Dr. Mehdi, Divandari

Personal Details

NAME: Mehdi

SURNAME: Divandari

ACADEMIC STATUS: Associate Professor, School of Materials Engineering, IUST, Since 1989.

Fields of Research Interests:

Casting Technology, Running System Design, Mold and Die Design

Porous and Cellular Materials, Metal Foam, Oxide film characterization

Joining and welding, Bi-metals, FGM materials


Contact Address

School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering

Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran

Educational Records:

Degree Major Year of Graduation University Country
B.Sc Casting 1985 Iran University of Science and Technology Iran
M.Sc Materials Selection and Properties 1989 Iran University of Science and Technology Iran
Ph.D Metallurgy, Casting Process 1999 Birmingham University UK

Title of MS.c and Ph.D Thesis:

MSc Thesis: Production and Properties of Al Alloyed (20-25 W% Al) Spheroidal  Graphite Cast Iron

PhD Thesis: The Mechanism of Bubble Damage in Castings

Fields of Research Interests:

1- Effect of various alloying elements on the microstructure of cast iron, such as Al, Cu, Ni, Si, Cr alloyed cast iron.

2- Designing of running system of casting component using simulation softwares.

3- Composite of Al and Mg alloys

4- Bi-metal of various couples using casting and joining process. Centrifugal casting.

5- Dynamic and short time oxidation of melts of Al, Mg, Zn and their alloys.

6- Porous and cellular materials, specially metal foams.

7- Welding and joining of dissimilar metals and alloys.

Teaching Experience:

1- Casting, undergraduate student

2- Pattern and Mold Design, undergraduate

3- Casting and solidification Labs, undergraduate.

4- Non-destructive test, undergraduate.

5- Solidification, undergraduate.

6- Advanced Casting, postgraduate.

7- Engineering design in the casting of metal, postgraduate.

8- Casting defects, postgraduate.

9- Special Course in Metal foams (porous materials), postgraduate.


Journals: ISI and ISC
53- Mohammadi, K. , Divandari, M. , Shabestari, S.G., " Investigation on the flow limitation during copper electroplating of polyurethane foam", Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 14, pp. 1532–1538
52- Taheri Bagh, N. , Divandari, M. , Shahmiri, M. , Akbarifar, M., " Characteristics of Dynamically Formed Oxide Films in Al–Zn Melt", International Journal of Metalcasting, 2021, 15(3), pp. 747–762
51- Pourgharibshahi, M. , Saghafian, H. , Divandari, M. , Golestannejad, F., " A Critical Conception of Hot-Tearing Susceptibility: Shape Casting with Wrought Aluminum Alloys", International Journal of Metalcasting, 2021
50- Khalvan, M.M. , Divandari, M., " Microstructure of spheroidal graphite aluminum-alloyed cast irons (SGAACI) containing up to 7.5 wt% produced via in-mold process", International Journal of Metalcasting, 2021, 15(1), pp. 271–280
49- Akbarifar, M. , Divandari, M. , Boutorabi, S.M.A. , ... Yoon, Y.-O. , Kim, S.K., " Short-Time Oxidation of Al–Mg in Dynamic Conditions", Oxidation of Metals, 2020, 94(5-6), pp. 409–429
48- Jalilvand, M.M. , Bagh, N.T. , Akbarifar, M. , Divandari, M., " A New Insight to Dynamic Oxidation of Molten Metals by the Parametric Study of Oxide/Metal/Oxide Sandwich Formation", International Journal of Metalcasting, 2020, 14(4), pp. 949–961
47- Pourgharibshahi, M. , Divandari, M. , Saghafian, H. , Timelli, G., " Eutectic Nucleation in 7xxx Series Aluminum Alloys from a Non-classical Viewpoint", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2020, 51(9), pp. 4572–4583
46- Jalilvand, M.M. , Akbarifar, M. , Divandari, M. , Saghafian, H., " On the dynamically formed oxide films in molten Mg", Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2020, 8(1), pp. 219–230
45- Jalilvand, M.M. , Saghafian, H. , Divandari, M. , Akbarifar, M., " Surface oxidation study of molten Mg–Al alloys by oxide/metal/oxide sandwich method", Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2020
44- Pourgharibshahi, M. , Divandari, M. , Saghafian, H. , Fabrizi, A. , Timelli, G., " Increasing the Liquidus Temperature by Employing the Controlled Diffusion Solidification (CDS) Process: A Potential Route to Improved Castings", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 529(1), 012044
43- Pourgharibshahi, M., Saghafian, H., Divandari, M., Timelli, G., "Controlled Diffusion Solidification Pathway of an AA 7xxx Series Aluminum Alloy", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 50(1), pp. 326-335, 2019
42- Mohammadi, M., Javid, A.A.S., Divandari, M., "Introducing a method to determine nonautoclaved aerated concrete air content based on packing theory", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30(3),04017312, 2018
41- Morteza Gholami, Mehdi Divandari, "Interfacial Phases and Defects Characteristics of Al/Cu-Zn Bimetal Produced via Centrifugal Casting Process " Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering" Volume 15, 2018
40-Mohammadi, Mohsen; Shirzadi Javid, Ali Akbar and Divandari Mehdi, “Packing theory application to determine non-autoclaved aerated concrete (NAAC) air pores content”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering Volume 30 Issue 3 - March 2018
39-M. H. Zamani, M. Divandari *, M. Tamizifar "On the Characteristics of Friction Stir Welding lap Joint of Magnesium and Aluminum" Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 15, Number 1, 2018,‌   DOI: 10.22068/ijmse.15.1.8
38-M. Divandari, M. Mehrabin "A Comparative Study on Characteristics of Dynamic Oxide Film of Molten Zn-Al Alloys" Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 14, Number 3, 2017, pp 34-47. DOI: 10.22068/ijmse.14.3.34
37-Mohammad Pourgharibshahi, Mehdi Divandari, Hassan Saghafian Larijani, Peyman Ashtari, "Controlled Diffusion Solidification Processing: A Review" Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2017.07.018,
Link for download

36-S. G. Shabestari, M. Divandari, M. H. Ghoncheh, V. Jamali. “Interplay among Coating Thickness, Strip Size, and Thermal and Solidification Characteristics in A356 Lost Foam Casting Alloy” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2017, In press.

35-M Akbarifar, M Divandari, "On the Interfacial Characteristics of Compound Cast Al/Brass Bimetals", International Journal of Metalcasting, July 2017, Volume 11, , Issue 3, pp 506–512
34-M Akbarifar, M Divandari, "Study of Al/cast iron interface and graphite behavior" Journal of Mining and Metallurgy B: Metallurgy, 2017, vol. 53, iss. 1, pp. 53-59, doi:10.2298/JMMB160108027A
33-AM Fathi Dehkharghani, M. Divandari, "Investigation of electroless cooper plating on polyurethane foam, as an initial step of open cell foam production process" Transaction of IMF, 00202967 15Z 000000000248, 2015, DOI
31-SSM, Shafiei, M. Divandari, SMA Boutorabi, Naghizadeh, " Effect of gas mixture on the characteristics of PACVD TiN coating hot-worked tool steel", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research,  15(5), 308-311, 2014
30-SMM Shafiei, M. Divandari, SMA Boutorabi, R. Naghizadeht "Characterization of TiCN thin films deposited by DC-Pulsed PACVD using methane precursor", Materials Research 17 (6), 1651-1657. 2014.
29-A. Rasooli, MA Boutoarbi, M. Divandari, A. Azarniya, " Effect of high heating rate on thermal decomposition behavior of titanium hydride (TiH2) powder in air", Bulletin of Materials Science,   36(2), 301-309, 2013.
28-G. R. Zare; M. Divandari; H. Arabi, "Investigation on interface of Al/Cu couples in compound casting",  Materials Science and Technology, 2012. DOI
27-S. M. Emami, M. Divandari, E. Hajjari, H. Arabi, "Comparison between conventional and lost foam compound casting of Al/Mg light metals ", International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2012
26-S. A. Azarmehr, M. Divandari, H. Arabi, "Investigation on thickness of short time oxide films in Al– 1Mg and Al– 2Mg alloys",Materials Science and Technology, 2012
25-B Nayebi, M. Divandari, "Characteristics of dynamically formed oxide films on molten aluminium", International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2012

24-A. R. Mirak, M. Divandari, S. M. A. Boutorabi and J. A. Taylor "Effect of oxide film defects generated during mould filling on mechanical strength and reliability of magnesium alloy castings (AZ91) " , International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 2012

23-Ali Rasooli , M. Divandari, Hamid Reza Shahverdi , and Mohammad Ali Boutorabi, " Kinetics and mechanism of titanium hydride powder and aluminum melt reaction " International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials , Vol. 19 , No. 2 , P-165, (2012)

22-H. Sharifi, A.R. Khavandi, M. Divandari, and M.I. Hasbullah, " Effect of magnesium and nickel coatings on the wetting behavior of alumina toughened zirconia by molten Al-Mg ", International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials , Vol.19, No. 1, P- 77, (2012)

21-S. M. Emami, M. Divandari, H. Arabi, E. Hajjari, "Effect of Melt-to-Solid Insert Volume Ratio on Mg/Al Dissimilar Metals Bonding", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2012
20-E. Hajjari, M. Divandari, S. H. Razavi, T. Homma, S. Kamado, "Microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties of Al 413/Mg joint in compound casting process", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2012

19-E. Hajjari, M. Divandari, S.H. Razavi, S.M. Emami, S. Kamado, " Estimation of the transient interfacial heat flux between substrate/melt at the initiation of magnesium solidification on aluminum substrates using the lumped capacitance method ", Applied Surface Science , Vol. 257, Issue 11, pp 5077-5082, 2011.

18-Hajjari, E., Divandari, M., Arabi, H. , "Effect of applied pressure and nickel coating on microstructural development in continuous carbon fiber-reinforced aluminum composites fabricated by squeeze casting" Materials and Manufacturing Processes 26 (4) pp. 599-603, 2011.

17-E. Hajjari, M. Divandari, S.H. Razavi, T. Homma, S. Kamado, "Intermetallic compounds and antiphase domains in Al/Mg compound casting", Intermetallics , pp, 1-5, 2011.

16-E. Hajjari , M. Divandari, A.R. Mirhabibi, " The effect of applied pressure on fracture surface and tensile properties of nickel coated continuous carbon fiber reinforced aluminum composites fabricated by squeeze casting", Materials and Design, Vol, 31, Issue 5, pp, 2381–2386, 2010.

15-E. Hajjari, M. Divandari, S.H. Razavi, S.M. Emami, T. Homma, S. Kamado , " Dissimilar joining of Al/Mg light metals by compound casting process ", J. of Materials Science , Vol. 46, Issue 11, pp 6491-6499, 2011.

14-H. Sharifi, M. Divandari, A. Khavandi, and M.H. Idris, " Effect of Al powder and silica sol on the structure and mechanical properties of Al2O3-ZrO2 foams " Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) , 23 (4), pp. 241-247, 2010.

13-Divandari, M. , Jamali, V. , Shabestari, S.G. " Effect of strips size and coating thickness on fluidity of A356 aluminum alloy in lost foam casting process " , International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 23 (1), pp. 23-29 , 2010.

12-M.M.Hejazi, M.Divandari, E.Taghaddos" Effect of copper insert on the microstructure of gray iron produced via lost foam casting" Materials and design, 2009

11-M. Divandari, A.R.Vahid golpayegani, " Study of Al/Cu rich phases formed in A356 alloy by inserting Cu wire in pattern in LFC process" Materials and design, 2009

10-M. Divandari, H. Arabi, H. Ghasemi, "Thermal fatigue resistances of 356 and 413 cast Al alloys" Iranian j. of materials science and engineering, vol 5, No 3, 2008

9-E. Hajari, M. Divandari, " An investigation on the microstructure and tensile properties of direct squeeze cast and gravity die cast 2024 wrought Al alloy", Materials and design, 2008

8-A. R. Mirak, M. Divandari, S. M. A. Boutorabi, J. Compbell, “Oxide film characteristics of AZ91 magnesium alloy in casting conditions”, Int. J. of cast metals. Res., Vol. 20, No. 4, 2007 pp- 215-220. DOI 10.1179/136404607X256042

7-H. Arabi, M. Divandari, A.H.M. Hosseini, "The effect of Ti contents on the amounts of inclusions formation and mechanical properties of c300 high strength steel", Iranian J. of mat. Sci. & eng., No. 2, 2006

6-Y. H. Kharrazi, M. Divandari, S. Saghi, "Mold filling behaviour of double gating system in Aluminum LFC process”, Iranian J. of materials Sci. and Eng., No.2 , 2005

5-M. Divandari,  J. Compbell, “Morphology of oxide films of Al–5Mg alloy in dynamic conditions in casting " Int. J. of cast metals. Res., Vol. 18 No. 3, 2005. DOI 10.1179/136404605225023000
4-M. Divandari,  J. Compbell, “Oxide film characteristics of Al-7Si-Mg alloy in dynamic conditions in casting " Int. J. of cast metals. Res., Vol. 17 No. 3, 2004. DOI 10.1179/136404604225017546
3-S. Saghi, M. Divandari, Y. H. Kharrazi,  " Flow behaviour of molten metal in Aluminum LFC process ”, Iranian J. of materials Sci. and Eng., Vo.1, Number 2 (6-2004)
2-E. Hajjar, M. Divandari, A. R. Mirhabibi, "The study of electroless coating of nickel on carbon fibers”, Iranian J. of Materials Science & Eng., Vol. 1, No. 1, 2003

1-M. Divandari,  J. Compbell, “A new technique for the study of aluminum oxide films " Aluminum Transaction, 1999, pp,233-238

Postgraduate Thesis:

PhD Thesis
Rev. No. Title Researcher Result/ Publications Joint Supervisor
8 Thesis title under review A. Khirabi Working Dr. SMA. Boutorabi
7 Thesis title under review E. Porgharib Working Dr. H. Saghafian
Study of interface and mechanical properties of Al/Mg joint using FSW process
MH. Zamani Working Dr. M. Tamizifar
5 Effects of various parameters on the characteristics of PACVD TiCN coating of a hot-worked tool steel SMM. Shafiei Working Dr. SMA. Boutorabi
4 Effect of manufacturing parameters on interface and mechanical properties of Al-ZTA composite H. Sharifi Graduated  Dr. AR. Khavandi
3 Study of the Effective Parameters on Bonding of Al/Mg Interface in Compound Casting Process. E. Hajjari Graduated Dr. H. Razavi
2 Investigation on the kinetic and mechanism of interaction of Titanium Hydride powder and Aluminum melt A. Rasooli Graduated Dr. SMA. Boutorabi, Dr. HR. Shahverdi
1 Investigation on critical gate velocity of AZ91 Mg alloy in sand casting AR. Mirak Graduated Dr. SMA. Boutoarbi

Rev. No. Title of Research work Student Co-workers University/student condition Joint supervised by
63 Effect of nodular agent percent and in-gate location on the microstructure of casting produced by in-full mold mold process Mohsen. Mehdifar IUST/ Starting *
62 Effect of Al percent (1-10 w%) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al alloyed spheroidal cast iron produced by in-mold process Mohammad Mahdi. Khaloavan IUST/Starting *
61 Study of pouring time, modules and effective head on solidification characteristics of a hollow cylindrical casting with constant weight Amir. Moradi IUST/Starting  Dr. SMA. Boutorabi
60 Effect of process variables on the characteristics of Ni coating on a polyurethane foam Mahsa. Iranshahi IUST/working Dr. M. Divandari
59 Study of interface characteristics of Al/Brass bimetal produced via vertical centrifugal casting process Morteza. Gholami IUST/working Dr. MT Salehi
58 An investigation on the morphology of dynamic oxide films in Zn alloys. Mehdi. Mehrabian IUST/working
57 Investigation of copper plating on polymeric foam (For meat foam production) Saeeid. Esfandiari IUST/Graduated (2013-2015)  Dr S. Rastegari
56 Study of 1-5 w% Si on the heat resisting of grey cast iron. Ali. Moazampor IUST/Graduated (2012-2015)
55 Effect of interlayer on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg/Al joint by FSW process Majid Shirabadi Farhani Islamic Azad University/Graduated
54 Siyed M. Amin Sadat Akhavi Azad University Student/working
53 Ali. Mirzaeei Novin Azad University Student/working
52 Hosien Mokhlesian IUST/Graduated
51 Emir Karacam Istanbul Technical University/Graduated Prof. H. Cimenoglu,
50 Morteza Sarvari Graduated
49 Mehran Salavatbakhsh IUST/Graduated Dr. AR. Khavandi, Dr. M. Divandari
48 Mohsen Mohammadi IUST/Graduated Dr. B. Eftekhari Yekta
47 Fatemeh Ferdosi IUST/Graduated  Dr. AR. Khavandi
46 Abbas Khoshkharam IUST/Graduated Prof. SMA Boutorabi
45 Mehdi Akbarifar IUST/Graduated
44 Effect of melt temperature, rotational speed and mold preheating temperature  on the characteristics of Al/Cu bimetal produced via centrifugal casting Ehsan Hiteh Islamic Azad University/Graduated Prof. N. Tovhidi
43 Rasool Mohammadi IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari, Prof. SMA Boutorabi
42 Amir Bahraeei IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari
41 Amir Mohammad Fathi Dehkhorghani IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari
40 Mohammad Khanbiki Mine and Industry University/graduated Dr. M. Tamizifar
39 Hadi Baradaran Mehrabadi IUST/Graduated  Dr. H. Saghafian
38 Golamreza Zare IUST/Graduated Dr. H. Arabi
37 Mehdi Hiydari IUST/Graduated Dr. AR. Khavandi,
36 Majid Hemati IUST/Graduated
35 Amin Porarian IUST/Graduated
34 Hamid Reza Pakzaman IUST/Graduated Dr. AR. Khavandi
33 Fatemeh Ferdosi IUST/Graduated  Dr. AR. Khavandi
32 Bashir Ajami IUST/Graduated  Dr. H. Arabi
31 Siyed Mohsen Emami IUST/Graduated Dr. H. Arabi
30 Hamed Khanepaz IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Shahmiri
29 Sieyd Amir Azarmehr IUST/Graduated  Dr. H. Arabi
28 Masoud arghiani Sahand University/Graduated Dr. M. Azadbeh,
27 Mehrdad Mehrtash IUST/Graduated
26 Ali Delbari IUST/Graduated  Dr. H. Arabi
25 Behzad Nayebi IUST/Graduated
24 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Ata Kiapor IUST/Graduated
23 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Amir Hosein Reshadi IUST/Graduated
22 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Yase Delavarian IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari
21 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Ehsan Asadi IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari
20 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Nasim Divandari Islamic Azad University/Ferdosi University Dr. Divandari, Prof. M. Mortazavi
19 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Vahab Jamali IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari, S. G. Shabestari
18 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Siyamak Javadian IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari
17 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Alireza Baghaeri Tarbieat Modares/graduated Dr. H. R. Shahverdi, Dr. M. Divandari
16 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Shahab Homayon Amlashi IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari
15 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Hosien Ghasemi Mieyanaeei IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari. Dr. H. Arabi
14 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Gholamreza Davaodi IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari
13 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Satar Dargahi IUST/Graduated Prof. Y. H. K. KHarazi, Dr. M. Divandari
12 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Reza Khadem Hoseini IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari, Prof. SMA. Boutorabi
11 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Shariyar Ghasemi Semnan University/Graduated Dr. A. Habibolah zadeh, Dr. M. Divandari
10 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Mojtaba Chenarani IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari, Prof. SMA. Boutorabi
9 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Alireza Vahid Golpayegani IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari
8 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Mahmood Poyamehr Tehran University/Graduated Dr. A. Halvaeei, Dr. M. Divandarii
7 Mahmod Kordan Semnan University/Graduated Dr. A. Habibolah zadeh, Dr. M. Divandari
6 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Amir Hosien Moteshaker Hosieni IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari. Dr. H. Arabi
5 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Majid Lajvardi IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari
4 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Ehsan Shojaei IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari, Prof. SMA. Boutorabi
3 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Saeeid Saghi IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari, Dr. Y.H.K. Kharazi
2 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite. Esmaiel Hajjari IUST/Graduated, Sept. 2001 – Jan. 2004 Dr. M. Divandari, Dr. AR. Mirhabaibi
1 Production and Study of Tensile Strength of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Composite Reza Akhlaghi IUST/Graduated Dr. M. Divandari

International Conference:


Persian Scientific journal:

Published Books

Publisher Title Year Co-writters Edition
Iran University of Science and Technology Metal Foams 2008 and 2012 A. R. Vahid Golpayegani, H. R. Shahverdi First and second print
Bamdad Data Bank Polyethylene welding 2009 and 2013 M. Shahedi Asl, M. R. Khadem Hosieni First and second print

Internal Conference

H.R. Pakzaman, A.R. Khavandi, M. Divandari, "A study on aluminum matrix composite reinforced with a two-dimensional network of interconnected steel wires fabricated by lost foam casting", New and Advanced Material International Congress, Islamic Azad University, Majlesi Branch, May 30-31, 2012, Azad University, Majlesi Branch, May 30-31, 2012
H.R. Pakzaman, M. Divandari, A.R. Khavandi, "Effect of nickel coating on steel wire reinforcement on mechanical properties of aluminum matrix composites produced via lost foam casting", Proceedings of Iran International Aluminum Conference (IIAC2012), May 15-16, 2012, Arak, I.R. Iran, 2012
Mohammad Khanbeiki, Mahdi Divandari, Morteza Tamizifar, Masoud Hassankhani, "Fading of inoculant particles in 8011 aluminum melt in a Twin Roll Casting production line", Proceedings of Iran International Aluminum Conference (IIAC2012)
M. Hemmati, M. Divandari, "The effects of oxide film characteristics on the bubble damage defect in Al5Mg and Al7SiMg alloys", Proceedings of Iran International Aluminum Conference (IIAC2012)
P. Sotudeh Bagha, M. Divandari, S. H. Razavi, "Effects of ARB cycles and holding temperature on density of aluminum foam", Proceedings of Iran International Aluminum Conference (IIAC2012)
Z. Nouri., M. Divandari, A. Kavandi, "The influence of nickel coating thickness on interlayer morphology of steel wires in A413 matrix composite via lost foam casting", The International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics and Dynamics (X-Mech-2012), March 6-7, 2012, Tehran, Iran

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