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Showing 4 results for Enterprise

Ali Habibi Badrabadi , Mohammad Jafar Tarokh,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (9-2009)

Service Oriented Enterprises (SOEs) are subject to constant change and variation. In this paper, the changes are considered from an economic perspective based on service culture notion. Once a change is implemented, the costs of some member services may increase, whereas the costs of some other services may reduce. We construct a game theoretic model trying to capture the possible conflicting interests of different parties in a SOE. Three incentive mechanisms are applied to the model. The first incentive mechanism shares the utility equally among the services involved in the change the second utility-sharing rule is based on the Nash’s bargaining solution, which accommodates the possible biased interdependencies inside the network and the third rule, based on the Harsanyi’s modified Shapley value, takes into account the possible coalition formation among the network parties. Since the three rules are analytically solvable, the principles of utility sharing can be implemented, for instance, as ex-ante contracts.
Oleh Kuzmin, Oksana Zhyhalo, Kateryna Doroshkevych,
Volume 31, Issue 4 (11-2020)

Innovative capacity as a potential ability of an enterprise to innovative development is manifested in the process of formation and realization of an innovative product, which can be embodied in various forms. In the article innovation capacity is considered as a complex concept that covers the innovative output of the enterprise and the reserve for providing innovative capacity, which can make the difference between the innovative capacity and the current state of the innovative output of the enterprise.
In order to improve the level of management processes in the enterprise, the article improves the method of evaluation the innovative capacity, which is based on the use of a three-dimensional space model of the dependence of the innovative capacity on the level of loading vectors of technique of the enterprise (X-axis), applied innovative technologies (Y-axis) and resources (Z-axis) using AHP-model (analytical-hierarchical process model) and certain functional dependencies that indicate the state of innovative capacity of the enterprise and allow to identify the reserve for providing innovative capacity.
The system of indicators designed to measure the enterprise's innovation capacity is developed on the basis of the AHP-model (analytical-hierarchical process model), which contains two levels: 1) partial indicators designed to assess the level of loading of vectors of the three-dimensional space model of the enterprise's innovation capacity; 2) generalized indicators by which the level of innovation capacity is determined. The article uses the relative weight of indicators, which is calculated by forming a matrix of judgments and evaluating the components of the vector of its priorities.
Mangesh Phate , Shraddha Toney, Vikas Phate,
Volume 32, Issue 1 (1-2021)

Supply chain management (SCM) is very well known efficient and effective managerial tool to check and analyze the performance of any enterprises. In the present work, efforts have taken to analyze and optimize the performance of small & medium enterprise (SME) in Pune region India. For this purpose a SCM based framework is prepared to get the realistic data from the industries through the questionnaire prepared on the basic of literature and the expert opinions. After finalizing the effective framework fitted to the various enterprises, a data in the pointer scale has been collected from the various stakeholders of the enterprises. The grey relational analysis (GRA), a multi-response optimization tool has been effectively used for getting the optimize result which will help the enterprises to plan the strategies for the betterment of the enterprises. Optimum results were implemented in the other enterprises. The responses were measured and compare with the optimum solution. From the responses, it has been observed that there is a significant enhancement in the response level of the other enterprises. Thus the SCM was effectively used for enhancing the performance of the SMEs in the region.      
Yaser Hosseini, Hamed Fazlollahtabar, Minoo Talebi Ashoori,
Volume 32, Issue 2 (6-2021)

This study proposes an outsourcing mechanism for marketing plans in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using knowledge sharing.  SMEs may not be able to establish a marketing department due to operational expenditures. Therefore, organizing a marketing agency to handle marketing concerns of SMEs is significant. First, SMEs are clustered regarding their activity area, products, services, and etc. Then, for SMEs in a same cluster, the marketing agency should collect the required information to process marketing actions. The challenge is how to gather and deposit information in common among SMEs in a cluster. Knowledge sharing is one of the stages of knowledge management helping to distribute information among elements of a system. Thus, the process of knowledge sharing is investigated in outsourcing marketing activities. Accordingly, a questionnaire was prepared based on research hypotheses. After confirmation of validity and reliability, the questionnaire was given to managers and employees of furniture companies in Tehran province, Iran. The collected questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS software version 24.0.  According to the statistical sample of the research, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics were analyzed. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the demographic characteristics of respondents. The inferential statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used first for the test of normality of data. Considering normality of the data, T-student test was used to obtain the relationship between variables. Finally, the results of the research showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between outsourcing marketing in SMEs using knowledge sharing. Therefore, it is suggested that SMEs pay particular attention to outsourcing their marketing activities using knowledge sharing.

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