بایگانی بخش ISI Journals

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ISI Journal

ISI Journal Writer Paper Title No Year Pages Dr.Oraizi IET Microwave Antennas and Propagation 2009 1-10 Title Mathematical formulation for zero reflection from multilayer metamaterial structures and their notable applications Dr.Naderi IET Communications 2008 1-12 Title Wireless mesh networks channel reservation; modeling and delay analysis Dr.Naderi IET Communications Vol.4 2009 1-14 Title MAC-layer channel utilization enhancements for wireless mesh networks Dr.Mohammadi microelectronic reliability Vol.48 2008 781 Title on improving training time of neural networks in mixed signal circuit fault diagnosis application Dr.Mohammadi Microelectronics reliability Vol.49 2009 199 Title Evolutionary derivation of optimal test sets for neural network... Dr.Mohammadi computer and mathematics with applications Vol.57 2009 1730 Title fault tolerant in co-evolutionary communication ehw modules Dr.Rahmati Dr.Abrishamifar Microelectronics Journal 2008 1 Title Low power and high gain current reuse LNA with modified input matching and inter-stage inductors Dr.Azhari IEEE Trans.on Instrumentation and Measument Vol.58 No.3 2009 563 Title CMRR in voltage - OP - AMP - Based Crrent - Mode Instrumentation Amplifier CMIA Dr.Azhari IEICE Electronics Express Vol.5 No.23 2008 1017 Title High performance low - voltage QFG-based DVCC and a novel fully differential SC integrator based on it Dr.Shokoohi IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems Vol.E91-D No.7 2008 1937 Title Random texture defect detection using 1-D hidden markov models based on local binary patterns Dr.Shokoohi IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems Vol.E91-D No.7 2008 1863 Title Study of facial features combination using a novel adaptive fuzzy integral fusion model Dr.Sadr Dr.Abrishamifar Optical and Quantum Electronics, Volume 40, Number 8, pp. 577-586 / June, 2008 2008 Title Generation and detection of nano ultrasound waves with a multiple strained layer structure Dr.Rahmati Dr.Abrishamifar Microelectronics Journal 2008 1 Title Low power and high gain current reuse LNA with modified input matching and inter-stage inductors Dr.Ayatolahi Dr.Abrishamifar IEIC Electronic Express Vol.6 No.8 2009 504 Title a new CMOS all pass phase array systems Dr.Erfaniyan IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Vol.55 No.12 2008 2842 Title Comments on “Sliding Mode Closed-Loop Control of FES: Controlling the Shank Movemen” Dr.Erfaniyan EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2008 8 Title A Minimax Mutual Information Scheme for Supervised Feature Extraction and its Application to EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfacing Dr.Mohammad nejad JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY Vol.3 No.2 2008 1 Title Orthogonal Hybrid Waveguides: An Approach to Low Crosstalk and Wideband Photonic Crystal Intersection Design Dr.Ayatolahi ELSEVIER digital signal processing Vol.18 2008 694 Title conditional spectral moments in matching pursuit based on the chirplet elementary function Dr.Ayatolahi IEIC Electronic Express Vol.6 No.3 2009 148 Title STDP implementation using memristive nan device in CMOS-Nano neuromorphic networks Dr.Ayatolahi Dr.Abrishamifar IEIC Electronic Express Vol.6 No.8 2009 504 Title a new CMOS all pass phase array systems Dr.Vahedi IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Vol.23 No.6 2008 3079 Title A Novel Position Sensorless Control o fa Four-Switch, Brushless DC Moto Drive Without Phase Shifterr Dr.Vahedi Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A Vol.10 No.2 2009 201 Title Low-cost sensorless control of four-switch, brushless DC motor drive with direct back-EMF detection Dr.Heidari The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan Vol.2 No.B11 2009 1 Title Resistor type superconducting fault current limiter: Optimum Dr.Heidari Supercond. Sci. Technol Vol.21 2008 9 Title Superconducting technology for overcurrent limiting in a 25 kA Dr.Heidari IET Vol.3 No.3 2009 187-196 Title Hybrid Winding Configuration in High Current Injection Transformers Based on EMC Issues Dr.Heidari Dr.Falahati Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER) Vol.88 2008 337-353 Title Convolutional codes acting as EMI virtual shields in current injection systems Dr.Heidari IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity 2009 1051 Title Viable Superconductor Based Current Control Circuit for High Current Injection System Dr.Heidari IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques Vol.56 No.7 2008 1707 Title Spurious- Response Suppression in Microstrip Parallel-Coupled Band pass Filters by Dr.jaliliyan Journal of Electric Power Components and Systems Vol.37 No.3 2008 1 Title Analysis of Three-phase Induction Motor Performance under Different Voltage Unbalance Conditions Using Simulation and Experimental Results Dr.Kazemi european transactions on electrical power : etep 2008 279 Title analyzing dynamic performance of stressed power systems in vicinity of instability by modal series method Dr.Gholami IET Electric Power Vol.3 No.1 2008 59 Title Heat transfer in power transformer windings with oil-forced cooling Dr.Gholami Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2009 343 Title Dissolved gas analysis of transformers using fuzzy logic approach Dr.Shoolaee IEEE Trans.on Power Delivery Vol.23 No.2 2008 1025 Title A linearized small-signal model of an HVDC converter with filter circuits in mixed time-frequency domain Dr.Sadr Dr.Abrishamifar Optical and Quantum Electronics, Volume 40, Number 8, pp. 577-586 / June, 2008 2008 Title Generation and detection of nano ultrasound waves with a multiple strained layer structure Dr.Shahram Jadid EUROPEN TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL POWER 2008 Title Normal boundary intersection and benefit – cost ratio for distributed generation planning Dr.Shahram Jadid Journal of Applied Energy Vol.186 2009 496 Title Mutiobjective environmental/techno-economic approach for strategic bidding in energy markets Dr.Shahram Jadid European Transactions on Electrical Power 2008 Title Bayesian neural network model to predict day-ahead electricity prices Dr.Kalantar Electrical Engineering Journal, Springer, vol. 90, no. 8, pp. 539-549, February 2009 Vol.90 2009 539 Title Genetic algorithm-based fuzzy multi-objective approach to congestion management using FACTS devices Dr.Kalantar International Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier Vol.50 No.3 2009 682 Title A novel approach for optimum allocation of FACTS devises using multi-objective function Dr.Farokhi International Journal of Control Vol.81 No.8 2008 1319 Title Robust adaptive control of uncertain non-linear systems using neural networks Dr.Farokhi ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control Vol.130 2008 Title A simple structure for bilateral transparent teleoperation systems with time delay Dr.Farokhi Vehicle System Dynamics Vol.47 No.3 2009 265 Title Hybrid state-feedback sliding-mode controller using fuzzy logic for four-wheel-steering vehicles Dr.Jalali chemical engineering journal Vol.140 2008 497 Title an innovative bed tempratature- oriented modeling and robust control of circulating fluidized bed combustor Dr.Jalali Elsevier Applied Mathematics and Computation Vol.206 2008 643 Title a new lmi solution in the l1 optimal problem forwind turbine induction generator unit Dr.Jalali chemical engineering jornal elsevier Vol.143 2008 282 Title nonlinear predictive control of polymerization reactor based on piecewise linear wiener model Dr.Bolandi ", Journal of Measurement + Control Vol.42 2009 48 Title FTC system for a Sun Sensor applied in a Spin Satellite: Design and Implementation Dr.Bolandi IEEE Transaction on AeroSpace and Electronic Systems Vol.45 No.1 2009 192 Title Stable Supervisory-Adaptive Controller for Spinning Satellite Using Only Magnetorquers Dr.Kashani Journal of electromagnetic waves and application Vol.22 2008 1379 Title Dual band dual polarized antenna Dr.Khalaj Dr.Kashani Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Vol.50 No.5 2008 1248 Title Reconstruction of the Shape and Location of Arbitrary Homogeneous Objects using Sequentially Incidences Dr.Tabatabavakili ELSEVIER SIGNAL PROCESSING Vol.89 2009 1023 Title Introdusing excision switching -CFAR in K distributed sea clutter Dr.Tayarani Dr.Soleimani Journal Progress In Electromagnetic Research Journal (PIER) Vol.86 2008 229 Title A Fuzzy Model for Computing back-Scattering Response of Linearly Loaded Dipole Antenna in the Frequency Domain Dr.Tayarani IEEE Transactions Microwave Theory and Techniques . Vol.56 No.7 2008 1707 Title Spurious-Response Suppression in Microstrip Parallel-Coupled Bandpass Filters by Grooved Substrates Dr.Chaldavi int. journal of rf and microwave computer aided engineering 2008 157 Title response of coplanar transmission lines to an incident emfield Dr.Chaldavi IET Transaction on microwaves, Antennas and Propagation Vol.3 No.3 2009 426 Title The Effect of External EM Waves on a Confocal Elliptical Multiconductor Transmission Line Structure Dr.Shayanfar International Journal of Energy Conversion Vol.49 2008 2656 Title A Robust Mixed H2/H Based LFC of a Deregulated power System Including Smes Dr.Shayanfar International Journal of Energy Conversion and Management Vol.49 2008 2570 Title Multi Stage Fuzzy Load Frequency Control Using PSO Dr.Shayanfar International Journal of Energy Conversion and Management Vol.50 2009 344 Title Load Frequency Control Strategies: A State-of-The-Art Survey for the Researcher Dr.Shayanfar International Journal of Energy Transactions on Electrical Power 2008 299 Title Incorporating Power System Security Into Marketclearing of Day-ahead Joint Energy and Reserves Auctions Dr.Shayanfar International Journal of ISA Transaction Vol.48 2009 98 Title Reliability Improvement of Distribution Systems Using SSVR Dr.Shayanfar International Journal of IEEE Power and Enery Magazine Vol.3 No.2 2009 18 Title Reactive Power Pricing: Problems and a Proposal for a Competitive Market Dr.Shayanfar International Journal of Enery Conversion and Magement Vol.50 2009 899 Title Multi-Objective Market Clearing of Joint Energy and Reserves Auctions Ensuring Power System Security Dr.Shayanfar International Journal of Enery Conversion and Magement Vol.50 2009 907 Title Coupled Energy and Reactive Power Market Clearing Considering Power System Security Dr.Shayanfar Applied Energy Vol.86 2009 1555 Title Multibjective Clearing of Reactive Power Market in Deregulated power Systems Dr.Shayanfar Applied Energy Vol.86 2009 1675 Title Joint Market Clearing in a Stochastic Framework considering Power System Security Dr.Shayanfar Applied Energy Vol.3 No.2 2009 64 Title Joint Market Clearing in a Stochastic Framework considering Power System Security Dr.Shayanfar International Journal of Enery Conversion and Magement Vol.50 2009 1149 Title Generation Expansion Planning in Pool Market: a Hybrid Modified Game Theory and Improved Genetic Algorithm Dr.Shayanfar International Journal of Enery Conversion and Magement Vol.50 2009 1578 Title Modeling of Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) in Distribution Systems Load Flow Dr.Shayanfar Dr.Gholami Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2009 343 Title Dissolved gas analysis of transformers using fuzzy logic approach Dr.Komjani ACES Vol.3 No.2 64 Title on the behavior of the siperpinski carpet monopole antenna Dr.Khalaj Dr.Kashani Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Vol.50 No.5 2008 1248 Title Reconstruction of the Shape and Location of Arbitrary Homogeneous Objects using Sequentially Incidences Dr.Khalaj International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering Vol.8 2008 376 Title Analysis of coupled or single nonuniform transmission lines using the method of Moments Dr.Khalaj International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering Vol.19 2009 69 Title Microwave Impedance Matching Using Waveguides Filled by Inhomogeneous Dielectrics Dr.Khalaj International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering Vol.9 2008 75 Title Using Linear Sections Instead of Uniform Ones to Analyze the Coupled Nonuniform Transmission Lines Dr.Behnam PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT Vol.29 2008 1041 Title Extracting the small vibrations of a vessel wall Dr.Poshtan ” Journal of Tribology International Vol.42 2009 213 Title An Advanced Park's Vectors Approach for Bearing Fault Detection, Dr.Poshtan ,” Chemical Engineering Journal Vol.138 2008 274 Title “Wiener-Neural Identification and Predictive Control of a more Realistic Plug-Flow Tubular Reactor, Dr.Poshtan ” Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Contro Vol.27 No.3 2008 203 Title “Non-statistical based robust identification of lightly damped flexible beams using Kautz orthonormal basis functions: Two case studies,” Dr.Poshtan Smart Materials and Structures , Vol.17 2008 7 Title “The Use of Particle Swarm to Optimize the Control System in a PZT Laminated Plate Dr.Poshtan Applied Acoustics Vol.70 2009 945 Title GA-Based Optimization of a MIMO ANC System Considering Coupling of Secondary Sources in a Telephone Kiosk Dr.Poshtan Chemical Engineering Journal , Vol.146 2009 328 Title Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a pH Neutralization Process Based on Wiener-Laguerre Model,” Dr.Heidari Dr.Falahati Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER) Vol.88 2008 337-353 Title Convolutional codes acting as EMI virtual shields in current injection systems Dr.Tayarani Dr.Soleimani Journal Progress In Electromagnetic Research Journal (PIER) Vol.86 2008 229