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Showing 2 results for Seismic Behavior

M.a. Hariri Ardebili, H. Mirzabozorg, R. Kianoush,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2012)

In the present paper, nonlinear behavior of mass concrete simulated by smeared crack model is combined with Endurance Time Analysis (ETA) method for studying seismic response of arch dams. ETA is a time-history based dynamic pushover procedure in which special predesigned intensifying acceleration functions are used for analysis and estimation of structural responses in various performance levels by just a single analysis. For this purpose 203m DEZ arch dam is selected as case study and the finite element model of dam-reservoir-foundation system is excited in various performance levels. It was found that ETA provides reasonable responses in comparison with Time-History Analysis (THA) at equivalent target time. In addition, ETAleads to acceptable estimation of crack profiles within dam body and can reduce the total time of analyses, meaningfully. Generally, it was concluded that ETA can be considered as an alternative of THA in nonlinear analysis of arch dams.
M. Mohebbi, S. Moradpour , Y. Ghanbarpour,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2014)

In this research, optimal design and assessment of multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMDs) capability in mitigating the damage of nonlinear steel structures subjected to earthquake excitation has been studied. Optimal parameters of TMDs on nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) structures have been determined based on minimizing the maximum relative displacement (drift) of structure where for solving the optimization problem the genetic algorithm (GA) has been used successfully. For numerical analysis, three and nine storey 2-D moment resisting nonlinear steel frames subjected to far-field and near-field earthquakes and optimal MTMDs has been designed for different values of mass ratio and TMDs number. According to the results of numerical simulations, it can be said that MTMDs mechanism could reduce the damage of nonlinear steel structures where the effectiveness increases by increasing TMDs mass ratio. Also the performance of MTMDs depends on earthquake characteristics, mass ratio and TMDs configuration where in this research the effective case has been locating TMDs on top floor in parallel configuration.

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