Volume 9, Issue 4 (December 2012)                   IJMSE 2012, 9(4): 1-7 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (27817 Views)
Metal matrix composite coatings reinforced with nano-particles have attracted scientific and technological interest due to the enhanced properties exhibited by these coatings. Cobalt/hexagonal boron nitride nano-composite coatings were prepared by means of the pulse current electroplating from a chloride electrolyte on copper substrates and a comparison was made with the pure cobalt in terms of structure and tribological properties. Effects of particles concentration (5-20 gL-1) and current density (50-200 mA cm-2) on the characterization of electroplated coatings were investigated via X-ray diffraction analysis, energy dispersive spectroscopy and Vickers micro-hardness. Moreover, the tribological behavior was studied using pin-on-disc method. The results showed that cobalt/hexagonal boron nitride nano-composite coatings have higher hardness, wear resistance and lower friction coefficient than pure cobalt and the plating parameters strongly affect the coating’s properties
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Type of Study: Research Paper |

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