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:: انتصاب مدیر دفتر نظارت و ارزیابی
لطفاً نظر خود را در مورد مطالب و محتواي سايت دفتر نظارت وارزیابی اعلام فرمائيد.

پیام مدیر دفترنظارت، ارزیابی و تضمین کیفیت

دفاتر نظارت و ارزیابی


:: بایگانی بخش Aims: ::
شنبه ۱۶ خرداد ۱۳۸۸ -

About Office of Assessment, and Evaluation

About Office of Assessment, and Evaluation Mission The OAE supports data-driven decision making for quality improvement, and it enables stakeholders to ascertain the degree to which IUST’s Mission and Strategic Plan are being accomplished. While the OAE helps assess a broad spectrum of IUST’s services and outcomes, the primary assessment focus is student learning outcomes -- the learning that occurs as a result of the IUST experience. Our office serves in a consulting role to faculty and administrators to enhance all stages of the assessment process from writing objectives to using results. Values As an academic and administrative support unit, we are committed to the excellence of the university and, as such, value the following characteristics regarding assessment and evaluation: Congruent: Assessment fits with and is adaptable to IUST’s needs including consistency with mission and strategic plan and facilitates accountability to accrediting/governing bodies. Meaningful: Valid information is collected on IUST’s objectives in a routine manner. Useful: Faculty and administrators appropriately consider assessment results when making decisions on curriculum and services. Efficient: Components of assessment are organized to obtain the most useful information at a reasonable cost. Vision The OAE will: Improve departmental assessment by consulting with faculty and administrators. Provide resources to promote better assessment across campus. Manage a comprehensive assessment program for the university curriculum. Showcase IUST’s effective assessment practices across the campus, regionally, and nationally.    Organizational Role of Director of Assessment at IUST: Director of Assessment and Evaluation Office reports to the university president. He serves as ex-officio on two committees: The University Assessment and Evaluation Committee (UAEC) and the University Program Review Committee (PRC). These committees are components of the governance structure that facilitate ongoing assessment for all academic departments and administrative units across campus. The director lends his expertise and service to these two committees in addition to: coordinating General Education assessment, facilitating accreditation efforts for IUST and specific programs, and conducting ad hoc assessment projects.

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