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 Addresses : Iran University of Science & Technology - 

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:: Scope ::
 | Post date: 2013/09/30 | 


Research areas under study include

A - Quality, Reliability and Efficiency

1.  Statistical Quality Control

2. Reliability Calculation and Analysis

3. Quality Control

4.  Organizational Process Improvement

5.  Analysis and Productivity Improvement

6.  Problems Identification and Ways for Improvement

7.   Document Formulation and Road Map Developments

B. Information Technology

1. Intelligent and Information Systems

2. Information Technology Management

3. Information Technology and Production Systems

4. Remote and Web Controlled Systems

5. IT Security

6. Business and E-commerce

7. Digital Economy

C- Intelligent and Innovative Methods in Industrial Engineering

1. Participation in academic and scientific conferences

2. Participation in joint and advanced research projects

3. Re-evaluating academic textbooks

4.  Providing opportunities to participate in international research projects across the globe

D. Management Development

1. Human resources expansion

2. Local and larger-scale experiences

3. In accordance with Islamic values

4. Theory development

5. Practical skills to address local needs

6. Solving the nation's managerial issues

7. Designing the nation's management patterns

8.  Iranian and international management

9. Standard management expertise

10. Managerial and industrial expertise

E. Advanced Transportation Systems

1. Energy and transportation

2. Innovative technology in transportation

3. Green systems within and outside the factory

4. Building on network systems outside and within transportation factories

F. Advanced Production Systems

1. The study and design of AGV systems in advanced industrial productions

2. Optimization of AGV systems production

3. The design of various AGV movement systems

4. The study of the minimum recommended AGV in a production line for transferring materials



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