we are happy to announce that IJMSE is indexed and accepted in DOAJ.
*Benefits of supplying DOAJ with metadata according to DOAJ are:
- statistics show more than 900 000 page views and 300 000 unique visitors a month to DOAJ from all over the world.
- Many aggregators, databases, libraries, publishers and search portals collect free metadata and include it in their products. Examples are Scopus, Serial Solutions and EBSCO.
- DOAJ is OAI compliant and once an article is in DOAJ, it is automatically harvestable.
- DOAJ is OpenURL compliant and once an article is in DOAJ, it is automatically linkable.
- Over 95% of the DOAJ Publisher community said that DOAJ is important for increasing their journal's visibility
- DOAJ is often cited as a source of quality, open access journals in research and scholarly publishing circles.