Personal Details NAME: Saeed SURNAME: Shabestari ACCADEMIC STATUS: Professor in IUST Fields of Research Interests: Casting, Solidification, Heat Treatment, Physical Metallurgy. | /shabestari.jpg)
| Contact Address Department of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2815 Fax: +9821-77240480 E-mail: Shabestari@iust.ac.ir | Publications Nazari, S.G.Shabestari" Effect of micro alloying elements on the interfacial reactions between molten aluminum alloy and tool steel" j. of alloys and compounds 2009. | S.G.Shabestari, D.Li,D.Isac,L.Guthrie" The role of solidification conditions on the microstructural features of AA6111 aluminum strips cast on a horizontal single belt caster" J.of materials research 2008. | A.Vaziri, H.A.Shahverdi, S.G.Shabestari, M.J. Torkamani" Effect of beam interaction time on laser alloying with pulsed Nd-YAG laser" Materials sci. & technology 2008. | S. M. Miresmaeli , S. Shabestari, S. M. A. Boutorabi, " The effect of SR-Modification treatment on porosity formation of reduced pressure 319 Al alloy castings ", Canadian metallurgical Quarterly, 2003. | S. Shabestari, S. M. Miresmaeili, S. M. A. Boutorabi , " Effect of Sr-modification and melt cleanliness on melt hydrogen absorption of 319 aluminium alloy ", J.of material science , pp. 1901-1907, 2003. | S. G. Shabestari, F. Shahri, " Influence of modification, solidification conditions and heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of A356 aluminum alloy ", J. of material Scienece, Vol. 39, pp. 1-10, 2004. | S. M. Miresmaeili, J. Campbell, S. G. Shabestari, S. M. A. Boutorabi , " Precipitation of Sr-Rich intermetallic particles and their influence on pore formation in Sr-modified A356 alloy ", Metallurgical & Materials trans actions A, Vol. 36A, pp. 2341-2349, 2005. | S. G. Shabestari, M. Malekan, "Thermal analysis study of the effect of the cooling rate on the microstructure and solidification parameters of 319 aluminum", Canadian metallurgical quarterly, Vol. 3, 2005. | H. A. pour, M. lieblich, S. G. Shabestari, M. T. Salehi, "Influence of pre-oxidation of NiAl intermetallic particles on thermal stability of Al/NiAlP composites at 500 ° C ", Scripta materialia, Vol. 53, pp. 977-982, 2005. | S. G. Shabestari, S. Ghodrat, "Thermal analysis and microstructural evaluation of intermetallic compounds formed during pre-and post-eutectic reactions in 319 Aluminum alloy", Canadian metallurgical quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 207-214, 2006. | O. Majidi, S. G. Shabestari, M. R. Aboutalebi, "Study of fluxing temperature in molten aluminium refining process", J. of materials processing technology , 2006. | S. G. Shabestari, N. Nanderka, W. Seeliger, Y. Banhart, "Optimisation of the strength of aluminium foam sandwich (AFS) panels by different heat treatment", Materials Sci., Vol. 519-521, pp. 1221-1226, 2006. | F. Shahri, A. Beitollahi, S. G. Shabestari, 6 others, "Stuructural characterization and magnetoimpedeance effect in amorphous and nanocrystalline Al-Ge substituted FeSiBNbCu ribbons", J. of magnetism and magnetic materials, Vol. 312, pp. 35-42, 2007. | O. Majidi, S. G. Shabestari, M. R. Aboutalebi, "Study of fluxing temperature in molten aluminum refining process", J. of the materials processing Technology, 2007. | S. G. Shabestari, S. Ghodrat, " Assessment of modification and formation of intermetallic compounds in aluminum alloy using thermal analysis ", Mineral sci. & Eng. A , 2007. | R. Taghiabadi, H. M. Ghasemi, S. G. Shabestari, "Effect of iron-rich intermetallics on the sliding wear behaviour of Al-Si alloys", Material Sci. & Eng., 2008. |
S.G.Shabestarit M.M.Hejazi,M.Bahramifar" Effect of magnesium and artificial aging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Mn alloys" Materials and advances in(AMPT) materials.2008 | S.Mirzaei, A.Beitollahi,S.G.Shabestari, F.Shahri" Effect of heat treatment on the GMI effect and Domain structures of amorfous and nanocrystalline soft magnetic Fe72Si12.5B9Nb3 Cu1Al1.5Ge1 alloy"2nd int. cong. on nanotech. ( ICNN2008,2008 | S.G.Shabestari, M.M.Hejazi" Combined effects of cooling rate grain refinement on the microstructure and hardness of modified 319 aluminum alloy" MSE congress,2008 | M.H.Shaeri, S.G.Shabestari, H.Saghafian" Efect of austempering and martempring heat treatment on the amount of retained austenite in Cr-Mo steels used in mills liner" MSE congress,2008 | Seyedraoufi, Saghafian, Shabestari" Synthesis of Cu-Al2O3 nano composite by thermochemical method" 2nd international congress on nanoscience .2008 | S. Shabestari, H. Moemeni, "Effect of Copper and Solidification condition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si-Mg", Int. advances in materials and processing technologies, Irland, 2003. | D. Li, S. G. Shabestari, J. Kim, M. Isac, R. I. L. Gutherie, "Studies in the costing of AA6111 strip on a horizontal, single belt, strip casting simulator", Light metals, 2005. | F. Shahri, S. E. Roozmeh, S. M. Mohseni, A. Beitollahi, S. G. Shabestari, "Structural, magnetic properties and MI effect in amorphous and nanocrystalline AlGe-Substituted FeSiBNbCu ribbons", 1st Iran-Russia, 2005. | H. Abdollahpour, S. G. Shabestari, M. T. Salehi, M. Lieblich, "Manufacturing and mechanical properties of aluminium matrix composites reinforced with NiAl intermetallic compound produced by hot-extrusion", Tehran int. congress on manufactring engineering TICME, 2007. | A. Beitoollahi, F. Shahri, S. G. Shabestari, S. Kamali, "Effect of heat-treatment on the structure and magnetic properties of Al-Ge-added FINEMENT alloys", Knowledge based industries & nanotechnology conference, 2007. | R. Taghiabadi, H. M. Ghasemi, S. G. Shabestari, "Sliding wear behaviour of high iron F332 Al-Si alloy", The 3rd int. conf. on application of traditional and high performance materials in harsh environments, 2008 |