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Showing 10 results for Monitoring

M. Taheri, A. Mahdavi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2014)

Building performance simulation is being increasingly deployed beyond the building design phase to support efficient building operation. Specifically, the predictive feature of the simulation-assisted building systems control strategy provides distinct advantages in view of building systems with high latency and inertia. Such advantages can be exploited only if model predictions can be relied upon. Hence, it is important to calibrate simulation models based on monitored data. In the present paper, we report on the use of optimization-aided model calibration in the context of an existing university building. Thereby, our main objective is to deploy data obtained via the monitoring system to both populate the initial simulation model and to maintain its fidelity through an ongoing optimization-based calibration process. The results suggest that the calibration can significantly improve the predictive performance of the thermal simulation model.
A. Afshar, S.m. Miri Khombi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (8-2015)

Location and types of sensors may be integrated for simultaneous achievement of water security goals and other water utility objectives, such as regulatory monitoring requirements. Complying with the recent recommendations on dual benefits of sensors, this study addresses the optimal location of these types of sensors in a multipurpose approach. The study presents two mathematical models for optimum location of sensors as static double use benefit model (SDUBM) and dynamic double use benefit model (DDUBM) which provides tradeoffs between maximum monitored volume of water known as “demand coverage” and minimum consumption of contaminated water. In the proposed modeling scheme, sensors are located to maximize dual use benefits of achieving water security goals and accomplishing regulatory monitoring requirements. The validity of the model is tested using two extensively tested example problems with multi-objective ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. The Pareto front for different number of sensors are presented and discussed.
A. Ghadimi Hamzehkolaei, A. Zare Hosseinzadeh , G. Ghodrati Amiri,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (10-2016)

Presenting structural damage detection problem as an inverse model-updating approach is one of the well-known methods which can reach to informative features of damages. This paper proposes a model-based method for fault prognosis in engineering structures. A new damage-sensitive cost function is suggested by employing the main concepts of the Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) on the first several modes’ data. Then, Chaotic Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (CICA), a modified version of the original Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) which has recently been developed for optimal design of complex trusses, is employed for solving the suggested cost function. Finally, the optimal solution of the problem is reported as damage detection results. The efficiency of the proposed method for damage identification is evaluated by studying three numerical examples of structures. Several single and multiple damage patterns are simulated and different number of modal data are utilized as input data (in noise free and noisy states) for damage detection via suggested method. Moreover, different comparative studies are carried out for evaluating the preference of the suggested method. All the obtained results emphasize the high level of accuracy of the suggested method and introduce it as a viable method for identifying not only damage locations, but also damage severities.

S. M. Eslami, F. Abdollahi, J. Shahmiri, S. M. Tavakkoli,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (1-2019)

This paper aims to introduce topology optimization as a robust tool for damage detection in plane stress structures. Two objective functions based on natural frequencies and shape modes of the structure are defined to minimize discrepancy between dynamic specifications of the real damaged structure and the updating model. Damage area is assumed as a porous material where amount of porosity signifies the damage intensity. To achieve this, Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) model is employed. Sensitivity analysis is achieved and a mathematical based method is used for solving the optimization problems. In order to demonstrate efficiency and robustness of the method to identify various type of damages in terms of both location and intensity, several numerical examples are presented and the results are discussed.
F. Abdollahi , S. M. Tavakkoli,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (9-2019)

In this paper, topology optimization is utilized for damage detection in three dimensional elasticity problems. In addition, two mode expansion techniques are used to derive unknown modal data from measured data identified by installed sensors. Damages in the model are assumed as reduction of mass and stiffness in the discretized finite elements. The Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) method is used for parameterizing topology of the structure. Difference between mode shapes of the model and real structure is minimized via a mathematical based algorithm. Analytical sensitivity analysis is performed to obtain derivatives of objective function with respect to the design variables. In order to illustrate the accuracy of the proposed method, four numerical examples are presented.
S. M. Hosseini, Gh. Ghodrati Amiri, M. Mohamadi Dehcheshmeh,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2020)

Civil infrastructures such as bridges and buildings are prone to damage as a result of natural disasters. To understand damages induced by these events, the structure needs to be monitored. The field of engineering focusing on the process of evaluating the location and the intensity of the damage to the structure is called Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). Early damage prognosis in structures is the fundamental part of SHM. In fact, the main purpose of SHM is obtaining information about the existence, location, and the extent of damage in the structure. Since numerous structural damage detection problems can be solved as an inverse problem based on the proposed objective functions by using optimization algorithm, in this paper, related studies are investigated which discussing objective functions based on Modal Strain Energy (MSE) and flexibility methods including Modal Flexibility (MF), and Generalized Flexibility Matrix (GFM). To illustrate the extent of effectiveness of these objective functions based on the above-mentioned modal parameters, an efficiency index called Impact Factor (IF) is defined. Finally, the best objective function is introduced for each numerical case study based on IF by means of evaluating the obtained result.
A. Kaveh, S. R. Hoseini Vaez, P. Hosseini, H. Fathi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2021)

A modified dolphin monitoring (MDM) is used to augment the efficiency of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and enhanced vibrating particle system (EVPS) for the numerical crack identification problems in plate structures. The extended finite element method (XFEM) is employed for modeling the fracture. The forward problem is untangled by some cycle loading phase via dynamic XFEM. Furthermore, the inverse problem is solved and compared via two PSO and EVPS algorithms. All the problems are also dissolved by means of fine and coarse meshing. The results illustrate that the function of XFEM-PSO-MDM and XFEM-EVPS-MDM is superior to XFEM-PSO and XFEM-EVPS methods. The algorithms coupled via MDM offer a higher convergence rate with more reliable results. The MDM is found to be a suitable tool which can promotes the ability of the algorithms in achieving the optimum solutions.
N. Sedaghati , M. Shahrouzi,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (8-2022)

Beyond common practice that treats structural damage detection as an optimization problem, the present work offers another approach that updates boundaries of the damage ratios. In this approach the bandwidth between such lower and upper boundaries, is adaptively reduced aiming to coincide at the true damage state. Formulation of the proposed method is developed using modal strain energy in a system of finite elements. A resolution-based technique is applied so that the search space cardinality can be defined and then reduced. The proposed method is validated on different structural types including beam, frame and truss examples with various damage scenarios. The results exhibit high cardinality reduction and capability of the proposed iterative method in squeezing the design space for more efficient search.
F. Damghani , S. M. Tavakkoli,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)

An efficient method is proposed by using time domain responses and topology optimization to identify the location and severity of damages in two-dimensional structures under plane stress assumption. Damage is assumed in the form of material density reduction in the finite element model of the structure. The time domain responses utilized here, are the nodal accelerations measured at certain points of the structure. The responses are obtained by the Newmark method and contaminated with uniformly random noise in order to simulate real conditions. Damage indicators are extracted from the time domain responses by using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). The problem of damage detection is presented as a topology optimization problem and the Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) method is used for appropriate damage modeling. The objective function is formed based on the difference of singular values of the Hankel matrix for responses of real structure and the analytical model. In order to evaluate the correctness of the proposed method, some numerical examples are examined. The results indicate efficiency of the proposed method in structural damage detection and its parameters such as resampling length in SVD, penalty factor in the SIMP method and number and location of sensors are effective parameters for improving the results.
M. Mohamadinasab, G. Ghodarti Amiri, M. Mohamadi Dehcheshmeh,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (10-2023)

Most structures are asymmetric due to functionality requirements and limitations. This study investigates the effect of asymmetry on damage detection. For this purpose, the asymmetry has been applied to models by considering different spans’ length and also different geometry properties for the section of members. Two types of structures comprising symmetric and asymmetric truss and frame have been modeled considering multiple damage scenarios and noise-contaminated data. Three objective functions based on flexibility matrix, natural frequency and modal frequency are proposed. These objective functions are optimized utilizing multiverse optimizer (MVO). For the symmetric models using limited modal data, flexibility-based objective function has the most accurate results, while by increasing the number of mode shapes, its accuracy reduced. Among asymmetric models of truss, damage detection results of the model is more accurate than those of its symmetric pair. Between asymmetric models of frame, the results obtained from frames which have only different spans’ length are more precise than those of the symmetric model. This is while frequency-based objective functions have their least accurate results for the frame model having asymmetry only in the section properties of its elements.

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