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شرح حال علمی
" دکتر سیدفرید قنادپور "
عضو گروه مدیریت بهرهوری و پروژه دانشکده مهندسی صنایع
Email : ghannadpour AT iust.ac.ir
تلفن داخلی: 5015 - 7322
«گوگل اسکولار »
آزمایشگاه مجازی
سوابق آموزشی
تحصیلات دانشگاهی
• دکترای مهندسی صنایع – سیستم و مدیریت بهره وری، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تاریخ اخذ : 1392
• فوق لیسانس رشته مهندسی حمل و نقل ریلی، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تاریخ اخذ : 1387
• لیسانس رشته مهندسی حمل و نقل ریلی، دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تاریخ اخذ : 1385
زمینه های تخصصی وتحقیقاتی
• مدیریت، برنامه ریزی و کنترل پروژه
• مدیریت حمل و نقل و زنجیره تامین
• تصمیم گیری با عدم قطعیت و ارزیابی عملکرد
• مطالعات امکان سنجی و ارزیابی اقتصادی طرح های سرمایه گذاری
سوابق شغلی و مشارکت در طرحهای تحقیقاتی
• عضو هیات علمی دانشکده مهندسی صنایع دانشگاه علم و صنعت (سال 1395)
سایر سوابق آموزشی و پژوهشی:
از سال 1383 لغایت 1395
• دفتر مهندسی و نظارت شرکت قطارهای مسافری رجا:
- تدوین فرآیندهای کاری واحد سیر و حرکت
- مطالعات امکانسنجی، طراحی و ساخت تعمیرگاههای ریلی
• مشاور عالی بخش بهره برداری، دپو و تجهیزات دپو پروژه خط 2 قطار شهری مشهد (قرارگاه سازندگی خاتم الانبیا )
• مدیر بازاریابی فروش بخش حمل و نقل ریلی گروه مپنا:
- مطالعات بهره برداری خط 2 قطار شهری کرج
- ارزیابی فنی و اقتصادی صادرات لکوموتیو به خارج از کشور
- مطالعات استراژیک و بازاریابی بخش حمل و نقل ریلی
• مدیر پروژه مطالعه تدوین فرآیندهای کاری معاونت فنی شرکت رجا
• مدیر پروژه مکانیابی تعمیرگاههای سبک و سنگین واگنهای مسافری در شبکه حمل و نقل ریلی کشور
• مدیر فنی پروژه برآورد تقاضای حمل و نقل حومه ای – محلی تا افق 1404
سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی
• مقطع کارشناسی:
- مدیریت و کنترل پروژه
- تحقیق در عملیات
- جبر خطی
• مقطع کارشناسی ارشد:
- تئوری تصمیم گیری (روزانه، مجازی، پردیس)
- مهندسی و مدیریت بهره وری (روزانه، مجازی، پردیس)
- تصمیم گیری چند معیاره
- مدیریت سبد پروژه ها
• دوره ها و سمینار های آموزشی و صنعتی:
- اصول اقتصادی در طرح های سرمایه گذاری
- اقتصاد مهندسی برای مدیران
- برنامه ریزی حمل و نقل (در قالب سمینار هم اندیشی)
- مدیریت و طراحی فرآیند های سازمانی
سوابق پژوهشی
مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات بین المللی ( ISI,ISC )
- Ghayoor, F., Ghannadpour, S.F., Imani, D.M , Bi-objective robust optimization for reliability-oriented power network planning by considering distributed generation effects: A case study in Iran, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2021, 26, 100455.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Zandieh, F., Esmaeili, F., Optimizing triple bottom-line objectives for sustainable health-care waste collection and routing by a self-adaptive evolutionary algorithm: A case study from tehran province in Iran, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 287, 125010.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Hoseini, A.R., Bagherpour, M., Ahmadi, E.,Appraising the triple bottom line utility of sustainable project portfolio selection using a novel multi-criteria house of portfolio, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2021, 23(3), pp. 3396–3437.
- RezaHoseini, A., Noori, S., Ghannadpour, S.F., Integrated scheduling of suppliers and multi-project activities for green construction supply chains under uncertainty,Automation in Construction, 2021, 122, 103485.
-Rahmani Cherati, M., Haeri, A., Ghannadpour, S.F., Cryptocurrency direction forecasting using deep learning algorithms,Rahmani Cherati, M., Haeri, A., Ghannadpour, S.F.,Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2021.
- Hendiani, S., Sharifi, E., Bagherpour, M., Ghannadpour, S.F.,A multi-criteria sustainability assessment approach for energy systems using sustainability triple bottom line attributes and linguistic preferences, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2020, 22(8), pp. 7771–7805.
-Ghannadpour, S.F., Zandiyeh, F.,An adapted multi-objective genetic algorithm for solving the cash in transit vehicle routing problem with vulnerability estimation for risk quantification,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2020, 96, 103964.
- Hoseini, A.R., Ghannadpour, S.F., Ghamari, R.,Sustainable supplier selection by a new possibilistic hierarchical model in the context of Z-information,Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020, 11(11), pp. 4827–4853.
-RezaHoseini, A., Ghannadpour, S.F., Hemmati, M.,A comprehensive mathematical model for resource-constrained multi-objective project portfolio selection and scheduling considering sustainability and projects splitting, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 269, 122073.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Zandiyeh, F., "A new game-theoretical multi-objective evolutionary approach for cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem with time windows (A Real life Case)", Applied Soft Computing, 2020.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Reza Hosseini, A., Hemmati, M., "A comprehensive mathematical model for resource-constrained multi-objective project portfolio selection and scheduling considering sustainability and projects splitting", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020 (In press).
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Reza Hosseini, A., Bagherpour, M., Ahmadi, E., "Appraising the triple bottom line utility of sustainable project portfolio selection using a novel multi-criteria house of portfolio", Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2020.
- Reza Hosseini, A., Ghannadpour, S.F., Ghamari, R., "Sustainable supplier selection by a new possibilistic hierarchical model in the context of Z-information", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Zarrabi, A., "Multi-Objective heterogeneous vehicle routing and scheduling problem with energy minimizing", Swarm & Evolutionary Computation, 2019.
- Khanmohamadi, M., Bagheri, M., Ghannadpour, S.F., "A security vulnerability analysis model for dangerous goods transportation by rail - case study: Chlorine transportation in Texas - Illinois",Safety Science, 2018.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., "Evolutionary approach for energy minimizing vehicle routing problem with time windows and customers' priority", International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2019.
- Ghatreh Samani, M.R., Hosseini-Motlagh, S.M., Ghannadpour, S.F., "A multilateral perspective towards blood network design in an uncertain environment: Methodology and implementation", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Zandiyeh, F., "A multi-objective memetic algorithm for risk minimizing vehicle routing problem and scheduling problem", International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2019
- Liu, P., Hendiani, S., Bagherpour, M., Ghannadpour, S.F., "Utility-Numbers Theory", IEEE Access, 2019.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Rezahoseini, A., Noori, S., Yazdani, M., "Analyzing the influence of building information modeling (BIM) on construction project management areas of knowledge: using a hybrid FANP-FVIKOR approach", International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 2019.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Noori, S., Tavakoli-Mogaddam, R., Ghoseiri, K., "A multi-objective dynamic vehicle routing problem with fuzzy time windows: model, solution and application", Applied Soft Computing, 2014.
- Hendiani, S., Sharifi, E., Bagherpour, M., Ghannadpour, S.F., "A multi-criteria sustainability assessment approach for energy systems using sustainability triple bottom line attributes and linguistic preferences", Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2019.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Zandiyeh, F., "A game theory based vehicle routing problem with risk minimizing of valuable commodity transportation", Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2019
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Zarrabi, A., "The special application of vehicle routing problem with uncertainty travel times: locomotive routing problem", International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2017.
- Reza Hosseini, A., Ghannadpour, S.F., Elmira, A., "Selection of Sustainable Supplier for Medical Centers with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) & Multi-Attributed Utility Theory (MAUT) Approaches", International Journal of Hospital Research, 2018.
- Jokar, M, Ghannadpour, S.F., Makui, A., "Fuzzy analytical network process logic for performance measurement system of e-learning centers of universities", Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2018.
- Rezahoseini, A., Noori, S., Ghannadpour, S.F., "Reducing rework and increasing the civil projects quality, through Total Quality Management (TQM), by using the concept of building information modeling (BIM)", Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2019.
- Mohammadnazari, Z., Ghannadpour, S.F., "Employment of multi criteria decision making techniques and mathematical formulation for Construction of the sustainable hospital", International Journal of Hospital Research, 2018.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Noori, S., Tavakoli-Mogaddam, R., "multi-objective dynamic vehicle routing problem with fuzzy travel times and customers satisfaction in supply chain management", IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, 2013.
- Ghannadpour, S.F., Noori, S., Tavakoli-Mogaddam, R., "A multi-objective vehicle routing and scheduling problem with uncertainty in customers' request and priority", Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2014.
- Ghoseiri, K., Ghannadpour, S.F., "Multi objective vehicle routing problem with time windows using goal programming and genetic algorithm", Applied Soft Computing, 2010.
- Ghoseiri, K., Ghannadpour, S.F., "A hybrid genetic algorithm for multi depot homogeneous locomotive assignment with time windows", Applied Soft Computing, 2010.
- Ghoseiri, K., Ghannadpour, S.F., "Hybrid genetic algorithm for vehicle routing and scheduling problem", Journal of Applied Science, 2009.
- Jamili, A., Ghannadpour, S.F., Ghorshinezhad, M., "Train scheduling problem with consideration of paying constraint as an application of job shop scheduling problem", International Journal of Engineering, 2014.