بایگانی بخش Dean of the faculty

جمعه ۱۵ دی ۱۴۰۲ -

Dean of the faculty

Dr. Hossein Ghafouri Head of the Faculty of Chemistry   Associate Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry Email: ghafuriiust.ac.ir Phone number: (+9821) - 77240540 extension (+9821) - 73228312 Dornargar: (+9821) - 73021415   Description of the duties of the Dean of the Faculty: - Monitoring the good implementation of the approvals that are announced through the university president and creating suitable fields for the growth of academic talents. - Creating coordination in educational and research, administrative, financial and cultural affairs of the college or school. - Supervising the good implementation of educational and research duties by members of the faculty or training school. - Evaluating and coordinating all the activities of the subordinate units of the college or school. - Proposal for the annual budget of the college or school. - Supervising the work of the educational and research council and ... faculty or school. - Assessing the annual work of the faculty and reporting it to the university president. - Examining the qualification of deputy groups. Comment on them.