Ahmad Keshavarzi
Personal Details
Surname: Keshavarzi
Name: ahmad
Date of birth: 1982
E-mail: ahmadkeshavarzi@iust.ac.ir
Present Position: PHD student
Department : Automotive Engineering
Ph.D. Student , Iran University of science and technology, Tehran Iran
Tel: +98-21-…
Website www.batnews.org E_mail: ahmadkeshavarzi @iust.ac.ir
Education and Qualifications
i) University Degrees
PHD student, Automotive Engineering, Iran University of science and technology,Tehran,Iran, 2009-until now
MS Degree, Automotive Engineering, Iran University of science and technology,Tehran,Iran 2004-2007
BS Degree,Mechanic Engineering, Kashan University,Kashan,Iran,2000,2004
Teaching Experiences
Dynamic, Vibration and Mashin Dynamic, Mechanic Department, Iau and Mut
Conference Attendance
Avesta Goodarzi, Ahmad Keshavarzi and Ebrahim Esmailzadeh, Modeling and Optimization of Air Suspension Systems Using Root Mean Square Method, Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (CADME07), Malaysia, 2007