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Showing 3 results for Sharafi

Mehmet E Uz, P. Sharafi,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (10-2016)

This study investigates the efficacy of optimal semi-active dampers for achieving the best results in seismic response mitigation of adjacent buildings connected to each other by magnetorheological (MR) dampers under earthquakes. One of the challenges in the application of this study is to develop an effective optimal control strategy that can fully utilize the capabilities of the MR dampers. Hence, a SIMULINK block in MATLAB program was developed to compute the desired control forces at each floor level and to the obtain number of dampers. Linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controllers are used for obtaining the desired control forces, while the desired voltage is calculated based on clipped voltage law (CVL). The control objective is to minimize both the maximum displacement and acceleration responses of the structure. As a result, MR dampers can provide significant displacement response control that is possible with less voltage for the shorter building.

P. Sharafi, M. Askarian, M. E. Uz, H. Abaci,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (1-2017)

Preliminary layout design of buildings has a substantial effect on the ultimate design of structural components and accordingly influences the construction cost. Exploring structurally efficient forms and shapes during the conceptual design stage of a project can also facilitate the optimum integrated design of buildings. This paper presents an automated method of determining column layout design of rectilinear orthogonal building frames using Charged System Search (CSS) algorithm. The layout design problem is presented as a combinatorial optimization problem named multi-dimensional knapsack problem by setting some constraints to the problem, where the minimum cost and maximum plan regularity are the objectives. The efficiency and robustness of CSS to solve the combinatorial optimization problem are demonstrated through a numerical design problem. The results of the algorithm are compared to those of an ant colony algorithm in order to validate the solution.

P. Sharafi, M. Mortazavi, M. Askarian, M. E. Uz, C. Zhang, J. Zhang,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (10-2017)

Graph theory based methods are powerful means for representing structural systems so that their geometry and topology can be understood clearly. The combination of graph theory based methods and some metaheuristics can offer effective solutions for complex engineering optimization problems. This paper presents a Charged System Search (CSS) algorithm for the free shape optimizations of thin-walled steel sections, represented by some popular graph theory based methods. The objective is to find shapes of minimum mass and/or maximum strength for thin-walled steel sections that satisfy design constraints, which results in a general formulation for a bi-objective combinatorial optimization problem. A numerical example involving the shape optimization of thin-walled open and closed steel sections is presented to demonstrate the robustness of the method.

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