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Showing 4 results for Mahdavi-Amiri

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Volume 23, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2012)

The ever severe dynamic competitive environment has led to increasing complexity of strategic decision making in giant organizations. Strategy formulation is one of basic processes in achieving long range goals. Since, in ordinary methods considering all factors and their significance in accomplishing individual goals are almost impossible. Here, a new approach based on clustering method is proposed to assist the decision makers in formulating strategies. Having extracted the internal and external factors, after setting long range goals, the factor-goal matrices are generated according to the impact rate of factors on goals. According to created matrices, clusters including goals and factors are formed. By considering individual clusters the strategies are proposed according to the current state of clusters for the organization. By applying this new method the opportunity of considering the impact of all factors and its interactions on goals are not lost. Strategy-factor and strategy-goal matrices are utilized to validate the proposed method. To show the appropriateness and practicality of our approach, particularly in an environment with a large number of interacting goals and factors, we have implemented the approach in Mahmodabad Training Center (MTC) in Iran. The resulting goal-factor, current and dated states of clusters, also, strategy-goal and strategy-factor matrices for model validation and route branch indices for finding out how the organization achieved each goal are reported.
Vorya Zarei, Iraj Mahdavi, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (IJIEPR 2013)

The existing works considering the flow-based discount factor in the hub and spoke problems, assume that increasing the amount of flow passing through each edge of network continuously decreases the unit flow transportation cost. Although a higher volume of flow allows for using wider links and consequently cheaper transportation, but the unit of flow enjoys more discounts, quite like replacing the current link by a cheaper link type (i.e., increasing the volume of flow without changing the link type would not affects the unit flow transportation cost). Here, we take a new approach, introducing multi-level capacities to design hub and spoke networks, while alternative links with known capacities, installation costs and discount factors are available to be installed on each network edge. The flow transportation cost and link installation cost are calculated according to the type of links installed on the network edges thus, not only the correct optimum hub location and spoke allocation is determined, but also the appropriate link type to be installed on the network edges are specified. The capacitated multiple allocation p-hub median problem (CMApHMP) using the multi-level capacity approach is then formulated as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP). We also present a new MILP for the hub location problem using a similar approach in order to restrict the amount of flow transmitting through the hubs. Defining diseconomies of scale for each hub type, the model is to present congestion at the hubs and balance the transmitting flow between the hubs. Two new formulations are presented for both the p-hub median and the hub location problems which requiring a flow between two non-hub nodes to be transferred directly, when a direct link between the nodes is available. These models are useful for the general cost structure where the costs are not required to satisfy the triangular inequality. Direct links between non-hub nodes are allowed in all the proposed formulations.
Mojtaba Torkinejad, Iraj Mahdavi, Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri, Mirmehdi Seyed Esfahani,
Volume 28, Issue 4 (IJIEPR 2017)

Considering the high costs of the implementation and maintenance of gas distribution networks in urban areas, optimal design of such networks is vital. Today, urban gas networks are implemented within a tree structure. These networks receive gas from City Gate Stations (CGS) and deliver it to the consumers. This study presents a comprehensive model based on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) for the design of urban gas networks taking into account topological limitations, gas pressure and velocity limitations and environmental limitations. An Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is presented for solving the problem and the results obtained by an implementation of ACO algorithm are compared with the ones obtained through an iterative method to demonstrate the efficiency of ACO algorithm. A case study of a real situation (gas distribution in Kelardasht, Iran) affirms the efficacy of the proposed approach.
Vahid Razmjoei, Iraj Mahdavi, Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri, Mohammad Mahdi Paydar,
Volume 33, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2022)

Companies and firms, nowadays, due to mounting competition and product diversity, seek to apply virtual cellular manufacturing systems to reduce production costs and improve quality of the products. In addition, as a result of rapid advancement of technology and the reduction of product life cycle, production systems have turned towards dynamic production environments. Dynamic cellular manufacturing environments examine multi-period planning horizon, with changing demands for the periods. A dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing system is a new production approach to help manufacturers for decision making. Here, due to variability of demand rates in different periods, which turns to flow variability, a mathematical model is presented for dynamic production planning. In this model, we consider virtual cell production conditions and worker flexibility, so that a proper relationship between capital and production parameters (part-machine-worker) is determined by the minimum lost sales of products to customers, a minimal inventory cost, along with a minimal material handling cost. The problems based on the proposed model are solved using LINGO, as well as an epsilon constraint algorithm.

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