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Showing 3 results for Babaei

M. Rajabi Bahaabadi, A. Shariat Mohaymany, M. Babaei,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (10-2012)

Crossover operator plays a crucial role in the efficiency of genetic algorithm (GA). Several crossover operators have been proposed for solving the travelling salesman problem (TSP) in the literature. These operators have paid less attention to the characteristics of the traveling salesman problem, and majority of these operators can only generate feasible solutions. In this paper, a crossover operator is presented that has the capability of generating solutions based on a logical reasoning. In other words, the solution space is explored by the proposed method purposefully. Numerical results based on 26 benchmark instances demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method compared with the previous meta-heuristic methods.
R. Babaei Semriomi, A. Keyhani,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2022)

This paper introduces a reliability-based multi-objective design method for spatial truss structures. A multi-objective optimization problem has been defined considering three conflicting objective functions including truss weight, nodal deflection, and failure probability of the entire truss structure with design variables of cross sectional area of the truss members. The failure probability of the entire truss system has been determined considering the truss structure as a series system. To this end, the uncertainties of the applied load and the resistance of the truss members have been accounted by generating a set of 50 random numbers. The limitations of members' allowable have been defined as constraints. To explain the methodology, a 25-bar benchmark spatial truss has been considered as the case study structure and has been optimally designed using the game theory concept and genetic algorithm (GA). The results show effectiveness and simplicity of the proposed method which can provide Pareto optimal solution. These optimal solutions can provide both safety and reliability for the truss structure.
H. Tamjidi Saraskanroud, M. Babaei,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (10-2023)

Structural topology optimization provides an insight into efficient designing as it seeks optimal distribution of material to minimize the total cost and weight of the structures. This paper presents an optimum design of steel moment frames and connections of structures subjected to serviceability and strength constraints in accordance with AISC-Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD). In connection topology optimizations, different beam and column sections and connections and also to optimize two steel moment frames a genetic algorithm was used and their performance was compared. Initially, two common steel moment frames were studied, only for the purpose of minimizing the weight of the structure and the members of structure are considered as design variables. Since the cost of a steel moment frame is not solely related to the weight of the structure, in order to obtain a realistic plan, in the second part of this study, for the other two frames the cost of the connections is also added to the variables. The results indicate that the steel frame optimization by applying real genetic algorithm could be optimal for structural designing. The findings highlighted the prominent performance and lower costs of the steel moment frames when different connections are used.

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