Showing 4 results for Thermal Properties
A. R. Hanifi,, A. Genson, M. J. Pomeroy, S. Hampshire,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2010)
Oxynitride glasses are found as grain boundary phases in silicon nitride ceramics. They are effectively alumino-silicate glasses in which nitrogen substitutes for oxygen in the glass network, and this causes increases in glass transition and softening temperatures, viscosities (by two to three orders of magnitude), elastic moduli and microhardness. Calcium silicate-based glasses containing fluorine are known to have useful characteristics as potential bioactive materials. Therefore, the combination of both nitrogen and fluorine additions to these glasses may give useful glasses or glass-ceramics with enhanced mechanical stability for use in biomedical applications. This paper reports glass formation and evaluation of glass thermal properties in the Ca-Si-Al-O-N-F system. Within the previously defined Ca-Si-Al-O-N glass forming region at 20 eq.% N, homogeneous, dense glasses are formed. However, addition of fluorine affects glass formation and the reactivity of glass melts. This can lead to fluorine loss as SiF4, and also nitrogen loss, leading to bubble formation and porous glasses. The compositional limits for both dense
and porous glass formation at 20 eq.% N and 5 eq.% F have been mapped. At high fluorine contents under conditions when Ca-F bonding is favoured, CaF2 crystals precipitate in the glass. The role of the different cations on glass formation in these oxyfluoro-nitride glasses is discussed.
H. Adelkhani, Kh. Didehban, R. Dehghan,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2016)
In this study, polyaniline-graphene composites with different nano-structures are synthesized and the behaviour of the obtained composites serving as electrode materials in electrochemical capacitors is studied. The morphology, crystal structure, and thermal stability of the composites are examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). Electrochemical properties are characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV). According to the results, the obtained composites show different crystal structures and different thermal stabilities, and consequently different electrochemical capacities, when used as electrodes in electrochemical capacitors. A nano-fibre composite is shown to have a good degree of crystallization, 5.17% water content, 637oC degradation onset temperature, and 379 Fg-1 electrochemical capacity.

R. Buitrago-Sierra, J. F. Santa, J. Ordoñez,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (9-2019)
Polypropylene (PP) has been one of the most widely used polymers due to the versatility and cost benefits obtained with this material. In this work, composites of PP modified with nanostructured ZSM-5 zeolite were prepared and their thermal and mechanical properties were evaluated. Zeolites were synthetized by hydrothermal method and the crystallization time was modified to evaluate the effect of that parameter on zeolites properties. Scanning electron microscopy, thermal analyses, x-ray analysis, among others, were used to analyse the nanostructured particles. Composites were prepared by melt mixing in a torque rheometer and compression moulding. After obtaining the composites, mechanical and thermal properties were evaluated. The results showed that some properties (surface area, and crystallinity) of zeolites depend on the crystallization time. Young’s modulus and elongation at rupture of composites were modified when the zeolites were added to the polymer matrix. No significant modifications were found on thermal properties.
Nihel Hsouna, Mohsen Mhadhbi, Chaker Bouzidi,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (3-2022)
Phosphate glass with different Al2O3 and Na2CO3 compositions [80NaH2PO4-(20-x) Na2CO3-xAl2O3 with a step from 0 to 4] were prepared through melt quenching technique furnace at 900 °C. In order to determine the structure and microstructure modification of the samples after heat treatment the IR and Raman spectroscopy were performed. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) result shows an amorphous character of the prepared glass. The result obtained by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) reveals a good thermal stability in the temperature range of 25 to 400 °C. The impedance Nyquist diagrams were investigated and modeled by resistors and constant phase elements (CPE) equivalent circuits. These measurements show a non-Debye type dielectric relaxation. Both AC and DC conductivity, dielectric constant, and loss factors were determined. Thermal activation energies were also calculated. A changes in the electrical conductivity and activation energy depend upon the chemical composition were observed. Also, a transition in the conduction mechanism from ionic to mixed ionic polaronic was noted. In the same line, electrical modulus and dielectric loss parameters are also deduced. Their frequency and temperature dependency exhibited relaxation behavior. Likewise, activation energies value obtained from the analysis of M’’ and those obtained from the conductivity are closes, which proves the optimal character of the preparation conditions.