Personal Details
Name: Mandana Surname: Adeli Mobile: Fax: +9821-77240480 Email: | |
Education | Ph.D Student Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2004 till now
Master of Science Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran -1996-1998
Bachelor's degree Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran -1991-1995
Pablications Journal Papers | 1. M. Adeli, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Kobashi, N. kanetake, "A study on the combustion synthesis of Titanium Aluminide in the self-propagating mode", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Article in Press 2. M.S. Bafghi, A. Zakeri, Z. Ghasemi, M. Adeli, " Reductive dissolution of manganese ore in sulfuric acid in the presence of iron metal ", Hydrometallurgy 90, 2008, pp. 207-212 3. M.Sh. Bafghi, M. Adeli, H. Mohamadi Nikoo, “Kinetics of carbothermic reduction of an Iranian celestite ore”, Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2004, pp. 28-34 |
Conference Proceedings | 1. M. Shekari, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Abutalebi, M. Adeli, "Numerical simulation of combustion synthesis of Ni-Al intermetallic compounds: Process parameters study", Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT- 2009), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 26 - 29 October 2009 2. M. Shekari , S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Adeli, "", Iran International Aluminium Conference (IIAC 2009), Tehran, April 22-23, 2009 3. M.R. Aboutalebi, M. Adeli, “Recovery of Nickel from Waste Nickel Oxide Catalysts Using the Segregation Process”, 36th CIM Conference, Sadbury, Ontario, Canada, 1997 |
Personal Details
Name: Hossein Surname: Sedaghati Mobile: Fax: +9821-77240480 Email: | |
Education | Ph.D Student Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2008 till now
Master of Science Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2005-2008
Bachelor's degree Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2001-2005
Personal Details
Name: Zahra-sadate Surname: Seyed Raoufi Mobile: Fax: +9821-77240480 Email: | |
Education | |
Pablications Journal Papers |
Personal Details
Name: Ma'soome Surname: Seyfollahi Mobile: Fax: +9821-77240480 Email: | |
Education | |
Pablications Journal Papers |
Personal Details
Name: Ali Surname: Rasooli Mobile: Fax: +9821-77240480 Email: | |
Education | Ph.D Student Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2004 till now
Master of Science University of Tarbiat Modares, Department of of Metallurgy Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 1993-1997
Bachelor's degree Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, Isfahan - 1986-1991
Pablications Journal Papers | 1. Kinetics and Mechanism of Hydrogen Emission From Titanium Hydride Powder in Air 2. Kinetics and Mechanism of Reaction Titanium Hydride Powder With Al Molten Melt |
Personal Details
Name: Mostafa Surname: Mirjalili Mobile: Fax: +9821-77240480 Email: | |
Education | Ph.D Student Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2006 till now
Master of Science Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, Mashhad - 2003-2006
Bachelor's degree Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, Mashhad - 1999-2003
Pablications Journal Papers | 1. M. Mirjalili, J. Vahdati -Khaki, "Prediction of nano Particles' Size- Dependent Melting Temperature Using Mean Coordinasion Number Concept", Journal of Physics Chemical Solids 69 (2008), pp. 2116-2123 2. R. Khoshhal, M. Soltanieh, M. Mirjalili, "Formation and Growth of Titanium Aluminide Layer at the Surface of Titanium Plates Immersed in Molten Aluminum", Iran Journal of MAterila Science and Engineering, 2010 |
Conference Proceedings | 1. H. Ayazian-Mavi, H. Madanipour, M. Mirjalili, M. Soltanieh, G.H. Khakian, H. Goodarzi, "Optimization The Exotemic Welding process for Aluminum Parts", Proceedings of Iran Internationam Aluminum Conference (IIAC 2009), Tehran, Iran, 2009, pp. 321- 325 2. R. Khoshhal, M. Mirjalili, M. Soltanieh, "Kinetics of TiAl3 Formation in Molten Aluminum-Solid Titanium Interface", Proceedings of Iran International Aluminum Conference (IIAC 2009), Tehran, Iran, 2009, pp. 596-602 3. R. Khoshhal, M. Mirjalili, M. Soltanieh, "Elemental Combustion Synthesis of Titanium Aluminides", Pre-Combustion Reaction Effect, Proceedings of Iran International Aluminum Conference (IIAC 2009), Tehran, Iran, 2009, pp. 636-643 4. M. Mirjalili, J. Vahdati-Khaki, "A New Approach to Model Size Dependent Melting Point of Nano Particles", Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Nano Structures (NS 2008), Kish Island, Iran, 2008, pp. 72-73 |
Personal Details
Name: Amin Surname: Jafari Ramiani Mobile: Fax: +9821-77240480 Email: | |
Education | Ph.D Student Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2004 till now
Master of Science Iran University of science & Technology (IUST), School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering, Iran, Tehran - 2001-2004
Bachelor's degree Shiraz University, Iran, Shiraz - 1997-2001
Pablications Journal Papers | 1. S.H. Seydein, M.R. Aboutalebi, A. Jafari, "Numerical Simulation of Coupled Fluid Flow and Solidification in a Single Roll Caster", Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2006, pp. 329 340. 2. A. Jafari, M. Haghpanahi, "Modeling of Heat Transfer and Solidification of Droplet/Substrate in Microcasting SDM Process", International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 19, No.1-5, 2009, pp. 187-198. 3. A. Jafari, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, "Semi-Implicit Method for Thermodynamically Linked Equations in Phase Change Problems (SIMTLE), Part I - Basic Structure", Applied Mathematical Modeling, Submitted (2009). 4. A. Jafari, S.H. Seyedein, M.R. Aboutalebi, D.G. Eskin, L. Katgerman, "Numerical Modeling of Macrosegregation During the Direct-Chill Casting of an Al Alloy Billet", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Submitted (2010) 5. D.G. Eskin, A. Jafari, L. Katgerman, "Contribution of Forced Centreline Convection During Direct-Chill Casting of Round Billets to Macrosegregation and Structure of a Binary Al-Cu Aluminium Alloy", Materials Science Technology, In Press (2010). |
Conference Proceedings | 1. A. Jafari, M.R. Aboutalebi, S.H. Seyedein, "Modeling of Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and Solidification in the Single-Roll ontinuous Casting Process of Al Sheet", The proceeding of 2nd International Al Congress, Iranian Aluminum Research Centre, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, 2004. 2. S.H. Seydein, M.R. Aboutalebi, A. Jafari, "Numerical Simulation of Coupled Fluid Flow and Solidification in a Single Roll Caster", The Proceeding of COM2004, Light Metals, Montreal, 2004. |