Volume 14, Issue 4 (December 2017)                   IJMSE 2017, 14(4): 25-34 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (19196 Views)
Effects of annealing treatment after equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) on the interface properties and shear bond strength of Al/Cu bimetallic rods were investigated. For the as-deformed samples, the one with two passes of ECAP indicated higher shear bond strength. Formation of a layer of intermetallic compounds after annealing treatment is confirmed. In general, by increasing annealing temperature, thickness of intermetallic compounds at the interface increases. Shear bond strength was initially reduced by annealing at 200, 250 and 300 ͦ C and increased at 350 ͦ C. With further increase in annealing temperature to 400 ͦ C, shear bond strength slightly decreased which is correlated to the increased thickness of the intermetallic compounds.
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