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Showing 4 results for Kalatjari

A. Kaveh, V.r Kalatjari, M.h Talebpour , J. Torkamanzadeh,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Different methods are available for simultaneous optimization of cross-section, topology and geometry of truss structures. Since the search space for this problem is very large, the probability of falling in local optimum is considerably high. On the other hand, different types of design variables (continuous and discrete) lead to some difficulties in the process of optimization. In this article, simultaneous optimization of cross-section, topology and geometry of truss structures is performed by utilizing the Multi Heuristic based Search Method (MHSM) that overcome the above mentioned problem and obtains good results. The presented method performs the optimization by dividing the searching space into five subsections in which an MHSM is employed. These subsections are named procedure islands. Some examples are then presented to scrutinize the method more carefully. Results show the capabilities of the present algorithm for optimal design of truss structures.
V. R. Kalatjari, M. H. Talebpour,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2018)

In this article, by Partitioning of designing space, optimization speed is tried to be increased by GA. To this end, designing space search is done in two steps which are global search and local search. To achieve this goal, according to meshing in FEM, firstly, the list of sections is divided to specific subsets. Then, intermediate member of each subset, as representative of subset, is defined in a new list. Optimization process is started based on the new list of sections which includes subset’s representatives (global search). After some specific generations, range of optimum design is indicated for each designing variable. Afterwards, the list of sections is redefined relative to previous step’s result and based on subset of relevant variable. Finally, optimization will be continued based on the new list of sections for each designing variable to complete the generations (local search). In this regard, effect of dimension and number of subset’s members of global and local searches in proposal are investigated by optimization examples of skeletal structures. Results imply on optimization speed enhancement based on proposal in different cases proportional to simple and advanced cases of GA.
K. Biabani Hamedani , V. R. Kalatjari,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (10-2018)

Structural reliability theory allows structural engineers to take the random nature of structural parameters into account in the analysis and design of structures. The aim of this research is to develop a logical framework for system reliability analysis of truss structures and simultaneous size and geometry optimization of truss structures subjected to structural system reliability constraint. The framework is in the form of a computer program called RBO-S>S. The objective of the optimization is to minimize the total weight of the truss structures against the aforementioned constraint. System reliability analysis of truss structures is performed through branch-and-bound method. Also, optimization is carried out by genetic algorithm. The research results show that system reliability analysis of truss structures can be performed with sufficient accurately using the RBO-S>S program. In addition, it can be used for optimal design of truss structures. Solutions are suggested to reduce the time required for reliability analysis of truss structures and to increase the precision of their reliability analysis.
H. R. Irani, V. R. Kalatjari, M.h. Dibaei Bonab,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2020)

This paper presents a design process using a course grained parallel genetic algorithm to optimize three-dimensional steel moment frames by considering the axial force and biaxial bending moments interaction in plastic hinge formation. The objective function is to minimize the total weight of the structure subjected to the reliability constraint of the structural system. System reliability analysis is performed through the proposed Modified Latin Hypercube Simulation (M-LHS) Method. For optimization, a 3DSMF-RBO program is written in CSHARP programming language. The reliability analysis results show a large decrease in the number of simulation samples and subsequently a decrease in the execution time of optimization computation. The optimization results indicate that by considering interaction of the axial force and biaxial bending moments in plastic hinge formation rather than the only bending moment, to some extent increases the total weight of the designed structure.

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