Dr.majid bakhtiari

 | Post date: 2019/11/9 | 

Name: Majid Bakhtiari
Assistant Professor
E-mail: bakhtiari_miust.ac.ir

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Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, August ٢٠١٧
  • Topic: “High-Fidelity model for Relative Motion of Satellite in Highly Elliptical Orbits in the presence of Inclined Third-body: Relative Hovering and Estimation,” 
  • GPA: ١٩.٠٤
 M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, July ٢٠١١.
  • GPA: ١٨.٤٥
 B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, July ٢٠٠٨.
  • GPA: ١٧.٥٣
Field of Research
  • Distributed Space System
  • High-Fidelity model
  • Reconfiguration of formation flying
  • Effect of Third-body on formation flying
  • Satellite Constellation Design
  • Relative navigation
  • Optimal Estimation
Work Experiences 
  • Research Engineer, Advanced Aerospace Systems Research Unit, Tehran, ٢٠١٣-٢٠١٥.
  • Research Engineer, Satellite Systems Research Institute, ٢٠١٢-٢٠١٣.
  • Research Assistant, Space Research Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Tehran, ٢٠١٢-٢٠١٦.
  • Chief Technologist, Satellite Constellation Design for Iran zone, ٢٠١٣-٢٠١٧.
Graduate Student Theses
  1. Fatemeh Amuzegari, “Design of Attitude Control Subsystem of Satellites in Constellation with ISL Requirement”, Master’s Thesis, University of Tehran Faculty of New Science and Technology, Department of Aerospace,.
  2. Mohadese Ghorbani, “Using the GDOP as a Criterion for Zonal Covering with Satellite Constellation”, Master’s Thesis, University of Tehran Faculty of New Science and Technology, Department of Aerospace,.
  3. Sahar Sadeghi, “Investigation of Low Thrust Optimal Orbital Transfer from LEO to GEO Considering Circular Orbits”, Master’s Thesis, University of Tehran Faculty of New Science and Technology, Department of Aerospace,.
  4. Mahshid Soleymani, “Optimal Design of Guidance Algorithm for the Reconfiguration Phase of the Satellite Constellation”, Master’s Thesis, University of Tehran Faculty of New Science and Technology, Department of Aerospace,.
  5. Alireza Sattarzadeh, “Three-Axis Satellite Stabilization Using Redundant Thruster in Elliptical Orbit”, Master’s Thesis, University of Tehran Faculty of New Science and Technology, Department of Aerospace.
  6. Hakimeh Zanjani, “Analysis and control of relative hovering in satellite formation flying”, Master’s Thesis, University of Tehran Faculty of New Science and Technology, Department of Aerospace, February ٢٠١٧.

Published Papers (ISI)
  1. Majid Bakhtiari, Kamran Daneshjou: Perturbed HEO Satellite Hovering Investigation in the Earth-Moon System. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences ٠٥/٢٠١٩; ٦٦(٤)., DOI:١٠.١٠٠٧/s٤٠٢٩٥ -٠١٨-٠٠١٤٥-٠
  2. Fakoor, M., Sadeghi, S. and Bakhtiari, M., ٢٠٢٠. Investigation of Low Thrust Optimal Orbital Transfer from LEO to GEO Considering Circular Orbits. The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences٦٧(١), pp.٧٧-٩٧.
  3. Bakhtiari, M. and Kheradpisheh, M., ٢٠٢٠. Dynamics behavior and imperfection sensitivity of a fluid-filled multilayered FGM cylindrical structure. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences١٧٦, p.١٠٥٤٢٥.
  4. Bakhtiari, M., Tarkashvand, A. and Daneshjou, K., ٢٠٢٠. Plane-strain wave propagation of an impulse-excited fluid-filled functionally graded cylinder containing an internally clamped shell. Thin-Walled Structures, p.١٠٦٤٨٢.
  5. Mahshid Soleymani, Mahdi Fakoor, Majid BakhtiariOptimal Mission Planning of the Reconfiguration Process of Satellite Constellations through Orbital Maneuvers: A Novel technical Framework. Advances in Space Research ٠٢/٢٠١٩; ٦٣(١٠)., DOI:١٠.١٠١٦/j.asr.٢٠١٩.٠٢.٠٠٣
  6. Majid Bakhtiari, Kamran Daneshjou: Long-term evaluation of orbital dynamics in the Sun-planet system considering axial-tilt. Modern Physics Letters A ٠٥/٢٠١٨; ٣٣(١٥):١٨٥٠٠٨٣., DOI:١٠.١١٤٢/S٠٢١٧٧٣٢٣١٨٥٠٠٨٣٩
  7. M. Fakoor, A. Sattarzadeh, M. BakhtiariA new approach in three-axis satellite stabilisation using redundant thruster in elliptical orbit. International Journal of Automation and Control ٠١/٢٠١٨; ١٢(٤):٤٩٥., DOI:١٠.١٥٠٤/IJAAC.٢٠١٨.٠٩٥٠٧٤
  8. M. Fakoor, M. Bakhtiari, A. Sattarzadeh: A new approach in three-axis satellite stabilisation using redundant thruster in elliptical orbit. International Journal of Automation and Control ٠١/٢٠١٨; ١٢(٤):٤٩٥., DOI:١٠.١٥٠٤/IJAAC.٢٠١٨.١٠٠١٤٢٤١
  9. majid bakhtiari, kamran daneshjou, hossein parsania: The effects of thermal pulse and heat source location on temperature field of FG hollow sphere based on DPL theory. Heat Transfer Research ٠١/٢٠١٨; ٤٩(٤)., DOI:١٠.١٦١٥/HeatTransRes.٢٠١٨٠١٩٦٠٥
  10. Majid Bakhtiari, Kamran Daneshjou, Abbas Ali Mohammadi-Dehabadi: The effects of parking orbit elements on designing of on-orbit servicing missions. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering ١٢/٢٠١٧; ٢٣٣(٣):٠٩٥٤٤١٠٠١٧٧٤٠٩٢., DOI:١٠.١١٧٧/٠٩٥٤٤١٠٠١٧٧٤٠٩٢١
  11. M. Bakhtiari, K. Daneshjou, M. Fakoor: Relative Hovering Analysis about an Elliptical Perturbed Orbit with consideration of Dynamic Air Drag and Oblate Earth. Aerospace Science and Technology ٠٨/٢٠١٧; ٧٠., DOI:١٠.١٠١٦/j.ast.٢٠١٧.٠٧.٠٣٤
  12. M. Fakoor, F. Amozegary, M. BakhtiariRelative Tracking Control of Constellation Satellites Considering Inter-Satellite Link. Advances in Space Research ٠٧/٢٠١٧; ٦٠(٩)., DOI:١٠.١٠١٦/j.asr.٢٠١٧.٠٧.٠١٢
  13. K. Daneshjou, A.A. M-Dehabadi, M. BakhtiariMission planning for on-orbit servicing through multiple servicing satellites: A new approach. Advances in Space Research ٠٦/٢٠١٧; ٦٠(٦)., DOI:١٠.١٠١٦/j.asr.٢٠١٧.٠٥.٠٣٧
  14. Majid Bakhtiari, Kamran Daneshjou, Mahdi Fakoor: Long-term effects of main-body’s obliquity on satellite formation perturbed by third-body gravity in elliptical and inclined orbit. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics ٠٣/٢٠١٧; ١٧(٤):٠٣٩., DOI:١٠.١٠٨٨/١٦٧٤-٤٥٢٧/١٧/٤/٣٩
  15. M. Bakhtiari, K. Daneshjou, E. Abbasali: A new approach to derive a formation flying model in the presence of a perturbing body in inclined elliptical orbit: relative hovering analysis. Astrophysics and Space Science ٠٢/٢٠١٧; ٣٦٢(٢)., DOI:١٠.١٠٠٧/s١٠٥٠٩-٠١٦-٢٩٦٨-٩
  16. majid bakhtiari, kamran daneshjou, hossein parsania: Hyperbolic heat conduction analysis for orthotropic FG hollow sphere with internal heat source; application of new augmented state space method. Heat Transfer Research ٠١/٢٠١٧; ٤٨(١٥)., DOI:١٠.١٦١٥/HeatTransRes.٢٠١٧٠١٧٢٤١
  17. K. Daneshjou, M. Bakhtiari, A. Tarkashvand: Wave propagation and transient response of a fluid-filled FGM cylinder with rigid core using the inverse Laplace transform. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids ١٠/٢٠١٦; ٦١., DOI:١٠.١٠١٦/j.euromechsol.٢٠١٦.١٠.٠٠٧
  18. M. Bakhtiari, K. Daneshjou, R. Alibakhshi: A New Approach to Thermal Analysis of a Multilayered Cylindrical Structure with Imperfect Bonds and Internal Heat Source. Journal of Heat Transfer ٠٧/٢٠١٦; ١٣٨(١٢)., DOI:١٠.١١١٥/١.٤٠٣٤٠٣٨
  19. Mahdi Fakoor, Majid Bakhtiari, Mahshid Soleymani: Optimal Design of the Satellite Constellation Arrangement Reconfiguration Process. Advances in Space Research ٠٥/٢٠١٦; ٥٨(٣)., DOI:١٠.١٠١٦/j.asr.٢٠١٦.٠٤.٠٣١
  20. K. Daneshjou, M. Bakhtiari, H. Parsania, M. Fakoor: Non-Fourier heat conduction analysis of infinite ٢D orthotropic FG hollow cylinders subjected to time-dependent heat source. Applied Thermal Engineering ٠١/٢٠١٦; ٩٨., DOI:١٠.١٠١٦/j.applthermaleng.٢٠١٥.١٢.١٠٦
  21. K. Daneshjou, M. Bakhtiari, R. Alibakhshi, M. Fakoor: Transient thermal analysis in ٢D orthotropic FG hollow cylinder with heat source. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ١٠/٢٠١٥; ٨٩:٩٧٧-٩٨٤., DOI:١٠.١٠١٦/j.ijheatmasstransfer.٢٠١٥.٠٥.١٠٤
  22. Arash Tourki Samaei, Majid Bakhtiari, Gang-Feng Wang: Timoshenko beam model for buckling of piezoelectric nanowires with surface effects. Nanoscale Research Letters ٠٣/٢٠١٢; ٧(١):٢٠١., DOI:١٠.١١٨٦/١٥٥٦-٢٧٦X-٧-٢٠١

Published Papers (ISC)
      ٢٠. “Optimal Design of Guidance Algorithm for the Reconfiguration Phase of the Satellite Constellation”, Modares Mechanical Engineering, ٢٠١٦. (in Persian)
      ٢١. “Modeling of large scale relative motion of two satellites in elliptical orbit", Modares Mechanical Engineering,”٢٠١٧. (in Persian)
    ٢٢. “New Approaches to Cover Regional Satellite System Design Using GDOP”, Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ١٧, No. ٥, pp. ١٩٣-٢٠٠, ٢٠١٧ (in      Persian)
     ٢٣. "A novel ٣- axis attitude stabilization with redundant thruster for a cube-satellite supported by reaction wheels.” Modares Mechanical Engineering,” ٢٠١٧. (in Persian)
Selected Conferences Papers
  1. Optimal Design of Reconfiguration Phase of the Satellite Constellation employing Lambert Targeting” The ٢٤th Annual International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ISME ٢٠١٦ April.
  2. Three-Axis Satellite Stabilization in Elliptical Orbit Using Redundant Thruster”, The ٢٤th Annual International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, ISME ٢٠١٦ April. 
  3. Low-thrust orbital transfer optimization employing shape base method” The ١٥th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace society, February ٢٠١٦.
  4. Nero-Fuzzy Three-Axis Attitude Control of Satellite”, The ١٥th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace society, February ٢٠١٦. 
  5.  “Transient Plane-Strain Response of a Railgun Structure to Applied Impulse”, IEEE ١٥th Electromagnetic Launch Technology Symposium, May ٢٠١٠ Brussels, Belgium.
  6. Shock Wave on Fluid-Filled Orthotropic Cross-Ply Cylindrical Structure Submerged in Fluid”, ٩th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS ٢٠١٠), Tehran, Iran. 
  7.  Transient Response of a Double-Walled Cylindrical Structure Made of Functionally Graded Materials Filled Between Walls and Submerged in Fluid”, second International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application (CCFA-٢), Kish, Iran.

  • Advanced Engineering Mathematics
  • Advanced Orbital Mechanics 

  • Mechanics of Materials 
  • Mechanics of Materials 

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