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Showing 12 results for Harmony Search

K.s. Lee, S.w. Han, Z.w. Geem,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2011)

Many methods have been developed for structural size and configuration optimization in which cross-sectional areas are usually assumed to be continuous. In most practical structural engineering design problems, however, the design variables are discrete. This paper proposes two efficient structural optimization methods based on the harmony search (HS) heuristic algorithm that treat both discrete sizing variables and integrated discrete sizing and continuous geometric variables. The HS algorithm uses a stochastic random search instead of a gradient search so the former has a new-paradigmed derivative. Several truss examples from the literature are also presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the new method, as compared to current optimization methods.
S. Gholizadeh, A. Barzegar , Ch. Gheyratmand,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2011)

The main aim of the present study is to propose a modified harmony search (MHS) algorithm for size and shape optimization of structures. The standard harmony search (HS) algorithm is conceptualized using the musical process of searching for a perfect state of the harmony. It uses a stochastic random search instead of a gradient search. The proposed MHS algorithm is designed based on elitism. In fact the MHS is a multi-staged version of the HS and in each stage a new harmony memory is created using the information of the previous stages. Numerical results reveal that the proposed algorithm is a powerful optimization technique with improved exploitation characteristics compared with the standard HS.
S. Gholizadeh, H. Barati,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (7-2012)

In the present study, the computational performance of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) harmony search (HS) and firefly algorithm (FA), as popular metaheuristics, is investigated for size and shape optimization of truss structures. The PSO was inspired by the social behavior of organisms such as bird flocking. The HS imitates the musical performance process which takes place when a musician searches for a better state of harmony, while the FA was based on the idealized behavior of the flashing characteristics of natural fireflies. These algorithms were inspired from different natural sources and their convergence behavior is focused in this paper. Several benchmark size and shape optimization problems of truss structures are solved using PSO, HS and FA and the results are compared. The numerical results demonstrate the superiority of FA to HS and PSO.
A. Kaveh, N. Shamsapour, R. Sheikholeslami, M. Mashhadian,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2012)

This paper presents application of an improved Harmony Search (HS) technique and Charged System Search algorithm (CSS) to estimate transport energy demand in Iran, based on socio-economic indicators. The models are developed in two forms (exponential and linear) and applied to forecast transport energy demand in Iran. These models are developed to estimate the future energy demands based on population, gross domestic product (GDP), and the data of numbers of vehicles (VEH). Transport energy consumption in Iran is considered from 1968 to 2009 as the case of this study. The available data is partly used for finding the optimal, or near optimal values of the weighting parameters (1968-2003) and partly for testing the models (2004-2009). Finally transport energy demand in Iran is forecasted up to the year 2020.
A. Csébfalvi , E. Szendrői ,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2012)

This paper presents an experimental investigation of the Sounds of Silence (SoS) harmony search metaheuristic for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) using a pre-optimized starting repertoire. The presented algorithm is based on the time oriented version of the SoS harmony search metaheuristic developed by Csébfalvi et al. [1] for the single-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). The multi-mode SoS version exploits the fact that using a state-of-the art solver a small mixed integer linear programming problem (MILP) or a large linear programming problem (LP) can be solved within reasonable time. In order to illustrate the viability of the pre-optimized starting repertoire we present computational results for the hardest and largest MMLIB+ benchmark set developed by Van Peteghem and Vanhoucke [2]. The computational result reveals the fact, that the pre-optimized repertoire drastically increases the efficiency of the problem solvong process.
S. Carbas, M.p. Saka,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Many optimization techniques have been proposed since the inception of engineering optimization in 1960s. Traditional mathematical modeling-based approaches are incompetent to solve the engineering optimization problems, as these problems have complex system that involves large number of design variables as well as equality or inequality constraints. In order to overcome the various difficulties encountered in obtaining the solution of these problems, new techniques called metaheuristic algorithms are suggested. These techniques are numerical optimization algorithms that are based on a natural phenomenon. In this study, a state-of-art improved harmony search method with a new adaptive error strategy is proposed to handle the design constraints. Number of numerical examples is presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm in solving engineering optimization problems.
H. Fattahi, M. A. Ebrahimi Farsangi, S. Shojaee, K. Nekooei , H. Mansouri,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (6-2013)

An excavation damage zone (EDZ) can be defined as a rock zone where the rock properties and conditions have been changed due to the processes related to an excavation. This zone affects the behavior of rock mass surrounding the construction that reduces the stability and safety factor and increase probability of failure of the structure. This paper presents an approach to build a model for the identification and classification of the EDZ. The Support vector machine (SVM) is a new machine learning method based on statistical learning theory, which can solve the classification problem with small sampling, non-linearity and high dimension. However, the practicability of the SVM is influenced by the difficulty of selecting appropriate SVM parameters. In this study, the proposed hybrid Harmony search (HS) with the SVM was applied for identification and classification of damaged zone, in which HS was used to determine the optimized free parameters of the SVM. For identification and classification of the EDZ, based upon the modulus of the deformation modulus and using the hybrid of HS with the SVM a model for the identification and classification of the EDZ was built. To illustrate the capability of the HS-SVM model defined, field data from a test gallery of the Gotvand dam, Iran were used. The results obtained indicate that the HS-SVM model can be used successfully for identification and classification of damaged zone around underground spaces.
A. Kaveh, B. Mirzaei, A. Jafarvand,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (10-2013)

The objective of this paper is to present an optimal design for single-layer barrel vault frames via improved magnetic charged system search (IMCSS) and open application programming interface (OAPI). The IMCSS algorithm is utilized as the optimization algorithm and the OAPI is used as an interface tool between analysis software and the programming language. In the proposed algorithm, magnetic charged system search (MCSS) and improved harmony search (IHS) are utilized to achieve a good convergence and good solutions especially in final iterations. The results confirm the efficiency of OAPI as a powerful interface tool in the analysis process of barrel vault structures and also the ability of IMCSS algorithm in fast convergence and achieving optimal results.
R. Kamyab , E. Salajegheh,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2014)

This paper presents an efficient meta-heuristic algorithm for optimization of double-layer scallop domes subjected to earthquake loading. The optimization is performed by a combination of harmony search (HS) and firefly algorithm (FA). This new algorithm is called harmony search firefly algorithm (HSFA). The optimization task is achieved by taking into account geometrical and material nonlinearities. Operation of HSFA includes three phases. In the first phase, a preliminary optimization is accomplished using HS. In the second phase, an optimal initial population is produced using the first phase results. In the last phase, FA is employed to find optimum design using the produced optimal initial population. The optimum design obtained by HSFA is compared with those of HS and FA. It is demonstrated that the HSFA converges to better solution compared to the other algorithms.
H. Fattahi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2015)

The slope stability analysis is routinely performed by engineers to estimate the stability of river training works, road embankments, embankment dams, excavations and retaining walls. This paper presents a new approach to build a model for the prediction of slope stability state. The support vector machine (SVM) is a new machine learning method based on statistical learning theory, which can solve the classification problem with small sampling, non-linearity and high dimension. However, the practicability of the SVM is influenced by the difficulty of selecting appropriate SVM parameters. In this study, the proposed hybrid harmony search (HS) with SVM was applied for the prediction of slope stability state, in which HS was used to determine the optimized free parameters of the SVM. A dataset that includes 55 data points was applied in current study, while 45 data points (80%) were used for constructing the model and the remainder data points (10 data points) were used for assessment of degree of accuracy and robustness. The results obtained indicate that the SVM-HS model can be used successfully for the prediction of slope stability state for circular failure.
S. Dehghani Fordoei, S.a. Razavian Amrei, M. Eghbali, M. Sh. Nasrollah Beigi,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (10-2018)

Vulnerability assessment of structures encounter many uncertainties like seismic excitations intensity and response of structures. The most common approach adopted to deal with these uncertainties is vulnerability assessment through fragility functions. Fragility functions exhibit the probability of exceeding a state namely performance-level as a function of seismic intensity. A common approach is finding some response points of the fragility function and then fitting a typical probability distribution like lognormal through curve fitting estimation techniques. Maximum-likelihood approach is a fitting method to find the probability distribution parameters. Performing this approach for distributions like lognormal which is defined by just two parameters are straight forward while for more complicated distribution which are based on additional characterizing parameters is not feasible, since this approach is based on minimizing an error function through classic mathematical approaches like calculating partial derivations. An applicable modification is to add an efficient optimization approach to determine maximum-likelihood function. In this article, an optimization algorithm is proposed with maximum-likelihood-estimation and the results indicate the efficiency and feasibility of future developments in finding the most appropriate fragility function.
S. Talatahari, V. Goodarzimehr, S. Shojaee,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2021)

In this work, a new hybrid Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS) algorithm introduced to design and optimize spatial and planar structures under structural constraints. The SOS algorithm is inspired by the interactive behavior between organisms to propagate in nature. But one of the disadvantages of the SOS algorithm is that due to its vast search space and a large number of organisms, it may trap in a local optimum. To fix this problem Harmony search (HS) algorithm, which has a high exploration and high exploitation, is applied as a complement to the SOS algorithm. The weight of the structures' elements is the objective function which minimized under displacement and stress constraints using finite element analysis. To prove the high capabilities of the new algorithm several spatial and planar benchmark truss structures, designed and optimized and the results have been compared with those of other researchers. The results show that the new algorithm has performed better in both exploitation and exploration than other meta-heuristic and mathematics methods.

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