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Showing 4 results for Mousavi

S. Mokhtarimousavi, H. Rahami, A. Kaveh,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (1-2015)

Runway length is usually a critical point in an airport system so, a great interest has been created for optimal use of this runway length. The most important factors in modeling of aircraft landing problem are time and cost while, the costs imposed on the system because of moving away from target times have different performances in terms of impact. In this paper, firstly, aircraft landing problem (ALP) and the works conducted in subject literature are briefly reviewed and presented. Then, this problem is formulated and proposed as a three-objective mathematical modeling which leads to more applicable formulation. Following this, the model introduced to solve this problem is solved for two groups including 20 and 50 aircrafts using the second version of NSGA and the results and recommendations will be provided.
P. Mohebian, M. Mousavi, H. Rahami,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (3-2017)

The present study is concerned with the simultaneous optimization of the size of components and the arrangement of connections for performance-based seismic design of low-rise SPSWs. Design variables include the size of beams and columns, the thickness of the infill panels, the type of each beam-to-column connection and the type of each infill-to-boundary frame connection. The objective function is considered to be the sum of the material cost and rigid connection fabrication cost. For comparison purposes, the SPSW model is also optimized with regard to two fixed connection arrangements. To fulfill the optimization task a new hybrid optimization algorithm called CBO-Jaya is proposed. The performance of the proposed hybrid optimization algorithm is assessed by two benchmark optimization problems. The results of the application of the proposed algorithm to the benchmark problem indicate the efficiency, robustness, and the fast convergence of the proposed algorithm compared with other meta-heuristic algorithms. The achieved results for the SPSWs demonstrate that incorporating the optimal arrangement of beam-to-column and infill-to-boundary frame connections into the optimization procedure results in considerable reduction of the overall cost.

H. Rahami, P. Mohebian, M. Mousavi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2017)

The present study sets out to integrate the performance-based seismic design approach with the connection topology optimization method. Performance-based connection topology optimization concept aims to simultaneously optimize the size of members and the type of connections with respect to the framework of performance-based seismic design. This new optimization concept is carried out for unbraced and X-braced steel frames in order to assess its efficiency. The cross-sectional area of components and the type of beam-to-column connections are regarded as design variables. The objective function is formulated in terms of the material costs and the cost of rigid connections. The nonlinear pushover analysis is adopted to acquire the response of the structure at various performance levels. In order to cope with the optimization problem, CBO algorithm is employed. The achieved results demonstrate that incorporating the optimal arrangement of beam-to-column connections into the optimum performance-based design procedure of either unbraced or X-braced steel frame could lead to a design that significantly reduces the overall cost of the structure and offers a predictable and reliable performance for the structure subjected to hazard levels.

D. Pourrostam, S. Y. Mousavi, T. Bakhshpoori, K. Shabrang,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (4-2020)

In recent years, soft computing and artificial intelligence techniques such as artificial neural network (ANN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) have been effectively used in various civil engineering applications. This study aims to examine the potential of ANN and ANFIS for modeling the compressive strength of concrete containing expanded perlite powder (EPP). For doing this, a total of forty-five EPP incorporated concrete mixtures were produced and tested for compressive strength at different curing ages of 3, 7, 28, 42 and 90 days. Two different ANN models were developed and the suitable and stable ANN architecture for each model was considered by calculating various statistical parameters. For comparative purposes, two ANFIS models with different membership functions were also trained. According to the results, it can be concluded that the proposed ANN models relatively give a good degree of accuracy in predicting the compressive strength of concrete made with EPP, higher than that of observed from ANFIS models.

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