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January 24, 2018 -
Mr Seyyed Hosein Mousavi will present his P.H.D thesis on " The Appraisal Model of Architectural Design of Natural Stone Cladding in order to Predict its Service Life "Sunday, January 28, 2018, 15 pm The Amphitheatre of School of Architecture and Environmental Design .
January 14, 2018 -
Maryam Sadat Banai Abrandabadi, P.H. D student will complete his P.H. D thesis on “Residential interior form analyses and itsimpact on emotion and braindynamics utilising neuroarchitecture approach in virtual reality" in Saturday, Jan 20th 2018, at 9:00 Am.
November 29, 2017 -
Maleki Morteza, P.H. D student will complete his P.H. D thesis on “An Indigenous Daylighting Metric for Evalouating and Optimizing Office Floorplate Patterns in Tehran" in Dec 4th 2017, at 07:30 Am.
November 15, 2017 -
Amirhodaei Elnaz, P.H. D student will complete his P.H. D thesis on “Generalizability Evaluation of Transect in Placemaking-oriented Guidance of Form" in November 18th 2017, at 11:30 Am.
October 3, 2017 -
Elahi Masoud , P.H. D student will complete his P.H. D thesis on “Urban form in transition: comparative study of urban morphological changes and its impact on residential socio-economicdifferentiation" in saturday, october 7th 2017, at 8:00 Am
August 30, 2017 -
Masoumeh Sazandeh, P.H. D student will complete his P.H. D thesis on “Urban landscape connectivity (ULC) and tendency to walk in urban parks(Case study: Shiraz urban parks)" in Tuesday, September 5th 2017, at 9:00
July 15, 2017 -
Nasibeh Charbgoo, P.H. D student will complete his P.H. D thesis on “Defining Relation between Time and Perception of Continuity of Place Meaning through Study of Urban Rhythms" in 17/7/2017 at 15:30pm
June 20, 2017 -
Ali Akbar Salaripour, P.H. D student will complete his P.H. D thesis on “Exploring person-neighborhood relationship to promote identical characteristics of Iranian-Islamic neighborhood in Rasht city" in Saturday, July 01, 2017, at 8:00am.
April 30, 2017 -
Afshar Babak, P.H. D student will complete his P.H. D thesis on “Architecture and Power A Historical Perspective to the Simultaneous Genesis of the "Contemporary Architecture" and the "Modern State" in Iran” in Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017 at 10:00 AM
April 24, 2017 -
Mrs Noorifard Azadeh will present her P.H.D thesis on "A Model for Determining the Arrangement and Geometrical Specifications of Non-Structural Walls in the Final Stages of Basic Architectural Design to Improve the Seismic Behavior of Buildings" in Iran at 17:30 P.M on Sunday, April 30 th 2017.
February 27, 2017 -
Mrs Ghamari Sabzevari Nasibeh will present her P.H.D thesis on "The Effect of Highways Construction on Socio-spatial Segregation of Urban Neighborhoods " in Iran at 17:00 P.M on Feb 28th 2017.
February 11, 2017 -
Mrs Ghamari Sabzevari Nasibeh will present his P.H.D thesis on "Understanding and Modeling the Carrying Capacity of Diversity in Land Use" in Iran at 11:30:00 A.M on Feb 14th 2017.
February 8, 2017 -
Mr Anbari Rouzbahani Nezamedin will present his P.H.D thesis on "a conceptual framework to formulate formal structure of Adaptive skins" in Iran at 11:00 A.M on Feb 11th 2017.
December 24, 2016 -
Mrs Kermani Avideh will present his P.H.D thesis on "Factors of Conveying Messages in Place Using Semiology Approach" in Iran at 8:30:00 A.M on December 25th 2016.
December 21, 2016 -
Mr Kaki Amir will present his P.H.D thesis on "The physical analysis of the plan organization of Iranian Qajar schools compared to the Safavid schools" in Iran at 14:00 Sunday 1 January 2017 .
December 3, 2016 -
Mrs Mehraneh Rayatidamavandi will present his P.H.D thesis on "Defining Design Criteria of Children’s Playgrounds in Urban Parks for Promoting Sense of Vitality" in Iran at 17:00 P.M on December 5th 2016.
November 26, 2016 -
Mrs Mousavian Elham will present his P.H.D thesis on "CAD for the Preliminary Architectural-Structural Layout of Masonry Buildings" in Iran at 17:00 P.M on 27 november 2016.
November 8, 2016 -
Mr Pour Ahmadi Mojtaba will present his P.H.D thesis on "A Model for the Quality of Building Regulations Performance in Architectural Design" in Iran at 14:00 P.M on 13 november
October 30, 2016 -
Mr Abbaszadeh Mozaffar will present his P.H.D thesis on "the role of architecture heritage values in conservation and restoration" in Iran at 13:30 P.M on 5 november
May 28, 2016 -
Mrs Abedi Mahdieh will present his P.H.D thesis on " The Interaction of Soundscape Physics and Individual Perception in Urban Areas" in Iran at 8:00 A.M on 15 june 2016.
February 27, 2016 -
Mr Abdi Ardekani Hojjatollah will present his P.H.D thesis on "Critical Analysis of Architectural Conservation’s History" in Iran at 15:30 P.M on 6 March 2016.
February 27, 2016 -
Mr Heidari Abolfazl will present his P.H.D thesis on "Studying and Analyzing the Local Methods Using Wind to Exemplify and Modify the Architecture of Sistan Rural Housing " at 13:30 P.M on 6 March 2016.
November 4, 2015 -
The School of Architecture and Urban Planning at Iran University of Science and Technology is organizing a conference on the History of Five Thousand Years of Iranian Architecture and Urban Planning. All are welcome.
September 26, 2015 -
Mrs Sahragard Monfared Neda Sadat will present his P.H.D thesis on " Improvement of design principles in participatory local center with perceptual approach (case study: Chizar) " at 17:00 P.M on 27 September 2015.
September 26, 2015 -
Mr Abdemojiri Amin will present his P.H.D thesis on "Updating Architectural Patterns of House Based on Cultural Changes " at 15:00 P.M on 27 September 2015.