Volume 6, Issue 8 (5-2014)                   2014, 6(8): 184-194 | Back to browse issues page

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ashrafi M. Promotion of Capacity of Urban Public Spaces for Children’s Presence with emphasis on Model of Walking Bus. Journal title 2014; 6 (8) :184-194
URL: http://jfa.iust.ac.ir/article-1-96-en.html
Research Institute of Cultural Heritage
Abstract:   (23525 Views)
As it can be understood from the term “urban public spaces”, these spaces should improve social life of a city and facilitate citizens’ relationships. They should be accessible for everybody and be able to attract and function for any age group. In the meantime, children are a considerable part of the society that their presence in city is often disregarded and are not seriously considered as citizens. Hence, one can raise this question: Do the urban spaces meet children's needs? This article tries to study existing challenges on children’s role and extent of capacity of urban public space for their attendance. Then, within studies and being familiar with children’s needs through library studies and analysis of questionnaire filled in by children in similar researches, a number of suitable remedies for as-much-as-possible reconciliation of children with city are presented. The research method that has been employed in this survey is library and documentary studies as well content analysis. We in this research believe that the direction from home to school is of paramount importance as it daily takes a large portion of time of children. At the end, the research results have mainly focused on introduction of Walking Bus Model for promotion of capacity of urban public spaces for more presence of children. In this regard, modification of accessibility to schools and surrounding spaces (direction from home to school) for going on foot can be provided through directions in which a blend of play spaces with other activities relevant to children needs and nature is facilitated. Accordingly, some remedies for family participation in neighborhoods are introduced in order to create a sustainable and healthy city.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: شهرسازی
Received: 2014/06/28 | Accepted: 2015/02/14 | Published: 2015/04/22

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