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  Converting energy resources cleanly and efficiently and preventing environmental contamination will be some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. To achieve a sustainable development of the energy sector and environmentally friendly energy production such as combined heat and power, natural gas, and renewable energy sources should be promoted worldwide. Accordingly, the Green Research Center (GRC) was established on the basis of fundamental research in the sciences behind renewable energy, energy-efficient technologies, energy conversions, energy management and the environment.

  Established as a federal research and development facility in 1999, GRC has been a part of the IRAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IUST). GRC is one of the leading developers of energy and environmental technologies in IRAN.

:: IEEE Smart Grid Conference 2014 italy ::
AWT IMAGE  IEEE 2014 International Conference on Smart Grid Communication in Italy
:: Smard Grid Conference 2014 ::
AWT IMAGE The Smart Grid Conference 2014 will be held at December 9-10 2014, in Niroo Research Institut.
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