Personal Details
NAME: Massoud
SURNAME: Goodarzi
ACCADEMIC STATUS: Assistant Professor in IUST
Fields of Research Interests:
Extractive Metallurgy, Plasma Processing of Materials, Mathematical and Physical Modeling of Metallurgical Processes, Welding.
Contact Address
School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Tel: (9821)73228857
Fax: +9821-77240480
E-mail: mgoodarzi
Publications |
Alimadadi, M., Mahmoudiniya, M., Goodarzi, M., Boutorabi, S.M.A., "Effect of tool transverse speed and pin offset on the properties of friction stir welding Al6061-St52 dissimilar joint", Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, 2022, 5, 100116 |
Hosseinzadeh, S. , Goodarzi, M., " Influence of Shielding Gas Composition and Pulsed Current Frequency on the Microstructure of Austenitic Stainless Steel Welded by Pulsed Current GTAW", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2022 |
Khalili, A. , Mojtahedi, M. , Qaderi, A. , Goodarzi, M. , Torkamany, M.J., " Effect of pulse laser parameters on the microstructure of the in-situ Fe-TiC hard layer: Simulation and experiment", Optics and Laser Technology, 2021, 135, 106693 |
Mahmoudiniya, M. , Kokabi, A.H. , Goodarzi, M. , Kestens, L.A.I., " The Effect of Improved Cooling on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir-Welded Advanced High-Strength Dual-Phase Steel", Steel Research International, 2021, 92(2), 2000253 |
Mosavi, A. , Sajedi Hosseini, F. , Choubin, B. , ... Dineva, A.A. , Rafiei Sardooi, E., " Ensemble Boosting and Bagging Based Machine Learning Models for Groundwater Potential Prediction", Water Resources Management, 2021, 35(1), pp. 23–37 |
Nabavi, B. , Goodarzi, M. , Khan, A.K., " Investigation of secondary phases and tensile strength of nitrogen-containing Alloy 718 weldment", International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2020, 27(9), pp. 1259–1268 |
Mosavi, A. , Hosseini, F.S. , Choubin, B. , Goodarzi, M. , Dineva, A.A., " Groundwater Salinity Susceptibility Mapping Using Classifier Ensemble and Bayesian Machine Learning Models", IEEE Access, 2020, 8, pp. 145564–145576, 9162111 |
Mahmoudiniya, M., Kokabi, A.H., Goodarzi, M., Kestens, L.A.I., "Friction stir welding of advanced high strength dual phase steel: Microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture behavior", Materials Science and Engineering A,769,138490, 2020 |
Choubin, B. , Khalighi-Sigaroodi, S. , Mishra, A. , ... Ghaljaee, E. , Zhang, F., " A novel bias correction framework of TMPA 3B42 daily precipitation data using similarity matrix/homogeneous conditions", Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 694, 133680 |
Nabavi, B., Goodarzi, M., Khan, A.K., "Metallurgical effects of nitrogen on the microstructure and hot corrosion behavior of Alloy 718 weldment", Materials Characterization, 157,109916, 2019 |
Shoushtari, M.T., Goodarzi, M., Sabet, H., "Investigation of microstructure and dry sliding wear of hardfaced layers produced by FCAW using cored wire Fe-B-C-Ti alloy", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering 15(4), pp. 19-3, 2018 |
Faraji, A.H., Moradi, M., Goodarzi, M., Colucci, P., Maletta, C., "An investigation on capability of hybrid Nd:YAG laser-TIG welding technology for AA2198 Al-Li alloy", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2017 |
Khalili, A., Goodarzi, M., Mojtahedi, M., Torkamany, M.J., "Solidification microstructure of in-situ laser-synthesized Fe-TiC hard coating", Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 307, 15 December 2016, Pages 747-752 |
Koushki, A.R., Goodarzi, M., Paidar, M., "Influence of shielding gas on the mechanical and metallurgical properties of DP-GMA-welded 5083-H321 aluminum alloy", International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Volume 23, Issue 12, 1 December 2016, Pages 1416-1426 |
Faraji, A.H., Goodarzi, M., Seyedein, S.H., Maletta, C., "Effects of welding parameters on weld pool characteristics and shape in hybrid laser-TIG welding of AA6082 aluminum alloy: numerical and experimental studies", Welding in the World, Volume 60, Issue 1, 1 January 2016, Pages 137-151 |
Mojtahedi, M., Goodarzi, M., Aboutalebi, M.R., Soleimanian, V., "An investigation on the microstructure and defects in the mechanically milled Cu and Fe powders", Powder Diffraction, Volume 30, Issue 1, 21 October 2015, Pages 14-24 |
Dehkordi, E.N., Samim Banihashemi, H.R. , Naghizadeh, R., Rezaie, H.R., Goodarzi, M., "Synthesis of aluminum nitride in a coke–calcium reduction bed using nitrogen in air", International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Volume 22, Issue 9, 14 September 2015, Pages 972-976 |
Faraji, A.H., Goodarzi, M., Seyedein, S.H., Barbieri, G, Maletta, C., "Numerical modeling of heat transfer and fluid flow in hybrid laser–TIG welding of aluminum alloy AA6082", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 77, Issue 9-12, 1 April 2015, Pages 2067-2082 |
Nabavi, B., Goodarzi, M., Amani, V., "Nitrogen effect on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nickel alloys", Welding Journal, Volume 94, Issue 2, 1 February 2015, Pages 53s-60s |
Homam Naffakh Moosavy, Mohammad-Reza Aboutalebi, Seyed Hossein Seyedein, Massoud Goodarzi, Meisam Khodabakhshi, Carlo Mapelli, Silvia Barella, " Modern fiber laser beam welding of the newly-designed precipitation-strengthened nickel-base superalloys ", Optics & Laser Technology 01/2014; 57:12–20. · 1.37 Impact Factor |
Milad Mojtahedi, M. Goodarzi, M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Ghaffari, V. Soleimanian, " Investigation on the formation of Cu–Fe nano crystalline super-saturated solid solution developed by mechanical alloying ", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 02/2013; 550:380. · 2.39 Impact Factor |
Taghi Dallali Isfahani, Jafar Javadpour, Alireza Khavandi, Massoud Goodarzi, Hamid Reza Rezaie, " Nanocrystalline Growth Activation Energy of Zirconia Polymorphs Synthesized by Mechanochemical Technique ", Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 01/2013; |
M. Mojtahedi, M. Goodarzi, B. Sharifi, Jalil Vahdati Khaki, " Effect of electrolysis condition of zinc powder production on zinc–silver oxide battery operation ", Energy Conversion and Management 01/2011; 52(4):1876-1880. · 2.78 Impact Factor |
H. Sabet, Sh. Khierandish, Sh. Mirdamadi, M. Goodarzi, " The Microstructure and Abrasive Wear Resistance of Fe–Cr–C Hardfacing Alloys with the Composition of Hypoeutectic, Eutectic, and Hypereutectic at ",Tribology Letters 01/2011; · 1.74 Impact Factor |
M. Pouranvari, S. M. Mousavizadeh, S. P. H. Marashi, M. Goodarzi, M. Ghorbani, " Influence of fusion zone size and failure mode on mechanical performance of dissimilar resistance spot welds of AISI 1008 low carbon steel and DP600 advanced high strength steel ", Materials & Design - MATER DESIGN. 01/2011; 32(3):1390-1398. |
F. Nikoosohbat, S. Kheirandish, M. Goodarzi, M. Pouranvari, S. P. H. Marashi, " Microstructure and failure behaviour of resistance spot welded DP980 dual phase steel ", Materials Science and Technology 05/2010; 26(6):738-744. · 0.75 Impact Factor |
M. A. Safarkhanian, M. Goodarzi, S. M. A. Boutorabi “Effect of Rotational Speed ( w ) on the Particles Breakup and Hardness Values in 2024-T851 Friction Stir Welds” Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2009, pp. 7-14
M. Goodarzi, S.P.H. Marashi, M. Pouranvari, “Dependence of Overload Performance on Weld Attributes for Resistance Spot Welded Galvanized Low Carbon Steel” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209 (2009), pp. 4379-4384
F. Nikoosohbat, S. Kheirandish , M. Goodarzi, M. Pouranvari, S.P.H. Marashi, “Microstructure and Failure Behaviour of Resistance Spot Welded DP980 Dual Phase Steel” Materials Science and Technology, 26 (2010) 738-744.
M. Ebrahimnia, M. Goodarzi, Meisam Nouri, Mohsen Sheikhi, “Study of the Effect of Shielding Gas Composition on the Mechanical Weld Properties of Steel ST 37-2 in Gas Metal Arc welding” Materials and Design, 30 (2009), pp. 3891-3895
B. Sharifi, M. Mojtahedi, M. Goodarzi, J. Vahdati Khaki, “Effect of Alkaline Electrolysis Conditions on Current Efficiency and Morphology of Zinc Powder” Hydrometallurgy, 99 (2009), pp. 72-76
M. A. Safarkhanian, M. Goodarzi, S. M. A. Boutorabi “Effect of Abnormal Grain Growth on Tensile Strength of Al-Cu-Mg Alloy Friction Stir Welded Joints” Journal of Material Science, Vol. 44, 2009, pp. 5452-5458
M. Ebrahimi-Basabi, J. Javadpour, H. Rezaie, M. Goodarzi, “ Mechanochemical Synthesis of Alumina Nanoparticles” Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2009, pp. 26-30
M. Ebrahimi, J. Javadpoor, H. Razaie, M. Goodarzi, " Mechanochemical synthesis of alumina-zirconia nanocomposite powder", Advances in Applied Ceramics, Vol. 107, No. 6, 2008, pp. 318-321 |
P. Marashi, M. Pouranvari, S. Amirabdollahian, A. Abedi, M. Goodarzi, "Microstructure and Failure Behavior of Dissimilar Resistance spot Welds between Low Carbon Galvanized and Austenitic Stainless Steels" Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 480, Nos. 1-2, 2008, pp. 175-180
M. Asadi, M. Goodarzi, S. Kheirandish, "Kinetics of austenite formation in dual phase steels", Journal ISIJ International, Vol. 48, No. 9, 2008, pp. 1251-1255 |
M. Pouranvari, A. Abedi, P. Marashi, M. Goodarzi, "Effect of Expulsion on Peak Load and Energy Absorption of Low Carbon Steel Resistance Spot Welds" Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2008, pp. 39-43
M. Pouranvari, H. R. Asgari, S. M. Mosavizadeh, P. H. Marashi, M. Goodarzi, “Effect of weld nugget size on overload failure mode of resistance spot welds”, Science & Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2007, pp. 223-231
P. Marashi, M. Pouranvari, S. M. Sanaee, A. Abedi, S. H. Abootalebi, M. Goodarzi, “Relationship between failure behaviour and weld fusion zone attributes of austenitic stainless steel resistance spot welds”, Material Science & Technology, Vol. 24, No. 12, 2008, pp. 1506-1512
M. Goodarzi, R.T.C. Choo, J.M. Toguri, “Electrode effect on flow conditions in Argon Gas metal arc modeling”, Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004
A. H. Tavakoli, M. Goodarzi, "Effect of Mechanical Activation on Carbothermic Synthesis of Titanium Carbide from Ilmenite Concentrate", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Vol. 1, No. 3, Summer 2004, pp. 22-27 |
M.Pouranvari, P.Marashi, M.Goodarzi, H.Bahmanpour" An analytical model predicting failure mode of resistance spot welds" Materials science & technology(MS&T),2008 |
M.Pouranvari, P.Marashi, M.Goodarzi,A.Abedi" An analytical model predicting failure mode of resistance spot welds" METAL,2008 |
M.Pouranvari, P.Marashi, M.Goodarzi "Failure mode of dissimilar resistance spot welds between austenitic stainless and low carbon steels " METAL,2008 |
M.Pouranvari,P.Marashi, M.Goodarzi" Failure behavior of low carbon steel resisyance spot welds under tensile-shear and coach-peel static loading condition" METAL,2008 |