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:: About CECEE ::

AWT IMAGEEnvironment (CECEE) is an Iranian national research center. The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, established the center in the year 2012. Sustainable infrastructure development is essential for the economic growth and well-being of humanity.IUST intends to provide solutions to the acute problems that human kind isfacing due to the gradual depletion of the earth's fossil fuel resources. Exploring the role of renewable energy in urban and rural infrastructure development is the central theme...More

:: ceramics for use in advanced lens systems and LED technology ::
 | Post date: 2013/05/6 | 

  According to Schott, the manufacturing of transparent or translucent ceramics is based on a sophisticated process chain. Depending on the application, highly reactive oxide nanopowders of various compositions are mixed, doped, homogenized in liquid media and then dried again. Afterwards they are pressed into shapes like optical lenses, for instance, and sintered into ceramics inside a special high-temperature furnace at up to 2,000°C inside a vacuum or 1,800°C in the open air. The sintered parts are then cut and polished for further processing. Credit: Schott.


:: AAA battery-powered water splitter ::

When it comes to alternative fuels, hydrogen is a favorite for potentially powering the environmentally friendly future. But shifting processes and systems built on natural resources necessitates a lot of challenging adaptations. Hydrogen storage is one and a potential place where advanced ceramics may come in handy and another is hydrogen generation....

:: Flowerpot like ceramic filters purify water for drinking, cooking ::

An interdisciplinary team at the University of Virginia has developed a water purification system based on porous ceramic clay discs (”MadiDrops”"— Madi is the Tshivenda South African word for water) impregnated with nanoparticles of either silver or copper...More 


:: 3rd International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation ::
 | Post date: 2012/11/11 | 

ICEII 2013 : 2013 3rd International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation

The 2013 3rd International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation (ICEII 2013) is the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances andresearch results in the fields of Environment and Industrial Innovation. ICEII2013 will bring together leading engineers and scientists in Environment and Industrial Innovation from around the world....

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center of Excellence for Ceramics in Energy and Environment
کلیه حقوق مادی و معنوی این سایت متعلق به دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران می باشد . نقل هرگونه مطلب با ذکر منبع بلامانع می باشد .
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