Showing 25 results for Arya
M. Nikian, , M. Naghashzadegan, S. K. Arya ,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (IJES 2006)
The cylinder working fluid mean temperature, rate of heat fluxes to combustion chamber and temperature distribution on combustion chamber surface will be calculated in this research. By simulating thermodynamic cycle of engine, temperature distribution of combustion chamber will be calculated by the Crank-Nicolson method. An implicit finite difference method was used in this code. Special treatments for piston movement and a grid transformation for describing the realistic piston bowl shape were designed and utilized. The results were compared with a finite element method and were verified to be accurate for simplified test problems. In addition, the method was applied to realistic problems of heat transfer in an Isuzu Diesel engine, and gave good agreement with available experimental.
R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, M. Aryanezhad, H. Kazemipoor , A. Salehipour ,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (International Journal of Engineering 2008)
Abstract : A tandem automated guided vehicle (AGV) system deals with grouping workstations into some non-overlapping zones , and assigning exactly one AGV to each zone. This paper presents a new non-linear integer mathematical model to group n machines into N loops that minimizes both inter and intra-loop flows simultaneously. Due to computational difficulties of exact methods in solving our proposed model, a threshold accepting (TA) algorithm is proposed. To show its efficiency, a number of instances generated randomly are solved by this proposed TA and then compared with the LINGO solver package employing the branch-and-bound (B/B) method. The related computational results show that our proposed TA dominates the exact algorithm when the size of instances grows.
M.b Aryanezhad , A. Roghanian ,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (International Journal of Engineering 2008)
Abstract: Bi-level programming, a tool for modeling decentralized decisions, consists of the objective(s) of the leader at its first level and that is of the follower at the second level. Three level programming results when second level is itself a bi-level programming. By extending this idea it is possible to define multi-level programs with any number of levels. Supply chain planning problems are concerned with synchronizing and optimizing multiple activities involved in the enterprise, from the start of the process, such as procurement of the raw materials, through a series of process operations, to the end, such as distribution of the final product to customers. Enterprise-wide supply chain planning problems naturally exhibit a multi-level decision network structure, where for example, one level may correspond to a local plant control/scheduling/planning problem and another level to a corresponding plant-wide planning/network problem. Such a multi-level decision network structure can be mathematically represented by using “multi-level programming” principles. This paper studies a “bi-level linear multi-objective decision making” model in with “interval” parameters and presents a solution method for solving it this method uses the concepts of tolerance membership function and multi-objective multi-level optimization when all parameters are imprecise and interval .
M.b. Aryanezhad , E. M.b.aryanezhad & E.roghanian ,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (International Journal of Engineering 2008)
S. G. Jalali Naini , M. B. Aryanezhad, A. Jabbarzadeh , H. Babaei ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (IJIEPR 2009)
This paper studies a maintenance policy for a system composed of two components, which are subject to continuous deterioration and consequently stochastic failure. The failure of each component results in the failure of the system. The components are inspected periodically and their deterioration degrees are monitored. The components can be maintained using different maintenance actions (repair or replacement) with different costs. Using stochastic regenerative properties of the system, a stochastic model is developed in order to analyze the deterioration process and a novel approach is presented that simultaneously determines the time between two successive inspection periods and the appropriate maintenance action for each of the components based on the observed degrees of deterioration. This approach considers different criteria like reliability and long-run expected cost of the system. A numerical example is provided in order to illustrate the implementation of the proposed approach.
S. J Sadjadi , Aryanezhad , H.a. Sadeghi ,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (IJIEPR 2009)
We present an improved implementation of the Wagner-Whitin algorithm for economic lot-sizing problems based on the planning-horizon theorem and the Economic- Part-Period concept. The proposed method of this paper reduces the burden of the computations significantly in two different cases. We first assume there is no backlogging and inventory holding and set-up costs are fixed. The second model of this paper considers WWA when backlogging, inventory holding and set-up costs cannot be fixed. The preliminary results also indicate that the execution time for the proposed method is approximately linear in the number of periods in the planning-horizon .
R. Ramezanian, M.b. Aryanezhad , M. Heydari,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2010)
In this paper, we consider a flow shop scheduling problem with bypass consideration for minimizing the sum of earliness and tardiness costs. We propose a new mathematical modeling to formulate this problem. There are several constraints which are involved in our modeling such as the due date of jobs, the job ready times, the earliness and the tardiness cost of jobs, and so on. We apply adapted genetic algorithm based on bypass consideration to solve the problem. The basic parameters of this meta-heuristic are briefly discussed in this paper. Also a computational experiment is conducted to evaluate the performance of the implemented methods. The implemented algorithm can be used to solve large scale flow shop scheduling problem with bypass effectively .
Mir. B. Aryanezhad, M.j. Tarokh, M.n. Mokhtarian, F. Zaheri,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (IJIEPR 2011)
Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem is one of the famous different kinds of decision making problems. In more cases in real situations, determining the exact values for MCDM problems is difficult or impossible. So, the values of alternatives with respect to the criteria or / and the values of criteria weights, are considered as fuzzy values (fuzzy numbers). In such conditions, the conventional crisp approaches for solving MCDM problems tend to be less effective for dealing with the imprecise or vagueness nature of the linguistic assessments. In this situation, the fuzzy MCDM methods are applied for solving MCDM problems. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy TOPSIS (for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method based on left and right scores for fuzzy MCDM problems. To show the applicability of the proposed method, two numerical examples are presented. As a result, our proposed method is precise, easy use and practical for solving MCDM problem with fuzzy data. Moreover, the proposed method considers the decision makers (DMs) preference in the decision making process. It seems that the proposed fuzzy TOPSIS method is flexible and easy to use and has a low computational volume .
Abbas Saghaei, Maryam Rezazadeh-Saghaei, Rasoul Noorossana, Mehdi Doori,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (IJIEPR 2012)
In many industrial and non-industrial applications the quality of a process or product is characterized by a relationship between a response variable and one or more explanatory variables. This relationship is referred to as profile. In the past decade, profile monitoring has been extensively studied under the normal response variable, but it has paid a little attention to the profile with the non-normal response variable. In this paper, the focus is especially on the binary response followed by the bernoulli distribution due to its application in many fields of science and engineering. Some methods have been suggested to monitor such profiles in phase I, the modeling phase however, no method has been proposed for monitoring them in phase II, the detecting phase. In this paper, two methods are proposed for phase II logistic profile monitoring. The first method is a combination of two exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts for mean and variance monitoring of the residuals defined in logistic regression models and the second method is a multivariate T2 chart to monitor model parameters. The simulation study is done to investigate the performance of the methods.
Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi, Maryam Dehghan,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (IJIEPR 2013)
In the dynamic and competitive market, managers seek to find effective strategies for new products development. Since There has not been a thorough research in this field, this study is based on a review on the risks exist in the NPD process and an analysis of risks through FMEA approach to prioritize the existent risks and a modeling behavior of the NPD process and main risks using system dynamics. First, we present new product development concepts and definition. We then based our study on a literature review on the NPD risks and then provide an FMEA approach to define risks priority. Using the obtained main risks, we model the NPD process risks applying system dynamics to analyze the system and the risks effect on. A safety clothing manufacturer is considered as a case study.
Jafar Bagherinejad, Maryam Omidbakhsh,
Volume 24, Issue 3 (IJIEPR 2013)
Location-allocation of facilities in service systems is an essential factor of their performance. One of the considerable situations which less addressed in the relevant literature is to balance service among customers in addition to minimize location-allocation costs. This is an important issue, especially in the public sector. Reviewing the recent researches in this field shows that most of them allocated demand customer to the closest facility. While, using probability rules to predict customer behavior when they select the desired facility is more appropriate. In this research, equitable facility location problem based on the gravity rule was investigated. The objective function has been defined as a combination of balancing and cost minimization, keeping in mind some system constraints. To estimate demand volume among facilities, utility function(attraction function) added to model as one constraint. The research problem is modeled as one mixed integer linear programming. Due to the model complexity, two heuristic and genetic algorithms have been developed and compared by exact solutions of small dimension problems. The results of numerical examples show the heuristic approach effectiveness with good-quality solutions in reasonable run time.
Dr. Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi, Mohammad Dehghani Saryazdi,
Volume 25, Issue 4 (IJIEPR 2014)
In order to evaluate the relationship between Organizational Strategies and Organizational results, a comprehensive model is required, which should be able to capture all aspects of business excellence. The EFQM model is suitable tool to observe these factors. The EFQM model consists of two main domains: Enablers and Results. The first domain which includes processes and systems in general, "enable" the organization to have higher performance or "results". On the other hand, the feedback from the results makes the organization to correct the system. Hence, a dynamic model could be appropriate in analyzing the interrelated behavior of the two main domains as well as those within the criteria and sub-criteria. This research is an effort to find the relationship between Strategies and results through system dynamics tool based upon EFQM model. In other words, this research exploits system dynamics in order to measure the effects of Strategies on Organizational results using a dynamic model. The advantage is that by changing one parameter in the Strategies, one can find how it could affect key results especially financial outcomes.
Keywords: Organizational Strategies, Organizational results, Business Excellence Model, EFQM, System Dynamics
Firoozeh Kaveh, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Amin Jamili, Maryam Eghbali,
Volume 27, Issue 4 (IJIEPR 2016)
This paper presents a bi-objective capacitated hub arc location problem with single assignment for designing a metro network with an elastic demand. In the literature, it is widely supposed that the network created with the hub nodes is complete. In this paper, this assumption is relaxed. Moreover, in most hub location problems, the demand is assumed to be static and independent of the location of hubs. However, in real life problems, especially for locating a metro hub, the demand is dependent on the utility that is proposed by each hub. By considering the elasticity of demand, the complexity of solving the problem increases. The presented model also has the ability to compute the number of trains between each pair of two hubs. The objectives of this model are to maximize the benefits of transportation and establishing the hub facilities while minimizing the total transportation time. Furthermore, the bi-objective model is converted into a single objective one by the TH method. The significance of applicability of the developed model is demonstrated by a number of numerical experiments and some sensitivity analyses on the data inspired by the Qom monorail project. Finally, the conclusion is provided.
Arash Nobari, Amir Saman Kheirkhah, Maryam Esmaeili,
Volume 27, Issue 4 (IJIEPR 2016)
Flexible and dynamic supply chain network design problem has been studied by many researchers during past years. Since integration of short-term and long-term decisions in strategic planning leads to more reliable plans, in this paper a multi-objective model for a sustainable closed-loop supply chain network design problem is proposed. The planning horizon of this model contains multiple strategic periods so that the structure of supply chain can be changed dynamically during the planning horizon. Furthermore, in order to have an integrated design, several short-term decisions are considered besides strategic network design decision. One of these short-term decisions is determining selling price and buying price in the forward and reverse logistics of supply chain, respectively. Finally, an augmented e-constraint method is used to transform the problem to a single-objective model and an imperialist competitive algorithm is presented to solve large scale problems. The results’ analysis indicates the efficiency of the proposed model for the integrated and dynamic supply chain network design problem.
Mahdi Karbasian, Maryam Mohammadi, Mohammad Mortazavi,
Volume 29, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2018)
Reliability allocation has an essential connection to design for reliability and is an important activity in the product design and development process. In determining the reliability of subsystems or components on the basis of goal reliability, attention must be paid to failure effect, failure information, and improvement opportunities based upon real potentials for reliability improvement. In the light of the fact that ignoring dependent failures inflicts irreversible damage on systems, and that redundant systems are vulnerable to Common Cause Failure (CCF) as well as independent failure, attention must be paid not only to components’ independent failure information, but also to CCF information in conducting reliability allocation for such systems. To consider improved failure rate alone cannot ensure the achievement of the goal reliability in question, because if the CCF occurrence exceeds a certain limit, the system’s reliability will certainly fail to match the goal reliability. This paper is an attempt to develop a method for reliability allocation of series-parallel systems by considering CCF, in such a way that potentials and priorities of reliability improvement are taken into consideration. The proposed method consists of four stages: 1) adding a series component to the redundant system in order to investigate CCF, 2) conducting reliability allocation for series components and the redundant system, 3) conducting reliability allocation for redundant system components, and 4) analyzing the failure rate of system components. The proposed method is run for water pumping systems and the results are evaluated. In this method, in addition to the improved failure rate of system components, the improved rate of CCF is computed, too. This proves instrumental and crucial for system designers in feasibility studies and conceptual design.
Maryam Shekary Ashkezary, Amir Albadavi, Mina Shekari Ashkezari,
Volume 30, Issue 4 (IJIEPR 2019)
One of the key issues in the studies on customer relationship management (CRM) and modalities of marketing budget allocation is to calculate the customer’s lifetime value and applying it to macro-management decisions. A major challenge in this sector pertains to making calculations so as to incorporate the possibility of changes in the behavior of customers with the turn of time in the model.
In this article, we first classify the customers of ISACO using clustering techniques and use multilayer neural network to calculate the monetary value of each group of customers during the specific period of time. Then, we use the Markov chain approach to develop a model for calculating the lifetime value of ISACO’s customers by taking into consideration the possibility of changes in their behavior in future time periods.
In this study, a new approach has been used to estimate the parameters of the model proposed for calculating the future lifetime value of ISACO’s customers. This method takes into consideration the possibility of changes in the customer behavior throughout their interaction with the company.
The results obtained here may be used in the allocation of marketing budget and adoption of macro-management decisions to envisage various projects for customers with different lifetime value.
Kosar Omrani, Abdul Sattar Safaei, Mohammad Mahdi Paydar, Maryam Nikzad,
Volume 31, Issue 1 (IJIEPR 2020)
Regarding population growth and prompt development in developing countries, municipal solid waste management is always a great challenge for governments. Waste to energy conversion is an efficient approach with respect to overcoming not only the challenge of municipal solid waste management but also environmental challenges related to energy consumption like global warming and fossil fuel depletion. One of the substantial problems throughout the implementation of waste to energy approach is process selection. The selected process should be technically feasible and should have a high level of compliance with environmental standards. Owing to an inevitable significance of process selection, this paper focuses on defining the best process by relying on multi-criteria decision-making tools and network analytic process. Considering the effective parameters such as cost, efficiency in material diversity, productivity rate, energy consumption, pollutant emissions, toxic substances, and process time, the result indicates that the physico-chemical process is superior process for pretreatment of material. |
Reza Ramezanian, Maryam Afkham,
Volume 31, Issue 2 (IJIEPR 2020)
A non-linear bi-level problem is suggested in this paper for wildfire self-evacuation planning, the upper problem of which includes binary variables and the lower problem includes continuous variables. In this model, the upper problem selects a number of links and adds them to the available evacuation network. It, moreover, predicts the traffic balance, and the time window of the links in the lower problem. A part of the objective function in the bi-level problem is non-linear which is linearized with a linear approximation method that does not require binary variables. Then the linear bi-level model is reformulated as a non- linear single level problem. This model is linearized and transferred into Mixed Integer Programing. The model is then used for the real case study of the Beechworth fire in 2009. The resulted outputs of the model are beneficial in planning design schemes for emergency evacuation to use the maximum potential of the available transportation network.
Ramin Sadeghian, Maryam Esmaeili, Maliheh Ebrahimi,
Volume 31, Issue 3 (IJIEPR 2020)
Todays, the variety of new products will raise the competition between manufacturers. Product portfolio management (PPM) as a suitable tool can influence the customer’s taste and increase the profit of firms. In this paper, the factors of PPM, production planning and a two-player continuous game theory are considered simultaneously. Some constraints are also assumed such as the availability of raw materials and the demand of each product based on some criteria. Two firms have same offered products and compete with each other. The relationships between two producers will be modeled by a non-zero two- player game. A numerical example is presented too. The proposed model is single period that the inventory is equal to zero in the start and finish of period. The objective functions show the profit of products and the constraints are included the utility of products for each customer, the market's share as a function of the probability of customer selection for each section, the type of distribution function for sale quantity, the accessible quantity of the sum of used materials by two producers and etc.
The results shows that demand changing effects on the profit of two players, but effects more on the second player. Also the sale price changing effects on the profit of two players, but effects more on the first player. The obtained data shows that if extra sale price increase the profit of first player will increase while the profit of second player is constant approximately.
Shahla Zandi, Reza Samizadeh, Maryam Esmaeili,
Volume 33, Issue 4 (IJIEPR 2022)
A coalition loyalty program (CLP) is a business strategy employed by for-profit companies to increase or retain their customers. One of the operational challenges of these programs is how to choose the mechanism of coordination between business partners. This paper examines the role of revenue sharing contracts in the loyalty points supply chain of a CLP with stochastic advertising-dependent demand where the program operator (called the host) sells loyalty points to the partners of the program. The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of this coordination mechanism on the decisions and profits of the members of the chain using the Stackelberg game method and determine whether the presence of revenue sharing contracts benefits the chain members when the advertising is done by the host and when the advertising cost is shared between the host and its partners. The results show that when the host gives bonus points to end customers (advertising), revenue sharing contracts become a powerful incentive for the profitability of the host and its partners. The findings provide new insights into the management of CLPs, which can benefit business decision-makers.