
Zahedi, A.M., Javadpour, J., Rezaie, H.R., Mazaheri, M., "Analytical study on the incorporation of zirconia-based ceramics with carbon nanotubes: Dispersion methods and mechanical properties", Ceramics International, Volume 42, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 1653-1659 |
Zahedi, A.M.,Rezaie, H.R. , Javadpour, J., "The effect of carbon nanotubes on the sintering behavior of zirconia based materials", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 12, Issue 4, December 2015, Pages 1-8 |
Bakhtiari, L., Rezaie, H.R. , Javadpour, J., Erfan, M., Shokrgozar, M.A., "The effect of synthesis parameters on the geometry and dimensions of mesoporous hydroxyapatite nanoparticles in the presence of 1-dodecanethiol as a pore expander", Materials Science and Engineering C, Volume 53, 1 August 2015, Pages 1-6 |
Maleki, M., Beitollahi, A., Javadpour, J., Yahya, N., "Dual template route for the synthesis of hierarchical porous boron nitride", Ceramics International, Volume 41, Issue 3, 1 April 2015, Pages 3806-3813 |
Aval, N.A., Javadpour, J., Badiei, A., "Application of sucrose as a cosurfactant in controlling the pore diameter in the synthesis of mesoporous hydroxyapatite nanoparticles",Ceramics - Silikaty, Volume 50, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 311-317 |
Bakhtiari, L., Rezaie, H.R., Javadpour, J., Erfan, M., Shokrgozar, M.A., "The effect of micellization pH on properties of sphere-like mesoporous hydroxyappatite", International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics, Volume 28, Issue 7, 1 July 2015, Pages 1088-1095 |
Bakhtiari, L., Javadpour, J., Rezaie, H.R., Erfan, M., Shokrgozar, M.A., "The effect of swelling agent on the pore characteristics of mesoporous hydroxyapatite nanoparticles", Progress in Natural Science: Materials International,Volume 25, Issue 3, 1 June 2015, Pages 185-190 |
Zahedi, A.M., Gonzalez-Julian, J., Mazaheri, M., Javadpour, J., Rezaie, H.R., Guillon, O., "Field-assisted/spark plasma sintering behavior of CNT-reinforced zirconia composites: A comparative study between model and experiments", Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 35, Issue 15, 1 December 2015, Pages 4241-4249 |
Mehrjoo, M., Javadpour, J., Ali Shokrgozar, M., Farokhi, M., Javadian, S., Bonakdar, S., "Effect of magnesium substitution on structural and biological properties of synthetic hydroxyapatite powder", Materials Express, Volume 5, Issue 1, 1 January 2015, Pages 41-48 |
Maleki, M., Beitollahi, A., Lee, J., Shokouhimehr, M., Javadpour, J., Park, E.J., Chun, J., Hwang, J., "One pot synthesis of mesoporous boron nitride using polystyrene-b-poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymer",RSC Advances, Volume 5, Issue 9, 2015, Pages 6528-6535 |
Mollazadeh, S., Ajalli, S., Kashi, T.S.J., Yekta, B.E., Javadpour, J., Jafari, S., Youssefi, A.,Fazel, A, "The effect of aqueous media on the mechanical properties of fluorapatite-mullite glass-ceramics", Dental Materials, Volume 31, Issue 11, November 2015, Pages 1370-1376 |
Moatti, A., Javadpour, J., Anbia, M., Badiei, A., "The correlation between aging time and pore characteristics in the synthesis of mesoporous Al2O3", Ceramics International, Volume 40, Issue 7 PART B, 2014, Pages 10231-10236 |
Dallali Isfahani, T., Javadpour, J., Khavandi, A., Goodarzi, M., Rezaie, H.R., "Nanocrystalline growth activation energy of zirconia polymorphs synthesized by mechanochemical technique", Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Volume 30, Issue 4, April 2014, Pages 387-393 |
Mollazadeh, S., Youssefi, A., Eftekhari Yekta, B., Javadpour, J., Jafarzadeh, T.S., Mehrju, M., Shokrgozar, M.A., "Comparative evaluation of crystallization behavior, micro structure properties and biocompatibility of fluorapatite-mullite glass-ceramics", Ceramic Transactions, Volume 247, 2014, Pages 113-123 |
Isfahani, T.D., Javadpour, J., Khavandi, A., Rezaie, H.R., Goodarzi, M., "Nanocrystalline growth activation energy of alumina polymorphs synthesised by mechanochemical technique", Advances in Applied Ceramics, Volume 112, Issue 6, August 2013, Pages 316-321 |
Mollazadeh, S., Youssefi, A., Eftekhari Yekta, B., Javadpour, J., Jafarzadeh, T.S., Mehrju, M., Shokrgozar, M.A., "Comparative evaluation of crystallization behavior, micro structure properties and biocompatibility of fluorapatite-mullite glass-ceramics", Ceramic Transactions, Volume 247, 2014, Pages 113-123 |
L. Montazeri, J. Javadpour, M.A. Shokrgozar, S. Bonakdar, M. Khayyat Moghaddam, V. Asgary, "The interaction of plasma proteins with nano-size fluoride-substituted apatite powders", Ceramics International. 08/2013; 39(6):6145–6152 |
S. Mollazadeh, B. Eftekhari Yekta, J. Javadpour, A. Yusefi, T.S. Jafarzadeh, " The role of TiO2, ZrO2, BaO and SiO2 on the mechanical properties and crystallization behavior of fluorapatite–mullite glass–ceramics ", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 02/2013; 361:70–77. · 1.60 Impact Factor |
T.D. Isfahani, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, R. Dinnehier, M. Goodarzi, and H.R. Rezaie,”Mechanochemical synthesis of Alumina nanoparticles: Formation mechanism and phase transformations”, Powder Technology, vol. 229, 2012.
T.D. Isfahani, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, R. Dinnehier, H.R. Rezaie, and M. Goodarzi,”Mechanochemical synthesis of Zirconia nanoparticles: Formation mechanism and phase transformations”, International J. of Refractory Metals and Hard materials, vol. 31, 2012.
V. Shoaei-Rad, M. Bayati, H.R. Zargar, J. Javadpour, and F. Golestani-Fard,”In situ growth of ZrO2-Al2O3 nano-crystalline ceramic coating via micro arc oxidation of Aluminum substrates”, Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 47, issue 6, 2012.
A. Zahedi, J. Javadpour, H.A. Rezaie, and M. Mazaheri,” The effect of of processing conditions on the microstructure and impact behavior of melt infiltrated Al/SiC composites”, Ceramics International, vol. 38, no. 8, 2011.
A. Montazeri, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, and A. Tcharkhtchi,”Viscoelastic properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube composites with different nanotube content”, J. of Nano Research, vol. 13, 2011.
F. Foroutan, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, M. Atai, H. R. Rezaie, "Mechanical properties of dental composite materials reinforced with micro and nano-size Al2O3 filler particles", Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2011. |
V. Shoaei-Rad, M. R. Bayati, F. Golestani Fard, H. R. Rezaie, J. Javadpour, "Fabrication of ZrO2-Al2O3 hybrid nano-porous layers through micro arc oxidation process", Materials letters, no. 65, pp. 1835-1838, 2011. |
A. Montazeri, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, A. Tcharkhtchi, and Mohajeri,”Mechanical Properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube/epoxy composites”, J. of Materials and Design, vol.31, 2010.
A. Montazeri, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, and A. Tcharkhtchi,”The effect of curing cycle on the mechanical properties of mwnt/epoxy nanocomposites”, Int. J. of Polymer Anal. Charac., vol. 15, 2010.
N. Abudzadeh, M. Imani, M Shokrgozar, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour,”Fabrication and characterization of poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)/hydroxyapatite nanocomposite scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration”, J. of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, vol. 94A, issue 1, 2010.
L. Montazeri, J. Javadpour, M.A. Shokrgozar, S. Bonakdar, and S Javadian,”Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite and fluohydroxyapatite nano-size powder”, Biomedical Materials, vol. 5, no. 4, 2010.
A. Montazeri, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, and A. Tcharkhtchi,”Viscoelastic properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube composites using two different curing cycles”, Materials and Design, vol. 31, 2010.
M. Ebrahimi-Basabi, J. Javadpour, H. Rezaie, and M. Goodarzi, ”Mechanochemical Synthesis of Alumina Nanoparticles”, Iranian J. of Materials Science & Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2009
L. Nikzad, A. Mirhabibi, M. Vaezi, and J. Javadpour, ”Tape Casting of Graphite in non-aqueous media”, Materials & Design, Vol. 30, 2009
Z. Salehpour, A.R. Mirhabib, J. Javadpoor, R. Aghababazadeh", A study on the effect of three types of deflocculants and the increase in the pH on the rheological behaviour of nano carbon suspensions", J. of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 8, 1-7, 2008 |
M. Ebrahimi, J. Javadpoor, H. Razaie, M. Goodarzi, "Mechanochemical synthesis of alumina-zirconia nanocomposite powder", J. of Advances in Applied Ceramics, Vol. 107, No. 6, 2008 |
A.M. Zahedi, H.R. Rezaie, J. Javadpoor, M. Mazaheri, M.G. Haghighi, "Processing and impact behaviour of Al/SiCp composites fabricated by the pressureless melt infiltration method", Ceramics international, 2008 |
S. Mobini, J. Javadpour, M. Hosseinalipour, A. Khavandi, H.R. Rezaie, M. Ghazi-Khansari, "Synthesis and characterization of gelatin-nano hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering", J. of Advandes in applied ceramics, Vol. 107, No. 1, 2008 |
S.Mollazadeh, J. Javadpour, A.R. Khavandi, "Biomimetic synthesis and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite/poly (Vinil Alcohol) nanocomposites ", J. of Advances in applied ceramics, Vol. 106, No. 4, 2007
S.Mollazadeh, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, “In situ synthesis and characterization of nano-size hydroxypatite in poly(Vinyl Alcohol) matrix ", J. of Ceramics international , Vol. 33, Issue 8, 2007
S.Sh. Hosmaigohar, M.A. Shokrgozar, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, A. Yari Sadi, "Effect of reinforcement particle size on invitro behaviour of b -tricalcium phosphate-reinforced high-density polyethylene: A nord orthopedic composite ", J. of biomedicals materials res., 2006
A. Yari Sadi, M.A. Shokrgozar, S.Sh. Homaiegohar, M. Hosseinalipour, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, "The effect of partially stabilized Zirconia on the biological properties of HA/HDPE composites in vitra", J. of materials Sci., 2006
M.N. Khezrabadi, J. Javadpour, H.R. Rezaei, R. Naghizadeh, “The effect of additives on the properties and microstructures of Al2O3-C refractories ", J. of materials science, 2006 |
S.Sh. Homaiegohar, A. Yari Sadi, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, "The effect of reinforcement volume fraction and particle size on the mechanical properties of b -tricalcium phosphate-high density polyethylene composites ", J. of the Eur. Cer. Soc., No.26, 2006, pp. 273-278
R.Shahbazi, J. Javadpour, A.R. Khavandi, “Effect of nano-sized reinforcement particles on mechanical properties of high density polyethylene-hydroxy apitite composites ", Advances in applied ceramics, No.5, 2006
H.Baradari, H. Amani, S. Karimi, H. R. Rezaie, J. Javadpour, H. Sarpoolaky, "The effect of raw materials concentration on hydroxyapatite powder characteristics and sintering behaviour ", Iranian J. of mat. Sci. and eng., No.1, 2006
S.Sh. Homaiegohar, M. A. Shokrgozar, A. Yari Sadi, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, M. Hosseinalipour, " In vitro evaluation of biocompatibility of beta-tricalcium phosphate-reinforced high-density polyethylene on orthopedic composite ", J. of biomedical materials res. Part : A, No.75A, 2005, pp. 14-22 |
J. Javadpour, K. Sakhai, A.A. Masihianpour, “Tape casting of Non-Aqueous Hydroxyapatite slips ", IJMSE, No.4, 2004
J. Javadpour, A. Yusefi, “Effect of sintering conditions on microstructure and the superconducting properties of Yba2Cu3O7-X ", IJE Transactions, 2003 |
A. Montazeri, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, and A. Tcharkhtchi,”A comparative study on the thermo mechanical properties of various multi-walled carbon nanotube/epoxy composites”, DSL conference, Algarve, Portugal, 2011 (accepted for oral presentation).
B. Garakani, J. Javadpour, H. R. Samim Banihashemi, H. Naser-Zoshki, "Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite/alumina composite nanopowders with various alumina content", 3rd International Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanofructred Materials, Iran, 2011 |
H. Naser-Zoshky, J. Javadpour, H. R. Rezaie, B. Garakani, "Synthesis and characterization of Silver substitued hydroxyapatite nanopowders", 3rd International Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanofructred Materials, Iran, 2011 |
A. Montazeri, A. Khavandi, J. javadpour, and A. Tcharkhtchi,”Viscoelastic properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube/epoxy composites with different nanotube content”, Proceeding of the DSL conference, Paris, France, 2010.
A. Montazeri, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, and A. Tcharkhtchi,”Determination of William-Landel-Ferry (WLF) in multi-walled carbon nanotube/epoxy composites”, Proceeding of AMPT conference, Paris, France, 2010.
F. Foroutan, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, M. Atai, and H.R. Rezaie,”Mechanical properties of dental composite materials reinforced with nano-size Al2O3 particles”, Proceeding of the International conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, Ottawa, Canada, 2010
A. Montazeri, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, and A. Tcharkhtchi,”Determination of William-Landel-Ferry (WLF) in multi-walled carbon nanotube/epoxy composites”, Proceeding of AMPT conference, Paris, France, 2010.
Z. Salehpour, A.R. Mirhabibi, J. Javadpour, and R. Babazadeh, ”The effect of three different dispersants on the viscosity and stability of nanosize black carbon suspensions”, Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Ceramics, Shiraz-Iran, 2009 |
H. Bandeghani, K. Masami, H.R. Rezaii, and J. javadpour, ”An investigation on the effect of starch size and pressing condition on the pore network in the apatitic scaffold”, Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Ceramics, Shiraz-Iran, 2009 |
A. Montazeri, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, and A. Tcharkhchi, ”An investigation on the effect of sonication time and dispersing medium on the mechanical properties of MWNTS in MWNT/LY 560 nanocomposites” Proceeding of the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2009 |
L. Montazeri, J. Javadpour and M.A. Shokrgozar, ”Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite, fluorhydroxyapatite and fluorapatite powders,” Proceeding of the International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2009 |
L. Montazeri, J. Javadpour and M.A. Shokrgozar, and S. Bankdar” The effect of fluoride content on the in vitro behavior of hydrothermally synthesized nano size fluorhydroxyapatite powders,” Proceeding of the 16th Iranian conference on Biomedical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2009 |
A. Masihianpour, A. Nematti, J. Javadpour, and K. Arzani,”The effect of processing parameters on the physical properties of the nanosize hydroxyapatite powders synthesized by hydrothermal method”, Proceeding of the 16th Iranian conference on Biomedical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2009
A. Masihianpour, A. Nematti, J. Javadpour, and K. Arzani, ”The effect of aging parameters on the properties of the nanosize hydroxyapatite powder synthesized by hydrothermal method”, Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Ceramics, Shiraz-Iran, 2009 |
L. Montazeri, J. Javadpour, and M.A. Shokrgozar, “The effect of fluride concentaration on the physical properties of the nanosize fluroapatite powder synthesized by hydrothermal method”, Proceedings of the 7th National Conference on Ceramics, Shiraz-Iran, 2009
Z. Salehpour, A.R. Mirhabibi, J. Javadpour, R. Aghababazadeh", A study on the effect of three types of deflocculants and the increase in the pH on the rheological behaviour of carbon black suspensions", 2nd International meeting on developments in materials, processes and applications of nanotechnology, 2008 |
S. Mollazadeh, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, R. Rezaii, "Characterization of the In Situ synthesized hydroxyapatite powders in the presence of polymer", presented at the 13th national conference on biomedical engineering, Tehran-Iran, 2007 |
S. Mollazadeh, J. Javadpour, A.R. Khavandi, "Mechanical Properties of the In Situ Processed HAp/PVA Nanocomposites", Presented at the First International Congress on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Tehran-Iran, 2007 |
M. PourAli, A. Mirhabibi, J. Javadpour, "A new procedure for the synthesis of alpha Aluminium", Presented at the 6th National Conference on Ceramics, Karaj-Iran, 2007 |
S.M. Mahmoodisepehr, V. Margusian, J. Javadpour, H. Kazemian, M.R. Khani, "preparation of a new glass ceramic composition in the SiO2-PbO-B2O3-K2O-CaO-ZrO2-TiO2 system and investigating it,s crystallization and microstructure", Presented at the 6th National Conference on Ceramics, Karaj-Iran, 2007 |
Z. Salehpour, A. Mirhabibi, J. Javadpour, "Rheological behaviour of nanosize carbon supensions ", Presented at the 6th National Conference on Ceramics, Karaj-Iran, 2007 |
S. M. Mahmoudysepehr, V. Margussian, J. Javadpour, "Development of a new Zirconoloite-based glass ceramic for immobilization of radioactive wastes", Proceedings of Materials Science & Technology Conference, Detroite, Michigan, 2007 |
M. Ebrahimi, J. Javadpour, H.R. Rezaie, "Mechanochemical synthesis of Alumina-Zirconia Nanocomposites", Presented at the 6th National Conference on Ceramics, Karaj-Iran, 2007 |
N. Aboudzadeh, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, M. Shokrgozar, M. Imani, "The effect of solvent type on the properties of poly (Lactide-co-Glycolide)/nanohydroxyapatite composite scaffolds", Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of Metallurgical Society, Isfahan-Iran, 2007 |
Z. Salehpour, A.R. Mirhabibi, J. Javadpour-R. Aghababazadeh, “Study of the effects of pH and increasing solid concentration on the rheological behaviour of carbon black/SiC suspensions ", Nanotech in sight, 2007
Z. Salehpour, A.R. Mirhabibi, J. Javadpour, R. Aghababazadeh, " The effect of pH and solid concentration on the rheological behaviour of carbon black suspensions ", Proceedings of Carbon 2007 Conference,Seattle, Washington, 2007
M. Esfidari, A. Mirhabibi, S. Rasouli, J. Javadpour, “Synthesis of gold pearlescent pigment based on mica-Tin dioxide ", 1st int. and 2nd national conf. on color sci. and tech., 2006 |