Showing 4 results for Performance Evaluation
Laya Olfat, Maghsoud Amiri, Jjahanyar Bamdad Soofi, Mostafa Ebrahimpour Azbari,
Volume 25, Issue 2 (5-2014)
Having a comprehensive evaluation model with reliable data is useful to improve performance of supply chain. In this paper, according to the nature of supply chain, a model is presented that able to evaluate the performance of the supply chain by a network data envelopment analysis model and by using the financial, intellectual capital (knowledge base), collaboration and responsiveness factors of the supply chain. At the first step, indicators were determined and explained by explanatory Factor Analysis. Then, Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) model was used. This paper is the result of research related to supply chain of pharmaceutical companies in Tehran Stock Exchange and 115 experts and senior executives have been questioned as sample. The results showed that responsiveness latent variable had the highest correlation with supply chain performance and collaborative, financial and intellectual capital (knowledge base) latent variables were respectively after that. Four of the twenty eight supply chains which were studied obtained 1 as the highest performance rate and the lowest observed performance was 0.43.
Dr Akbar Esfahanipour, Mr Hamed Davari Ardakani,
Volume 26, Issue 4 (11-2015)
In today’s competitive business situation, performance evaluation of firms is an extremely important concern of all the people who are typically stakeholders of the business game. In case of holding companies, this is a more important issue since the parent firm must permanently control the situation of its subsidiaries in their sectors to make appropriate investment decisions. This paper develops a multicriteria decision making (MCDM) approach for evaluating performance of firms considering financial and productivity criteria.. We adopt Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method to determine the relative importance of evaluation criteria, taking the vagueness and imprecision of human judgments into consideration. Then, we employ the Preference Ranking Organization METHod for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) for ranking of firms. Afterward, this paper enjoys benefit of using Technique of Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to assess the validity of the obtained ranking results. Our approach was applied to a holding company listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) as a real case. The analysis of ranking results revealed advantages of combining these MCDM methods.

Hadi Teimouri, Kouroush Jenab, Sam Khoury,
Volume 27, Issue 1 (3-2016)
The main objective of the present survey is to conduct a comparative analysis of the challenges of the performance evaluation system in two private and public sectors and their impact on effectiveness of human resources management practices. This survey was conducted using the field-descriptive method. The historical study method was used to collect theoretical subjects and the field study method was applied to answer the research questions and confirm or reject the research hypotheses. Statistical population of the research included all experts and managers at various levels in two private and public sectors of the petrochemical industry. Cluster-stratified sampling method in two phases was utilized. According to the results of the present survey, there is a significant difference among identified challenges in the performance evaluation system in two private and public sectors of the petrochemical industry. Results demonstrate that the effectiveness level of human resource management practices in the performance evaluation system is higher than the average level in the public sector, effectiveness level of human resource management practices in the performance evaluation system is lower than the average level in the private sector of the petrochemical industry, and there is a significant difference between the effectiveness level of human resource management practices in the performance evaluation system in two private and public sectors of petrochemical industry. Studying the impact of existing challenges in the performance evaluation system on effectiveness of human resource management practices shows existence of a significant and reversed relation among the existing challenges in the performance evaluation system and effectiveness of human resource management practices in this regard.
Erni Puspanantasari Putri, Erwin Widodo, Jaka Purnama, Bonifacius Raditya Sri Pramana Putra, Agatha Hannabel Avnanta Puteri,
Volume 36, Issue 1 (3-2025)
Micro- and small-scale industries (MSIs) are the pillars of Indonesia’s national economy. MSIs face several issues as their businesses grow. Performance evaluation is one way to identify MSI’s effectiveness. The research objective is to evaluate the MSI’s performance in East Java Province, Indonesia. It is an effort to improve the MSI's performance. The stepwise modeling approach (SMA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) methods were applied to identify MSIs' effectiveness, determine the classification of inefficient MSIs, and formulate an inefficient MSI development strategy. In the existing SMA concept, the remaining variables in the END step are the selected variables (model X-Y). This study proposes that variables from the initial step to step n+1 are considered in creating efficiency score models. There are five proposed models, including model 4X-3Y, model 3X-3Y, model 3X-2Y, model 2X-2Y, and model 2X-Y. The research result indicated that the proposed ES model 3X-3Y is the best. 54% inefficient and 46% efficient DMUs make up the model 3X-3Y. Six cities and fourteen regencies make up the inefficient SMI classification. Cluster_A (50%) consists of four cities and six regencies. Cluster_B (25%) consists of two cities and three regencies. Cluster_C contains two regencies (10%). Cluster_D comprises three regencies (15%).