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Showing 1 results for Statistical Analysis.

S. S. Shahebrahimi, A. Lork, D. Sedaghat Shayegan,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2022)

In this study the challenges of managing the civil projects in oil and gas industry over recent years that failed were investigated. For this purpose, the relevant cases and their effectiveness were categorized by analyzing research data obtained from the questionnaire results. The results obtained from the research showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the project management knowledge and reduction in the challenges. Lack of attention to the project's feasibility study before starting the project, adverse risks at the beginning and end of the projects, proper knowledge of contracts, and the project team's skill are the items that will fail the project if they are not appropriately managed. Since the team's correct design and the key persons of the project and before that feasibility and the necessity of doing it in vital projects in the country are very important and in such a way, the two components studied in this research are derived from the risk management of projects. Considering the importance of this issue as a case study, these cases were investigated in gas pipeline projects in Fars province.

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