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Showing 2 results for Mahmoodi

R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, S. Mahmoodi,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2010)

  A data envelopment analysis (DEA) method can be regarded as a useful management tool to evaluate decision making units (DMUs) using multiple inputs and outputs. In some cases, we face with imprecise inputs and outputs, such as fuzzy or interval data, so the efficiency of DMUs will not be exact. Most researchers have been interested in getting efficiency and ranking DMUs recently. Models of the traditional DEA cannot provide a completely ranking of efficient units however, it can just distinguish between efficient and inefficient units. In this paper, the efficiency scores of DMUs are computed by a fuzzy CCR model and the fuzzy entropy of DMUs. Then these units are ranked and compared with two foregoing procedures. To do this, the fuzzy entropy based on common set of weights (CSW) is used. Furthermore, the fuzzy efficiency of DMUs considering the optimistic level is computed. Finally, a numerical example taken from a real-case study is considered and the related concept is analyzed.

Hamed Salehi Mourkani, Anwar Mahmoodi, Isa Nakhai Kamalabadi,
Volume 35, Issue 3 (IJIEPR 2024)

This research investigated the problem of joint inventory control and pricing for non-instantaneous deteriorating products; while, the quantity dependent trade credit is allowed. It was observed here that the buyer order amount is equal or more than the amount specified by the seller. The Shortage was not permitted in the system. It was aimed in present study to find a procedure for achieving the optimal selling price and replenish cycle and to be able to maximize the system's profit. To do so, first, the system's total profit function was derived. Then, the uniqueness of the optimal replenishment cycle for a given price was proved. Next, the concavity of the total profit function concerning the price was revealed, depending on the trade credit policy. Thereafter, an algorithm was provided to fulfill the optimal solution and eventually a dual-purpose numerical analysis was carried out both to show the model performance and to evaluate the sensitivity of the main parameters.

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