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" Dr Rassoul  Noorossana "

Full Professor

Ph.D., Applied Statistics, University of Louisiana, USA, Dec. 1990

Department: Industrial Engineering

Office  : 73225017

Dept.   : 7322 5000

  Fax      : 7322 5098

Email : rassoul AT iust.ac.ir 



Academic Background

Ph.D. in Applied Statistics, University of Louisiana, December 1990.

Dissertation Topic: “An Empirical Bayes Approach to Statistical Process Control”

Advisor: Prof. William H. Woodall

M.S. in Engineering Management, University of Louisiana, May 1986.

Thesis Topic: “ARL Performance of Statistical Process Control Charts”

B.S. in Petroleum Engineering, Louisiana State University, December 1983.

Professional Experience

Adjunct Professor (Fall 2015)

Industrial and System Engineering Dept., University of Oklahoma, Norman, Ok, USA

Full Professor (2004-present)

Industrial Engineering Dept., Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran

 Associate Professor (2000-2004)

Industrial Engineering Dept., Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran

Assistant Professor (1992-2000)

Industrial Engineering Dept., Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran

 Assistant Professor (1990-1992)

Management Dept., University of Southeastern Louisiana, Hammond, USA

 Teaching Assistant (1987-1990)

Statistics Department, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, USA

Consulting Experiences (1992-present)

 Experiences in more than 100 projects include methods related to Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma Methodologies, Statistical Analysis, Design of Experiments, Statistical Process Control, Lean Production, Customer Satisfaction Measurement, Quality Management, Sampling, Time Series Analysis, and Multivariate Analysis in many industrial fields including automotive, auto parts manufacturing, transportation, oil and gas, healthcare, petrochemical, mining, and postal services.


ASQ Certified Six Sigma Black Belt – Certificate No. 2942

ASQ Certified Quality Engineer - Certificate No. 47106

Iran National Standards Organization, Certified Quality Manager, Certificate No. 808  

Teaching Responsibility

·  Iran University of Science and Technology

 ü Graduate Courses: Statistical Learning, Advanced Statistical Quality Control, Design and Analysis of Experiments, Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, Advanced Engineering Statistics, Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Operations Management, Total Quality Management

 ü Undergraduate Courses: Statistical Quality Control, Applied Engineering Statistics, Quality Management

·  University of Oklahoma

 ü Graduate Courses: Statistical Analysis for System Design

 ü Undergraduate Courses: Applied Engineering Statistics

·  University of Southeastern Louisiana

 ü Graduate Courses: Advanced Business Statistics, Operations Management

 ü Undergraduate Courses: Business Statistics

·      University of Louisiana at Lafayette

 ü Undergraduate Courses: Elementary Statistics, College Algebra

Consulting Experience

Provided consulting services to more than 20 companies over 25 years using quality engineering, statistical learning, and lean six sigma (L6S) techniques such as supervised and unsupervised learnings, multivariate statistical analysis, measuring and modeling relationships between variables, statistical process control, design and analysis of experiments, measurement system analysis, and process capability analysis in over 200 quality improvement and cost reduction projects with a successful track record across many manufacturing and service industries including healthcare, postal services, automotive, mining, transportation, port operation, and pharmaceutical industries.

Selected Consulting Projects

·Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex (1994-2019)

Worked on 45 L6S projects and 10 process improvement projects that resulted in savings of over $3.4 million.

·IKCO Automobile Manufacturer (1994-2019)

Worked on 45 L6S projects and 15 process improvement projects that led to over $1.65 million in savings. Based on the savings of L6S projects led by several BBs, the executive team decided to lower the price of the products for the year 1998. 

·SAIPA Automobile Manufacturer (2005-2019)

Advised executive leadership and led over 30 L6S projects and 5 process improvement projects to saving over $880,000. In particular, the part inspection plan project helped the company to create a feedback loop among part manufacturers, auto manufacturer, after sales, and clients.

·Tidewater Middle East Company (2011-2013)

Training, coaching, and mentoring L6S teams and worked on 30 L6S projects that led to over $700,000 in port operations.

·Taleghani General Hospital (2010-2012)

Training, coaching, and mentoring L6S teams and worked on 15 L6S projects that led to over $600,000 in hospital processes.

·Abouraihan Pharmaceutical Company (2010-2011)

Training, coaching, and mentoring L6S teams and worked on 15 L6S projects that led to over $200,000 in production and laboratory processes.  

Research Grants

Principal researcher in many projects supported by different organizations including

·Iran University of Science and Technology Research Affairs

·Iran National Science Foundation

·Iran National Standard Institute

·Tehran Chamber of Commerce

·Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex Research Center

·Iran Post Company Research Center


·   Best book award (Introduction to Statistical Quality Control), Iran Statistical Center, Tehran, Iran, 1998

·   Best book award (Introduction to Statistical Quality Control), Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2005

·   Industrial Engineering Society Excellence Award, Tehran, Iran, 2007

·   Excellence in Teaching Award, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2008

·   Industrial Engineering Department Best Researcher Award, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2010

·   Industrial Engineering Department Best Researcher Award, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2011

·   Industrial Engineering Department Best Researcher Award, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2013

·   Industrial Engineering Department Best Researcher Award, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2014

·   Excellence in Teaching Award, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2017

·   Excellence in Teaching Award, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2018

·   Excellence in Teaching Award, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2019

Conference Chair

·   First International Six Sigma Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2007

·   Second International Six Sigma Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2008

·   International Management Conference, Quality Management Division Chair, 2007-2015, Tehran, Iran

·   First International Quality Engineering Conference, 2012, Tehran, Iran


·   Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Springer, Senior Editor, (2008-2018)

·   Journal of Quality Technology and Quantitative Management - Taylor and Francis, Associate Editor, (2013-present)

·   Journal of Quality Engineering and Management - PQP Research Center, Editor (2011-2016)

Books in English

·   Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., and Amiri, A. (2011), Statistical Analysis of Profile Monitoring, edited, John Wiley and Sons.

·   Noorossana, R., Zero Acceptance Sampling for Variable Quality Characteristics, working book.

Books in Persian

·   Noorossana, R. (1998), Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Iran University of Science and Technology (Award Winner), Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R. (2000), Introduction to Design of Experiments, Institute of Industrial Management, Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R., Salehipour, A., and Saghaei, A. (2004), What is Six Sigma?, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R., and Saghaei, A.(2005), What is Lean Six Sigma?, Termeh Publication, Tehran, Iran.

·   Saghaei, A., Noorossana, R., and Eyvazian, M. (2005), Six Sigma with Minitab, Termeh Publication, Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R. (2006), Design and Analysis of Experiments, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

·   Saghaei, A. and Noorossana, R. (2007), Probability and Statistics in Cartoon, Termeh Publication, Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R. (2008), Introduction to Design and Analysis of Experiments, Iran University of Science and Technology Publication, Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R., and Saghaei, A. (2012), Quality Improvement Glossary, House of Quality Publication, Tehran, Iran..

·   Noorossana, R., Shekari, M., Saghaei, A. (2012), Introduction to Statistical Quality Control Solution Manual, House of Quality Publication, Tehran, Iran.

·   Saghaei, A., Noorossana, R., Rezaeian, S. (2012), Delivering Quality Service, House of Quality Publication, Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., and Amiri, A. (2013), Design for Six Sigma, Shahed University Publication, Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R. and Saghaei, A. (2013), Quality Improvement Glossary, House of Quality Publication, Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R. and Taleizadeh, A. (2015), Quality Management, Control, and Improvement, House of Quality Publication, Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R. and Sabri Leghaei, K. (2018), Introduction to Reliability Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

·   Espahbodi, M. and Noorossana, R. (2018), Statistical Analysis for Chemical Laboratories, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.  

·   Sabri Leghaei, K. and Noorossana, R. (2018), Reliability Analysis with Minitab, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

·   Noorossana, R. and Sabri Leghaei, K. (2018), Advanced Statistical Quality Control, Working book.

Refereed Journal Publications

 1-  Yousry, M. A., Strum, G. W., Feltz, C. J., and Noorossana, R. (1991), “Process Monitoring in Real Time: Empirical Bayes Approach - Discrete Case,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 123-132.

2-  Noorossana, R., Nojavan, M. (1998), “A Mathematical Model for Optimization of the Zone Control Chart,” International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 9, pp. 25-33.

3-  Noorossana, R. (2001), “A Combined Multiple Regression – Time Series Approach to Process Capability Analysis When Data Are Autocorrelated,” International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 11-19.

4-   Noorossana, R. (2002), “Process Capability Analysis in the Presence of Autocorrelation,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 75-77.

5- Noorossana, R., Woodall, W. H., and Amiriparian, M. (2002), “On the Economic Designs of the Multivariate Control Charts,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 1665-1673.

6-  Noorossana, R., Farokhi, M., and Saghaie, A. (2003), “Using Networks to Detect and Classify Out-of-Control Signals in Autocorrelated Processes,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 493-504.

7- Noorossana, R., and Alemzad, A. H. (2003), “Quality Improvement through Multiple Response Optimization,” International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 49-58.

8- Noorossana, R., and Jafari, D. (2004), “Quality Function Deployment in Fuzzy Environment,” Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No. 57-D, pp. 142-157.

9- Noorossana, R., and Lotfi, M. R. (2004) “A Heuristic Method to Compare Distributions of Two Quality Characteristics,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 173-182.

10-  Noorossana, R., and Soltanpanah, H. (2004), “Developing a Method for Determining the Function for Decision Making and Appling it in Multi-response Optimization,” International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 221-233.

11- Raissi, S., and Noorossana, R. (2005) “Estimating Process Capability Indices Using Ridge Regression,” Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 20-27.

12-  Valmohamadi, Ch., Najmi, M., and Noorossana, R. (2005), “TQM and ISO 9000:2000, A Comparative Study,” Moddares Engineering Journal, Vol. 36, pp. 181-211.

13- Noorossana, R., Asgharpour, M. J., and Nasiri, Z. (2005), “Prioritizing Customer Requirements in QFD,” International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 21-27.

14- Noorossana, R., Asgharpour, M. J., and Soltanpanah, H. (2005), “Developing a Method to Obtain Decision Function in Multiresponse Optimization,” Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 60, No. 15, pp.61-72.

15- Noorossana, R., and Vaghefi, S. J. M. (2006), “Effect of Autocorrelation on the Performance of MCUSUM Control Chart,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 191-197.

16-Noorossana, R., and Saraei, A. (2006), “Economic-Statistical Design of Multivariate Projection Pursuit Cumulative Sum Control Chart,” International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 79-84.

17- Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Karbasian, M. (2006), “Economic Design of R2R Controller Using EWMA Procedure,” Esteghlal Journal, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 15-28.

18- Noorossana, R., Kazemzadeh, R. B., and Karbasian, M. (2006), “Economic Optimization of R2R Control Process Based on Residual Control Chart,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 33-43.

19- Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Karbasian, M. (2006), “Optimum Estimation of Weight Parameters of EWMA and Double EWMA Control Charts by MCDM,” International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 31-35.

20- Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Paynabar, K., and Samimi, Y. (2007), “On the Conditional Decision Procedure for High Yield Processes,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 469-477.

21- Noorossana, R., and Seyedaliakbar, S. M. (2007), “On the Multivariate Variation Control Chart,” Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 59-66.

22- Noorossana, R., and Rabbani, E. (2007), “Multiresponse Optimization Using Heuristic Methods,” Industrial Management Journal - Sanandaj, Vol. 3, pp. 1-12.

23- Noorossana, R., Amiri, A. H. (2007), “A Methodology to Analyze the Transient Behavior of Exponential Quality Systems,” Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 66, pp. 19-29.

24- Noorossana, R., Rabani, A. (2007), “An Integrated Meta-heuristic Approach to Multiresponse Optimization Using Desirability Function,” Journal of Industrial Management Faculty of Humanities, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 1-12.

25- Noorossana, R., Amiri, A., and Soleimani, P. (2008), “On the Monitoring of Auto correlated Linear Profiles,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 425-442.

26- Kazemzadeh, R. B., Bashiri, M. Atkinson, A. C., and Noorossana, R. (2008), “A General Framework for Multi response Optimization Problems Based on Goal Programming,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 189, No. 2, pp. 421-429.

27-  Ardakani, M. K., and Noorossana, R. (2008), “A New Optimization Criterion for Robust Parameter Design - The Case of Target is Best,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 38, No. 9-10, pp. 851-859.

28- Noorossana, R., and Shadman, A. (2008), “Estimating the Change Point of a Normal Process Mean with a Monotonic Change,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 79-90.

29-Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2008), “Phase I Monitoring Polynomial Profiles,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 37, No. 10, pp. 1671-1686. 

30-  Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Shadalouei, F., and Samimi, Y. (2008), “Customer Satisfaction Measurement to Identify Areas for Improvement in Higher Education Research Services,” Journal of Research and Planning in Higher Education, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 97-119.

31- Noorossana, R., and Ardakani, M. K. (2008), “Robust Parameter Design Using an LP Metric,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 63-70.

32- Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2009), “Monitoring Polynomial Profiles in Quality Control Applications,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 42, No. 7-8, pp. 703-712.

33-Noorossana, R., Tajbakhsh, S.D., and Saghaei, A. (2009) “An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Multiple Response Optimization,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 40, No. 11-12, pp. 1227-1238.

34- Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Paynabar, K., and Abdi, S. (2009), “Identifying the Period of a Step Change in High Yield Processes,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 875-883.

35- Soleimani, P., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2009), “Simple Linear Profile Monitoring in the Presence of Within Profile Autocorrelation,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 1015-1021.

36-Ardakani, M. K., Noorossana, R., Niaki, S. T. A., and Lahijanian, H. (2009), “Robust Parameter Design Using the Weighted Metric Method: The Case of “the Smaller the Better,” International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 59-68.

37-Vaghefi, A., Tajbakhsh, S. D., and Noorossana, R. (2009), “Phase II Monitoring of Nonlinear Profiles,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 38, No. 11, pp. 1834-1851.

38- Saeidi Mehrabad, M., Noorossana, R., and Shafiee, M. (2009), “Modeling and Analysis of Effective Ways for Improving the Reliability of Secondhand Products Sold with Warranty,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 46, No. 1-4, pp. 253-265.

39-Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2009), “Monitoring Polynomial Profiles in Quality Control Applications,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 42, No. 7-8, pp. 703-712.

40- Noorossana, R., and Sadeghi, A. (2009), “Investigating tool Wear Effect on Porportion Nonconforming Control Chart,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, Vol. 20, pp. 73-80.

41-Noorossana, R. and Heydari, M. (2009), “Change Point Estimation of a Process Variance with a Linear Trend Disturbance”, Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 25-30.

42-Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., and Moghadam, N. (2009), “Six Sigma: The New Quality Improvement Initiative in Healthcare,” Journal of Hospital, Vol. 4, pp. 45-57.

43- Rabbani, A., and Noorossana, R. (2009), “Multiresponse Optimization with Qualitative Responses,” Journal of Industrial Management, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 47-62.

44-        Memariani, A., Noorossana, R., and Sharifi, M. (2009), “Real Time Study of a k-out-of-n System: n Identical Elements with Increasing Failure Rates,” Iranian Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 56-67.

45-        Noorossana, R., and Ardakani, M. K. (2009), “A Weighted Metric Method to Optimize Multiresponse Robust Problems,” Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 10-19.

46-        Noorossana, R., and Sadeghi, A. (2009), “Investigating Tool Wear Effect on Proportion Non-Conforming Control Chart,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 73-80.

47-        Noorossana, R., Rabani, A. (2009), “Multiresponse Optimization with Qualitative Responses Using Location and Dispersion of Responses,” Journal of Industrial Management Faculty of Humanities, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 47-62.

48-        Noorossana, R., Eyvazian, M., and Vaghefi, A. (2010) “Phase II Monitoring of Multivariate Simple Linear Profiles,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 563-570.

49-        Noorossana, R., Eyvazian, M., Amiri, A., and Mahmoud, M. (2010) “Statistical Monitoring of Multivariate Multiple Linear Regression profiles in Phase I with Calibration Application,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 291-303.

50-        Jahan, A., Ismail, Y. M., Noorossana, R. (2010), “Multiresponse Optimization in Design of Experiments Considering Capability Index in Bounded Objectives Method,” Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 11-16.

51-        Alipour, H. and Noorossana, R. (2010), “Fuzzy Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 48, No. 9-12, pp. 1001-1007.

52-        Garjani, M., Noorossana, R., and Saghaei, A. (2010), “A Neural Network Based Control Scheme for Monitoring Start-up Processes and Short Runs,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 51, No. 9-12, pp. 1023-1032.

53-        Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. H. (2010), “Phase II Monitoring of Autocorrelated Polynomial Profiles in AR (1) Processes,” Scientia Iranica Transaction E: Industrial Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 12-24.

54-        Ahmadzadeh, F., Noorossana, R., and Saghaei, A. (2010) “Identifying the Time of a Step Change with EWMA Control Charts by Artificial Neural Network,” Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 16-30.

55-        Sharifi, M., Memariani, A., and Noorossana, R. (2010), “Real Time Study of a k-out-of-n System: n Identical Elements with Constant Fuzzy Failure Rates,” World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 8, No. 9, pp. 1136-1143.

56-        Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., and Dorri, M. (2010), “Linear Profile Monitoring in the Presence of Non-Normality and Autocorrelation,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 221-230.

57-        Atashgar, K., and Noorossana, R. (2010), “Identifying Change Point in a Bivariate Normal Process Mean Vector with Monotonic Changes,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 1-13.


58-        Atashgar, K., and Noorossana, R. (2011), “An Integrating Approach to Root Cause Analysis of a Bivariate Mean Vector with a Linear Trend Disturbance,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 52, No. 1-4, pp. 407-420.

59-        Eyvazian, M., Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., and Amiri, A. (2011), “Phase II Monitoring of Multivariate Multiple Linear Regression Profiles,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 281-296.

60-        Noorossana, R., Atashgar, K., and Saghaei, A. (2011), “An Integrated Supervised Learning Solution for Monitoring Process Mean Vector,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 56, No. 5-8, pp. 755-765.

61-        Mehrafrooz, Z., and Noorossana, R. (2011), “An Integrated Model Based on Statistical Process Control and Maintenance,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 1245-1255.

62-        Noorossana, R., Vaghefi, A., and Dorri, M. (2011), “Effect of Non-Normality on the Monitoring of Simple Linear Profiles,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 425-436.

63-        Noorossana, R., Fatahi, A. A., Dokouhki, P., and Babakhani, M. (2011), “ZIB-EWMA Control Chart for Monitoring Rare Health Events,” Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 881-895.

64-        Fatahi, A. A., Noorossana, R., Dokouhaki, P., and Babakhani, M. (2011), “Statistical Monitoring of Rare Events in Healthcare,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 243-252.

65-        Taghizadeh Herat, A. and Noorossana, R. (2011), “The Necessity of Re-Conceptualizing the European Foundation for Quality Management’s (EFQM) Excellence Model for the Healthcare Sector and its Use in the Iranian National Productivity and Excellence Award (INPE),” Journal of Hospital, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 58-66.

66-        Farajpour, G., Noorossana, R. (2011), “An Integrated Framework for Design and Implementation of Strategy at Islamic Republic of Iran Postal Service,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and production Management, Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 78-90.

67-        Fatahi, A. A., Noorossana, R., Dokouhaki, P., and Babakhani, M. (2011), “A Review on Statistical Monitoring of Rare Events and Their Necessity in Healthcare Area,” Payesh, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 429-437.

68-        Asadollahi, Z., Noorossana, R., and Niaki, S. T. A. (2012), “New Statistic to Increase Correctness in Simulation Factor Screening Using Frequency Domain Method,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 41, No. 12, pp. 2242-2255.

69-        Niavarani, M. R., Noorossana, R., and Abbasi, B. (2012), “Three New Multivariate Process Capability Indices,” Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 341-356.

70-        Noorossana, R., and Shekary, M. (2012), “Monitoring Tow Dependent Process Steps Using Special Variable Sample Size and Sampling Intervals Cause-Selecting Control Charts,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 437-453.

71-        Noorossana, R., and Heydari, M. (2012), “Change Point Estimation of a Normal Process Variance with a Monotonic Change,” Scientia Iranica Transaction E-Industrial Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 885-894.

72-        Saghaei, A., Najafi, H., and Noorossana, R. (2012), “Enhanced Rolled Throughput Yield: A New Six Sigma-based Performance Measure,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 140, No. 1, pp. 368-373.

73-        Noorossana, R., and Ayoubi, M. (2012), “Profile Monitoring Using Nonparametric Bootstrap T2 Control Chart,” Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 302-315.

74-        Fatahi, A. A., Noorossana, R., Dokouhaki, P., and Moghaddam, B. F. (2012), “Copula-Based Bivariate ZIP Control Chart for Monitoring Rare Events,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 41, No. 15, pp. 2699-2716.

75-        Noorossana, R., and Heydari, M. (2012), “Change point estimation of a normal process variance with monotonic change,” Scientia Iranica Transaction E-Industrial Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 885-894.

76-        Sohi, Z. A., Noorossana, R., and Niaki, S. T. A. (2012), “New Statistic to Increase Correctness in Simulation Factor Screening Using Frequency Domain Method,” Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, Vol. 41, No. 12, pp. 2242- 2255.

77-        Amiri, A., Eyvazian, M., Zou, Ch., and Noorossana, R. (2012), “A Parameters Reduction Method for Monitoring Multiple Linear Regression Profiles,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 58, No. 5-8, pp. 621-629.

78-        Azadeh, A., Saberi, M., Noorossana, R., Saidi Mehrabad, M., Anvari, M., and Izadbakhsh, H. (2012), “Estimating Efficient Value of Controllable Variable Using an Adaptive Neural Network Algorithm: Case of a Railway System,” Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol. 71, pp. 45-50.

79-        Dokouhaki, P., Noorossana, R., Fatahi, A. A., and Moghaddam, B. F. (2012), “Surveillance of Diabetes Prevalence Rate Through the Development of Markov-Based Control Chart,” Published on line, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 881-895.

80-        Fatahi, A. A., Noorossana, R., Dokouhaki, P., and Moghaddam, B. F. (2012), “Zero Inflated Poisson EWMA Control Chart for Monitoring Rare Health-Related Events,” Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 512-520

81-        Noorossana, R., Paynabar, K., and Moradimanesh, M. (2012), “Estimating Time of a Simple Step Change in Non-Conforming Items in High Yield Processes,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 319-330.

82-        Noorossana, R., Rezaeian, S., Jahanshahi, M, Izadbakhsh, H. R., and Memarzadeh, M. (2012), “A Simulation Based Approach to Improve Quality and Reduce Cost in the Smelting Factory of Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex,” Quality Engineering and Management, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 19-27.

83-        Behbahani, M., Saghaei, A., and Noorossana, R. (2012), “A Case Based Reasoning System Development for Statistical Process Control: Case Representation and Retrieval,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Volume 63, No. 4, pp. 1107–1117.

84-        Noorossana, R., and Soleimani, P. (2012), “Investigating the Effect of Autocorrelation on Monitoring Multivariate Linear Profiles,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 187-193.

85-        Noorossana, R. and Izadbakhsh, H. R. (2012), “Profile Monitoring for Multinomial Responses,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 417-429.

86-        Noorossana, R., Adibi, A., and Zeraatkar Moghaddam, A. (2012), “A Comparative Study of Adaptive Control Charts under Non-Normality,” Quality Engineering and Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 10-17.

87-        Dokouhaki, P. and Noorossana, R. (2012), “Monitoring Defective Rate of Autocorrelated Binary Data Under 100% Inspection Assumption,” Quality Engineering and Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 19-28.

88-        Noorossana, R., Niaki STA, Izadbakhsh, H. R. (2012), “Statistical Monitoring of Nominal Logistic Profiles in Phase II,” Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, Vol. 44, No. 13, pp. 2689-2704.

89-        Saghaei, A., Rezazadeh Saghaei, M., Noorossana, R., and Dorri, M. (2012), “Phase II Logistic Profile Monitoring,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 291-299.

90-        Noorossana, R. and Forouzandeh Shahraki, A. (2012), “Developing a Method for Robust Product Design in the Presence of Uncertainty,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 1-12.

91-        Noorossana, R., Rezaeian, S., and Moradi, S. (2012), “Evaluating Patients Satisfaction from Hospital General Practitioners,” Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 22. 

92-        Fatahi, A., A., Noorossana, R., Dokouhaki, P., and Farhamg Moghaddam, B. (2012), “Copula Based Bivariate ZIP Control Chart for Monitoring Rare Events, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. Vol. 41, pp. 2699-2716.

93-        Atashgar, K. and Noorossana, R. (2012), “Diagnosing the Source(s) of a Monotonic Change in the Process Mean Vector,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 60, pp. 1175-1183.

94-        Noorossana, R. and Shekary, M. (2012), “Monitoring Two Dependent Process Steps Using Special Variable Sample Sizes and Sampling Intervals Cause-Selecting Control Charts,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp.  437-453.

95-        Barzinpour, F., Noorossana, R., Niaki, S. T. A., and Ershadi, J. (2013), “A Hybrid Nelder-Mead Simplex and PSO Approach on Economic and Economic-Statistical Design of MEWMA Control Chart,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 65, No. 9-12, pp. 1339-1348.

96-        Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Izadbakhsh, H., and Aghababaei, O. (2013), “Monitoring Multinomial Logit Profiles Via Log-Linear Models,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 137-142.

97-        Forouzandeh Shahraki A. and Noorossana, R. (2013), “A Combined Algorithm for Solving Reliability Based Robust Design Optimization Problems,” Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 7, pp. 54-62.

98-        Noorossana, R. and Sedighi Maman, Z. (2013), “Optimal Design of Sign Control Chart with Variable Sampling Size,” Quality Engineering and Management, Vol. 2, No. 2. pp. 197-205.

99-        Dokouhaki, P. and Noorossana, R. (2013), “A Copula Markov CUSUM Chart for Monitoring the Bivariate Autocorrelated Binary Observations,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 29, No. 26, pp. 911-919.

100-    Nikoo, M. and Noorossana, R. (2013), “Phase II Monitoring of Nonlinear Profile Variance Using Wavelet,” Published on Line, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 29, No. 7, pp. 1081-1089.

101-    Soleimani. P., Noorossana, R., and Niaki, S. T. A. (2013), “Monitoring Autocorrelated Multivariate Simple Linear Profiles,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 67, No. 5-8. pp. 1857-1865.

102-    Noorossana, R., Toosheghanian, M., and Masoumi, F. (2013), “Using Genetic Algorithm and Response Surface Methodology for Statistically Constrained Optimization of VSI X-bar Control Charts Under Multiple Assignable Causes and Non-Normality,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 67, No. 9-12 , pp. 2325-2342.

103-    Nemati Keshteli, R., Kazemzadeh, R., Amiri, A., and Noorossana, R. (2013), “Functional Process Capability Indices for Circular Profiles,” Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 633-644.

104-    Amiri, F., Noghondarian, K., Noorossana, R. (2013), “Economic-Statistical Design of Adaptive X-bar Control Chart: a Taguchi Loss Function Approach,” Scientia Iranica, Transaction E: Industrial Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 1096-1104.

105-    Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Izadbakhsh, H. R., and Aghababaei, O. (2013), “Monitoring Multinomial Logistic Profiles via Log-Linear Models,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, Vol. 24, No.2, pp. 137-142.

106-    Assareh, H., Noorossana, R., and Mengersen, K. (2013), “Bayesian Change Point Estimation in Poisson Based Control Charts,” Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Vol. 9, No. 32, pp. 1-13.

107-    Ghiasabadi, A., Noorossana, R., and Saghaei, A. (2013), “Identifying Change Point of a Non-random Pattern on Control Chart Using Artificial Neural Networks,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 67, PP. 1623-1630.

108-    Noorossana, R., Aminnayeri, M., and Izadbakhsh, H.R. (2013), “Statistical Monitoring of Polytomous Logistic Profiles in Phase II,” Scientia Iranica, Transaction E: Industrial Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 958-966.

109-    Noorossana, R., Rezaeian, S., Saghaei, A., Karimzadeh, Y., and Moradi, S. (2013), “Measuring Healthcare Services Quality in Emergency Rooms Considering Patient Rights, Medical Ethics, Vol.7, No. 23, pp. 161-185. 

110-    Forouzandeh Shahraki, A. and Noorossana, R. (2013), “A Combined Algorithm for Solving Reliability Based Robust Design Optimization Problems,” Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 7, pp. 54-62.

111-    Taghizadeh Heart, A. and Noorossana, R. (2013), “Re-conceptualization of Customer Results Criterion of Organizational Excellence Model for the Healthcare Sector in the Iranian National Productivity and Excellence Award,” Health Management, Vol. 54, No. 16, pp. 82-96.

112-    Noorossana, R., Shekary, M., and Masihian, E. (2013), “Optimizing Cause-Selecting Control Chart Parameters Using Particle Swarm Method,” Quality Engineering and Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 141-148.

113-    Noorossana, R., Niaki, S.T.A., and Ershadi, M.J. (2014), “Economic and Economic-Statistical Designs of Phase II Profile Monitoring,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 645-655.

114-    Soleimani, P. and Noorossana, R. (2014), “Monitoring Simple Multivariate Profile in the Presence of between Profile Autocorrelation,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 43, No.3, pp. 530-546.

115-    Ghobadi, S., Noghondarian, K., Noorossana, R., and Mirhosseini, S. M. (2014), “Developing a Multivariate Approach to Monitor Fuzzy Quality Profiles,” Quality and Quantity, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 817-836.

116-    Ershadi, M. J., Noorossana, R., Niaki, STA. (2014), “Economic-Statistical Design of Variable Sample Size Simple Linear Profiles,” Quality Engineering and Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 67-76.

117-    Noorossana, R., Izadbakhsh, H.R., Irannezhad, B.H., and Abbasi, M. (2014), “Monitoring Maintenance Departments Performance Using a Control Chart,” Quality Engineering and Management, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 141-148.

118-    Soleimani, P., and Noorossana, R. (2014), “Monitoring Multivariate Simple Linear Profiles in the Presence of Between Profile Autocorrelation,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 530-546.

119-    Farahani, E., Noorossana, R., and Koosha, M. (2014), “Profile Monitoring in the Presence of Outliers,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 251-256.  

120-    Noorossana, R., Izadbakhsh, H.R., and Nayebpour, M.R. (2014), “A Likelihood Ratio Test Approach to Profile Monitoring in Tourism Industry,” Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 518-527.

121-    Ayoubi, M., Kazemzadeh, R.B., and Noorossana, R. (2014), “Estimating Multivariate Linear Profiles Change Point with a Monotonic Change in the Mean of Response Variables,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 75, No. 9-12, pp. 1537–1556.

122-    Sabri-Laghaie, K., Taleizadeh, A., and Noorossana, R. (2014), “Pricing and Lot Size Determination in a Production System with Rework, Product Reject, and Quality Costs,” Quality Engineering and Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 184-198.

123-    Ghobadi, S., Noghondarian, K., Noorossana, R., and Sadegh Mirhosseini, S.M. (2015), “Developing a fuzzy multivariate CUSUM control chart to monitor multinomial linguistic quality characteristics,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 79, No. 9-12, pp.1893-1903.

124-    Noorossana, R. and Nikoo, M., (2015), “Phase II Monitoring of Geometric Profiles,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 44, pp 1036-1049.

125-    Shekary, M., Noorossana, R., and Deheshvar, A. (2015), “Combined Variable Sample Size, Sampling Interval, and Double Sampling (CVSSIDS) Adaptive  Control Charts,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 44, No. 6, pp. 1255-1269.

126-    Mohammadi, B., Taleizadeh, A.A., Noorossana, R., Samimi, H. (2015), “Optimizing Integrated Manufacturing and Products Inspection Policy for Deteriorating Manufacturing System with Imperfect Inspection,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 299-315. 

127-    Noorossana, R., Fatemi, S.A., and Zerehsaz, Y. (2015), “Phase II Monitoring of Simple Linear Profiles with Random Explanatory Variables,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 26, pp. 779-787.

128-    Shishebori D., Akhgari M.J., Noorossana, R., and Khaleghi, G.H. (2015), “An Efficient Integrated Approach to Reduce Scraps of Industrial Manufacturing Processes: a Case Study from Gauge Measurement Tool Production Firm,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 76, No. 5-8, pp. 831-855.

129-    Alizadeh, L., Noorossana, R., Raissi, S. (2015), “Multiobjective Optimization of a Court Process using Discrete-Event Simulation and Design of Experiments,” Industrial Management Journal of Tehran University, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 65-82.

130-    Noorossana, R., Zadbood, A., Zandi, F., and Noghondarian, K. (2015), “An Interactive Artificial Neural Networks Approach to Multiresponse Optimization,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 76, No. 5-8 , pp. 765-777.

131-    Mahmoudi, M, Noorossana, R., and Rasouli, F. (2015), “Estimating Stock Marketing Index Variations Pattern using Genetic Algorithm and Selected Artificial Intelligence Methods,” Indian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Life Sciences, Vol. 5, pp. 5335-5348.

132-    Mortaji, S.T.H., Noorossana, R., and Bagherpour, M. (2015), “Project Completion Time and Cost Prediction Using Change Point Analysis,” Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 1943-5479.

133-    Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Ayoubi, M. (2015), “Change Point Estimation of Multivariate Linear Profiles under Linear Drift,” Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Vol. 44, No. 16, pp. 1570-1599.

134-     Noorossana, R. and Sabri-Laghaie, K. (2015), “Reliability and Maintenance Models for a Dependent Competing-risk System with Multiple Time-scales,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol. 229, No. 2, pp. 131–142.

135-    Karimi Ghartemani, M., Noorossana, R. and Niaki, S.T.A. (2016), “A New Approach in Capability Analysis of Processes Monitored by a Simple Linear Regression Profile,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 209-221.  

136-    Noorossana, R., Deheshvar, A., and Shekary, M. (2016), “A Modified Variable Sample Size and Sampling Interval Control Chart,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 84, No. 5-8, pp.1303-1312.

137-    Ayoubi, M., Kazemzadeh, R.B., and Noorossana, R. (2016), “Change Point Estimation in the Mean of Multivariate Linear Profiles with No Change Type Assumption via Dynamic Linear Model,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 403-433.

138-    Ershadi, M. J., Noorossana, R., Niaki, STA. (2016), “Economic-Statistical Design of Simple Linear Profiles with Variable Sampling Interval,” Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 43, No. 8, pp. 1400-1418.

139-    Assareh, H., Noorossana, R., Mohammadi, M., and Mengersen, K. (2016), “Bayesian Multiple Change-point Estimation of Poisson Rates in Control Charts,” Scientia Iranica Transactions E: Industrial Engineering, Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 316-329.

140-    Noorossana, R. and Sabri-Laghaie, K. (2016), “System Reliability with Multiple Failure Modes and Time Scales,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 32, pp. 1109-1126.

141-    Ershadi, M. J., Noorossana, R., Niaki, STA. (2016), “Economic-Statistical Design of Variable Sample Size Simple Linear Profiles,” Quality Engineering and Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 67-76.

142-    Noorossana, R., Deheshvar, A., and Shekary, M. (2016), “A Modified Variable Sample Size and Sampling Interval Control Chart,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 84, No. 5-8, pp. 1303-1312.

143-    Abedini, M.A., Ahmadzadeh, F., Noorossana, R. (2016), “Customer Credit Scoring Using a Hybrid Data Mining Approach,” Keybernetes, Vol.45, No. 10, pp. 1576-1588.

144-    Hashemian, M., Noorossana, R., Keyvandarian, A., and Shekary M. A. (2016), “Performance of the Adaptive np Chart with Estimated Parameter,” International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 769-791 .

145-    Sabri-Laghaie, K. and Noorossana, R. (2016), “Reliability and Maintenance Models for a Competing Risk System Subjected to Random Usage,” IEEE Transaction, Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 1271-1283.

146-    Javadi, M.A., Noorossana, R., Sarfaraz, A.H. (2016), “A Robust-Tolerance Design Model for Destructive Quality Characteristics: A Case Study in Cement Industry,” International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 311-350.

147-    Safaee, P., Noorossana, R., Heydari, K., Soleimani, P. (2016), “Using Decision Tree to Predict Serum Ferritin Level in Women with Anemia,” Tehran Medical Journal, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 50-57. 

148-    Dolatshah, K., Noorossana, R., Heydari, K., Soleimani, P., Ghasempour, R. (2016), “Clustering of Patients with Anemia by Data Mining Approach,” Tehran University Medical Journal, Vol. 74, No. 2, pp. 107-112.

149-    Noorossana, R., Fathizadan, S., Nayebpour, M.R. (2016), “EWMA Control Chart Performance with Estimated Parameters under Non-normality,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 32, No.5, pp. 1637-1654. 

150-    Noorossana, R. and Nikoo, M., (2016) “Nonlinear Profile Monitoring Using Wavelets,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 503-512.


151-    Bagheri, F., Noorossana, R., and Najmi, M. (2016), “The Extent of EFQM Effectiveness in Routine and Non-routine Organizations Based on Multivariate Techniques: An Empirical Study,” Operational Research International Journal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-016-0276-3, pp. 1-31.

152-    Azimi, S. A. Z., Noorossana, R. (2016), “Designing a Model for Measuring Customer Satisfaction with E-Service Centers of Iran’s Police,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 616-628.

153-    Bagheri, F. and Noorossana, R. (2016), “A Statistical Model for Determination of the Type of Knowledge Management Approach Based on Organization Processes,” Transactions of FAMENA, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 43-56.

154-    Mostajeran, A., Iranpanah, N., Noorossana, R. (2016), “A New Bootstrap Based Algorithm for Hotelling’s T2 Multivariate Control Chart,” Journal of Sciences, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 269-278.

155-    Noorossana, R., Aminmadani, M., Saghaei, A. (2016), “Effect of phase I estimation error on the monitoring of simple linear profiles in phase II,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 84, No. 5-8, pp. 873-884.

156-    Mohamadpanah, M., Noorossana, R., Nayebpour, M. (2017), “The Re-evaluation of VSI-  Chart Performance with Estimated Parameters," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 1943-1955.

157-    Keyvandarian, A., Noorossana, R., Hashemian, S.M., Shekary, M. (2017), “Adaptive c-chart with Estimated Parameter,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 87-103.

158-    Farahani, E., Kazemzadeh, R., Noorossana, R., Rahimian, G. (2017), “A Statistical Approach to Social Network Monitoring,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 46, No. 22, pp. 11272-11288.

159-    Noorossana, R., Koosha, M., Megahed, F. (2017), “Statistical Process Monitoring via Image Data Using Wavelets,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 2059-2073.  

160-    Fathizadan, S., Niaki, S.T.A., and Noorossana, R. (2017), “Using Independent Component Analysis to Monitor 2-D Geometric Specifications" Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 33, No. 8, pp. 2075-2087.

161-    Mostajeran, A., Iranpanah, N., and Noorossana, R. (2017), “An Evaluation of the Multivariate Dispersion Charts with Estimated Parameters under Non-normality,” Journal of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Vol. 33, No. 6.

162-    Izadbakhsh, H. R., Noorossana, R., Niaki, S.T.A. (2018) “Monitoring Multinomial Logistic Profiles in Phase I Using Log-Linear Models" International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 678-689.

163-    Noorossana, R., Rahimian, G., Nayebpour, M.R. and Farahani, E. (2017), “A Statistical Process Control Method for Monitoring Social Networks Using Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test,” International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 229-240.

164-    Hosseini, S. S. and Noorossana, R. (2018), “Performance Evaluation of EWMA and CUSUM Control Charts to Detect Anomalies in Social Networks Using Average and Standard Deviation of Degree Measures”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 477-500.

165-    Noorossana, R., Hosseini, S. S., and Heydarzadeh, A. (2018), “An Overview of Dynamic Anomaly Detection in Social Networks via Control Charts,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 641-648.

166-    Mortaji, S.T.H., Noori, S., Noorossana, R., and Bagherpour, M. (2018), “An ex Ante Control Chart for Project Monitoring Using Earned Duration Management Observations,” Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Vol. 14, No. 4, 793-806.

167-    Shayganmanesh, M., Pazhouhian, F., Noorossana, R., and Rahimi, M.H. (2019) “Modeling and Optimization of Laser Engraving Quantitative Characteristics of Al-Sic Composite Using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks,” Optics and Laser Technology, Vol. 112, pp. 65-76.

168-    Hazrati-Marangaloo, H. and Noorossana, R. (2019), “Detecting Outbreaks in Temporally Dependent Networks,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 1753-1765.

169-    Esfandiari , R., Noorossana, R., Teimoury, E., and Nayebpour, M. R. (2019), “An Integrated Time, Cost, and Reliability Optimization for Supply Chain Design,” International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 75-90.

170-    Koosha, M. and Noorossana, R., “Developing Methods for Using Images in Statistical Process Control,” To appear in Sharif Journal of Science and Technology.

171-    Farahani, E., Heydarzadeh, A., Rahimian, G., and Noorossana, R. “GLMM Based Modeling and Monitoring Dynamic Social Network,” submitted for publication.

172-    Sabri-Laghaie, K., Noorossana, R., Eshragh-Jahromi, A., and Kheirandish, M. “Design of Accelerated Life Testing Plans for Products Exposed to Random Usage,” submitted for publication.

173-    Khalili, S. and Noorossana, R. “Phase II Monitoring of Autocorrelated Linear Profiles Using Multivariate Linear Mixed Model,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, accepted for publication.

174-    Noorossana, R., Shayganmanesh, M., Pazhuheian, F., and Rahimi, M. H., “Investigation of Laser Engraving Qualitative Characteristics of Al- SiC Composite Using Design of Experiments,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, accepted for publication.

175-    Khalili, S. and Noorossana, R. “Monitoring Autocorrelated Multivariate Linear Profiles via Multivariate Linear Mixed Model,” submitted for publication.

176-    Meghdadian, M. A., Seifi, H., Zerehsaz, Y., and Noorossana, R. “A Statistical Approach to Wrestling Athletes’ Mental Performance Analysis,” submitted for publication.

177-    Sabri-Laghaie, K., Janalipour, S., Noorossana, R., and Ilbeigi-Bakhtiari, H., “Monitoring Parameters of Failure Time Distributions via Control Charts,” submitted for publication.

178-    Hazrati-Marangaloo, H. and Noorossana, R., “A Nonparametric Approach to Change Detection in Social Networks,” submitted for publication.

179-    Moheghi, R., Noorossana, R., and Ahmadi, O., “Phase I and Phase II Analyses of Linear Profile Monitoring Using Robust Estimators,” submitted for publication.

180-    Moheghi, R. and Noorossana, R., “A GLM Profile Monitoring Approach Using Robust Estimators,” submitted for publication.  

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Refereed Conference Publications


1-      Nojavan, M., and Noorossana, R. (1997), “A General Model for Zone Control Chart,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality and Reliability, pp. 183-189, Hong Kong.

2-      Noorossana, R. and Nobar, H. (1998), “How Quality Function Deployment Improves Quality at a Medical Plants Facility,” Proceedings of the 4th Iranian International Statistics Conference, pp. 62-68, Iran.

3-      Noorossana, R. (1999), “Process Capability Analysis in the Presence of Autocorrelation,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety, pp. 618-623, China.

4-      Noorossana, R., Kourdbacheh, N., and Jaami, M. (2000), “Quality Improvement in Food Industry Using QFD,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management, pp. 19-26, Iran.

5-      Noorossana, R., and Nazemi, J. (2000), “Improving Delivery and Product Quality in the Automotive Industry,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management, pp. 78-86, Iran.

6-      Noorossana, R., and Raissi, S. (2000), “Statistical Methods for Evaluation of Manufacturing Processes,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, pp. 337-350, Iran.

7-      Noorossana, R., and Rassaeian, M. (2000), “An Experimental Design Approach to Reworks Reduction in Assembly Lines,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management, pp. 63-70, Iran.

8-      Noorossana, R., and Saghaie, A. (2000), “Improving Performance of Control Charts for correlated Data,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management, pp. 148-156, Iran.

9-      Noorossana, R., and Poursamimi, J. (2000), “What is the Impact of ISO 9000 Certification on the Performance of a Process?,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management, pp. 212-217, Iran.

10-  Noorossana, R., and Kiani, H. (2000), “How to Plan for Research Monitoring and Evaluation Using Pre-Determined Indices,” Proceedings of the 1st Research Conference, pp. 89-95, Iran.

11-  Noorossana, R., and Alemzad, A. H. (2001), “Simultaneous Optimization of Several Responses in Casting Industry,” Proceedings of the First Quality Management Conference in Casting Industry, pp. 72-79, Iran.

12-  Noorossana, R. (2001), “Improving Battery Performance using Design of Experiments,” Proceeding of the First Battery Conference, pp. 186-195, Iran.

13-  Alemzad, A. H., and Noorossana, R. (2001), “An Application of Experimental Design in Value Engineering,” Proceedings of the 1st Value Engineering Conference, pp. 372-379, Iran.

14-  Noorossana, R., and Ebrahimi, D. (2002), “Customer Orientation: The First Step in Quality Improvement,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Quality Managers Conference, pp. 64-72, Iran.

15-  Noorossana, R., and Saghaie, A. (2002), “Fuzzy Time Series Analysis,” Proceedings of the 6th Iranian International Statistics Conference, pp. 91-98, Iran.

16-  Noorossana, R., and Lotfi M. R. (2002), “An Empirical Bayes Approach to Statistical Process Control,” Proceedings of the 6th Iranian International Statistics Conference, pp. 338-347, Iran.

17-  Noorossana, R., and Soltanpanah, H. (2002), “Multi response Optimization in Quality Control using Response Surface Methodology,” Proceedings of the 6th Iranian International Statistics Conference, pp. 190-197, Iran.

18-  Noorossana, R., and Saghaie, A. (2002), “Using Neural Networks for Autocorrelated Processes,” Proceeding of the QMOD Conference, pp. 271-279, Korea.

19-  Noorossana, R., Saghaie, A., and Paynabar, K. (2002), “Processes with Very Low Nonconformity Levels,” Proceeding of the 1st Annual Quality Congress, pp. 176-182, Iran.

20-  Noorossana, R., Saghaie, A., and Paynabar, K. (2002), “Fuzzy Control Charts: Pros and Cons,” Proceeding of the 1st Annual Quality Congress, pp. 83-88, Iran.

21-  Noorossana, R., Saghaie, A., and Paynabar, K. (2003), “Enhancing the Performance of Geometric Control Charts Using Neural Networks,” Proceeding of the 1st International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 183-189, Iran.

22-  Asgharpour, M. J., Noorossana, R., and Nasiri, Z. (2003), “Prioritizing Customer Requirements in QFD,” Proceeding of the 1st International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 121-128, Iran.

23-  Najmi, M., Noorossana, R., and Valmohammadi, Ch. (2003), “A Comparative Study Between ISO 9000:2000 and TQM,” Proceeding of the 2nd International Management Conference, pp. 147-154, Iran.

24-  Noorossana, R., Vaghefi, A., Amiri, A. H., Roghanian, H. (2004), “Monitoring Quality Characteristics using Linear Profiles,” Proceeding of the 2nd International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 237-243, Iran.

25-  Noorossana, R., Fatholah, A., and Sabzehparvar, A. (2004), “Lean Six Sigma: An Improvement Approach for the third Millennium,” Proceeding of the 2nd International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 312-318, Iran.

26-  Noorossana, R., Vaghefi, A., Amiri, A. H. (2004), “Effect of Non-Normality on the Performance of Linear Profiles,” 2nd International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 264-271, Saudi Arabia.

27-  Noorossana, R., Abdi, S., Saghaei, A., and Peynabar, K. (2005), “Identifying the Time of a Step Change in High Yield Processes,” Proceedings of the 4th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 110-117, Iran.

28-  Noorossana, R., Alaedini, A. (2005), “A New Approach for Monitoring Non-Linear Profiles,” Proceedings of the 4th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 342-349, Iran.

29-  Noorossana, R., Nikbaksh, J., Peynabar, K., and Ismaeili, H. (2005), “A Review of the Shortcomings of Individual Observations Control Charts,” Proceedings of the 4th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 92-98, Iran.

30-  Noorossana, R., Vaghefi, A., Saghaei, A., and Ismaeili, H. (2005), “Evaluating Performance of Control Charts in Monitoring Non-Linear Profiles in Phase I,” Proceedings of the 4th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 278-286, Iran.

31-  Noorossana, R., Peynabar, K., and Arbabzadeh, N. “A Review of Geometric Control Chart in Monitoring High Yield Processes,” Proceedings of the 4th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 82-89, Iran.

32-  Noorossana, R., and Saraei, A. (2005), “A Fuzzy-Multivariate Cumulative Sum Control Chart for Monitoring Investment Performance,” Proceedings of the 35th International Computer and Industrial Engineering Conference, 192-197, Turkey.

33-  Noorossana, R., and Tajbaksh, S. D. (2006), “Important Issues in Multiple Response Optimization,” Proceedings of the 4th International Management Conference, pp. 56- 62, Iran.

34-  Noorossana, R., and Alaghehband, A., and Razavi, M. (2007), “Determining Relative Efficiency of Human Resource in Electric Companies Using Data Envelop Analysis,” Proceedings of the 3rd on Performance Management, International Management Conference, pp. 612-619, Iran.

35-  Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2007), “Phase II Monitoring of Polynomial Profiles,” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 1814-1820, Egypt.

36-  Noorossana, R., and Vaghefi, A. (2007), “The Effect of Undetected Shifts on the Inertial Properties of EWMA Control Charts,” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 1682-1689, Egypt.

37-  Noorossana, R., and Ardakani, M. K. (2007), “On the Robust Parameter Design,” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 1927-1933, Egypt.

38-  Aminnayeri, M. A., Noorossana, R., Haghighi, M., and Peynabar, K. (2007), “Economic Statistical Design of T2 Control Charts for Systems with Gamma ( , 2) In-Control Times,” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 1852-1859, Egypt.

39-  Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2007), “Statistical Monitoring of Autocorrelated Polynomial Profiles,” Proceedings of the 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, pp. 972-979, Malaysia.

40-  Noorossana, R., and Peynabar, K. (2007), “Application of Lean Six Sigma in Public Sector,” Proceedings of the 1st Lean Six Sigma Congress, 253-259, Iran.

41-  Noorossana, R., Farokhi, S., and Ahmadi, M. (2007), “Enhancement of the Strategic Map and Target Setting using Statistical Models,” Proceedings of the 1st Balanced Scorecard Conference, pp. 170-178, Iran.

42-  Noorossana, R., and Rabani, A. (2007), “A Meta-heuristic Approach to Multiresponse Optimization,” Proceedings of the 5th Management Conference, pp. 458-464, Iran.

43-  Noorossana, R., Hadian, Z., Shadalouee, F., and Samimi, Y. (2007), “A Case Study on Customer Satisfaction Measurement in Higher Education,” Proceedings of the 5th Management Conference, pp. 274-280, Iran.

44-  Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., Amiri, A. (2007), “Statistical Monitoring of Auto correlated Polynomial Profiles,” Proceedings of the 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, pp. 891-898, Malaysia.

45-  Noorossana, R., Shekari, M., and Azadeh, N. (2008), “Six Sigma; a Remedy in Healthcare,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Six Sigma Congress, pp. 381-388, Iran.

46-  Vaghefi, A., Noorossana, R., and Evazian, M. (2008), “Applications of Discrete Events Simulation in Lean Six Sigma Projects,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Six Sigma Congress, pp. 411-417, Iran.

47-  Noorossana, R., and Shahsavari, N. (2008), “Determining Relationships Among Six Sigma Critical Success Factors Using Digraph,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Six Sigma Congress, pp. 186-192, Iran.

48-  Noorossana, R., Taghizadeh, H. A. (2008), “Using Six Sigma as an Approach to Support Mission and Strategy,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Six Sigma Congress, pp. 249-257, Iran.

49-  Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., Amiri, A., and Ardakani, M. K. (2008), “Process Optimization when Response is a Simple Linear Regression,” Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 2976-2980, China.

50-  Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2008), “An Application of Phase I Polynomial Profiles Monitoring in Automotive Industry,” Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 389-393, China.

51-  Saghaei, A., Noorossana, R., Eyvazian, M., and Vaghefi, A. (2008), “Statistical Monitoring of Multivariate Linear Profiles,” Proceedings of the 8th International Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, pp. 2037-2040, Singapore.

52-  Noorossana, R., Vaghefi, A., and Dorri, M. (2008), “Effect of Non-normality on the Performance of Linear Profile Monitoring,” Proceedings of the 8th International Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, pp. 262-266, Singapore.

53-  Noorossana, R., and Heydari, M. (2008), “Identifying the Time of a Linear Change in a Normal Process Variance with a Linear Trend Disturbance,” Proceedings of the 8th International Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, pp. 459-465, Singapore.

54-  Ahmadzadeh, P., and Noorossana, R. (2008), “Identifying the Time of a Change,” Proceedings of the 8th International Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, pp. 568-574, Singapore.

55-  Noorossana, R., and Abbasian, R. (2008), “The Effect of Autocorrelation on the Inertial Property of Control Chart,” Proceedings of the 9th Statistical Conference, pp. 188-196, Iran.

56-  Kazemzadeh, R. B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2008), “Evaluation of the Control Charts Performances on the Identification of the Outliers in Phase I Monitoring of Polynomial Profiles,” Proceedings of the 9th Statistical Conference, pp. 459-456, Iran.

57-  Noorossana, R., and Rabbani, A. (2008), “Multiresponse Optimization Containing Quantitative Responses Using Mean and Variance of Each Response,” Proceedings of the 6th International Management Conference, pp. 219-226, Iran.

58-  Noorossana, R., Piroozfar, S., and Golriz Gashti, S. F. (2008), “Customer and Product Liability,” Proceedings of the 6th International Management Conference, pp. 382-389, Iran.


59-  Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., and Moghadam, N. (2008), “Six Sigma, the New Improvement Methodology in Healthcare,” Proceedings of the 1st Hospital Management Conference, pp. 213-218, Iran.

60-  Noorossana, R., and Soleimani, P. (2009), “Using Cuscore Chart in the Monitoring of Auto correlated Linear Profiles,” Proceedings of the 6th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 371-378, Iran.

61-  Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Paynabar, K., and Jafari Shirazi, E. (2009), “Monitoring Life Time Profile with Censored Data,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering, pp. 581-587, China.

62-  Noorossana, R., and Shekary, M. (2009), “Adaptive Cause-Selecting Control Charts,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering, pp. 712-718, China.

63-  Noorossana, R., Saeidi Mehrabad, M., Ghafourzadeh, E., and Soheili Najafabadi, H. R. (2009), “Identifying RFID Critical Success Factors in SCM,” Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Engineering and Management of Infrastructures, pp. 643-649, Iran.

64-  Noorossana, R., Saidi Mehrabad, M., Anvari, M., Azadeh, A., Saberi, M., Izadbakhsh, H., and Nadimi V. (2009), “Estimating Efficient Value of Controllable Variable using an Adaptive Neural Network Algorithm: Case of IRAN Railway,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, pp. 791-785, Emarat.

65-  Noorossana, R., and Nikou, M. (2010), “Application of Wavelet in Profile Monitoring,” Proceedings of the 11th Statistical Conference, pp. 212-219, Iran.

66-  Rezazade Niavarani, M., Noorossana, R., and Abbasi, B. (2010), “Process Capability Analysis in Multivariate Environment,” IIE Annual Conference and Expo, pp. 566-572, Mexico.

67-  Saghaei, A., Noorossana, R., Saifoudinpor, F., and Izadbakhsh, H. (2010), “Application of AHP in Claim Management for Construction Projects,” Proceedings of the 1st Process Management Conference, pp. 578-583, Iran.

68-  Noorossana, R., and Shekary, M. (2011), “Cause-Selecting Control Charts with Variable Parameters,” Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 696-701, USA.

69-  oorossana, R., Deheshvar, A., and Shekary, M. (2011), “Developing Variable Sample Size and Sampling Interval  QUOTE    Chart,” Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 690-695, USA.

70-  Soleimani, P., Noorossana, R., and Narvand, A. (2011), “Phase II Monitoring of MA (1) Linear Profiles,” Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pp. 226-231, USA.

71-  Dokouhaki, P., Noorossana, R., and Fatahi, A. A. (2011), “A Markov-based Control Chart for Dependent Binary Data,” Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE ICQR, pp. 288-291, Thailand.

72-  Izadbakhsh, H., Noorossana, R., Zarinbal, A., Safaian, M., and Chegeni, M. (2011), “An EWMA -Based Method for Monitoring Polytomous Logistic Profiles,” Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE IEEM, pp. 1359-1363, Singapore.

73-  Toosheghanian, M., and Noorossana, R. (2011), “A DEA Approach for Solving Multi-Criteria Design of VSI  QUOTE    Control Charts,” Proceeding of the 3rd Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, pp. 1-10, Iran.

74-  Noorossana, R., Irannejad, H., Jahanshahi, M., and Izadbakhsh, H. (2011), “Using a Statistical Control Model for Performance Monitoring of Maintenance Units in Sarcheshmeh Copper Company,” Proceeding of the 1st World Copper Congress, pp. 92-97, Iran.

75-  Noorossana, R., Rezazadeh Saghaei, M., and Yazdan Panah, A. (2011), “Optimizing Conveyor Mechanical Maintenance Using Lean Six Sigma Methodology,” Proceeding of the 1st World Copper Congress, pp. 210-215, Iran.

76-  Noorossana, R., Rezaeian, S., and Memarzadeh, M. (2011), “Reducing Cold Material in the Smelter Plant of Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex Using Lean Six Sigma Methodology,” Proceeding of the 1st World Copper Congress, pp. 212-217 , Iran.

77-  Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Rezaeian, S., and Jahanshahi, M. (2011), “Developing a Model to Measure Healthcare Service Quality and Prioritizing Improvement Opportunities (Case Study- Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex Clinic),” Proceeding of the 9th International Management Conference, pp. 431-437, Iran.

78-  Noorossana, R., and Shekary, M. (2011), “Challenges in Using Adaptive Control Charts in Practice - Advantages and Disadvantages,” Proceeding of the 9th International Management Conference, pp. 198-205, Iran.

79-  Noorossana, R., Deheshvar, A., and Shekary, M. (2011), “Comparison of the Performances of VSS, VSI, and VSSI Control Charts,” Proceeding of the 9th International Management Conference, pp. 321-327, Iran.

80-  Noorossana, R., Izadbakhsh, H., Moeni, A., Rahimi, A., Memarzadeh, M., and Mortezavi, A. (2012), “Using Discrete Event Simulation to Model Smelting Process with Complex Constrains,” Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, pp. 710-718, Turkey.

81-  Noorossana, R., Izadbakhsh, H., Esmaelian, M., and Ghasemi, M. (2012), “Effect of Managerial Changes on the Corporation Performance: DEA based Method,” Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, pp. 745-750 Turkey.

82-  Noorossana, R., Izadbakhsh, H., Mahmoudabadi, M., and Kafi, R. (2012), “An EWMA –Based Method for Monitoring Polytomous Logistic Profiles (Case Study: Alloy Fasteners' Manufacturing Process),” Proceeding of the International Aluminum Conference, pp. 271-276, Iran.

83-  Noorossana, R., Memarzadeh, M., Izadbakhsh, H., Rezaeian, S., and Nemati, H. (2012), “Discrete Event Simulation Approach to Improve Smelting Process,” Proceeding of the 8th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 424-429, Iran.

84-  Noorossana, R., and Izadbakhsh, H. (2012), “Application of Lean Six Sigma Methodology in Abouraihan Pharmaceutical Company,” Proceeding of the 1st International Seminar on Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacy Management, pp. 181-187, Iran.


85-  Noorossana, R., Jafari, M., Saleh Oliya, M., Hosseyni Ezabadi, J., and Dehghani Seryazdi, M. (2012), “Analysis of Knowledge Management Effects on Organizational Excellence using Systems Dynamic,” Proceeding of the 1st National Conference on System Approach, pp. 347-352, Iran.

86-  Deheshvar, A., Shekary, M., and Noorossana, R. (2012), “A Three Stage Variable Parameters Adaptive Control Chart,” Proceeding of the 8th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 571-577, Iran.

87-  Forouzandeh Shahraki, A., and Noorossana, R. (2012), “Reliability-Based Robust Design Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm,” Proceeding of the International Conference on Nonlinear Modeling and Optimization, pp. 397-404, Iran.

88-  Noorossana, R., Rezaeian, S., Jahanshahi, M., Izadbakhsh, H.R., Memarzadeh, H. R. (2012), ”Using Six Sigma and Discrete Simulation to Improve Quality and Reduce Waste in the Smelting Factory of Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex,” Proceeding of the 1st International Quality Engineering Conference, pp. 521-526, Iran.

89-  Noorossana, R. and Izadbakhsh, H. R. (2012), “Using Six Sigma in Pharmaceutical Processes of Abourayhan Company,” Proceeding of the 1st Economics Management of Drugs Conference, pp. 187-193, Iran.

90-  Noorossana, R., Izadbakhsh, H. R., Ghasemi, R. (2012), “An Integrated Model to Evaluate Performances of Holding Companies,” Proceeding of the 10th International Management Conference, pp. 490-496, Iran.

91-  Noorossana, R., Ghasemi, R., and Izadbakhsh, H. R. (2012), “Evaluating Effect of Management Changes on the performance of Banks Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Ordinal Logistic Regression,” Proceeding of the 10th International Management Conference, pp. 625-630, Iran.

92-  Noorossana, R., Izadbakhsh, H. R., and Jahanshahi, M. (2012), “An EWMA based Method for Monitoring Polytomous Logistic Profiles in Alloy Fasteners Manufacturing Processes, Proceeding of the International Aluminum Conference, pp. 256-260, Iran

93-  Noorossana, R. and Izadbakhsh, H. R. (2012), ”Monitoring Multinomial Logit Profiles via Log-Linear Models”, Proceeding of the 1st International Quality Engineering Conference, pp. 512-519, Iran.

94-  Izadbakhsh, H. R. and Noorossana, R. (2012), “Using Discrete Event Simulation to Model Smelting Process with Complex Constrains,” Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, pp. 710-718 , Turkey.

95-  Noorossana, R. , Izadbakhsh, H. R., Nayebpour, M.R., and Saghaei, A. (2012), “A LRT Approach to Profile Monitoring in Tourism Industry,” Proceeding of the Academy of Business Research Conference, pp. 832-837,USA.

96-  Noorossana, R. , Mohammadi, M., Khosravi, F., and Nayebpour, M. R. (2012), “Using Rank Transformation in Phase I of Profile Monitoring,” Proceeding of the Academy of Business Research Conference, pp. 612-617,USA.

97-  Noorossana, R. , Noorossana, P., Nayebpour, M. R., and Moradimanesh, M. (2012), “Estimating Time of a Monotonic Change in High Yield Processes,” Proceedings of the Academy of Business Research Conference, pp. 717-723,USA.


98-  Noorossana, R., Nayebpour, M. R., and Izadbakhsh, H. (2013), “Monitoring Multinomial Logistic Profiles in Phase I Using Log-Linear Models,” Proceeding of the International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD) 25th Annual Conference, pp. 343-348, USA.

99-  Noorossana, R., Aminmadani, M., and Nayebpour, M.R. (2013), “Effect of Estimation Error on the Phase II Monitoring of Simple Linear Profiles,” Proceeding of the International Academy of Business Disciplines (IABD) 25th Annual Conference, pp. 454-459, USA.

100-     Noorossana, R., Sedighi Maman, Nayebpour, M. R. (2013), “Optimal Design of Nonparametric Sign Control Chart with Variable Sampling Interval,” Proceedings of the Academy of Business Research Conference, pp. 387-392, USA.

101-     Noorossana, R. , Nayebpour, M. R., Gharaei, A. (2013), “Supply Chain Robustness by Identifying and Improving Standard Processes,” Proceedings of the Academy of Business Research Conference, pp. 520-526, USA.

102-     Noorossana, R., Noori, S., and Akbari, A. (2013), “A Feasibility Analysis for the Implementation of Evaluation Management System in Human Resource Department,” Proceedings of the 10th International Management Conference, pp. 232-237, Iran. 

103-     Gharaei, A. and Noorossana, R. (2013), Performance Delivery Model in Supply Chain: Problem of Allocating Mean and Variance of the Lead Time,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Operations Research Conference, pp. 620-625, Iran.

104-     Hosseini Azabadi, J, Owlia, M.S., and Noorossana, R. (2013), “Evaluation of Knowledge Management Effects on the Organizational Excellence using Dynamic System,” Proceedings of the 11th International Management Conference, pp. 371-376, Iran.

105-      Noorossana, R., Noori, S., and Akbari, A. (2013), “A Feasibility Study on the Implementation of Performance Management System in Human Resource Departments,” Proceedings of the 11th International Management Conference, pp. 539-544, Iran.

106-     Noorossana, R., Nayebpour, M.R., Aminmadany, M., and Zerehsaz, Y. (2014), “Effect of Estimation Error on the Performance of EWMA/R Control Charts when Monitoring Simple Linear Profiles,” Presented at the 45th Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, USA.

107-     Noorossana, R., Niaki, S.T.A, Nayebpour, M.R., and Ershadi, M. J. (2014), “Economic-Statistical Design of Variable Sample Size Simple Linear Profiles in Phase II,” Presented at the 45th Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, USA.

108-     Noorossana, R. and Mohamadpanah, M. (2015), “New Method for Designing X-bar Control Chart with Variable Sample Size,” Proceedings of the 11th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 487-493, Iran.

109-     Noorossana, R., Nayebpour, M.R., and Fathizadan, S. (2015), “Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart Performance with Estimated Parameters and Non-Normal Observations,” Presented at the 46th Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, USA.

110-     Noorossana, R., Farahani, E., Rahimian, G., Nayebpour, M. R. (2015), “A Statistical Process Control Method for Monitoring Social Network Using Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test,” Presented at the 46th Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, USA

111-     Noorossana, R. (2017), “The Role of Sale and After Sales in Auto Industry,” Presented at the 4th International Auto Conference, Iran.

112-     Daryani, H.T., Esfandiari, R., and Noorossana, R. (2017), “A Combined Design of Experiment and Simulation Approach to Process Improvement,” The First Conference on Systems Optimization and Business Management, pp. 192-197, Iran.

113-     Hazrati-Marangaloo, H. and Noorossana, R. (2018), “Monitoring Network Streams based on Eigenvalues of Adjacency Matrix,” Proceedings of the 14th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 3891-3896, Iran.

114-     Heydarian, S. and Noorossana, R. (2018), “Waste Treatment Improvement Using Design of Experiment,” Proceedings of the 14th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 1708-1712, Iran.

115-     Saadati, M. and Noorossana, R. (2019), “An Integrated MADM Approach to Six Sigma Project Selection under Uncertainty,” Proceedings of the 15th International Industrial Engineering Conference, pp. 374-380, Yazd, Iran.


Ph.D. Students

(Iran University of Science and Technology)

1-   Saghaei, Abbas, “Using Neural Networks to Identify Out-of-control Conditions in Autocorrelated Processes,” 2004.

2-   Saraei, Ali, ”Economic-Statistical Design of Multivariate Projection Pursuit Cumulative Sum Control Chart” 2006.

3-   Mostafa Kamali Ardakani, “A New Optimization Criterion for Robust Parameter Design,” 2009.

4-   Eyvazian, Majid, “Multivariate Profile Analysis,” 2010.

5-   Atashgar, Karim, “Using Artificial Neural Networks to Identify Change Point in Multivariate Environment,” 2010.

6-   Vaghefi, Aboulfazl, “Inertia Property of Variation Control Charts,” Transferred to Rutgers University in New York, 2010.

7-   Fatahi, Afshine, “Binomial Control Chart for Healthcare Environment,” 2011.

8-   Dokouhaki, Pershang, “Profile Monitoring in Healthcare”, 2012.

9-   Izadbakhsh, Hamidreza, “Profile Monitoring with Ordinal Responses,” 2013.

10-     Ershadi, A. “Profile Monitoring with Variable Sample Size and Sampling Interval,” 2015.

11-     Sabri Laghaei, K., “Reliability and Maintenance Models for a Competing-risk System Subjected to Random Usage,” 2015. 

12-     Bagheri, F., “Developing a Method for the Assessment of Routine and Non-Routine Organizations,” 2016.

13-     Koosha, M., “A Statistical Approach to Image Monitoring Using Wavelet,” 2019

14-     Rassouli, M., will defend in 2019

15-     Hazrati-Marangaloo, H., will defend in 2019

(Azad University)

16-  Raissi, Sedigh, “Estimating Process Capability Indices Using Ridge Regression,” 2005.

17-  Lotfi, Mohammad Reza, “A Bayesian Approach to Process Monitoring - Discrete Case,” 2005.

18-  Soltanpanah, Hiresh, “Developing a Method for Determining the Function for Decision Making and Appling it in Multi-Response Optimization,” 2006.

19-  Valmohamadi, Changiz, “Total Quality Management and ISO 9000:2000, A Comparative Study,” 2006.

20-  Seyedaliakbar, Seyed Mohammad, "On the Multivariate Variation Control Chart", 2007.

21-  Ahmadzadeh, Farzaneh, ”Identifying the Time of a Step Change Using a Combined MEWMA Control Chart and Artificial Neural Networks Approach”, 2009.

22-  Alipour, Hossain, “Fuzzy Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart,” 2009.

23-   Taghizadeh, Ali, “An Integrated Quality Improvement Model for Healthcare Industry,”, 2010

24-  Farajpour, Ali, “An Integrated Model for Productivity Improvement,” 2011.

25-  Soleimani, Pariya, “Multivariate Profile Monitoring in Autocorrelated Processes,” 2012.

26-  Mohammadi, Majid, “Nonparametric Variable Sample Size Control Chart,” 2012.

27-  Nikoo, Mehrdad, “Using Wavelet to Monitor Non-linear Profiles,” 2012.

28-  Khalili, S., “Phase II Monitoring of Auto-correlated Linear Profiles Using Multivariate Linear Mixed Model,” will defend in 2019

Journal Referee

1-       Journal of Industrial Engineering International - Springer

2-       Quality Technology and Quantitative Management - Taylor and Francis

3-       Technometrics - Taylor and Francis

4-       Quality and Reliability Engineering International - John Wiley and Sons

5-       International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology - Springer

6-       Computers and Industrial Engineering - Elsevier

7-       Scientia Iranica, Transaction E: Industrial Engineering - Sharif University

8-       Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods - Taylor and Francis

9-       International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research - IUST

10-   International Journal of Engineering - Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology

11-   Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering - Industrial Engineering Society

12-   Journal of Naval Research Logistic-John Wiley and Sons

13-   Journal of Quality Engineering - Taylor and Francis

Professional Society Membership

1-      American Society for Quality (Senior Member)

2-      Iranian Statistical Society

3-      Iranian Society for Quality (Also Founding Member)

4-      Iranian Institute of Industrial Engineering (Also Founding Member)

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