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:: Introduction and History ::

 As Dr. Jabalameli began his activities as president of Iran university of science and technology on November 2006, On December 2006 the university board of  directors approved the establishment of Vice president for Planning and development office to take statistics, organize and improve the implementation of the specialized duties of the university. The most important duties of this office include:

- Pondering and collecting the plans and adjusting the university annual budget

-Revising the Organization structure and regulating the statement of duties
- Training and Improvment of staff

- Amending and improving the systems and methods

-Implementing Affairs regarding efficiency Commission and Administrative transformation


 - Performance assessment of the university units and providing needed reports, collection and documentation of data and statistics

- Planning for providing the physical needs of the university, based on the university's priorities from consultant election step to the supervision of the project implementation and exploitation of constructional plans

- Implementing secretarial affairs of board of trustees and its permanent commission

- Implementing secretarial affairs for administrative board

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