Personal Details NAME: Seyed Mohammad Ali SURNAME: Boutorabi ACCADEMIC STATUS: Professor in IUST Fields of Research Interests: Casting, Running Systems in Casting, Solidification, Heat Treatment (ADI). | /boutorabi.jpg)
| Contact Address School of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran Tel: +9821-7724540-550 , Ext: 2810 Fax: +9821-77240480 E-mail: Boutorabi@iust.ac.ir | Publications R. Molaie, M. H. Shariat, M. A. Boutorabi, A. R. Zakeri, "Rhenium (VII) Recovery via electro- oxidation process", Electrochemical and Solid - State Letters, 2011, 14(1), E1-E3. doi: 10.1149/1.3505827 | M. T. Safarzadeh, A. Arab, M. A. Boutorabi, "The effects of anodizing condition and post treatment on the growth of nickel nanowites using anodic aluminum oxide", Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2010,7(3) | M. Zandira, S.M.A. Boutorabi ," Fracture characteristics of austempered shperoidal graphite aluminum cast irons", Journal of Iron & steel research international , 17 (2010) 31-35. | Mostafavi, S.M.A. Boutorabi, " As cast acicular ductile aluminum cast iron", Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International، 16 (2009)23-28. | Mostafavi, S.M.A.Boutorabi" As cast acicular ductile aluminum cast iron" Int. j. of iron and steel research،2008. | M.Zandira, S.M.A.Boutorabi" Fracture characteristics of austempered shperoidal graphite aluminum cast irons" Iron & steel research.2008. | A.R.Mirak, M.Divandari, S.M.A.Boutorabi, J. Compbell, “Oxide film characterication of AZ91 magnesium alloy in casting conditions”, Int. J. of cast metals. Res., No. 4, 2007. | F. Bahreinian, S.M.A. Boutorabi, J. Campbell, “Critical gate velocity for magnesium casting alloy”, Int. J. of cast metals research, No. 1, 2006. | S.M.Miresmaeili, J. Campbell, S.G.Shabestari, S.M.A.Boutorabi, “Precipitation of Sr-Rich intermetallic particles and their influence on pore formation in Sr-modified A356 alloy”, Metallurgical & Materials trans actions A, No. 36A, 2005, pp. 2341-2349. | S.Shabestari, S.M.Miresmaeili, S.M.A.Boutorabi, “Effect of Sr-modification and melt cleanliness on melt hydrogen absorption of 319 aluminium alloy”, J . of material science, 2003, pp. 1901-1907. | S.M. Miresmaeli, S. Shabestari, S.M. A. Boutorabi, “The effect of SR-Modification treatment on porosity formation of reduced pressure 319 Al alloy castings”, Canadian metallurgical Quarterly, 2003. |