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Showing 3 results for Hashemi

S. Shojaee, S. Hasheminasab,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-2011)

Although Genetic algorithm (GA), Ant colony (AC) and Particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) have already been extended to various types of engineering problems, the effects of initial sampling beside constraints in the efficiency of algorithms, is still an interesting field. In this paper we show that, initial sampling with a special series of constraints play an important role in the convergence and robustness of a metaheuristic algorithm. Random initial sampling, Latin Hypercube Design, Sobol sequence, Hammersley and Halton sequences are employed for approximating initial design. Comparative studies demonstrate that well distributed initial sampling speeds up the convergence to near optimal design and reduce the required computational cost of purely random sampling methodologies. In addition different penalty functions that define the Augmented Lagrangian methods considered in this paper to improve the algorithms. Some examples presented to show these applications.
D. Sedaghat Shayegan, A Lork, S.a.h. Hashemi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (6-2019)

In this paper, the optimum design of a reinforced concrete one-way ribbed slab, is presented via recently developed metaheuristic algorithm, namely, the Mouth Brooding Fish (MBF). Meta-heuristics based on evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence are outstanding examples of nature-inspired solution techniques. The MBF algorithm simulates the symbiotic interaction strategies adopted by organisms to survive and propagate in the ecosystem. This algorithm uses the movement, dispersion and protection behavior of Mouth Brooding Fish as a pattern to find the best possible answer. The cost of the system is considered to be the objective function, and the design is based on the American Concrete Institute’s ACI 318-08 standard. The performance of this algorithm is compared with harmony search (HS), colliding bodies optimization (CBO), particle swarm optimization (PSO), democratic particle swarm optimization (DPSO), charged system search (CSS) and enhanced charged system search (ECSS). The numerical results demonstrate that the MBF algorithm is able to construct very promising results and has merits in solving challenging optimization problems.
M. R. Hashemi , R. Vahdani, M. Gerami , A. Kheyrodin,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (1-2020)

Dampers can reduce structural response under dynamic loads. Since dampers are costly, the design of structures equipped with dampers should make their application economically justifiable. Among the effective cost reduction factors is optimal damper placement. Hence, this study intended to find the optimal viscous damper placement using efficient optimization methods. Taking into account the nonlinear behavior of structure, this optimal distribution can be determined through meeting story-wise damping requirements such that the structure provides the minimum dynamic response and becomes economically justified. To compare the effect of different damper placement layouts on structural response and determine the objective function of optimization, the ratio of peak structural displacement to yield displacement was used as the damage index and objective function of optimization. Colliding Bodies' Optimization (CBO) algorithm was used for optimal damper placement. In this study, the 3- and 4-story concrete frames with different damper placement conditions were studied. Results confirmed the efficiency of the proposed method and algorithm in optimal viscous damper placement in each story. It was also discovered that the application of dampers on higher stories partially uniforms height-wise damage distribution and works towards the design goals.

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