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Showing 4 results for Inverse Heat Conduction

A. Shidfar, Ali Zakeri,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (11-2006)

This paper considers a linear one dimensional inverse heat conduction problem with non constant thermal diffusivity and two unknown terms in a heated bar with unit length. By using the WKB method, the heat flux at the end of boundary and initial temperature will be approximated, numerically. By choosing a suitable parameter in WKB method the ill-posedness of solution will be improved. Finally, a numerical example will be presented.

A. Shidfar, M. Garshasbi ,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (1-2007)

 Abstract: This study deals with modeling of heat flux at the external surface of combustion chamber wall in an internal combustion (IC) engine as a function of crank angle. This investigation results in an inverse heat conduction problem in the cylinder wall. Alifanov regularization method is used for solving this inverse problem. This problem study as an optimization problem in which a squared residual unctional is minimized with the conjugate gradient method. This algorithm tests for an example in some cases and numerical results are shown.



A. Neisy ,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (7-2008)

 Abstract: Determination of the diffusion coefficient on the base of solution of a linear inverse problem of the parameter estimation using the Least-square method is presented in this research. For this propose a set of temperature measurements at a single sensor location inside the heat conducting body was considered. The corresponding direct problem was then solved by the application of the heat fundamental solution.


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