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Showing 64 results for Type of Study: Research

Dr Sanaz Litkouhi, Eng Mahsa Mojtahedi,
Volume 6, Issue 8 (5-2014)

Nowadays sustainable development is one of the most important concerns of societies, because sustainable development satisfies the basic needs, improves the general life style, protects ecosystem, and generally provides a safer and better future for human. Since cities are the main factors to unsustainability, the major discussions of sustainable development are in terms of urban sustainable development. Therefore, urban sustainable development is an important priority in the way to sustainable development. In this regard, the experts have identified various factors to achieve urban sustainable development, but many experts emphasize tourism development, especially sustainable (cultural) tourism as the main element of urban sustainable development. So, sustainable tourism development can cause urban sustainable development as well as sustainable development and through a comprehensive planning and recognizing the tourism potentials of each city, we can provide urban areas development and further national development. Because of the strategic geopolitical location near to neighbour countries and rich tourism resources, the city of Khoy is highly capable to achieve sustainable development through cultural tourism. This study is conducted to understand these potentials and capacities in depth. In this research, which is Descriptive-Analytic studies, data collection is according to documents-library studies as well as field study to understand the cultural tourism of Khoy city, comprehensively. Findings is categorized by SOWT and then through questionnaires and application of (AHP) are pairwise compared weights and prioritizes the factors and finally some strategies are proposed for cultural tourism development of Khoy city. The findings shows that wide propaganda in media about rich culture of the country as well as the region and high tourism capacities based on valuable historic elements and changing the negative public opinion on domestic issues for tourist attraction, is the most important strategy in cultural tourism development of Khoy city and accordingly its sustainable development. Farnoosh Minooei, P.hd Lida Balilan, Farzad Derakhshan, Vahid Salmasi,
Volume 6, Issue 8 (5-2014)

In Islamic culture, dome continues its ancient representation when it becomes a clear epitome of Islamic substantial creation of the universe. Islamic signs such as center, circle and sphere which are inherently dome are immediately realized via a symbolic transfer. Although domes have unavoidable relationship with other elements signifying Iranian mosques form and function, it includes secrets and mysteries and says and unsays. They have independently provided various discussions for researchers. In some cases and especially in recent years, these studies have increased. Iranian mosques have possessed diverse categories such as their state of emergence and distinction from domes built in other countries, different shape, structural systems and process of their execution during successive centuries, structural strength and stability, as well as theoretical principles related to beauty and magnificence. In this article, beside a concise indication of the above mentioned cases, the structural examination of Iranian Jameh mosques dome is done.
Dr Maziar Asefi, Eng Elnaz Imani,
Volume 6, Issue 8 (5-2014)

Abstract Creativity to approach sublimity while evolution in contemporary architecture with the use of the factors affecting the interaction between sustainable, original native values and traditions and global innovation is a major challenge for societies like Iran that have several issues in responding to new needs, while owning rich treasure of art and culture. The ultimate aim of this research is to identify important parameters and indicators that help the most in the expression of the identity in contemporary architecture. Acquiring objective knowledge by studying successful and appropriate building examples is necessary to find a way in mitigating the challenges of contemporary architecture. In this paper, the selected Agha Khan-Awarded projects (AKP) focusing on the cognition of original, native and traditional values of nations especially Islamic community, while implementing new design strategies using the state-of-the-art technology and innovation are evaluated. Due to the extent and variance of resources, both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used. After identifying the main design factors through a survey research method, the examples are qualitatively analyzed to identify effective indicators and their priorities and efficiency by means of purposeful questionnaires. The findings of the paper show that new needs and opportunities of a society should never be considered apart, but must be understood in a meaningful interaction with sustainable traditional, cultural, native and spiritual values of the society. This research suggests that as various design factors have different weights and priorities, deep understanding of them especially those related to society conditions and its sustainable identity shall be properly considered and evaluated. Moreover, Considering innovative methods in the education of architects and creating cultural movement among people is essential for responding to identity challenges and creating architecture with sublime directions compatible with current cultural and technological values.
Dr Maryam Charkhchian, Dr Mahyar Arefi,
Volume 6, Issue 8 (5-2014)

Urban public spaces and their significance in daily life of citizens have been over emphasized in different researches. Existence of such spaces in cities and their success in public life can lead to create Just city. Considering Lynch theory about desirable cities and justice and affordances as two important criteria, this study tries to investigate those two mentioned criteria in Azadi Street. In this order, the street was studied in four parts because of their different characteristics. Results shows meaning had highest level and affordances had the less degree among different indicators which indicates failure of the space in users' satisfaction. It shows although the space was responsible in term of meaning, accessibility and justice but was not successful to increase contradiction of human and vehicles and to protect pedestrian life.

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