Personal Details NAME: Alireza SURNAME: Khavandi ACCADEMIC STATUS: Associate Professor in IUST Fields of Research Interests: Biomaterials, Polymers, Advanced Materials, Composites. | /khavandi.jpg)
| Contact Address School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2812 Fax: +9821-77240480 E-mail: khavandi@iust.ac.ir | Publications A. Montazeri. A. Khavandi, J.Javadpour, A. Tcharkhtchi, "Viscoelastic properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube/epoxy composites at the different nanotube content", J. of Nano Research, 2011 | A. Montazeri, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, A. Tcharkhtchi, "Viscoelastic properties of multi walled carbon nanotube/epoxy composites using two different curing cycles", Materials and Design, 2010 | A. Montazeri, J. Javdpour, A. Khavandi, A. Tcharkhtchi, A. Mohajeri, "Mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube/epoxy composites", Materials and Design, 2010 | H. Sharifi, M. Divandari, A. Khavandi, M. H. Edris, "Effect of Al powder and silica sol on the structure and mechanical properties of Al2O3-ZrO2 foams", Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2010 | S. Mollazadeh, J. Javadpour, A. R. Khavandi, “Biomimetic synthesis and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite / poly (vinil alcohol) nanocomposites”, Advances in applied ceramics, 2007 | S. Mollazadeh, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, “In situ synthesis and characterization of nano-size hydroxypatite in poly matrix”, Ceramics int., 2006 | R. Shahbazi, J. Javadpour, A. R. Khavandi, “Effect of nanosized reinforcement particles on mechanical properties of high density polyethylene-hydroxy apitite composites”, Advances in applied ceramics, No. 5, 2006 | S. Sh. Homaiegohar, A. Yari Sadi, J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, “The effect of reinforcement volume fraction and particle size on the mechanical properties of b -tricalcium phosphate-high density polyethylene composites ”, J. of the Eur. Cer. Soc., No. 26, pp. 273-278, 2006 | A. Yari Sadi, M. A. Shokrgozar, S. Sh. Homaiegohar, M. Hosseinalipour, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, “The effect of partially stabilized Zirconia on the biological properties of HA/HDPE composites in vitro”, J of materials Sci., 2006 | S. Sh. Hosmaigohar, M. A. Shokrgozar J. Javadpour, A. Khavandi, A. Yari Sadi, "Effect of reinforcement particle size on invitro behaviour of b -tricalcium phosphate-reinforced high-density polyethylene: A nord orthopedic composite", J. of biomedicals materials res., 2006 | S. Sh. Homaiegohar, M. A. Shokrgozar, A. Yari Sadi, A. Khavandi, J. Javadpour, M. Hosseinalipour, “In vitro evaluation of biocompatibility of beta-tricalcium phosphate-reinforced high-density polyethylene on orthopedic compostite”, J. of biomedical materials res. Part : A, No. 75A, pp. 14-22, 2005 |
S. Mollazadeh, J. Javadpour, A. R. Khavandi, “Mechanical properties of In-situ processed hydroxyapatite / polyvinyl/ alchohol nanocomposites”, First int. cong. on nanoscience, 2006. |