Personal Details NAME: Hamidreza SURNAME: Rezaie ACCADEMIC STATUS: Professor in IUST Fields of Research Interests: Ceramics, Refractories, Raw Materials, Traditional Ceramics. | /rezaie.jpg)
| Contact Address School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2856 Fax: +9821-77240480 E-mail: hrezaie@iust.ac.ir | Educational Records Degree | Major | Year of Graduation | University | Location | B.Sc. | Materials and Metallurgy | 1985 | Iran University of Science and Technology | Iran | M.Sc. | Materials | 1990 | Iran University of Science and Technology | Iran | Ph.D | Ceramic | 1998 | University of Sheffield | England |
Teaching Experiences: •Physical properties of ceramics •Advance characterization of materials •Composite •Advance synthesis of materials •Ceramography lab •Processing lab- 2 •Advance characterization lab Publications Effect of Al2O3 content on crystallization behavior, microstructure , and mechanical properties of SiO2-Al2O3-CaO-MgO glass-ceramics, Applied Ceramic Technology, 8, 203-213, (2011). | Prepration of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate)/nano-hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, Materials Letter, 65, 736-739, (2011). | Investigation of the percentage crystallization in glass ceramics using an image analyzer method, Ceramic Processing Research, 12, 34-37, (2011). | Effect of TiO2 on phase evolution and micrstructure of MgAl2O4 spinel in different atmospheres, Ceramic International, 37, 349-354, (2011). | Sintering behavior of nano alumina powder shaped by pressure filtration, Ceramics International, 37, 9–14, 2011. | Synthesis and characterization of Al2O3-SiC nano composite by sol-gel method and the effect of TiO2 on sintering,Journal of Nano Research, 13, 7-19, (2011). | Z. Zadegan, M. Hossainalipour, H. Ghassai, H.R. Rezaie, M.R. Naimi-Jamal "Synthesis of cellulose - nanohydroxyapatite composite in 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride", Ceramic International, 36,2010,pp.2375-2381. | An investigation about the activation energies of the reduction transitions of fine dispersed CuWO4−x/WO3−x oxide powders, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 28, 383-387, (2010). | Illustration of effective parameters on growth of ZnO Micro/Nano rods, on the borosilicate glass via hydrothermal process, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanothecnology, 10, 7455-7458, (2010). | A. Yazdani, H.R. Rezaie, H. Ghassai, "Investigation of hydrothermal synthesis of Wollastonite using Silica and Nano Silica at different pressures", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 11[3],2010,pp.348-353. | Effect of APC addition on stability of nanosize precursors in sol-gel processing of SiC nanopowder, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 505, 692-697, (2010). | Sintering behavior of an ultrafine alumina powder shaped by pressure filtration and dry pressing, Material Science and Engineering A, 527, 3807–3812, (2010). | Synthesis of WC–20 wt. % Cu composite powders by co-precipitation and carburization processes, Materials Science-Poland, 28, 413-420, (2010). | Investigation of biphasic calcium phosphate/gelatin nanocomposite scaffolds as a bone tissue engineering, Ceramics International, 36, 2421–2426, (2010). | Chemical mechanism of precipitate formation and pH effect on the morphology and thermochemical co-precipitation of W–Cu nanocomposite powders, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 123, 83–90, (2010). | Investigation of mechanical properties of experimental Bis - GMA/TEGDMA dental composite resins containing various mass fractions of silica nanoparticles,Journal of Prosthodontics, 19, 112-117, (2010). | Preparation of a novel biodegradable nanocomposite scaffold based on poly (3-hydroxybutyrate)/bioglass nanoparticles for bone tissue engineering, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 21, 2125-2132, (2010). | Effect of precursor rooted contamination in the sintering and densification behavior of thermochemically manufactured W-CU nanocomposite, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24, 183-190, (2010). | A. Mostaed, E. Mostaed, A. Shokuhfar, H. Saghafian, H.R. Rezaie, " The influence of milling time and impact force on the mutual diffusion of Al and Cu during synthesis of Al-4.5wt%Cu alloy via mechanical alloying", Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2009 | A. Mostaed, E. Mostaed, A. Shokuhfar, H. Saghafian, H.R. Rezaie, " Effect of SiC particles volume fraction on the mutual diffusion of Al and Cu during fabrication of Al-4.5wt% Cu/SiC via mechanical alloying", Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2009 | H.R. Rezaie, R. Naghizadeh, N. Farrokhnia, S. Arabi, M. Sobhani, " The Effect of Fe2O3 addition on tialite formation", Ceramics International 35, 2009, pp. 679-684 | S. Banijamali, B. Eftekhari, H.R. Rezaie, V.K. Marghussian, "Crystallization and sintering characteristics of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses in the presence of TiO2, CaF2 and ZrO2" Thermochimica Acta, 2009, pp. 60-65 | M.R. Rezaie, H.R. Rezaie, R. Naghizadeh, " The effect of SiO2 additions on barium aluminate cement formation and properties", Ceramics International, 2009 | The effect of sintering temperature on densification of nanoscale dispersed W–20–40%wt Cu composite powders, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 27, 862-867, (2009). | R. Naghizadeh, H.R. Rezaie, F. Golestani-Fard, " The influence of composition, cooling rate and atmosphere on the synthesis and thermal stability of aluminium titanate", Materials Science and Engineering B, 157, 2009, pp. 20-25 | M. Bavand-Vandchali, H. Sarpoolaky, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Rezaie, "Atmosphere and carbon effects on microstructure and phase analysis of in situ spinel formation in MgO-C refractories matrix", Ceramics International 35, pp. 861-868, 2009 | Thermochemical preparation of W–25%Cu nanocomposite powder through a CVT mechanism, Materials Characterization, 60, 1232-1240, (2009) | M. Ebrahimi, J. Javadpoor, H.R. Razaie, M. Goodarzi, " Mechanochemical synthesis of alumina-zirconia nanocomposite powder", Advances in Applied Ceramics, 107, 2008 | A.M. Zahedi, H.R. Rezaie, J. Javadpoor, M. Mazaheri, M.G. Haghighi, " Processing and impact behaviour of Al/SiCp composites fabricated by the pressureless melt infiltration method", Ceramic International, 2008 | G. Naderi, H.R. Rezaie, A. Shokuhfar, R. Naghizadeh, S. Atashgar, "The effct of talc on the reaction sintering, microstructure and physical properties of Al2TiO5 based ceranics", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2008 | R. Naghizadeh, H.R. Rezaie, F. Golestani-fard, " Phase and microstructural evolution of high TiO2-containing Iranian bauxite at high temperatures in different atmospheres", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2008, pp. 343-347 | M. Bavand, F. Golestani-Fard, H. Sarpoolaky, H.R. Rezaie, C.G. Aneziris, "The influence of in situ spinel formation on microstructure and phase evolution of MgO-C refractories", Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28, 2008, pp. 563-569 | H.R. Zargar, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Rezaie, "The influence fo nano boehmite on spinel formation in the alumina-magnesi system at low temperatures", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Vol. 9, No.1, 2008, pp. 46-51 | H.R. Rezaie, R. Naghizadeh, F. Ariapour, R. Ghasemzadeh, S. Eslami, "An evalution on sol-gel chemical processing of refractory barium hexa aluminate fibrous structures", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 2008 | S. Mobini, J. Javadpour, M. Hosseinalipour, A. Khavandi, H.R. Rezaie, M. Ghazi-Khansari" Synthesis and characterization of gelatin-nano hydroxyapatite composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering", Advandes in Applied Ceramics, 2007 | M. Bavand, F. Golestani-Fard, H. Sarpoolaky, H.R. Rezaie, C.G. Aneziris, "The influence of insitu spinel formation on microstructure and phase evolution of MgO-C refractories", Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2007 | G. Naderi, A. Shokuhfar, H.R. Rezaie, R. Naghizadeh, T. Shokuhfar, "Effect of micron and nanosize oxide material additives on reaction sintering, micro structural and physical properties of Al2TiO5 based ceramics", Materials Science Forum, Vol. 553, 2007, pp. 266-272 | H.R. Zargar, F. Golestani-Fard, H.R. Rezaie, "The influence of nano boehmite on spinel formation in the alumina-magnesia system at low temperature", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Vol. 6, 2007 | M.N. Khezrabadi, J. Javadpour, H. R. Rezaei, R. Naghizadeh, "The effect of additives on the properties and microstructures of Al2O3-C refractories", Journal of Materials Science, 2006 | A. A. Nourbakhsh, F. Golestani Fard, H. R. Rezaie , " Influence of additives on microstructural changes in nitride bonded I refractories ", J. of the European ceramic society , Vol. 26, 2006, pp. 1737-1741 | H. Baradari, H. Amani, S. Karimi, H. R. Rezaie, J. Javadpour, H. Sarpoolaky, "The effect of raw materials concentration on hydroxyapatite powder characteristics and sintering behaviour", Iranian J. of Mat. Sci. and Eng., Vol. 1, 2006 | S. Banijamali, B. Eftekhari, H. R. Rezaie, V. K. Marghussian, "Effect of fluorine content on sintering and crystallization behaviour of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass ceramic system", Advanced in Applied Ceramics, Vol. 6, 2006 | S. Banijamali, H. R. Rezaie, B. Eftekhari, V. K. Marghussian, "Sinterability, crystallization and properties of glass-ceramic tiles belonging to CaF2-CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system", Ceramics Int. , 2006 | A.A. Nourbakhsh, F. Golestani Fard, H. R. Rezaie, "Influence of additives on microsturctural changes in nitride bonded SiC refractories", J. of the Eur. Cer. Soc., Vol. 26, 2006, pp. 1737-1747 |
Zahra Mahmoudi, Hamid Reza Rezaie, Hossein Ghassai, "Investigation of Different Phase Formation in a Frittic Glaze at Different Temperatures" 15th. International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, Istanbul- Turkey, 2010 | M.Bavand-Vandchali, H.Sarpoolaky, F.Golestani Fard, H.R. Rezaie" Corrosion study of spinel-bonded MgO-C refractories by silicate slags"51th Int. Colloquium on refractories-refractories for metallurgy,2008 | A.Mostaed, E .Mostaed, A.Shokuhfar, H.Saghafian, H.R.Rezaie" Fabrication of nanostructured Al-4.5 wt% Cu alloy and Al-4.5 wt% Cu/SiC composite via mechanical alloying" | M. Sobhani, H. R. Rezaie, R. Naghizadeh, M. Samadani, " Low temperature synthesis of aluminium titanate (Al2TiO5) nanocrystalline by sol-gel method ", First in congress on nanoscience & nanotechnology, 2006. | H. R. Rezaie, F. Arianpour, R. Naghizadeh, F. Kazemi , "An evaluation of the effects of different phosphate binders on the properties and microstructure of tundish coating refractories", Conf. Ashen, 2006. | A. Najafi, H. Sarpoolaky, F. Arianpour, H. R. Rezaie, F. Golestani Fard, "An investigation on the effects of particle size distribution on the properties and flowability of Alumina spinel self flow refractory castables", Unitcer congress, 2005. | F. Arianpour, H. R. Rezaie, R. Naghizadeh, A. Najafi, "An evaluation on the properties of magnesia insulating refractories for Tundish coating at different temperatures", Unitcer congress, Japan, 2005. | H. R. Rezaie, R. Naghizadeh, F. Aryanpur, "Effect of Magnesia and Binder type on properties and performance of Tundish coating refractories", Unitcer congress, Japan, 2003. | H. R. Rezaie, R. Naghizadeh, F. Aryanpur, J. Kazemi, "Investigation and improvement of tundish lining refractories", The forth international symposium on refractories, China, 2003. |
Research Projects Title | Company | From | To | Preparation and investigation of tialite and its stability | Ministery of education | 2006 | 2008 | Investigation of standards for silica refractories | Standard Institute | 2005 | 2007 |
Awards and Scholarships Year | Oranization | Title | 1996 | Ceramographic competiton , USA | (Third prize (mullite | 1996 | International conference of materials, UK | (First prize (mullite | 1995 | University of sheffield, UK | First prize (mullite | 2000 | Institute of materials, UK | First prize (mullite |